By MargieLungano

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She buried her parents, shedding tears of blood as the only family she had left was gone. She was left alone... More



20 1 0
By MargieLungano

She looked at him one last time and boarded her carriage. Nora followed her inside and the carriage began to move. She was going to miss him but it was her duty as the mistress of the palace to take care of the matters concerning the palace. Her first stop would be Willow City where she will stay for a day while looking around for a candidate. Willow city was closer to the mountain so it didn't take a lot of time before they entered the city. She didn't need a lot of rooms since it was just the two of them and she didn't want to draw too much attention by announcing her arrival.

Nora checked the rooms before she came back to pick her up. Valery entered the inn that they had reserved for the day and night. The room was well furnished and livable. Nora came in holding a tray of warm citrus tea to ward off cold since winter was already approaching. There was some ginger biscuits too which she took while having her tea.

'Join me,' she said looking at Nora.

Nora sat opposite to her and poured her cup. It felt good being with someone who cares and knows you well. Being apart from her would make her very lonely.

'Thank you,' she said as she sipped her tea.

They had their snacks quietly and when they were done they were ready to go. Valery covered her face with a black mask since she was wearing a black robe that day. She didn't really like it when people look at her. Her face had never changed for decades and she didn't want questions.

They left the inn and began to travel on foot. The city was huge and so many families. What she wanted was a child without any roots. Having one, who has a family to return back to, wasn't what she wanted. She wanted a child that will devote her all to the palace.

She spent the whole day looking around and checking the children that were playing around and still no one interested her. She was very disappointed but somehow it was good since taking a child from a nearby city will just create havoc.

They returned back to the inn where they had their dinner in the inn's restaurant. The restaurant was packed with customers. There were a lot of curious faces but that wasn't the reason why she was there. Being around them allowed her to hear more of what was happening around her.

'Did you hear the news?' another man asked and she turned her head only to see that there was a table full of men having their meal and talking.

'What is it?' the other asked in response.

'You know that evil witch that lives in that mountain? The one they say she never ages and the one that waged a war with the royal family some years before?'

'Yes, I know her. They call her the Saintess, isn't it?'

'Yes that one. She is getting married.'

'Is that even possible? Who would marry such an evil witch? It is impossible to look at her and confess. I heard someone saying she is very ugly and old. Is that even true?'

'How can I know? Who can say that they have seen her face? We should probably ask the Grand prince. I heard that he is the one marrying her.'

'I can't believe such a thing is happening. It's a good thing that we are just passing by and we don't live here. I wouldn't want my child to grow up in such an environment. People should team up and get rid of her. I heard someone poisoned the mother back then. Can't someone do that to her too?' this arrogant man kept speaking rubbish and this caught her attention. She was very angry and yet she couldn't do anything at the moment.

'You need to keep it low. You never know who might be listening,' the other man warned his friend.

'I'm not afraid of anyone especially a woman. Does she even exist?'

'Keep it low. I heard there isn't a place you will go in this city and don't find a disciple of the Lotus palace,' the man aid.

'I'm not afraid of anyone. Even if she appears right in front of me, I will not be scared,' that man spouted more rubbish and she snickered.

Valery couldn't believe the hilarious things this man was saying especially with the whole inn being so quiet like that.

'Show some respect!' the inn manager suddenly said.

Valery got tired of listening to the men talking bad about her so she stood up and began to make her way to the stairs so that she will retire early in her room since she has a journey in the morning.

'I'm a customer here. You should treat me with respect not to shut me up just because you are afraid of some wicked and ruthless woman,' the man yelled as he stood up. This got her attention so she stopped and turned around to look at the man.

The manager was trying to shut this man up and yet he wasn't stopping at all. The manager looked at Nora and then at her. She could see that he was out of ideas and he was old. Fighting wouldn't do him any good.

Because the old man was looking at them that man who was busy badmouthing her turned his head and looked at them.

'Are those young good for nothing ladies worthy of your attention than me? Why would you bother to look at them? Are they selling themselves?' he asked now walking towards her.

She hated being insulted in that way more that it always bring out a hidden monster in her. It suddenly became windy and she knew the reason why. She was trying to fend off her anger but it always happen. The inn was filled with so much wind that everyone was clutching at their tables. In the process her face mask fell off and she walked towards the man that was spouting nonsense.

'How dare you!?' the man said lifting his hand to hit her but she stopped it mid way.

The wind finally calmed down and everyone was now looking at them.

'You should have known that when you are in this city there are some things that you should never think out loud. You kept on insulting me the second you began to eat your food. You should have listened to the advice of your friends and kept quiet but I strongly heard you saying you won't be afraid even if I stand right in front of you,' she said lifting the man up in the air using her hand.

'Who are you?'

'I am that evil witch who is so ugly that I have to cover my face. I won't mind it if you insult my name but don't talk bad things about my mother. You should know that I killed everyone who had a part in that poisoning scheme and anyone else whom I suspected. For you to bring up such a sensitive matter when I'm in such a bad mood it is not good,' she said continuing to lift the man high up.

'I'm sorry, please forgive me. I was very foolish,' he pleaded.

'I wish I could believe you. Because of you I lost my appetite, I lost my face and you insulted someone I cherish the most. What do you think I should deal with you?'

'Please show me some mercy,' he pleaded again.

Valery used that time to sit back down. Everyone was now scared and she didn't care a second. Nora brought a cup of wine for her so that she may calm down. She took it and drank it and closed her eyes for a while.

She took out her legendary black enamel fan which had the golden lotus printed deeply on it and everyone fell to the ground.

'I keep my face covered because I want some peace and quiet. I love to do things very freely but people like you make me gain such a bad reputation. Imagine if it was you being badmouthed. What would you have done?' she asked him while she fanned herself and there was no response except the man's cries.

Valery looked at Nora who wasn't smiling at all.

'What do you think I should deal with him?' she asked Nora.

'He disrespected you and tarnished your reputation in public, he should be punished heavily,' Nora responded.

''Okay then, I will leave him to you. Make sure everyone sees it and know what has just happened. Don't kill him though, like he said earlier I am still getting married. I wouldn't want blood to spill just before my wedding ceremony,' she said and dropped the man heavily to the ground.

There was a loud thud as the man fell to the ground. She saw him as he groaned painfully and she walked towards him and raised his chin with her fan.

'In the future, tell your children that I showed you mercy,' she said and left the man to Nora.

Nora hit the man on his buttocks thirty times until blood was showing. She could see that it was very painful and he was hurting.

'It must be very painful, I can see but it doesn't match with the pain I'm going though right now because of you. If I ever see you again in the city or think that you are here, I will hunt you down and make sure you regret ever learning that I exist,' she warned the man and took the stairs for her room.

She arrived in her room and threw herself on the bed. She found tears falling down her cheeks. It wasn't her intention to punish him but he had disrespected her unknowingly and knowingly. She didn't let such matter slide as if nothing happens.

She clutched her heart as the pain returned and made her groan as it took over. Nora entered her room and found her rolling on the bed. She brought a cup of warm wine for her. Valery took the cup and drank it in one gulp. The pain wasn't gone but it was bearable at least.

'You should take a rest. I will be in the next room if you need me,' Nora said and tucked her in.

She couldn't sleep at all because of the pain. She knew she wasn't perfect but it still bothered her that someone called her evil simply because she took it upon herself to avenge her mother. F someone else do it then it would be fine but because she was born by her mother, grew up as the young mistress of the Lotus palace and the Saintess she had to bear such comments like that on a daily basis. They might not like her and she wouldn't mind but her goal was to create a better living standard for those who relied upon her. With her they have jobs, food and a roof over their heads. She hated being poverty stricken. There were so many officials out there who stole from the people and fill their own coffers. Such people like that she destroys after completely sucking them dry. She needed to get a good night sleep or else it will be very hard for her to travel.


He was very worried ever since Valery left the mountain. He had no idea what she was up to except for Nora. He knew they promised not to keep secrets between them but she had too many and he understood her. She was the mistress and so many people were relying on her. Maybe she will tell him when she returns. Because he was worried sick the whole day he spent it inspecting everywhere when he found the maids testing for poison the gifts his mother sent. It really shook him and made him wonder what was happening.

He called one of the maids who shook with fear but finally spoke the truth.

'We were instructed to check everything for any type of poison,' she said.

'Why would you do that?' he asked her.

'The two bottles of pearl powder had poison in them so Lady Nora was worried that more things will be poisoned. She didn't want the mistress to go on another killing spree,' the maid confessed and he felt his legs weaken.

'Okay, you may get back to your work and there should be no word about this,' he told the maid before he left.

Why would his mother try to kill the woman he loves? Didn't she agree and even sent the gifts? Now he understood the reason why Valery broke the first bottle and refused to give him the other bottle. Why did she eat that powder fully knowing the other bottles were poisoned? She was really protecting him from behind all this time? He kept insisting on protecting her and yet from the first day she was the one doing the protecting. He wasn't able to protect his woman from his own mother. Why would his mother try to kill her savior and his too? Did she really hated Valery that much that she would risk angering her? It wasn't a secret that Valery pays her debts. She always avenges whatever happens to her. Was she taking this trip to secretly deal with his mother? He was very worried that he instructed the secret guards to safe guard her since she didn't take any on her journey. They were supposed to follow her and report anything on her journey.

He was busy having his supper when a messenger came back.

'The Mistress revealed herself to the public,' the guard told him.

He left his food immediately and took a horse.

He rode as fast as he could to reach the city. Luckily the gates had not been closed yet. When he arrived the inn was in chaos and she was nowhere to be found.

'Young Master Xavier, we didn't know you were coming. Should I prepare a room for you?' the innkeeper asked.

'No, where is the Saintess? Show me to her room,' he said and saw the look on his face.

'You know who she is?' he asked.

'Yes, she is my bride to be,' he told the old man and saw the shocked reaction on his face.

'I sorry I didn't know that you were the Grand Prince,' the old man said owing and he helped him up.

'Let's forgo the formalities. Show me where she is,' Xavier insisted.

The innkeeper took him upstairs and showed him the room that Valery was in. he dismissed the innkeeper and let himself in. when he entered he heard her groaning in pain. He rushed towards her and there she was in bed. He sat beside her and scooped her up so that she was fully in his arms.

'Valery, what's wrong?' he asked as he cupped her face.

He had never seen her putting on such a face before. He could feel it that the pain was so agonizing. He held her close as she was not speaking a word.

'I'm here, tell me what's wrong,' he asked.

'I will be fine. It's just an old illness relapsing. Since you are here, I will be fine,' she said in a very low voice.

He had never seen her so vulnerable like this before and it pained him a lot. He covered her in a blanket so that she may sleep. Maybe the pain will lessen then. He began to rock her just like the way his mother used to when he was young. He found comfort in that and he hoped she will too.

'Just don't be sick please,' he murmured and kissed her on top of her head.

'How did you come here?' she asked him.

'I heard what happened and I was worried so I rushed here,' he said.

'When did you learn how to spy on me?' she asked lifting her head. He thought he was in huge trouble but she was smiling.

'I was worried about you so I did that. I'm sorry about that,' he told her.

'It's okay, I'm glad that you did it. It shows that you care and I'm glad that you are here now,' she said as she closed her eyes.

He smiled as he realized what was happening. His Valery was sleeping as if nothing had happened. She was really tired he could see. He let her sleep like that for a while before he laid her comfortably on the bed.

He left the room and found Nora standing outside.

'Is she sleeping now?' she asked him. He could see the worried look on her face.

'Yes she is. Can we go and speak somewhere else?' he asked her.

'Sure, let's go to my room,' she suggested and he followed.

Nora's room was next to Valery's but he doubted if she will be able to hear anything since she was sleeping soundly. He took a seat and looked at Nora.

'Tell me what is happening to her?' he asked.

'It's just an old sickness of hers. She was born with it. She will suffer from such great pain and there is nothing one can do to stop it. It's good that you were there tonight. It's the first time she slept early after encountering it again,' she explained.

After listening to Nora speaking he recalled what happened the last time she got sick. She had similar symptoms back then.

'What happened the other time she fainted and slept for two months, is it the same?' he asked hoping it wasn't the truth.

'Yes, it is. That was the worst. I just hope she will never suffer like that again,' Nora said.

'Do you know what causes it?'

'From what I have discovered, she can suffer something like that if she is extremely angry. You mustn't make her angry no matter what,' Nora told him.

He noticed that there were a lot of crucial things he still didn't know about the woman he loves.

'I will bear that in mind. Thank you for telling me that. While we are on that, do you mind explaining why my mother's gifts are being tested for poison?' he asked and waited for her reaction.

Her face suddenly went dark and pale. He could see the anger hidden under that façade.

'Since you already know then I won't hide it from you but don't let the mistress know. She didn't want you to worry,' she said looking at him.

'I will handle it. Please just tell me everything. I want to know,' he said readying himself to stand the blow that Nora will send his way.

Nora began to narrate the whole story and he realized the issue was even worse than he had imagined.

He simply stood up and left Nora's room for Valery's. She was sleeping very soundly. Tears were running down his cheeks. He didn't know what to do. He loved her so much and yet now he wondered if he it was right for him to ask this from her. He slid besides her and wrapped his arm around her. He had never been this close to her before but he wanted to feel her this night. He wanted her, he wanted to beg for mercy but he couldn't say it.

She opened her eyes and looked at him with a smile.

'It will be okay. Just like how I forgave her for all the evil deeds she did, I will let it pass this time but if she tries anything like this next time, I swear I will make her regret,' she told him with a smile on her face.

No wonder why she was angry and was having so much pain earlier. She was shouldering a lot of things.

'I don't deserve you,' he said cupping her cheek.

'Don't ever say that to me again. I don't care what your parents are plotting; all I want is to be with you. I know that might be selfish but this time I will live my life the way I want and you are my life. You promised that you will never leave,' she corned him.

He sighed and looked at her again.

'I won't leave. I just wish things were different. All I ever wanted was to just love you and let you live a normal life like other people do. I wanted us to go and live in seclusion, away from all these wars and battles, but I guess we can never run away from it,' he said sounding very sad.

'Don't worry about that. Once I'm done with what I'm doing, we can do that and live our lives just like you said. Don't let it eat you up. You have to cheer up for me to be happy. Can you do that for me?'

'I will do anything for you,' he promised her.

'That's good then. What I want from you tonight is for you to hold me and never let it go. Don't think about anyone else except me,' she gave him an order which he was ready to obey.

He kissed her lightly on her lips before hugging her to sleep. 

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