By MargieLungano

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She buried her parents, shedding tears of blood as the only family she had left was gone. She was left alone... More



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By MargieLungano

Nora couldn't believe what her mistress had done to her but she knew why she did it. She had been too relaxed and she was being reminded of that. She knew her mistress intentions were pure and she was looking out for her. Through this duet she learnt something which made her heart flutter. Daren was interested in her; he fought for her and put his life on the line for her. She was really touched but she didn't want to leave the mountain. Her life was with the mistress and she wasn't going to leave her because of a man. Whoever wanted her should be prepared to move into the mountain and not the other way around.

'She is back,' one of the maids told her.


Nora had been waiting for her mistress ever since she left with the young lord. Her mistress was so in love and she knew that the young lord was going to propose. She wondered whether it was going to be successful since she was angry when she left. The mistress had promised to grant her three wishes if she won and she had thought well about them. Since her mistress was back then she was going to seek an audience with her and get it done.

She left her chambers for the main hall where her mistress was. When she entered the hall she saw her seated on her the one. She was sparkling, she was happy she could tell. Whenever her mistress was happy she could glow, it was probably caused by the golden lotus. It was a shield to her, it protected her and yet she was still cursed. Sometimes she wished she could find a way to remedy all that and make her mistress have a normal life just like everybody else.

'Hail Oh Mistress!' she said as she bowed down.

'At ease,' the mistress said and she stood up.

'You are in a happy mood mistress. Did something good happen?' she asked.

'A lot of things happened today but first tell me what I want to hear and then we can discuss it later,' the mistress said.

'I have thought of what I want and I hope that you will grant me what I wish for,' Nora said and the mistress nodded her head in agreement.

'My first wish is for me to never leave this mountain,' she said and caught the mistress of guard.

'I can't grant you that. You have a life Nora and I want you to be happy. Start a family of your own and live normally. You can't do that whilst you are here,' the mistress said. She knew her concerns but she had to listen to her too.

'I know that you did all this for me but I made an oath when you took me. I swore to be by your side and never leave. I swore by the moon and I can't take it back. I already have a life here and if anyone really wants me then that person should be willing to live this life with me,' she explained to her mistress and saw that look in her face, she was really touched and she was happy to witness it.

'If that is what you want then I will grant it. Finish the rest,' she said.

'The second one is I want you to forgive me and Daren for not sticking to the rules,' she said and her mistress smiled.

'I have already forgiven the both of you. Find another wish,' the mistress said.

'Can I keep the two for now and tell when you I think of something?'

'That's not a problem, we can do that. Come here,' the mistress told her and she went up the stairs and stood beside her.

'Sit next to me,' she told her and she did.

Nora looked at her and she could still see the glow around her. Her mistress took her hand in hers and she noticed the rings. She had accepted Xavier's proposal, no wonder why she was glowing.

'I'm happy for you. You accepted his marriage proposal,' she said with a huge smile on her face.

'I'm happy Nora and I'm happy for you too. You do understand that I was doing everything for you right?'

'I do understand. You only wanted me to be strong and be able to fend for myself. Imp really grateful for that,' Nora meant every word.

'I'm glad you see it that way. I can tell that he is serious about you and cares for you but my advice for you is for you to take it slow and get to know each other. You two live in different worlds. The world out there is dangerous and a lot of people might take advantage of you because you are my favorite. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you,' she told her.

'I do understand. I will take my time and get to know him like you did with the young lord,' Nora told her mistress.

'If anything bothers you just tell me. I want you to go and call him here. I would like to have a word with him.'

'I will go and call him up,' Nora said as she stood up.

Her mistress smiled at her and she took her leave. She was no longer nervous like she was when she entered her hall. She had cleared everything between her and the mistress and the only thing left was for Daren to talk to the mistress.

She arrived at the guest room that she had given to Daren earlier. He was pacing up and down. He stopped when he saw her. He smiled brightly at her when she entered and she couldn't help herself and smile back at him.

'You look alright, she didn't make anything hard for you right?'

'She can never hurt me, I know. She wants to see you,' she told him.

'I made such a bad first impression on her. Do you think that she will like me?'

'You have to earn that yourself. Just be honest and sincere with her. She hates liars and hypocrites more than anything else,' she advised him.

'Okay I will bear it in my mind. I have to go before everything worsens,' he told her. He looked at her one more last time before he left. She sighed and prayed that it will go well.

Her mistress's temper was unpredictable. She knew that she had known about the visit the previous day and yet she acted as if it was fresh news. She surely does have ways to make her point.

Daren was scared he couldn't hide it. All he wanted was to see the Saintess and ask her for Nora but he made things worse for Nora and he was very remorseful. He entered the hall which the Saintess was waiting for him. He noticed something the second he first saw her. The Saintess was way older and yet she looked like a maiden and very young. When she was angry you could feel it and it was scary. He bowed and he stood there while she just gawked at him.

He was feeling very uncomfortable and yet he couldn't say a word.

'Why did you come here?' she asked him again.

'I'm in love with Lady Nora and I would like to ask for your permission,' he told her and she looked at him.

'If you care for her then you wouldn't have put her in trouble in the first place. I hate people who are inconsiderate of others. What you did might have caused her a life but because it was her I was lenient. Don't ever make feel cornered again; you always reap what you sow'

'I'm very sorry about that. I will do anything to make it up,' he told her and he saw a smile on her face. How could she just change like that?

'Fine, I know you are interested in my Nora and I will give you a chance to pursue her but as a condition you will have to stay here on my mountain. I don't care how the world will view you but once you fall for someone on my mountain then you have to abide the mountain's rules. Nora doesn't wish to leave the mountain, that is something you will talk about and I don't want you to pressure her either. If you are honest with her then figure it out yourself. I don't want to see her sad, because that is the same as attacking me. Anyone who attacks me never has a good ending,' she warned him and he understood.

'I do understand. I will do everything in my power to make her safe and care for her.'

'You go and do that. Nora will assign some maids to you. You are our guest so feel free. I heard you know the young lord, so you probably won't be lonely while you are here. Nora will fill you on the details. You may take your leave,' she told him.

'I shall excuse myself then,' he said and took his leave.

He was shaking when he left and when he bumped into the grand prince outside he almost jumped.

'Calm down my friend. You should be grateful she left you in one piece,' the grand prince told him jokingly.

'Can we go somewhere and talk?' Daren asked Mika.

'Sure, let's go to my hall. We have a lot to talk about after all,' he said and he followed him.

He didn't really take a good look at the palace since he arrived. The place was magnificent and it was shocking to see the place the grand prince grew up at. It was shocking when he learnt that the boy he used to play with back in the day and was announced dead was alive and kicking. And to see him so comfortably around the woman who gave him chills was something else. He could see that he was very comfortable in this place. Would he also become like Mika one day?

They arrived at his hall and they both entered inside. Mika gave him a seat and they settled down.

'It's good to see you again. I didn't know that you knew Nora,' Mika told him.

'I didn't know she was from the mountain until recently. You look good yourself,' Daren said.

'Thank you. I guess I feel more at ease being here than back in the capital city.'

'That's what it feels like being home. So tell me what made you fall in love with her when she is that scary?'

'I love that about her. I remember when I was still young, she intimidated me a lot. Her eyes would speak volumes and yet she would remain quiet. She would punish me so harshly I thought of running away but later I realized she was just trying to make me strong. She isn't a scary person but she just made her outer shell look that way. She is a loving and caring person. You will notice that as time goes on,' Mika explained to him he could tell that he was head over heels over her.

Love was truly something. Will be become like Mika one day and look so crazily in love with Nora? He knew he had feelings for her but he doubted they were as strong as the ones Mika had for his woman. He was going to see where it will take him while he stays there.

'I hope so. Since you have been here for a long time, what do you know about Nora?'

'I know a lot about her but I think it will be the best if you see for yourself. What I see might be different from the way you see it. All I can tell you is that she is a carefree person and her main concern is her mistress. So whatever you do don't belittle the Saintess or you will be in hot soup,' Mika told him.

'I get your point there. I will take my time and get to know her. In the meantime I have to write back to my family and tell them where I am.'

'It's a good idea. Just remind them not to think of doing anything stupid. She doesn't show any mercy,' Mika reminded him.

'I will make sure to do that.'

'I have things to do now. I will see you around,' Mika said dismissing him.

'Before I go I wanted to ask you something.'

'Go ahead and ask.'

'When is the wedding?'

'In a fortnight, how did you know that?'

'I am not a fool. Anyway I'm happy for you. I'm here and I will give you a hand anytime,' Daren promised.

'Sure, it will be great for you to help me. I will go out with you tomorrow then. You can settle your things tonight and tomorrow I will show you around.'

'Thank you. I will leave now. I will see you tomorrow,' Daren said as he stood up.

He bided Mika goodbye and returned to his room. When he arrived a number of maids had already been dispatched to his chambers. Everything had been prepared and it felt much warmer.

'Can I have a piece of paper and ink?' he asked one of the maids who disappeared immediately and returned moments later with the items.

He set the table and with the maid grinding the ink for him he wrote a letter to his parents informing them to not worry and that he was in good hands; once he was done he would return to the capital.

He sealed the letter and wondered what to do next.

'Can you call Lady Nora for me?' he asked one of the maids.

He watched as the maid left and returned later with Nora. The maids excused themselves and left the two of them alone.

'Why did you ask for me?' she asked.

'I want to send a letter to my parents but since I'm new here I have no idea what to do,' he told her.

'Give it to me and I will have a messenger ride straight away,' Nora said.

'Thank you. I believe my stay here will not be based as I thought,' he said handing over the letter to her.

'As long as you don't piss her off then you will be totally okay,' she said as she received the letter.

'I was wondering if it's possible for me to done with you tonight?'

'I'm afraid that it is not. I will send someone with a booklet. You have to read everything and comply with it if you will be staying here,' she said looking at him.

'If doing that will make me stay and be with you then I will do it,' he meant it.

'Good. Whatever you need just tell the maids and they will assist you.'

'I forgot after everything that happened today. Can you send those gifts to your mistress? I'm afraid I can't face her again today,' he said and Nora laughed.

'You will get used to her with time. I will have them sent to her, don't worry. Have an early rest, I believe you will have a busy day tomorrow,' she said and began to leave.

He watched as she instructed the maids to carry the gifts he had forgotten to give when he came in the morning. After carrying everything he watched as Nora left and he was lonely again. He was going to stay at least after the wedding ceremony. He was going to use that time to get to know Nora and familiarize with the place most people even he was scared of.

He later received the booklet after supper that Nora had promised him. It was full of detailed rules and regulations no wonder why Nora herself got punished in the first place.

If he wanted to get closer to Nora then he was going to familiarize with the book and make sure he abides by it or else it will be his head hanging on one of the poles.


Nora was excited seeing how her mistress had deceived Daren on staying on the mountain. She was going to do everything in her power to make him long for her and stay. She knew she was being selfish but for the first time she wanted things to go her way and not the other way around. She woke up in the morning and prepared her mistress's bath. Her mistress always woke up early even when she had nothing to do but things were different now. She was preparing for a wedding even when she knew most of the preparations would be done by the young lord and not her. Those things were not for her at all. She went to her mistress chambers and she was still asleep. She opened the curtains covering the bed and sees her opening her eyes.

'Your bath is ready,' she told her and helped her out of the bed.

Nora helped her put on her shoes and took her hand and led her to the bathroom. She removed her mistress robes and let her step in the tub for her bath. She instructed the maids to add more roses to the water as the mistress closed her eyes.

While the other maids scrub her body, Nora was busy washing her hair. She didn't like many people washing it so one has to be careful or they will suffer dire consequences.

She dried the hair and ties it nicely since she was still in the tub. She prepared the clothes that the mistress was going to be wearing while the other maids helped her out of the tub. The mistress wore her clothes and when she was done the other maids took her to the hall while she rushed to the kitchen to check up on her breakfast. The food was ready so she instructed the maids to take it to the hall where the mistress was waiting.

She served the prawn porridge and some cakes for her. Because she was her maid she had to serve her until she was done. Her mistress wasn't a huge eater. She would just take a few spoonfuls and she would be fine.

After having her breakfast the mistress dismissed all of them. She took her leave and began to prepare for her day. She had a lot to do and that included helping the young lord with the wedding preparations.

She decided to check up on Daren to see how he was faring that morning. When she arrived, Daren was already awake and finished having his breakfast.

'I didn't think you would come,' he told her as he stood up.

'I was serving the mistress and now I'm free,' she said.

'That's good. I will be leaving with Mika, oh sorry I mean Xavier in a moment. What do you want me to bring you?' he asked her and she smiled.

'Whatever you want to give me, I will be happy with anything,' she replied.

'If you say so then I will pick the best for you. Did you give your mistress her gifts?'

'I forgot. I will give them to her after I'm done here,' Nora told Daren.

At that moment Xavier walked in and looked at the two of them.

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt but it's time we leave,' he said looking at Daren.

'I'm ready, we can leave now,' Daren said and looked at her, 'I will see you when I return. Have a nice day.'

She watched as the two men left the chambers. She was happy, it seemed like Daren was adapting bit by bit and it was good that he has someone he knows who can keep him company. In a place like this, it wouldn't do you any good if you were just alone. At some point you will be so lonely you wish you can leave but you won't ever have that chance to do it. Once you enter the mountain, it was hard to leave. Dying was actually much easier; it was as if one would be spell bound but for her it didn't matter. She belonged on the mountain and it was her home.

Her mistress overcomes that disaster by being with a man she loves and she hoped she will too. Being with her family and Daren was all that she needed now and she hoped that her silent wish will be fulfilled no matter what.

She looked around the room once more and left. She has a busy day ahead and had to start preparing for the wedding ceremony also. It was going to be a grand and happy occasion for the mountain. There hasn't been such a grand event before except for the Sacred Lady's funeral that occurred two decades ago.

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