By iamtaybpriv

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A good relationship requires balance. Two people who equal each other out, and are there for each other, no m... More



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By iamtaybpriv

RECAP: After not talking to LaMelo all week, New finally builds the courage to call him. Her plan was to confess everything that she's been keeping a secret. Although, New couldn't get ahold of her boyfriend. She called him, but a suspicious feeling was displayed from LaMelo's actions. Just when he had finally decided to call her back...The worst news reciprocated through the line. Tina's in the hospital.


Butterfly's Repose: LaMelo is delicate, and calm. He has become tranquil and numb. Repose: To be lying, situated, or kept in a particular place. New is his butterfly. She's colorful, and beautiful in every way. She's accepting, and gentle with him. She is his home. She is his love. He needs her.

POV: NewNew

Location: Garnett Property📍

Saturday: July 25

"Erin, what happened?" Anthony was concentrating on my facial expression. Everyone at the table was....

"Where are you?" I ignored him and resumed my conversation with LaMelo.

"The L-LA hospital." He could barely get a sentence out with his unsteady breathing.

"I'm on my way right now."


"I love you."

My parent's eyes had gone wide, and Jackie's smile was very present. It consumed most of her face.

"I love you too."

Once I hung up, my mom reached across the table to grab my wrist. "You're not leaving."

"Mom, I have too."

"What is this I love you crap?!" My dad interjected.

"Look, I'll answer your questions once I come back...right now I have to go." I pulled my wrist away from her grasp and stood up from the table.

"Anthony I need a ride."

He nodded and stood up with me.

"WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU!" My father's voice was loud and sturdy.

I flinched, but continued to walk out of the kitchen.

"ERIN! If you leave this house...."

Anthony was holding the door open for me. When I turned around, my mother's eyes filled with anger. My dad was breathing heavily from his recent yelling. "Don't bother coming back."


"You choose this boy...or your family?"

"What the-" I rolled my eyes. "I shouldn't have to choose. Just have some trust in me for once."

"I won't trust you every again after your incident with Troy."

"Jackie." I looked over at the short lady who stood beside my mother. "Explain to them how much he means to me."

When I turned my back to the door, it slammed shut behind me. I recognized my dad's anger anywhere. Why would he make me choose between a boy he's never met before, and my family? This is the exact reason why I don't tell my parents anything. Exactly why I wanted to keep LaMelo out of this for so long. They're fucking dramatic....

"Look New, I don't know if you should do this."

"Tina is in the hospital." I got into the passenger seat of Anthony's Honda Civic. The color is white, and his rims glistened in the starlight.

"Wh-what?" He started the car. "Do you know what happened?"

"No. But LaMelo needs me. I can't just stay here while he's in unimaginable pain."

"Have you told him yet?"

"No. I was supposed to do it tonight, but then this happened and I-"

"Calm down." He looked at me. "It's going to be fine."

I had never really talked to Anthony through a regular conversation. Usually he's hitting on me, or being a complete jerk. I guess his interest in Jazlyn changed his perspective on me for the better. Our eye contact lasted a split moment before he turned to look at the road again.

A ride that was only fifteen minutes felt longer. It felt like an eternity. I went through every scenario in my head of how I'll approach him. If he'd be crying. What should I say to comfort him, or do to make him feel calm?

"We're here." Anthony pulled the keys out of the ignition, and the car shut off. I took a deep breath before opening the door and getting out. Our walk to the hospital entrance was quiet. I walked swiftly, and my heart began to beat faster, the closer we approached the front desk.

"Hi, how can I help you?"

"New." I turned my head to see LaVar sitting in a hospital chair. I didn't answer the lady, but rather moved beside her.

"Hey, what happened? LaMelo called me."

"Tina had a stroke."

"Wh-what? How?"

"There was an abrupt interruption of blood flow to her brain that caused loss of brain function. It lead to a ischemic stroke."

"She's in surgery?"

"Yea, the doctors said she won't be out for a while."

"And how long has Melo been here?" Anthony jumped into the conversation.

"Since yesterday morning when we found out. He got on the first plane to LA."

"What about Lonzo?"

"He's on his way with Gelo."

"Oh." I was playing with the acrylic nails attached to my fingers. I often find myself doing this when I get nervous. It's an obvious habit that I should probably break. "How bad is he taking it?"

"Horribly. I haven't seen him cry like this since he was younger. He won't talk to anyone. He won't eat. He won't sleep. He won't go home.....I need you to take him to the apartment. Let him shower, get him cleaned up. Please?"

"Yea." I nodded my head. My eyes had moved to the left where LaMelo was looking out of the window by the vending machine. The section was excluded from everywhere else, and the moonlight beamed on his pale skin. "Hi my love." I approached his intimidating figure with a small smile on my face. My hand laid on his back, and his body instantly loosened.

"Hi Shawty."

"You're okay?"

We stared at each other for a moment. I studied his very light freckles and the tears fixating in his eyes. "N-No."

"Come here." I pulled his head down to my neck. His arms wrapped around my waist, while my hands slowly rubbed his waves in the direction they flowed. "It's gonna be okay. You're going to be okay. Tina is going to be okay."

"But what if-"

"Shhh..." I kissed his neck. "What did I say?"

"She's going to be okay." I focused on his sniffling. "Ca-can you take me home."

"You want me too? Or Anthon-"


I nodded, and he pulled away from our hug. I interlocked my fingers into his, and he handed me his car keys. Just as we started to walk, LaVar gave me a smile. This is the least I can do for him. The fear and anticipation he's going through just from waiting for Tina to come out of surgery is a lot to handle.

The walk to the parking lot was completely silent. I don't know if LaMelo wants to talk, or if he'd rather us enjoy each other's company, so I didn't say anything.

"I- I'm really sorry."

"For what?"

"We haven't talked all week, and I should've told you what was going on-"

"It's fine." I looked up at him. "I'm not mad at you. You know you can talk to me about anything right?"


I opened the driver's side door while LaMelo did the same on the other side of the car. I pushed the start button and adjusted his seat. His legs are so long I can't even reach the pedals. I noticed his car to be a stick shift. The same type as mine. Luckily the apartment is only a couple of minutes away, because I don't like driving at night...

"Was everything okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"Sneaking out...I don't want you to do that for me, so-"

"I didn't sneak out." I chuckled. "My parents know we're dating."

"They know who I am?"

"No but like, they know I have a boyfriend."

"And they're okay with us...being together?"

"Nope. My dad made me choose between you and him."

"And who did you choose?" He huffed and scratched the back of his neck.

"No one. My dad doesn't even know your name...he was just being dramatic."

"Are you sure?"

"Yea." I lied. Chances are, my dad is never going to let me come home again. I'll let him sleep on it though. Jackie will let me into the house tomorrow. That is, if they change the door's pass code.

"What about Anthony....he gave you a ride here?"

I paused. I hate having to lie to him. I'm dragging this shit out, but I can't tell him tonight. He's emotionally hurting.

"Yea, I was walking here because the bus routes are closed until the morning. He was leaving some type of internship or something."

"Oh yea. I forgot he had that tonight."

"I met Tomi."

"Oh yea?" The first smile LaMelo displayed on his face spread to mine. "Do you like him?"

"He's alright. We didn't talk much, but I didn't know we were letting him stay at our apartment."

"I- I'm sorry, I should've asked."

"Love, I'm kidding." I lightly hit his shoulder. "Can I stay over tonight too?"

"You're not going back home?"

"I'm not welcomed....Well, not until tomorrow at least. I'm gonna let my parents blow off some steam-"

"Mama, you and I both know you should go home."

"But then you would be alone."

"I'll be fine."

"Stop trying to push me away." I looked at him, and there was silence in the car for a moment. "I'm always going to be here for you LaMelo. I'm not Ashley. I'm not Courtney. I'm not any other person you've encountered. I love you, and saying that means a lot to when I do say it, I mean it with my entire heart."

He didn't say anything. I parked the car in the allotted spaces and we both got out of the car. My attention was on LaMelo's eyes. They're stained red from the amount of crying he's done in the past forty-eight hours. His cheekbones are pink and slightly irritated from his hands wiping them. Going up the elevator and walking down the hall wasn't awkward. We enjoyed each other's least I did.

When I unlocked the door, Tomi, Eli, and Don we're sitting on the couch.

"There you are LaMelo-"

My boyfriend walked straight down the hall to our bedroom. He didn't look at anyone. I'm not sure if he wants me telling everybody, so I'm going to keep it private for the moment.

"What's his deal?" Eli stood up and walked into the kitchen where I was grabbing a Gatorade from the fridge.

"He had a bad day."

"Are you two done fighting?" Tomi was smiling.

"We were never fighting."

"That's not what Veda told me-"

"You guys should probably chill out and stay in the guest room. Keep the noise down please." I wasn't focused on Veda or Star right now. I want to comfort my love.

"Since when do you pay the rent?" Eli rolled his eyes.

I guess the twins told their side of the story to everyone...although there's nothing to really tell. We didn't fight, it was more of a misunderstanding. I think.

I huffed and set the car keys down on the counter before walking down the hall. I don't have the energy to deal with any of them tonight.

"Baby?" I opened the door slowly. He wasn't laying down, but taking a shower. At least that's what I though until he turned the corner.

"Get in with me?" His voice was low, and his body, naked. I tried my hardest to maintain eye contact, but eventually my orbs began to wonder.

"Uh Yea..." I set the Gatorade on the nightstand.

LaMelo turned around and walked back into the bathroom. I took off my shoes and socks, then shorts. I used my hair tie to wrap my straight hair up. I don't want to get it wet, even though it will probably happen anyway.

When I opened the bathroom door, a wave of steam hit my body. The mirror was already fogy, and I felt warm. The glass showed my love's silhouette. He stood tall, but his head was drooped in sadness. I stepped into the marble surrounded shower and my hand's rested on Melo's back. His tensed muscles calmed. I left small kisses, and grabbed the Old Spice soap resting on the shelf beside us.

The sound of water hitting the tile consumed my ears. LaMelo and I were quiet, although there was nothing to talk about. I just want to be here for him. He'd probably rather be at the hospital waiting for Tina to get out of surgery, but he has to sleep....I used the loofah hanging on his shower caddy to spread the strong smelling soap. It created suds, and once I was done, Melo turned around to rinse his back. Our eye contact had finally resumed. His gaze made me nervous. Not for a particular reason...but just because he always makes me feel that way.

"Do you want me too?" I had finished washing his chest and arms. My eyes looked down at his dick, where it had slowly started to become hard.

He took my hand in his, and began to scrub his member and legs. I don't know why I'm so nervous....we've had sex together, and I've seen his body in it's most vulnerable state. But this is only the second time we've been naked together. Not one complaint lingers in my mind, my heart is just racing really fast.

By the time I finished, I rinsed the loofah, and Melo looked at me with a confused expression.

"Go get dressed."


"I'll be out soon."

He didn't bother fighting me, but instead listening. I watched while he got out, and grabbed a towel before leaving the bathroom. There was another bottle of liquid soap resting next to the Old Spice. It's label was from Bath and Body works, and a pink color showed through the clear bottle. A smile had come to my face. I guess when Melo said it's our apartment, he meant it.

After I had washed my body, and finished, I turned off the shower, and opened the glass door. Everything was foggier than before. I grabbed a grey towel resting on shelf and wrapped my body in it. Once I emerged, and entered the bedroom my eyes landed on LaMelo who was wearing basketball shorts and no shirt. He laid on the bed watching ESPN reports. The black durag around his head matched his shorts color.

I was looking through his drawer for something. Everything was so big....

"You're staying?"

"I already told you dad said not to come back."

"But- Did he really mean it?"

"It doesn't matter what he meant. I haven't gotten a call, or anything. They don't care." I dropped the towel and pulled a purple pair of boxers up my legs. My back was facing him, and I quickly grabbed a t-shirt before pulling it over my head. My hair was still in a pony tail, and I decided to keep it. My baby hairs curled up from the steam, as well as my roots. My hair looked so bad, it was better to keep it up. I've been trying to gain confidence in wearing my curls like LaMelo encouraged me to....but I don't know. A lot of models wear their hair straight. I'm starting to think that's why Elite didn't choose me. All of my pictures had my natural hair, and Jazlyn on the other hand....her natural state; bone straight.

"Princess, I think your parents are going to hate me. If I ever meet them." He whispered the last part.

"You're going to meet them soon. After you end season for the BBB team, my dad will probably want you to hang out with him a lot, and have dinner with us. You can't do that if your traveling right?"

I climbed into the bed, and Melo laid on his back with his head on my lap. I played with the loose strings on his durag, and admired the silky texture. Although, his eyes stared into mine, making me eventually loose my concentration.

"Yea, I guess you're right."

"And I don't think they'll hate you...if they do, then welcome to the club."

"The club? I know you're not talking about yourself."

I stayed quiet and watched the TV. LaMelo huffed in my silence, and drew circles on my thigh with his pointer finger.

"They don't hate you mama....they just don't understand you."

"There's nothing to understand....I don't bother them, I stay out of trouble and drama. I'm just: there."

He had now gone quiet because I was completely right.

"Do you wanna come with me to the hospital tomorrow?"

"Yea, of course."

"I really hope she's doing okay."

"Tina's strong my love....there's nothing to worry about."

"I miss her." The sniffling started again. I recognized his crying's been normalized to my ears in this moment. Slow tears began to leave his eyes once again. I wiped them, and leaned down to kiss his lips.

"You don't have to speak. You don't need to talk to me." My thumb rubbed his cheek. "Baby, I already know.....the shadows in your head they've got you feeling low."

Our eyes searched into each others. If there's one thing I value in this relationship, it's being able to connect without talking. Without having sex. Without being near each other. Just looking...that's all we need.

"But it's time to rest now. Let it all melt now....I'll wipe your tears." He had subsided his crying, but the sniffling continued. "The Sun's already set, won't you go to sleep now. I'll see you in your dreams..."

He smiled at my last comment. That's the second time I've seen him do that today.

"Love, I'm right here. Close your pretty eyes...." My thumb continued it slow motion rubbing across his cheek. Once his eyelids had shut. His breathing slowed, and his sniffles drifted away. I reached for the remote slowly to turn off the TV, although the light was still on. I could still hear Eli, Don, and Tomi making noise on the couch from playing the PS4. I don't really have the energy to deal with them.


POV: LaMelo

Location: Melo's apartment📍

Sunday: July 26

"Just grab it and go."

"No nigga, we need her thumb for the password."

"You sound dumb as fuck, it's face recognition."


My eyes slowly opened, and I tried to adjust them to the darkness. I guess New turned off the light after I fell asleep. Although, Tomi, Don, and Eli are standing in my doorway. They must not know I'm awake. When I looked over to my side, New was laying on my shoulder. I slowly moved her curly baby hairs from her face, and smiled at the peaceful slumber she was experiencing.

"Y'all are gonna wake her up."

"Naw, Melo said she's a heavy ass sleeper-"

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" I turned on my nightstand light. Don was holding New's phone, and the screen lit up all of their faces.

"Oh- hey Melo...what's up."

I checked to see if New was awake again, and she was exactly the same. After slowly getting up from the bed, her body shifted. I walked through the doorway and snatched her phone from Don's hands. Eli closed the door behind us while we walked to the kitchen.

"What are you guys doing? Why the fuck do you have New's phone?" I inspected her wallpaper, which was a picture of me. It hadn't been unlocked but once I looked at it, her home screen displayed. New and I have never had a problem with hiding something from each other. She has my password and I have hers. I've never willing gone through her phone though....I have no reason too.

"We think she's cheating on you."

"What?" I rubbed my eyes.

"She's mad weird don't you think?" Eli walked towards me, and I took a step back. "Star told me you're not allowed to her house, and you've never FaceTimed."


"Maybe it's because she always has someone over."

"Nigga, that doesn't even make sense."

"Well think about it. She said she has a car, but she takes the bus. She can never hang out past like 1:00 AM, and she literally NEVER talks about her personal life."

"Tomi?" I looked at him and he agreed with the others. "I let you into our apartment, and y'all do this? You're trying to go through New's phone, and dig dirt on her that doesn't even exist."

"Just look at it then. Let's go through her texts and if there's nothing then we'll apologize."

"No, you nigga's need to apologize right now."

"That ain't happening....Anthony was right bro..." Eli rolled his eyes.


"He's been saying New is suspect...and I agree with him."

I was completely quiet. My mind was trying to wrap around everything they were saying. I was becoming angry with their voices, and irritated thinking about their doubts in my relationship.

"First of all, Anthony shouldn't talking because he was chasing after New for months before I got here. He's still butthurt she's with don't even bring his fuckin name up."

"We're just saying, at least check her've never thought she was acting weird in any way?"

"When there's nothing owe me, and her, a long ass apology." I unlocked the phone.

New's wallpaper was a picture of the both of us from Cascades. I contained my smiles and looked at all of the basic starter apps. She had no social media of any kind, which kinda makes sense since she said she's not allowed. Her messages had 27 unread alerts, and when I clicked on the green app, the first name was mine. Then Veda, Star, and her parents. There was another person named Jackie. I assume it's someone from her school just like Jazlyn.

"Love, is everything okay?" When I looked up, New was at the end of the hall. Her eyes fixated on me holding her phone, and she quickly read the room with her eyes. Don, Eli, and Tomi's eyes had gone wide. "What are you doing?"

It was quiet, and I turned off her phone screen.

"LaMelo...I'm not going to ask again."

"They think you're cheating on me..."

"I asked what you're doing." Her face expression seemed irritated.

"I'm looking through your phone."

"Because they think I'm cheating on you...or because you think I'm cheating on you?"

"NewNew, it was my idea." Tomi spoke, and her eyes shot towards him. "Veda and Star told Eli and Don you've been acting weird, and I thought it was because you're cheating. I convinced them to sneak in you guys' room to go through your phone. Then LaMelo woke up, and we wanted him to prove us wrong."

We all waited for her response. The t-shirt she was wearing went down to her mid thighs, and her hair was all over the place. Although, she couldn't have looked better. She was natural, and I loved everything about it.

The wood creaked while she walked towards me, and snatched the phone from my fingers. I've had a long ass day, and the last person I need to be mad at me, is now mad at me.

"Get out." I pointed at the door, and all of the guys looked at me.

"Melo- this ain't our fault."

"Then who's is it?" They had become quiet again. "Worry about your own girl, and keep mine out of your mouth." I walked down the hall, and eventually I heard the front door open and close. The bedroom door was shut, and when I pushed the handle, the lights were off.


"Go to bed LaMelo."

"I'm sorry."

"Okay." Her response was dry.

When I got into the bed, she turned her back towards mine and I huffed. "Can we talk about this?"

"No. We're going to see your mom in the morning. Get some sleep."

"I can't sleep when you're mad at me."

"I'm not mad. I just didn't think you would be the type of person to be peer pressured."

I couldn't even deny her statement, because I was pressured into unlocking her phone and going through it.

"They were getting on my nerves by saying that you were cheating. I just wanted to prove them wrong."

"There's nothing to prove." She turned around to face me. Our noses were almost touching, and I studied the white's of her eyes. It was pretty much the only thing I could see in the dark. "Don't talk to them about to me. Come to me. Ask me. If you have doubts, then I expect you to confront me, not go through my phone to prove a point."

"I know...I'm sorry."

"Did you find what you were looking for?"

"Shawty- c'mon don't be like that."

"Did you?"

"I wasn't looking for anything in the first place." I mumbled. "I just wanted them to stop talking about you."

"What did they say?"

"That our relationship is weird because we don't FaceTime and I haven't been over to your house yet."

"Do you want to FaceTime?"

"Well...I mean, it would be nice to see you when I'm traveling. Don't get me wrong though, I like our calls, because I get to focus on your voice."

"Then why didn't you tell me that?"

"I know how you feel about me seeing your house and stuff."

"It shouldn't be hard for you to talk to me LaMelo."

"I know." I put my hand on her jaw. Feeling her features makes my heart beat faster. "I love you."

It was quiet for a second and I anticipated for her response. "I love you too."

I pulled her head on my chest, and we laid in silence. I feel so stupid for listening to Don, Eli and Tomi. I know better than to do something like that, and for some reason I did it anyway....


POV: NewNew

Location: Los Angeles Hospital📍

Sunday July 26

"She's been asking for you." The nurse left the room once LaMelo walked and I walked into the hospital room. I let go of our interlocked fingers and stood off to the side. I want to give him a chance to spend time with his mother alone before Gelo and Zo get here.

"Hey momma."

Tina smiled, and he moved her blonde hair out of her eyes. There was a white bandage wrapped around her forehead from the incision cut in the back of her head. She wasn't completely loopy, but she did seem confused.

"Melo, um....the doctors talked to me last night when she got out of surgery." LaVar was rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He was sitting in the chair beside me, with his elbows resting on his knees.

"What happened?"

"She has Aphasia."

"Well what does that mean? She's going to be okay right-"

"It's a condition that makes word retrieval difficult when she attempts to speak."

"So she has to learn to speak all over again?" My eyes were wide.

"Yea." LaVar is so heartbroken, but I can tell he's staying strong for Tina. "Her right paralyzed."

It seemed like the news just kept getting worse.

"She's going to be able to walk again though...right?"

"The doctors think she won't..."

Melo turned around back to his mom, and I could see the tears forming in his eyes all over again. We had just worked on not crying in the car, and he was so confident he wasn't going too...I knew the entire time he wasn't going to last though.

"We missed you momma....had us all scared." A chuckled escaped his lips. Tina's eyes started to water, and I looked away. I'm going to start crying if I see everybody doing it.

We only stayed for about an hour before the Doctors ordered her for more sleep. By then Zo and Gelo had come, and they stayed while LaVar left with us. Today Melo has a game, and I think it's good he got to see his mom before leaving. Just to make sure she was okay and doing well. He seems way happier about everything.

"So, have your parents been?" LaVar was in the back seat of the car. I was in the passenger while LaMelo drove.

"Uh they're alright."

"How do they feel about my son?"

"He hasn't met them yet...My parents are really strict about dating so I'm trying to warm them up to it."

"Ohhh. Well, I just want to say thank you for staying with LaMelo last night-"


" I was saying, thank you for making him comfortable."

"Of course." I smiled. "I would do anything for the kid."

"Y'all get along a little too good."

LaVar smacked the back of Melo's head, causing him to wince. I smiled at their goofiness. I've never been more jealous of a family. Of course they have problems too...but they stick together no matter what. My family wouldn't even know where to begin when it comes to that.

Once we reached the small arena in Downtown LA, All of us got out of the car. At first I started walking a couple of steps behind the two tall men, but Melo stopped and interlocked our fingers.

"You're embarrassed of me?"


"Then hold my hand."

"There's people taking pictures."

"You don't want them to see us together?"

"I do." I mumbled. My head was low because of the nervousness in m body. I don't really care about people wanting to record me, it's just weird that all of this sudden attention came once people found out we were dating. I guess I should get accustomed to dating a well known basketball player.....

After getting through security, we walked into the arena. LaMelo held my hand tightly because of the crowd, and LaVar interacted with almost everyone. They started to form a line after security pushed the large crowd together. My awkward ass let go of his hand and stood off to the side. One by one, different people took pictures with my boyfriend and his dad. Although, my focus was on his sweatpants the entire time. He usually sags so it wasn't anything I've never seen before, but his boxers slightly showed...along with his bulge.

"I gotta go get changed mama...stay with my dad." LaMelo quickly kissed my cheek before leaving with his team. I stayed beside LaVar while we took our seats. Once again the gym was filled with people of all ages. Mostly teenage boys, but there were some girls too. I noticed the same one that I saw at his last game. She was wearing dark ripped jeans and a tan with white striped shirt. Her clothes were tight and fitted, and she had a blue wristband on saying she's in VIP. Ashley followed closely behind her while they took seats right in front of us.

"Hey, you're NewNew right?" The girl turned around to talk to me.

"Uh yea...what's your name?"

"Jaden Newman."

"And you're Ashley?" Of course I already know who she is....I mean, she called me a bitch multiple times at Jalen's party. Although, I don't have any bad feelings towards her. Melo has talked to me about how she's nice at heart, just really broken.


"We didn't know you two were dating. I mean, we see you at Cascades but you kinda came out of nowhere."

I didn't know what to say so I slightly nodded.

"What does it feel like to date my ex?"

My eyes had gone wide, and I instantly looked at LaVar. He busted out into a fit of laughter, and started to laugh too. I hope she doesn't think she's doing something....

" feels pretty good. Not gonna lie."

"He probably talks about me a lot huh?"

"Yea." I lied. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."


The gym became loud and we noticed the players running out from the locker room. I didn't have anything else to say to either of girls...they're mad childish.

Melo was the last one to emerge from the large doors, and he walked through the kids section. I've never actually seen him interact with anyone younger than us, but the smiles on their faces were so pure. Melo talked to the ones he could before getting ready to start the game.

Ashley and Jaden stayed quiet the entire game. They would cheer when Melo scored. LaVar and I stayed quiet. We knew this match up was going to be easy based off the energy from the other team. They seemed very intimidated. Obviously our team won, and I guess Jaden was going to ask LaMelo to take a picture with her. We waited for the gym to clear out, and the players to emerge from the locker room again.

LaVar was doing interviews and I took photos with a few younger girls. They seemed really nervous to talk to me. I'm really confused on why they wanted to talk to me, but it didn't mind.

"Did you enjoy the game?" Arms wrapped around my waist, and LaMelo left kisses on my neck.

"I played good."

"I play better when you're here-"

"Hey Melo...can I get a picture with you?" Jaden had come out of nowhere. She interrupted our conversation and her face was a light red color.

"Oh yea." I moved off to the side while Ashley took the picture.

"1...2...3. Okay! It's perfect."

"Uh wait, can you follow me back on insta?"

"Ion run it." Melo wasn't even looking at her. His main focus was walking back over to me.

"You what? You don't?"

"Naw, Ion run it."

I started to laugh, and her face became a darker shade of red. Ashley's mouth dropped, and her eyes had gone wide. There was a lot of people around us, and they heard all of it.

"Oh okay." Jaden seemed really sad, so she walked away and a crowd of people followed.

"You don't run it huh?"

"Nope...not for no other females." Melo pulled my waist from behind. I was smiling so much. I've never dated or experienced a man to show me off no matter who's looking. He's not embarrassed of me, or too private about us.

The man of my dreams is about to get a rude awakening when I confess everything to him. I don't know when I'm going to do it...but it'll be soon. I want him to be in a good state of mind when it happens. I want him to be calm and understanding.....



Sorry this was a filler and it's not that good but, next chapter LaMelo will know about New and it's going to go off....

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