A New Home

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December break, 5th year

James' POV

By 8:00, It was a quiet night at the Potter house. James had just come back from Hogwarts  about 4 days  ago, and there was about a week until Christmas. His mum was still cleaning up from dinner. The 2 men had decided to help her in the kitchen for dinner earlier, and that always left a mess, but the lady always insisted she didn't need any help. She told her son and husband to do some academic work instead. James' dad was working on some potions research or articles or something in  his office-study. James ended up reading a book on werewolf behavior he checked out from the Hogwarts library for the break . That was totally allowed, and the study was academic,and theoretical, of course.

He was just thinking of the last full moon, which was the second one him and his 3 friends had spent together as 3 anmagi and 1 werewolf. His reading was starting to give him insight on if it might be safe to leave the shrieking shack from now on. If  Padfoot and Prongs could keep Moony from straying too close to the school or Hogsmeade....

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door

And another

"James, could you get that?" his mother called from the kitchen

Wondering who would be coming for a surprise visit this time of night in this cold weather, James got up to answer the door.

"Take your wand, though" the same voice called

And picked up his wand from the coffee table at his mom's insistence.

After another knock, he was close enough to call out  "Coming!"

He opened the door only to have to catch the person who was apparently leaning on the outside of the door.

"Wo! Are you..."

In the second it took for the person to stand up, James recognized him,


The next second, James could tell that Sirius was, in fact, not OK. He had a black eye, bloody nose, lip, hands, his posture said he was in more pain from his side, and shaking from cold.

"Sorry. Hay James. Sorry to pop in, but can..."

James didn't let his friend finish his sentence

"Get in here! What happened! You look horrible!"

"Ill be fine. thanks."

Sirius leaned to the side carefully, and James saw he was reaching for a large bag and his flying broom.

"I'll get that, get in!" he said, leading his friend inside.

With Sirius a few steps in the door, James reached out for the bag, putting over his shoulders, and the broom, holding it in one hand. He stepped inside and started helping Sirius to the couch with his free hand

"MOM! DAD!" James yelled

"James, no need to scream for them" Sirius said from James side.

"Yes there is! Their second son was found hurt and cold on the front porch!"

"Second son?"

They meet James' mom, Euphemia, as they entered the living room, her wand out ready to help her son with whatever was at the door

"Sirius!" she gasped, as surprised as James was.

When Sirius was seated on the couch, Mr. Potter, Fleamont, came in, as an exact repeat of his wife's appearance

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