Arrows, Swords and a Little B...

By meow_meow_135

1.2K 53 8

Prince Seokjin, accompanied by the most arrogant and cold person he has ever met in his life, is forced to tr... More

The Kim Clan's Princes
Death in place of Marriage
The Moon Village
The first ally
Black and White
Of Bonds, New Meetings and False Tranquility
Red eyes, Blue eyes
Dead land and Happy Mates
Hoseok : Part 1
Hoseok : Part 2
Alpha Voice
The Hybrid : Part 1
The Hybrid : Part 2
Faerie Secrets
Blood and War
Epilogue : The Happy Version
Epilogue : The Original Version

The Faerie Convoy

47 3 0
By meow_meow_135

Come next morning, they were roused from slumber extra early with soft but urgent knocks against the door. The lamp inside the room had been snuffed out the night before and there was no light streaming in from the single window that was just behind the alpha's bed. The sun hadn't even started to come up yet.

The two of them had jerked awake immediately despite how soft and muted the knocks were. Seokjin was still blinking sleepily by the time Namjoon got ahold of his sword and padded to the door, his hand on the knob. The night had been the best sleep the prince had gotten in days, what with his heat and then the ceremony and the running away, so it too Seokjin a moment to fully wake.

Seokjin clambered off his bed speedily, grabbing his outer robe where it hung over the back of a chair and quickly moving to stand behind the alpha. The tussle and quarrel that had occurred the previous day was of course not entirely forgiven or forgotten – just moved to the back of Seokjin's mind for now, in favor of more pressing matters.

Seokjin tilted his head a little, looking at the alpha's face and finding no visible trace of sleep. The alpha must have been awake for some time already.

There was a low voice from the other side of the door but Seokjin had been a little distracted to hear it even if his ears are his sharpest sense. He saw Namjoon relax, though, the arm holding the sword lowering to the alpha's side as he opened the door and a figure darted inside.

Rowon looked tense as he first bowed respectfully to Seokjin and then greeted Namjoon with a brief incline of his head. They were both alphas and both sons of prominent officials of the same rank so it put them on the same line of hierarchy in the ranks of nobles, even if Namjoon was technically Rowon's superior when it came down to their own work and achievements.

"You need to hide quickly. The faerie convoy is almost at the village border." Rowon said, speaking too fast. "Sister asked me to come fetch you, Your Highness."

"How long until they make it to the village?" Namjoon enquired, already shuffling around the room for his own robe and satchel as Seokjin too went to retrieve his remaining meager belongings – the bag with his spare clothes and suppressant powder and his money pouch.

"A few minutes at most, Sir Kim."

Namjoon gave a slight nod and then the three of them were out of the room, moving along the corridor and then down the staircase. The two of them followed Rowon in silence, Namjoon's head darting left and right as he scanned the surrounding streets. The villagers must have already been informed of the Royals' arrival because the streets were full, the people moving about nervously and families huddling together – afraid of the unkown. Of what was going to happen next.

Contrary to what Seokjin had assumed, Rowon did not take them to the house that the Ha clan had occupied. It was only the memories and the prince's familiarity with the village that he'd gained from his past secret visits that alerted Seokjin of their destination as being the village square.

Jiwon was waiting them at the street just off the main square with two other shifters by her side, a man and a woman whose faces Seokjin vaguely remembered seeing yesterday. The two of them looked fairly young and both were omegas.

"Your Highness!" Jiwon greeted with a quick bow upon seeing the prince, her companions mimicking her actions.

"Are you sure about this, Lady Jiwon? This is the last chance to change your mind." The prince said, turning to inspect the two still unnamed omegas who, if going by what they had discussed yesterday, were supposed to be the ones to possible try and infiltrate the convoy and then report to Jiwon should an opportunity present itself.

Jiwon seemed to notice him looking over the two omegas and finally proceeded to introduce them while Rowon slipped away to finish his other assigned tasks. "My Prince, this is Junsu and Junhee. They are warriors who grew up and trained alongside me."

Junsu and Junhe bowed again slightly and Seokjin felt himself smile proudly. Here were two omegas, much like himself, but who were trained to fight and stand their ground amongst alphas and betas who were born with inherent advantages. They were what Seokjin had hoped to be one day – strong, respected and independent. There was once a time when Seokjin had tried wielding a sword, to learn and train in the art of swordsmanship and military arts. But watching guard practices in secret and asking Jungkook to show him the maneuvers that he'd learned that day had only helped so much. In the end, Seokjin hadn't managed to learn anything past the way to properly grip a sword and sometimes he couldn't manage even that if the sword was too heavy or too long. He'd given up soon after, not wanting to pester Jungkook too much and accidentally alert his brother and any others who might come to know by chance or through the grapevine, of his inclination to learn the sword. He felt elated beyond belief now - to see the two omegas who had accomplished something he wanted to so much but couldn't.

Rowon appeared by their side again then, sweat trickling down the side of his face from running around since dawn. "They've entered the village." He announced before sprinting away, followed by Junsu and Junhee who nodded once at Jiwon and bowed again to Seokjin and Namjoon.

As was agreed upon the previous day, Jiwon, Namjoon and Seokjin climbed onto the roof of a house which afforded them a good vantage point over the village square. There were bundles of hay up on the rooftop and the three of them proceeded to cover their bodies with the dry grass as they lay down on the mud tiles. Seokjin raised his head slightly, looking towards the abode directly in front where the other members of the Ha clan were supposed to lay in wait.

Seokjin looked over in the direction the convoy was supposed to be coming from – the direction of the prince's home, of the palace. Sure enough, he could see their figures as they walked towards the square where shifters were beginning to assemble. He saw Junsu and Junhee dissolve into the crowd of villagers below and a few moments later Rowon was climbing onto the roof to settle down on his sister's left with Seokjin on Jiwon's right and Namjoon on his other side.

"Have you taken your tea today, Your Highness?" Jiwon whispered by his ear, voice low so only Seokjin could hear.

"No, there was no time."

Jiwon chewed on her lip a little as she sighed, a nervous gesture. "Can you control your scent then? If there are any shifters among the convoy, any shifters that have turned against the Kim Clan's rule and have allied with the Royals, then they would be able to smell you out should your scent spike for any reason."

And here was another drawback to being an omega. It was far easier to master control over one's scent changes as a beta or an alpha. It wasn't impossible for omegas but still it took longer and was more difficult to accomplish when compared to the other two dynamics.

In the past, Seokjin had always relied on the suppressant herb teas he took to control and thin out his scent. He had little to no experience of doing it through the use of sheer willpower and mastery of the senses. But even then -

I can do this...

He just had to keep calm no matter what. If anything happened that he could not handle then he would just close his eyes and wait it out. Something he couldn't see wouldn't be able to stir his emotions, wouldn't cause his scent to spike. As long as he was able to control his emotions then there was no danger of them being discovered or caught.

The Ha Clan wanted the Lupa Kim Clan's rule to continue and apparently, most of their kingdom's populace did too. This meant that either Seokjin or Jungkook would become king one day. How would Seokjin be able to manage his duties as king, should it happen one day, if he couldn't even govern control over his own body and heart?

I can do this!

So he told Jiwon, his voice barely a whisper but firm and confident. "It is fine, Lady Jiwon. I will be able to control it."

The beta acknowledged his response with a nod and the two of them turned their heads so they could look over the crowd gathered below them, anxiety and nervousness building up as the convoy rolled into the square.


The Moon village was one of the largest villages in their kingdom so it was no surprise that the village square was massive. Going by the village records, if all the villagers were in attendance, then it meant that there were at least four hundred people crammed into the space.

On the other hand, Seokjin counted only sixteen figures that belonged to the convoy. More particularly, the prince could make out fifteen Royals and – just as Jiwon had suspected - a shifter.

The shifter wasn't someone who worked at the palace; that was very clear to the prince, because if he was then Seokjin would've recognized him.

The Royals stood their ground at the forefront of the space, regal and imposing. They had armor woven from bark and thorns and gold. Seokjin spotted curling horns poking out on one faerie's head, one had a tail, another had unearthly eyes that sparkled with the colors of the rainbow and another had talons for nails that reminded Seokjin of Hoseok's pet falcon, Claw. All of them had elven ears, long and pointed - the characteristics that all the faeries possessed.

What drew the prince's attention most of all, however, were the wings. They were folded in right now but the prince could still make out little details. They were large and translucent and shimmered in the light like gossamer. Besides the envoy of the Whispering Woods whom he had seen during his mother's wake and the Royals who had attacked the palace, this was only the third time that Seokjin was seeing real life faeries. Faeries who were actually real and breathing and were not paintings on the pages of a book or figments of his imagination. For a moment Seokjin imagined what it would be like – to see the faeries in flight, their wings spread in full glory – but then he remembered where they were, lying down on the rooftop tiles, and quickly came to the conclusion that it would be a bad idea if the faeries decided to take to the skies. It was already a huge relief that they hadn't arrived in that way, probably restricted to the ground because of the huge carts and the single shifter that had accompanied the convoy.

The fey were old creatures, immortal and unsusceptible to old age and disease. The only way to kill a faerie was to inflict enough physical damage to their body. It was no easy feat, however. Faeries were quick and smart and tricky and to add to it all, they had magic.

It was because of this that the huge mob of over four hundred shifters - who were in their own right, fierce predators by nature - did not move to attack the measly number of faeries present.

Seokjin watched with bated as one of the fey folk stepped forward – a tall male with eerie black eyes, graying skin and dark wings. The masses of shifters below seemed to shift at the power that radiated from the faerie and Seokjin had to blink a couple of times to clear his eyes because he was almost sure that he had seen a cloud of black swirl around behind the faerie. But as Seokjin shook his head and tried to focus again, the cloud was gone – a mere trick of the eyes, the prince had concluded, unaware that it was actually not.

"I am Arion and I lead this convoy!" the Royal spoke, his voice booming across the village square, amplified by magic. It was harsh but also musical, lulling in nature as if it were trying to put them all in a sleep-like trance, to get the shifters to heed and follow without complaint. "The Luna Kim Clan is no more and you will now live under our Majesty, The Great King of Fey's rule!"

Seokjin noticed how the faerie hadn't actually said their King's true name, his mind supplying him with various passages from books about faeries. According to the palace library's accounts on faeries, there weren't many faeries even in the Royals' court who actually knew the King's true name. Apparently, names held immense power over faeries...but then again, here was Arion, giving out his name so openly. It made Seokjin question the legitimacy and accuracy of the information they had on faeries.

In the square below, the villagers shuffled uncertainly, their unpleased expressions evidencing their obvious lack of desire to bow down to and live under the rule of the Royals. But still, no one made a move to protest or voice out their displeasure.

The faerie knight continued speaking. "Those of you who are called forward must come and board the cart at the front. If anyone does not heed my words then you are welcome to speak out and state your grievances. However –", Arion raised his hand and the few shifters who had looked as if they were about to do just that – voice ther grievances – stopped in their tracks, words dying on their tongues. "be aware that you will not be alive to see the next sun if you do so."

Arion was smiling pleasantly, but his eyes – his eyes were wicked and crazed. He was enjoying this. Giving them a sliver of hope but then crushing it with threats of death. And Seokjin's blood ran hot through his body, boiling and seething in anger because these were his people, this was his kingdom. The land had belonged to the Lupa Kim Clan for over thirty generations and the people thrived under the clan's rule, in spite of the obvious and ever present oppression by the nobles and the difference in status among dynamics the shifters still lived in prosperity and had freedom.

Seokjin's blood boiled and even his inner omega agreed with him that it wanted to rip out Arion's throat, to rip off the faerie's armor and plunge their claws into the flesh. Faeries were immortal but not invincible and Seokjin wanted them to bleed, and then he wanted to find the wolves who had betrayed them and sided with the Royals, and he wanted to kill them too. It was the worst kind of betrayal – to turn against your own kind, your kith and kin who had done nothing but offer kindness and love.

He felt warmth on his shoulder and looked to the side to find Namjoon's hand there, firm but gentle at the same time. It was the first time the alpha had so willingly touched him since they had run hand-in-hand through the palace and taking into account their most-recent squabble the prince thought that he would be angry at the alpha's touch, but instead he felt his emotions calming.

Namjoon looked into his eyes once and then withdrew his hand, whispering a low "Sorry."

"You were too tense and agitated. Anymore and you would've started to emit distressed pheromones." Namjoon spoke, voice still low and gaze directed to a roof tile just to the side of where Seokjin's face was.

"Thank you." Seokjin said and the alpha nodded, lips in a tight line and his eyebrows jumping into his hair line for a bit in surprise, as if he hadn't expected the prince to actually thank him. Meanwhile, Seokjin cursed at himself internally.

You said you could do this Seokjin! Focus! Now is not the time to be emotional...

So Seokjin tilted his head back to face the convoy and the scene unfolding below them. Shifters stood huddled in groups, hands clasped with their mates and children and friends, desperately not wanting to part with them and step into the unknown by following the fey. The prince could smell them – the agitation and fear and anxiety. For the first time in his life he cursed Luna for gifting him with such an extremely heightened and sensitive sense of smell.

The shifter that had come with the convoy had stepped forward and was standing a little bit away from Arion, a stack of parchment paper in his arms. He read off names one by one from what seemed to be the village's records and the prince could hear people gasp and sob as they heard their names being called. There were angry shouts from a few families when a child - who seemed no more than ten or twelve and was likely still un-presented, had been called. However, the silence and fear returned when Arion made a slight gesture with his hand and another faerie knight of the convoy stepped forward.

The knight did not state his name and instead dropped what looked like a stem of some plant to the ground. With a flick of his hand the stem grew.

It grew into some sort of creeper plant like the one Seokjin had seen during the attack on the palace and the stems elongated and slithered like snakes towards the crowd. The long tendrils wrapped themselves around the ankles of a couple of shifters, lifting them up into the air bodily so they were hanging upside down, squirming and shouting and cursing. The tendrils drew back and let loose then, the trapped shifters now free and hurtling through the air. They were flung towards the crowd; fall cushioned by the bodies of the other villagers huddled nearby.

Arion just laughed heartily, manic and crazed, and a moment later some of the other faeries joined in with the laughter.

Seokjin felt Jiwon tense beside him and a shiver ran through his body as an angry growl erupted from below. One of the villagers had transformed and the big, gray beast pounded towards Arion; the wolf's fangs exposed in a nasty snarl, eyes glowing a bright alpha red.

Then there was only pained whimpers and red.

Blood rained down in a drizzle as Arion struck the wolf, a whip appearing in his hand – barbed and gnarled and made of something Seokjin couldn't put a name to. The wolf fell down to the cobblestones of the square, body limp and heavy, only the slight rise and fall of the beast's chest and underbelly belied that it was still breathing and alive.

There was a sharp pain in Seokjin's hands, as if he had attempted to stop the assault on his fellow shifter and had actually caught the barbed whip with his bare hands but the prince ignored the pain, looking on over the scene unfolding below him as the injured alpha's family descended upon him, tears streaming down their cheeks.

"Anyone else?" Arion's voice boomed over them as he retracted the full length of his whip, curling it around his forearm. A bracelet soaked in fresh blood.

The shifters remained quiet and the maniacal grin was back on the faerie's face.

Everything proceeded in complete and utter silence from thereon. The names were called and people got up, hugged their families, said their goodbyes and walked to the carts.

The carts themselves were large, pulled by six white mares each and it reminded Seokjin of the prized horses in his own stables – the horses he hadn't ever got a chance to ride. The front cart was occupied by adults while children and lanky teenagers were directed to the one behind it.

By the end of it, when the rogue shifter finished reading out names and put the records away there wasn't a single child that remained in the square whose name hadn't been called. The rogue wolf exchanged a few whispered words with Arion and walked into the crowd after receiving a nod from the faerie. He seemed to be sniffing the air as he walked by, the remaining villagers instinctively shuffling away as he approached. In the end, three more teenagers handpicked by the rogue were ushered towards the convoy. The prince did not know exactly how many people had been called, he'd stopped counting somewhere at eighty-five.

"Thank you, people of the Moon village, for your kind co-operation!" Arion grinned widely at the crowd as the faeries began to shuffle around, securing the carts. "Please continue on with your daily lives and one of our messengers should visit you soon for further instructions regarding your behavior. His Majesty looks forward to having all of you new, obedient subjects!"

A final laugh and a few hand gestures later the convoy was moving away from the square, towards the border and out of the village.

Seokjin finally closed his eyes, trying to contain his emotions as he breathed – deep inhales and soft, slow exhales.


Seokjin was sitting on the low steps of the house whose roof they had been up on just a few minutes earlier, the faerie convoy out of site and by now a safe distance away from the village limits.

Jiwon kneeled beside him then, taking his hands in her own and uncurling his fingers from the fists they had been in. Seokjin hadn't even noticed. The beta woman winced at the crescent dents in his skin and Seokjin realized that this must have been why he had felt pain in his hands earlier.

Namjoon is there and Rowon too. The older alpha sighs before digging out something from his satchel. It's one of his spare shirts and he tears a strip of the cloth, passing it to Jiwon who takes it with a grateful nod and proceeds to wrap it around Seokjin's palms after ripping it in half.

"It's not your fault. Just remember that, Your Highness." Jiwon tells him and all he can do is nod. Right now, he was in no position to do anything that might help.

Seokjin tilted his head back and looked to the sky and his eyes stung a little from the brightness. He hadn't realized how much time had passed already. He had been roused from sleep before the crack of dawn but now the sun was high up in the sky, his eyes watering a bit as he looked over the vast blue expanse above him.

"At least your plan worked, Lady Jiwon." He said finally because, through some sheer dumb luck their plan had worked. Junsu and Junhee's names were called and they had joined the convoy, their eyes briefly meeting the prince's as they were being taken away. His friend Eva had left with the faeries too, a resigned expression over her face.

"Yes, it's a huge relief that at least something has gone the way it should." Jiwon replied with a weak smile. But it shouldn't have had to be this way. The palace shouldn't have been attacked, the faeries shouldn't have been allowed to do what they did, and such innocent and promising individuals such as Junhee and Junsuu shouldn't have to sacrifice their well-being for a mission whose chance of success was undetermined and slim at best.

"But still, our biggest lead is General Jung." Jiwon continued, sitting down on the step below Seokjin. "He knew that his father had sided with the faeries and he couldn't have come across that information by accident, it's not something that his father would've left out in the open for others to see. So this leads me to assume that General Jung must have been observing his father's actions for quite a while."

"True. Hoseok must be aware of how this all came to transpire." Seokjin replied, lightly running his fingers over the cloth binding his palm.

Jiwon went to talk to the other Ha Clan members then, and to comfort the villagers who had been so ruthlessly thorn away from their loved ones. Seokjin wanted to talk to them too but he wasn't confident that he could do so without collapsing onto his knees, revealing his identity and begging his kingdom's people to forgive him for being so useless and afraid. He needed to be strong now, for them and for himself too. He had to find Hoseok for Jiwon's plans to come to fruition.

He and Namjoon went back to the lodge then with Seokjin trudging through the streets at a snail's pace, stopping once at the corner of the street down which he could make out Eva's shop – now lifeless and unmanned. Eva wouldn't run away and Seokjin wouldn't too. He would find all the power and help he would need to fight back against the Royals and reclaim the people's freedom. He only hoped that by that time, when he would finally succeed to retake the castle and their kingdom, the shifters who got taken away would still be safe and alive.

The two of them were silent as they took their baths, as they retrieved their belongings and headed down to the lower floor of the lodge for breakfast. Seokjin wasn't particularly hungry but he still ate a lot because he knew he would need it, he would need the energy for their journey ahead.

They had packed food and water then, also in silence. Fruit and cheese and bread. Dry, salted meat and some jams. By all means, they could've shifted to hunt an animal for meat or even without that they could catch something by laying out traps, but it was easier this way.

It was mid-day by the time they exchanged goodbyes with Jiwon and the Ha Clan, wishing each other success and for them to be safe.

They had already been walking through the forest for the better part of an hour before Namjoon spoke to him again. "We need to at least cross this next section of the Whispering Woods. I think it will be safe enough to turn after that and we will be able to reach Aelia in ten days at the latest if we consider rest time and any possible detours we will have to make from the route I'm planning for us to take."


"How accustomed are you with shifting? Would you be able to keep up?"

The prince mused at the words for a moment, wondering if Namjoon was just genuinely curious or if he was mocking him for possibly being not fast enough and holding them back. Seokjin decided not to linger on that thought as he replied to the alpha.

"I'm sure that I would be able to keep up if you run at normal speed. Anything more than that we will have to check when we shift. It all depends on how fast you are."

The alpha nodded in response, a little bit in thought as he seemed to be considering something.

A few more hours and a rest stop later they were crossing a river. It was the river that separated the normal forest that surrounded the Moon village for miles from the Whispering Woods. They had walked along the river for around an hour, trying to find a more shallow section because Seokjin couldn't swim and Namjoon still felt it wasn't far enough for them to shift.

Seokjin padded through the water with his shoes in his hands. It was slightly warm but still cool and soothing against his skin, pacifying his tired legs a little. It was definitely easier to walk in the new shoes as opposed to those that he had on before arriving at the Moon village, but undeniably, he was still not used to walking such distances in his human form.

It was Seokjin's first time in a part of the Whispering Woods and the difference between it and the normal forests was evident from the moment the prince stepped past the first line of trees.

Seokjin took in his surroundings as they walked, recognizing many plants that he'd come across on the pages of faerie books from the library. But there were just as many plants that he'd never laid eyes upon – colorful and exotic. He felt drawn to the plants, wanting to examine them closer and paint them for future records. He wanted to know what each and every one of them was used for. Namjoon seemed to notice his curiosity as he glanced back every once in a while but since Seokjin wasn't straying from the path and not stopping the alpha kept mum as he walked ahead.

They spent the night in the forest, taking shifts to sleep and eating some of their rations. Then they walked again the next day, deep into the next afternoon, with the trees and plants swaying lightly from side to side even if there was no wind at all.

Seokjin remembered the kind nymph faerie that had adorned his mother's casket with pretty flowers. The elves, nymphs, pixies and faeries of the Whispering Woods were supposed to be unlike the Royals. The books told Seokjin that they were always kind and friendly and peaceful. The books had also showed him illustration of several animals that lived only inside the faerie forest. Seokjin and Namjoon had been walking through the woods for almost two day now and –

Seokjin stopped in his tracks suddenly. The alpha noticed a few seconds later and walked the few steps back to stand in front of the prince, a question look on his face.

"Is the forest supposed to be this quiet?" Seokjin asked, tilting his head slightly to look into the alphas eyes. He was tall for an omega, really tall, but Namjoon was still taller. But somewhere at the back of his mind Seokjin still smiled because the prince's shoulders were definitely broader and it meant that he had at least one point over the alpha in terms of physique. Call him petty, if you will.

That strange smell that lingered around Namjoon's seaweed scent seemed to waft in the air between them as Namjoon asked to elaborate. "What do you meant? Isn't it better that it's quiet? Or do you want it to be loud and for us to get attacked?"

This hard-headed alpha! Ugh! Why was Namjoon always thinking in a negative direction?

"No. What I meant to say is that we have been here in the depths of the Whispering Woods which is supposed to be thriving with pixies and exotic beast for almost two days and we have yet to see any other living being or animal besides ourselves." The prince stated, trying to keep his annoyance at the implication of the alpha's statement at bay.

This time, however, Namjoon seemed to be considering his words seriously. He pivoted on the spot a couple of times, slow as he inspected their immediate vicinity. He turned then, looking directly at the prince.

"I took this same path when I had been on my way to the palace. It was just a few days before the attack then but I remember it clearly. The forest was bustling with life then. Some nymphs even tried to drag me away on one of their impromptu dance gatherings."

"So it isn't supposed to be this quiet then?" Seokjin asked for confirmation again.

"No, it isn't."

There were no bees buzzing around the dewy plants. No rabbits rustling the bush. No birds flapping their wings or chirping away on the branches. There were no nymphs, pixies and elves and no exotic beasts of legends in sight.

"So where is everyone?" Seokjin voiced the question, it ending on a whisper as a bad feeling stirred in his gut.

The alpha just stared ahead of him and into the trees, a blank look on his face. The same look he'd had the moment Hoseok had put Seokjin's hand into the alphas, asking him to protect the prince.

The forest around them was empty of life and the silence was deafening.


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