โœ“ ๐—ฏ.๐—ถ.๐˜.๐—ฐ.๐—ต , mid90s

By winteroIogy

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๐‘ฉ.๐‘ฐ.๐‘ป.๐‘ช.๐‘ฏ เฉˆหš โ˜… ๐’๐’๐’. she was physically into him but mentally over... More



2K 49 18
By winteroIogy

white mode. font times new roman. smallest font size


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""𝒎𝒚 𝒎𝒐𝒎 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒅𝒂𝒅 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒐𝒕𝒔."


𝗳𝘂𝗰𝗸𝘀𝗵𝗶𝘁 and delaney's relationship was at an all time high. the two teens had officially gotten back together after months of their no strings relation overruled by jealousy, spite and desire. they were truly happy even if their 'dates' consisted more of sharing hot blooded kisses in the backseat of fuckshit's car, parked in an alley way as their friends impatiently waited for the two to pick them up so they could enjoy their days and go skate in sunny california.

this time, after a long morning of the sunbeams, forever hitting their already sweaty bodies as the five teens and tween annoyed the elders as they obnoxiously circled around them for fun, the adolescences chose to stop at a small little outdoor restaurant near delaney's home.

as they sipped on their coca colas, chewed on their fries and took big bites out of the burgers and hotdogs they had ordered a few minutes prior, fuckshit was determined on showing them a trick, secretly wanting all attention on himself.

he started skating at a slow pace, the crews eyes focused on the curly haired teen. as he reached the corner of the fast food restaurant, he jumped into a kick flip, his body accidentally hitting an older boy walking down the street. "ow! fuck! my bad." said fuckshit, simply not wanting to start anything and get back to his fries before delaney could eat them all— especially after she specifically told him that she wasn't hungry at this very moment.

"yo, what the fuck?" immediately and irritatedly spoke the adolescent who fuckshit didn't yet recognize. his sentence immediately aggravating the boy making him approach the boy, aggressively retorting: "what's up, nigga?"

"oh, shit!" yelled out ray, noticing the altercation that was visibly about to take place in front of him. stevie nervously and embarrassingly stared at the boy he soon recognized as his brother, ian. he secretly wished that he would not mention it, not wanting to be humiliated in front of his newfound older friends— especially after they had allowed him into their circle with open arms.

"what the fuck!" ian screamed out, finally noticing his half a decade younger brother sitting down with the guys who were visibly way older than him. delaney was definitely confused at the shown tension between ian and stevie, not yet realizing that they were related— them not looking alike much.

while ian had very short hair, not even an inch sitting on his head, stevie had a full head of long, messy brown locks. stevie looked more sweet, kind and naive while ian looked like he was in a bad mood and brooding inside all the time. she couldn't make the connection just yet.

"you good?" menacingly continued fuckshit, not wanting to back down from a fight. he secretly wanted to impress delaney, mainly after his face got demolished by aiyden many weeks ago— his ego got bruised just as much as his face that wretched day.

stevie's eyes were pleading ian to say absolutely nothing and back out of the situation. while ian was contemplating his next steps ( whether he was gonna back out or not ), fuckshit took one step closer towards him, screaming again: "what's up, nigga!" ian remained quiet, his social anxiety getting the best of him as his brain scrambled about this situation. once again his short temper had gotten in the way of having a nice, peaceful day.

"what you trying to do, nigga? you still standing here." retorted fuckshit, semi mocking him while menacing him at the same time.

once again, he stayed quiet, his eyes going back and forth between the curly haired boy and his brother sitting at a table a few meters away.

"i think he shit himself." stated ray, making the rest of the crew laugh— all but stevie. he secretly felt bad for his older brother. he knew his lack of social skills and that he only held back because of his confusion on to why his little brother was there. suddenly it clicked. they were related delaney thought to herself. thought delaney had the incapability to read and express her own feelings, she did have a talent with reading her surroundings.

"you just gonna stand here? pussy ass nigga!" tauntingly shouted fuckshit, enjoying the thrill of being the one with the upper hand in this situation. "hey, white boy, you gonna let delaney's blonde bitch talk to you like that?" added ray, egging the situation while teasing fuckshit at the same time.

in a joking matter, he flipped ray off after his little comment before refacing ian. he flicked him on his chin, annoying ian to no end, his gaze still on stevie. "you not gonna say shit." yelled fuckshit, once again. "what you wanna do?" he continued before putting his full hand in the center of ian's face, testing his limits. ian had enough— he turned around in annoyance and confusion, walking away from the teasing by fuckshit and ray while the others ( all but stevie ) erupted in laughter.


"my mom and dad are fucking faggots." spoke fuckshit, his words slurring after the pregame delaney and him had just had before attending a typical friday night party. the six teenagers were scattered around in a city bus due to the fact that fuckshit's parents still refused to give him his beloved car back due to his lack of maturity and constant partying.

he was sprawled on the left side of the autobus, delaney remaining quiet, the amount of weed she had smoked slowing down her thought process.

"shit. can't wait until i can get a car." quietly stated ray, his head leaning against the seat as he stared at the ceiling of the old city bus. "and my shit for sure not getting taken away like i'm a little bitch." he continued, shifting his head so he could look at fuckshit. he rolled his eyes at ray's comment, his eyes gazing back to the front.

"i'm about to fuck all these bitches." added on ruben, an excited smile carving upon his tan face. "man, shut the fuck up. you ain't fucking nothing." responded ray jokingly, his comment earning a quiet laugh from stevie.

"honestly, i'll be surprised if any of you niggas get pussy tonight." joked fuckshit. "hey, put y'all hands out." he excitedly continued, remembering the little colorful pills he had in his right hand which would for sure make the experience much more enjoyable. delaney shot up instantly, she had only been surviving off of weed and cheap liquor for the past week and she was growing tired of it— wanting something a little stronger.

you would think that the girl would've remained completely sober after her misadventure with substances a few weeks back, obviously that would be wrong. ray instantly told her how much of a shitty idea it would be resulting in delaney's eyes to roll all the way into the back of her head before saying: "okay dad..." in an annoyed tone.

thanks to ray she couldn't of gotten as high as she wanted due to him watching her like a hawk, making sure she only managed to get her hands on a gram a weed. delaney and ray bickered for a minute, ray constantly bringing up her near death experience, irritating delaney remarkably. finally, ray let the girl do what she wanted, knowing about how much of a stubborn bitch she could be— especially due to his annoying harassment during these times.

instead of continuing to fight with delaney, his attention shifted to fuckshit who was handing out the drugs to ruben and stevie, the two youngest in their little group. "hey, why you giving this shit to these little niggas?" ray had noticed how much fuckshit's self destruction had gotten worse this year and he definitely did not want him to drag stevie and ruben down with him.

"hey, they big boys. they can do what they want, laney—" he responded, wanting to hand out one of the last pills to his favorite girl. ray seemed to have calmed down, asking for a pill himself. unbeknownst to fuckshit, he planned on throwing it at him.

ignoring the boys, delaney popped the pill quickly, she wanted the high to come as soon as possible. "what is this?" asked stevie after he spent a few seconds eyeing the yellow pill in his palm. he was extremely uneducated in the drug department, only knowing the basics like marijuana.

"my mom took me to a psychiatrist. the nigga said i had A.D.D after an hour. he gave me these." nonchalantly answered fuckshit.

"is it, like, bad for you?" he questioned once again, not sure if he should give in and take it. "dude! if a fucking doctor gave it to you, how can it possibly be bad for you." responded fuckshit rhetorically, he was amused at stevie's question.

"come on stevie, live a little..." urged delaney, joining in with her boyfriend, not seeing in just having a little fun. ray mentally face palmed himself, not expecting delaney to add more pressure onto the twelve year old into trying a non prescribed drug at such a young age. he chose to ignore it, not really thinking stevie was the type of kid to give in.

stevie took the pill, disappointing ray greatly. he didn't recognize this new fuckshit. sure he always liked partying and drugs but never the hard ones. passive aggressively pushing a kid into doing them also really had pissed ray off.


okay so sorry that this took a while, i've really been focusing on my apply fic but i'm tryna update this and shit. i'm a little halfway through the movie ( that including stevie's at home dialogue ) n e whorez this gif was made by roxanne10101 !! homegirl really has been pulling through and i love her for that. she has a shop open so go request<333 also i know some of y'all gon be mad cause i said faggot but fyi i'm a whole ass bisexual women so i'm reclaiming it.

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