take a look all around

נכתב על ידי harriesmethyd

235 13 6

"You have such cute little freckles!" Crystal exclaimed, her nose practically bumping into Gigi's. She stood... עוד

i'll make you fall for me, i promise you

but if you wait around awhile

166 8 6
נכתב על ידי harriesmethyd

hiii!! this is my very first ever fanfic so if it feels a bit rushed, that's because it probably is. i've been wanting to write this since gigi's video came out, and i've finally gotten it to the point where i'e edited it so much it doesn't resemble the original writing at all, so maybe that's a plus? i don't know, but i hope it's not boring! it's kinda long for a single chapter so i'm sorry :/ also also!! i know gigi doesn't have freckles, so just pretend she does. but ummi like talking to people about these things so please leave me a comment!! anyway anyway hope u enjoy it! 

Gigi slid her gloss over her bottom lip, smacking them together as she took in her final appearance. Her dress looked lovely, her hair was teased as high as she could get it, and she had placed a matching bow right on the part of her hair. She capped her gloss and turned off her lamp, checking her reflection one last time in the mirror before she left her room, traveling down the stairs at an astounding speed.

"Gigi Goode, you had better not be running in my house!" her mother called from the kitchen.
Gigi smiled, but quickly hid it as she made her way over to the older woman. Her mother gave her a small glare before covering it up, smiling. "Oh, honey, you look beautiful."

Gigi beamed at her mother, blushing the tiniest bit at her words. "Thank you, Momma. I'm ready to go, so I'll see you when it's over if I don't sleep over at Jaida's," she smiled, trying to escape the house as quickly as possible.

"Not so fast young lady, you need to take your inhaler with you," her mother pressed the small device into Gigi's hand as she sighed dramatically. "Now don't you get all huffy and puffy with me. Imagine what would happen if you left without it!" her mother shouted, flailing her arms in an attempt to show the absurdity of her idea.

"I don't have anywhere to put it, Momma. I don't have a purse or pockets or-"

"You can take it in your hand and leave it in the locker, baby," her mother directed, taking hold of both of Gigi's hands, spreading her arms so she could give her one more look. "Now go have fun with your friends."

Gigi smiled at her mother, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before practically sprinting out the door. "I'll try! Love you!" she called as the door swung shut.

Gigi's friends were really wonderful people. Jaida and Nicky were the most popular juniors at school and they still spent all their time with Gigi. She was so grateful for them. The thing was, Gigi was never unpopular so much as she didn't stand out amongst her group of friends. Perhaps it was the fact that she didn't care too much for the male attention to chase after it, or just that her friends were so much more extroverted and made it to every party that occurred at every house no matter how big or small. But Gigi wasn't particularly upset at the fact that the boys at her school never asked her to dance or that she was always third wheeling with her friends and their attempts at reaching higher on the social ladder; she was very content in gliding through high school as the girl who was friends with the popular girls.

Jaida stood out in front of the dance hall, a large tux jacket draped over her shoulders, staring out into the distance. Gigi quickly made her way over to her friend, hugging her lightly so as not to wrinkle either of their dresses. "Girl! You look so damn good tonight!" Jaida practically shouted, her voice proving to Gigi how excited she was about tonight.

"Me?" she cried, pulling the tux out of the way to get a better look at Jaida's dress. "Jay, you look so so stunning I can't believe it! Actually, I can. You always look like you came straight from a magazine," she sighed, smiling at her friend so much it started to hurt her face.

"Oh, shut up. Nicky and the boys are waiting for us inside and I'm freezing so let's get your skinny little booty in there!" her friend shouted, cackling as they walked into the building, hot air smacking them in the face at the entrance. They walked over to the edge of the dance floor, meeting NIcky, Nicky's boyfriend, and Jaida's boyfriend. Gigi and Nicky exchanged greetings similar to the ones shared between Jaida and herself earlier.

"Gigi, where is your date? I thought you were coming with that boy from chemistry," NIcky questioned, wiggling her eyebrows on the last word. The other girls giggled as she did so.

Gigi shrugged, not making eye contact with the others. "He ended up asking another girl, Dahlia I think, but it's fine. He smelled like fish anyway." At this her friends burst into a fit of high pitched giggles which turned a few heads, but Gigi didn't mind. She was happy her misfortunes could make her friends laugh.

"Don't worry, honey, tons of single people came to the dance," Nicky reasoned. "It's like, kind of cute to meet someone here, don't you think?"

Gigi nodded. She looked around the dance hall, all the cute couples and groups eager for what the night ahead had to bring. She looked to her two best friends and couldn't help but grin at them. She was so excited to be spending her night at a party with the two of them, dancing and having an amazing night. She didn't even care that she was single. "Who needs guys anyway when I have you two with me?" she giggled, taking NIcky and Jaida's hands in her own. "We are gonna have so much fun!"

The girls took to the dance floor right as the next song came on, all in a big group, twirling and dancing and singing loudly out of key and attracting the attention of other people dancing around. They danced to quite a few songs together, loud and having the most fun out of everyone there. Quite a few people ended up joining their group, perhaps trying to glean some of the joy the girls were feeling. As the first slow dance song came on, Gigi took NIcky's boyfriend using the restroom as an opportunity to slow dance with her friend. They twirled much too fast and couldn't keep their laughter contained throughout the entirety of the song. She thought she might be able to stay like this forever with her friends.

A few songs later, the girls had used up what felt like all of their energy. They were graced with another slow dance and, as the girls took to their boyfriends, Gigi went to get some punch. When she got to the table, two of her friends from Home Economics, Jan and Jackie, were there, talking over their cups. They smiled at Gigi and took a minuscule step apart from each other. "How are you enjoying yourself, Gigi?" Jackie asked, grasping the sleeve of her dress lightly, admiring it with a large smile.

"I'm having a great time, thanks! Sometimes I wish slow dance songs weren't legal if I'm being honest though," she laughed breathily. Jan and Jackie both gave her knowing smiles. Jan's turned a tad somber as she vocally agreed with her, but it left before Gigi could register what it meant.

"I know what you mean. It's almost too coupley for high school. Really shows you who gets to be together and who doesn't," Jan offered, staring at the dancers almost wistfully. Blinking, Gigi took in Jackie and Jan, the way they stood next to each other, moving away when they found people looking. The way their eyes met when they thought no one was. The general nervousness around them that never came from people who were just friends.

She found herself taking both girls' hands in her own, huddling them up into a tiny little circle. They danced together, swaying slowly for a moment before Gigi spoke. "You know, not everyone gets to dance together the way they want to, but everyone should at least get to dance," she spoke softly, hoping, praying that the other two would understand what she meant. Jan's eyes widened at the sentiment, instantly turning to Jackie who looked equally bewildered and a bit concerned. Cautious, perhaps. GIgi smiled, "There's no shame in feeling the things you feel," she settled on voicing.

All three girls let out breaths they didn't know they were holding in."You know, Gigi," Jackie said, taking Jan's hand fully in her own now, completing the circle, "I always sort of figured we weren't quite so different," She smiled at Jan who's face showed that she didn't quite understand what Jackie meant. And neither did Gigi at first.

As realization dawned on her, she gave the girls a stunned look. "I'm not," she stated matter of factly. "I mean, I'm not like that- not that it's a bad thing I just-" she cut herself short, embarrassment growing red in her face. She could feel the air thicken as Jackie realized what her words and Gigi's reaction could mean. She took a step back, trying to figure out why she felt so weird hearing Jackie say something so simple.

"No, no I didn't mean to assume I-" Jackie ran her hand down Jan's arm reassuringly, as the other girl looked on, worried. "Gigi, I'm sorry. I didn't think my words through carefully. I only thought, because of your reaction to us and- what I'm trying to say is, I only thought, and I don't want to make you uncomfortable," Jackie bit her lip, trying not to show how nervous she was.

"Gigi, please don't tell anyone. Jackie's parents would kill her if they found out and I'm being completely serious," Jan pleaded with the taller girl. Gigi stood there, not knowing how to feel, her face still warm from the embarrassment of her reaction to Jackie's comment.

Pressing her hands to her face, she took the small step back into the circle that she had created. "I just don't like any of the boys here. It's not that I don't want a boyfriend," she rambled, trying to prove to the others, and perhaps herself, that she wasn't what they thought she was.

Jackie nodded fervently in agreement. "No, Gigi I'm sure it has nothing to do with that! I'm so sorry I said anything at all. We never meant for you to be offended." she stayed put where she was, too nervous to pick up Gigi's hand again. She and Jan made eye contact, their faces telling each other it's best to drop it. "You don't have to dance with us anymore. It was really nice talking to you, Gigi."

Jan gave her a slight wave and they took two steps before Gigi chased after them, grabbing Jackie's dress by her puffy shoulders. "No, wait," she huffed at herself, trying to find the right words to say and failing miserably. "I don't want you thinking I'm going to tell anyone. I'm not that type of person," relief flooded the other girls' eyes and Jackie gave her a grateful smile. "You two are so sweet to me, I'm sorry I reacted so horribly. It's just-" Jan patted her back in an attempt to comfort the girl, and also stop her hands shaking. "I don't date a lot of guys and I don't like a lot of the guys I date. I don't know. But you two have nothing to worry about. I don't care about-" she gestured towards the two of them, "any of that. I don't want you to get in trouble and it really doesn't bother me. It's just not for me, you know?" she refused to look at either of the other girls directly, not knowing why this subject was making her feel so odd.

Taking her hand, Jan pulled them all back into the tight circle they were in and started shimmying to the upbeat music playing with both of them. "Let's dance!" she shouted, almost all fear gone from her face as she smiled at Jackie. Gigi smiled too, easily switching back to a peppy attitude, though her body still buzzed from their conversation.

They danced to three more songs before Gigi had officially danced herself out for the time being. "I'm gonna go sit over there and let my feet rest,'' she pointed over to the wall lined with a dozen or so chairs. The girls bid their adieus and Gigi made them another promise that they had nothing to worry about with her. She took a seat, trying to find her friends in the crowd.

As the night moved on slowly, eventually Jaida and Nicky found her. She was about to stand and greet them when Jaida practically screamed to her "GIGI! You will never guess what happened! You know Shea and Sasha, the seniors from cheer we always talk about?" GIgi nodded, staring at Nicky who had an equally excited smile plastered on her face. "Well they just invited us to spend the night over at Sasha's house tonight! Apparently her parents are away for a month so there's gonna be a huge party!" Jaida practically screamed again, jumping up and down a little in her excitement. "Gigi, we're going to a party with seniors!" she squealed, not noticing how Gigi's face fell a tiny bit at the thought.

"Wow Jaida, I'm so happy for you guys!" she gave them her best smile she could muster,trying to conduct the same happy energy that was radiating off her friends. "I'm sure you are gonna have the time of your life!" she grasped Jaida's hand and patted it, trying to somehow push some enthusiasm into the other girl.

Jaida's smile shrunk a tiny bit as she realized the meaning of Gigi's words. "What do you mean? You're coming with us, baby. You're always with us. The boys aren't even staying the night," she shook Gigi's hand, holding on to her own in an attempt to bring back the excitement she had felt just moments earlier.

Gigi smiled up at her friend, still seated in the chair she had occupied after leaving Jan and Jackie. "I don't think they know who I am, and even if they did, I really can't go over there. You know how my mother is," she gave her friends a sad smile. "But you are going to have the best time, I know it."

Jaida stood, thinking for quite some time, an entire song, in fact, before she replied, "I don't like this attitude because I know they'd love you. We love you and they like us so it would be fine." she took the empty chair next to Gigi, placing her hand on the other girl's knee. Adrenaline rushed through Gigi as that happened, but she was too bummed to try and figure out why. "However, I do understand your issue with your mom. I wish she wasn't so overbearing, you know?" she asked, a slightly sad look in her eyes. Gigi nodded, the same wish on her lips every morning for the last sixteen years of her life. Jaida looked up at Nicky, a moment of silence before she turned back to Gigi. "We don't have to go."

Gigi would have none of it. "No, you're going, and you're going to enjoy yourselves. I want to hear nothing but the juiciest, dirtiest details about every single senior that attends," she said, sending her friends into yet another set of giggles.

"Alright we'll go," Nicky said, holding her friends' hands tightly, as if this interaction might separate them for the rest of their lives. And maybe it would. Maybe Gigi wasn't so worried about them spending the night at this new girl's house. Maybe this was her missing an opportunity to grow up with her friends a little. Suddenly she felt like someone watching a game at the top of the bleachers. She knew her friends would still smile at her from the field, but she didn't have a chance to be there with them. "But you are not allowed to leave here without dancing with us at least two more times," her friends concluded, pulling her up out of the chair.

Gigi laughed lightly, pulling Nicky back down with her as she sunk into the chair she had grown so comfortable in. "I'm still recovering from dancing a little bit. Catch me in two songs?" she asked, cheesing for her friends, worried they might see the pain in her eyes. They both nodded, assuring Gigi they would come back promptly.

Two songs turned into six songs which quickly turned into forty five minutes of Gigi sitting alone, waiting for her friends to return. Jackie and Jan were kind enough to come sit next to her for awhile, offering to dance with her, but it didn't feel the same. She wanted to dance with the girls she had come here with, but now they were off making better friends, the distance Gigi foresaw coming a lot sooner than she had expected. It was probably good that it had happened so soon, she thought. Like ripping off a bandaid. There wouldn't be this long drawn out pain happening for, inevitably, the rest of her high school career. She would take it all on now.

Jackie and Jan eventually left her side to go dance with some friends in a darker corner of the room, farther away from curious eyes. Gigi's heart ached for them in a way she couldn't quite comprehend. She wished she hadn't been so awful when Jackie had considered her someone of the same persuasion. It bothered her, but it also didn't.

Another song started up and it stabbed Gigi all the more painfully in her heart. She figured her friends could have possibly left already and she wouldn't know. The song was excruciatingly corny and she knew it would probably be the longest few minutes of her life as she saw couples group close and sap over each other within a few feet of her. She wanted to throw up so much she may have gagged the tiniest bit. A flutter of commotion entered her line of sight and suddenly, her eyes landed upon a group of girls, all dancing not unlike how Gigi had danced with her friends earlier in the evening. One of the girls looks up and Gigi can't help but forget how to breathe for a moment.

She recognized the girl from around the school. She was an art student if Gigi remembered correctly. Gigi tried her best, but she couldn't pull her eyes away, and neither could the other girl it seemed. Gigi almost laughed at the absurdity of having a staring contest with someone who was practically a stranger, but she couldn't do much more than she was at the present moment. Her mind was going into overdrive but it didn't produce anything other than, you are staring at this girl and you won't stop.

What felt like eons later, but was no more than a few seconds, the girl gave Gigi a gigantic smile. It took Gigi a solid five or so seconds to understand what was happening and smile back, and the girl smirked at her belated greeting of sorts. She turned back to her friends and Gigi was left with burning cheeks and a shortness of breath she wasn't sure the meaning of was. She quickly covered her face with her hands in a failed attempt to cool herself off for the second time that night, when she heard a twinkling voice close to her.

"Are you alright?" the voice asked, and Gigi jumped at the sound. She looked up to find none other than the girl who had made the prolonged eye contact with her from across the room. She smiled at Gigi, and she felt like she was floating.

Gigi fanned herself with her hand, trying to regain some of the composure she knew she had tucked away. "Oh, yeah-" she took a deep breath, "I just- it's so hot, don't you think?" her voice shook slightly and she prayed the other girl didn't hear it.

The girl gave her a sly grin, biting her lip before the smile returned to her face. "Not really," she answered, staring at Gigi as if she had something funny on her face. "Do you want to dance with us?" she asked, pointing over to where her group of friends were still spinning around chaotically to the slower song. Gigi stared blankly at the girl, at a loss for words. She wondered why someone already having a good time would go out of her way to invite her to join. She realized she had yet to give the girl an answer and nodded, not trusting herself to speak at the moment for fear of embarrassing herself in front of this new person. The girl beamed as Gigi did so, jumping at the opportunity to take Gigi's hand and drag her over to the group she had previously occupied. She pulled Gigi into the middle of the group, letting her scope out all of the girls individually.

"Hi," she smiled shyly, not knowing what to say after. She had never really joined a new friend group before. The girl who had brought her over smiled brightly at her.

"Guys this is..." she turned to Gigi, her face piqued in interest. "I just realized I don't know your name," she giggles, taking hold of her hands and pulling her closer just slightly.

Gigi blushed, feeling very exposed to the other girl and her friends. "I'm Gigi," she said, turning to smile weakly at the other people who were mildly invested in the interaction. They all smiled and said hello to her, and she felt a hint of relief at that.

"I'm Crystal, I don't think I told you that," the first girl, the one she had stared at, said to her, biting her lip before introducing her to the others. "This is Heidi, Brooke, and Vanessa!" she exclaimed pointing at her friends in turn. Gigi took each girl's hands in her own for a moment, cataloging their names as best as she could in her brain. Her attention quickly turned back to Crystal as she moved toward her so that their faces were just inches apart. "You have such cute little freckles!" Crystal exclaimed, her nose practically bumping into Gigi's. She stood stock-still, her body buzzing at the closeness of Crystal to her face. She had a sudden unexplainable urge to cup Crystal's face in her hands and stare at it for hours. "I wanna lick them all off," she twittered, pressing her pointer finger against Gigi's nose for a second before turning to Heidi. Gig blushed again, not able to think properly after that interaction.

"Crystal don't spook the girl," her tallest friend, Brooke, scolded. She gave Gigi a sympathetic smile and placed her hand gingerly on the girl's arm. "She just doesn't have a filter when she talks. Even with new people." she sighed, laughing lightly as Crystal turned around to look at them again. She looked right at Gigi, and she felt that urge again, to hold Crystal close to her and never let go.

Crystal smiled at Gigi like she was the only person in the room and it made Gigi feel both insanely flattered and completely off kilter. She felt the heat rising in her cheeks, and by the way Crystal's smile tilted, she knew she could see it as much as Gigi could feel it.

The group danced for a few songs, Crystal always staying close to Gigi, sometimes holding her hand as they jumped up and down to the music. She found it very comforting, knowing someone actually cared that she was there; chose to spend their time with her over their own friends. She found herself enthralled by Crystal's entire being, The way the girl commands her attention is a bit frightening to Gigi, but she doesn't let it stop her from enjoying her company. She loves the energy that radiates off the girl's tan skin, her entire body practically glowing as she moves around.

Another slow dance song pushes gently against the speakers and Gigi takes a step toward the wall, figuring the girls will take a break and freshen up while the song plays, but a hand grabs at her wrist, turning her back around. Crystal stares at Gigi, a look in her eyes that Gigi doesn't particularly understand, but she can't say she doesn't appreciate. "Dance with me, Gigi?" Crystal asks, offering both of her hands to the dirty blonde. Taking a glance in the direction of the others, she finds Heidi chatting up a tall basketball player that she recognizes from a few games she had gone to with Nicky. Brooke and Vanessa have grouped together and are spinning sporadically as if they were unsure of the time of the music. Her gaze returned to Crystal and she nodded, a small smile evident on her face and her cheeks a light pink shade. Crystal pulled her into a comically serious stance, standing inches from each other with their arms taught in the position of a couple, Crystal taking the lead. She twirled them in unnecessarily large circles and spun Gigi so much that she became dizzy rather quickly. When she stood straight to clear her head, Crystal pulled her close, whispering an apology. Gigi smiled at her, letting her know it was no worry, but Crystal didn't let go. She held Gigi tight, spinning them a bit faster than perhaps a coupe, but not too fast that it felt like just two friends.

Gigi couldn't quite see her partner's face as their cheeks were practically against each other. She did, however, feel Crystal's fingers interlock at the small of her back, pulling her the tiniest bit closer to the other girl. "Does your boyfriend mind that I'm holding you like this?" Crystal whispered into Gigi's ear, practically silent. She almost didn't register what the brunette had said, but her body reacted before her mind could. Her fingers reflexively gripped the nape of Crystal's neck and her body straightened in a way that would've left her winded if she had been sitting. She pulled away just enough to make eye contact with Crystal and saw that she was smiling. Or was she smirking? Gigi stared at her for a moment, unsure how to answer.

"I don't have a boyfriend," she answered matter-of-factly, looking into her dance partner's eyes, trying to glean anything from them. Why she was saying the things she was saying. Why it made Gigi feel so odd, yet not entirely unpleasant. Crystal smiled that devastating smile of hers again and pulled Gigi into another spin, this time letting her keep herself an arms' length away. Gigi kept a bit of space between the girls, but both her hands stayed around the other girl's neck, almost cradling her head. They smiled at each other, Gigi's body tingling as she thought about Crystal whispering in her ear again.

Vanessa walked over toward them as the song ended and whispered something into Crystal's ear. Suddenly, she wished she hadn't pulled away from her so she could hear what the girls were on about, Crystal's face becoming more and more animated as she and Vanessa debated. Eventually, Vanessa smiled, clearly satisfied with the outcome of the conversation, and strutted back over to Brooke, who was sitting patiently, waiting for her. Crystal took a miniscule step closer to Gigi. "What are you doing tonight?" she asked, pulling Gigi's hands off her neck and into her own.

Gigi glanced around the room, looking for any sign of her friends or their respective dates. She wondered what they were up to, whether they had given much thought to Gigi after receiving such a glorious offer from the seniors they had newly become friends with. She knew her mother would die on the spot if she found out she'd been anywhere but Jaid or Nicky's house, but the allure of Crystal was fogging her brain a little too much to truly understand how she was feeling about it. She turned to Crystal, bringing their interlocked hands up to her chest. "I have to be in bed before my mother comes to wake me up tomorrow morning," she said, trying to keep her face expressionless.

The look Crystal gave her was nothing less than a full, lip biting smirk and Gigi knew right away, she was in the midst of an adventurous group. The girls grabbed their things and were headed toward the door when Gigi started to feel guilty for leaving her friends. She knew they had left first, but they still promised her at least two more dances before the night was over and she was genuinely excited about it. She excused herself from the group for a moment to do a quick once over the hall, making sure, for certain that her friends had left and didn't plan on returning. When she found no evidence of their attendance, she huffed a sigh of bittersweet finality, and went back to join Crystal and the others. Crystal looked at her, a question in her eyes, but Gigi simply smiled at her, already pushing the thought of her friends to the back of her head. "I'm ready now!" she exclaimed, skipping a bit to catch up with Crystal who had turned around the second Gigi spoke, and was halfway out the door already.

The girls walked for a while down the dimly lit streets, all getting to know Gigi, but equally wrapped up in their own late night fantasies. She observed that Brooke and Vanessa barely ever separated from each other, and when they did, they would often look on at the other in admiration and longing when they thought no one could see. Gigi kept close to Crystal the entire walk, not exactly sure how the other girls felt about her yet. She could tell Crystal wanted her to feel welcomed, and she was grateful, but, if she was being honest, she didn't particularly care for much other than the mysterious girl she was so fortunate to have the company of.

"There it is, girly! I'm gonna go get some dinner. Damn, I wish I would've eaten before we left," Heidi blurted out, pointing to a small all night diner across the street from where the girls were standing. "What do y'all want? I'm paying this time, I promise," she giggled, raising her hand in an oath that Gigi instantly knew was a recurring gesture, as the other girls were unimpressed by it.

Crystal then took hold of Gigi's wrist, turning them toward a path that she hadn't noticed, going off into what seemed like woods. A vision of Crystal holding an axe over her head slowly drained Gigi's face of blood and she had a sudden realization that she was out all alone with, essentially, four total strangers. Crystal turned to her, having felt her arms go limp, and gave her a sincere look of concern. "Are you alright?" she whispered, brushing her hand up and down Gigi's arm tenderly. Much to her disbelief, this seemed to be all her body needed to right itself of the fear. She wondered inwardly how someone she had only met hours ago could have such a profound impact on her so quickly. She smiled and nodded, giving Crystal a reassuring blink, and she turned her attention back to Heidi. "Oh, you know, Heidi, as much as I would love to go to Sol's with you and end up paying for both of our bills, Gigi and I had already planned to walk down to the creek," she snickered, rolling her eyes playfully as Heidi attempted to sway her with false promises.

"What do you mean, I'm gonna have to eat with those two then?" she asked, pointing lazily at Brooke and Vanessa who had somehow ended up on the ground, Brooke playing with Vaneesa's hair in her lap.

Vanessa sat up, "We don;t want you either, baby!" she practically screamed, laughing at the way Heidi pretended to be shocked. Vanessa turned her attention to Crystal, narrowing her gaze. "You're not gonna leave us that easy, little miss."

Crystal laughed breathily in the direction of the other girls, already leading Gigi down the dirt path toward what Gigi remembered Crystal calling "the creek" and cooed as she watched them watch her walk away. "You two have your fun now that we're out of that awful hall. Go on, get to third base already. No one's watching," she winked at the pair on the ground, turned promptly on her heel, and led Gigi toward what she expected to be a secluded space.

Gigi stared at Crystal for not the first time that night, unable to comprehend what her last sentence had entailed. "Are they..." she found herself at a loss for words, finding it so utterly unbelievable to meet two groups of the same type of people in one night.

Crystal grinned almost manically at her. "They've been together for six months and still haven't got past dry humping and touching over the clothes," she confided in Gigi, her smile turning a bit concerned as she thought. She stopped abruptly, almost tripping Gigi, and turned to face her directly, looking in her eyes with a sense of purpose. "You aren't bothered by that are you? You aren't going to tell anyone?" Crystal's face showed signs of concern, but more than anything,a glimmer of mischief that Gigi caught just the end of. She shook her head furiously, trying to convey without words, the sounds stuck in her throat, that it didn't bother her, nor was she the type to snitch on the poor girls. Crystal's smirk returned tenfold, a look in her eyes Gigi couldn't quite place, but perhaps something close to knowledge. She turned and continued to lead the slightly taller girl to the spot she had been preparing for. "I thought we were never gonna get away from them if I'm being completely honest," Crystal confided, not facing Gigi as she spoke.

Gigi could feel her ears turn pink as she thought of the implications in the sentence. "You wanted to be with just me?" she asked, her voice wavering more than she would ever admit. She didn't understand what strange power Crystal had over her, but she knew the girl was responsible for the rumbling that she felt, low in her stomach, afraid she might burst.

Crystal craned her neck to wink at Gigi, giving her a tiny smile. "I like you a lot, Gigi," she stated, turning back to her task of guiding them to their spot. Gigi was thankful she was behind the brunette, because her face was around the shade of a strawberry. They walked a little further before they came upon a little spring, coming down from in between two large rocks. The ground around the little spout was flat and walked over a bit, as though people had been there often, and Gigi figured they had. "Okay, now close your eyes for a second," Crystal said, smiling giddily at her, expectant eyes waiting. Gigi narrowed her eyes and quirked her eyebrow up, still a little wary of being in a secluded place with someone she had only really met a few hours ago. She obliged however, closing her eyes, a smile plastered across her face. She could hear Crystal rustling around for a few seconds before she walked back over to Gigi, practically shouting, "Okay, open them!"

As her eyes opened, she saw that not much had changed, except a frayed Mexican blanket was now laying on the ground, and Crystal had two bottles in her hand. She smiled at Gigi, handing her a bottle. "Babycham," she explained, "it's really sweet, but it gets the job done," she laughed, giving Gigi a toothy grin. Gigi stared at the bottle, not quite sure how to react. "Have you..." Crystal's face lit up with realization. "You've never had alcohol before, have you?" she asked, smile growing more mischievous. Gigi shook her head, taking the drink gingerly in her hand. "Well, I'm happy I get to be with you for your first time."

Gigi followed Crystal, taking a seat on the blanket laid out for them. Crystal opened both of their beverages for them, and watched Gigi intensely, as she took her first sip. Gigi gagged, almost spitting up the drink and Crystal couldn't help but laugh at her. The second sip went down better, and the girls fell into a casual banter. "So, why don't you have a boyfriend?" Crystal asked, taking another sip from the bottle she held.

Gigi looked at Crystal almost critically, trying to figure out where she was headed with the question. She didn't make eye contact with Gigi. "I've only ever dated one person, and it was pretty boring," she said, watching Crystal watch her. She licked a dribble of drink off her bottom lip, waiting for Gigi to continue. "I don't know, I guess I've just never had any interest in dating, you know? My friends both have boyfriends and I don't really think their lives have been impacted all that much by it," she glanced at the other girl, an unrecognizable look gracing her face before being replaced by a small smile. "What about you? I mean, do you have a boyfriend?"

They made eye contact again, Crystal's face demure and hard to read. "I don't. I find boys a bit exhausting," she said, simply. Gigi wondered what that meant, what she found exhausting about them.

She finished off her bottle, the alcohol creating a buzzing throughout her body. It made her bolder, she thought. Made her look into Crystal's eyes. Her mind wandered to a place where she had her head in her hands. Her fingers trailing along Crystal's jaw, in her hair. She wanted to speak, to ask the brunette so many questions, but kept her mouth closed, worried the thoughts in her head might manifest themselves in the form of slurred words. Her body buzzed as Crystal moved a little closer, their hands almost touching on the blanket. They stared at each other for a while, trying to read the other's mind. Crystal moved her hand, tapping lightly on Gigi's knee with two fingers. It made her wild. She could feel a nervous energy in her chest, but it was overpowered by her mind, whirring in circles as she waited for what she thought might come next. She had to fill the silence; it was imperative to get her mind off the contact between the two girls. "I'm really glad you asked me to dance with you, Crystal," she commented, picking at the hem of her sleeve so she could stop focusing on the other girl touching her. "I really had a good time, and your friends are really nice," she smiled to herself.

The tapping continued form Crystal, pounding into Gigi's skull though her hands stayed on her knee. "I was worried you weren't going to like them. Or me actually. I was worried you might think I was being too forward," Crystal rambled on, her fingers stilled on Gigi's knee. Gigi arched he eyebrow, questioning Crystal's comment. "You know, I'm still a little worried you might not like me too much."

"Crystal, I do like you! I don't know why you think I wouldn't," she turned her body so it was fully facing Crystal now, inches apart. She could feel the brunette's breath on her face, the smell of alcohol on it making Gigi a bit dizzy. She knew she wasn't really feeling the effects of the drink anymore, but she tried to hold onto the confidence that her short lived buzz had given her. "I like you more than anyone I've ever met before. I've never gotten so close to someone so fast. I knew I liked you from the moment you said you wanted to lick my freckles off," she giggled, breathing a little easier when Crystal joined her.

She looked at Gigi in awe, quirking her lips to the side as she thought. "Did you and your boyfriend go very far?" she asked. Gigi's face went red and she quickly tried to backtrack her words. "I'm sorry, that was a stupid-"

"No, we kissed a few times, but nothing else," Gigi said, trying to keep her redness from destroying any bravery she had left in her. "I didn't feel anything when we kissed. You know how you're supposed to feel fireworks or something?" she looked down at the space in between the two. Crystal's fingers started rubbing circles on Gigi's knee again, and she felt her heart beat a little faster. "What about you?"

The smile on Crystal's face turned nervous for the first time Gigi had ever seen. "I never got very far with boys," she said, not meeting Gigi's eyes. She tilted her head, not quite understanding what the other girl was saying. "I don't think they ever had what I was looking for."

Gigi pursed her lips, realization dawning on her for the first time that night, and yet for the hundredth. She felt the butterflies in her stomach spinning faster and faster, creating a tornado of emotions inside of her, ready to burst at any moment. She had no idea what she was doing or how she felt, but she knew she needed to hear Crystal's voice, that she might die without it. "What was it that you were looking for?" she asked, her voice shaky and timid, almost a whisper.

Crystal stared at her for quite some time, trying to determine what Gigi's question entailed. Gigi also wondered what it meant. She was confused about so many things in the moment, her head was whirring at an insane pace and all she could think of were Crystal's damn fingers on her knee. Crystal followed her gaze to where she was watching her draw circles, and that seemed to convince her of something, because she answered Gigi's question. "I was looking for someone a little bit like me," she said, unable to keep her eyes off Gigi's face, looking for any signs of disgust or discomfort. Satisfied, she continued. "Someone kind of pretty. Someone who made me feel butterflies. Someone who-" she sucked in a breath, taking a risk and moving her hand from Gigi's knee to her shoulder, a miniscule amount of space between her fingers and Gigi's collarbone. At the contact, Gigi closed her eyes, gasping quietly, but she knew the second it escaped her lips that Crystal had heard it. She chose to keep her eyes closed, hoping she could regain any thoughts she had before her mind had become jelly, wiggling around to the sound of Crystal's voice and the feeling of Crystal's touch and the heat of Crystal's body. Crystal's pointer finger took up the circling motion it had been dancing on Gigi's knee moments prior and Gigi wondered how much more she could take before she blacked out. "Gigi," Crystal muttered, just above a whisper. "Can you look at me please?" Gigi took a deep breath before opening her eyes. She looked at the other girl, unable to imagine the expression on her face, let alone classify Crystal's. "Am I making you uncomfortable?" she whispered, giving Gigi a chance to back out of what she figured was coming. She shook her head, no, expecting a bomb to go off the next second, and when it didn't she took a shallow breath, watching Crystal watch her.

"Crystal, I-" Gigi cut herself off, moving her hand to the nape of Crystal's neck, close to where it had been before, when they were dancing. Crystal's eyes closed and she couldn't help but let out a quiet, almost silent moan. It set all of Gigi's senses on fire and she had to try very hard to keep her eyes from rolling back into her head.

Crystal's finger continued to draw circles on Gigi's shoulder, slowly moving closer and closer to her collarbone. "Gigi, I'm going to do something now, and if you want me to stop, you just need to tell me and I will,'' Crystal explained, opening her eyes and licking her lips. Gigi nodded, feeling like she was on the edge of a cliff. Her heart pounded so hard she was sure Crystal could hear it.

Taking a hold of her neck, Crystal closed the distance between the two girls. Her lips brushed right up against Gigi's and for a moment, Gigi wondered if that was all that would happen for the rest of the night. Almost as soon as she had pulled away, Crystal's lips were back on Gigi's, causing her legs to go numb and her hands to grab at the brunette's curls. Crystal took the other girl's bottom lip between her own, eliciting a moan from the dirty blonde, the sound making Crystal chuckle before deepening the kiss.

Gigi's thoughts were a mantra, a blurry retelling of the only word she could think of; Crystal, Crystal, Crystal. She tasted her lip gloss on Crystal's mouth, making her body ache and her mouth part. The brunette seized the opportunity and plunged her tongue into Gigi's mouth. She felt spikes of heat pooling low in her stomach, felt her body melting under the other girl.

"Gigi," Crystal sighed, moving her mouth to the edge of her jaw. "Can I?" she whispered, fingers trailing up Gigi's stomach, stopping right underneath her breasts. She looked up at Gigi, waiting for confirmation. She nodded furiously, her eyes straining to stay open as she thought about how Crystal was going to see her topless, vulnerable. Crystal unzipped the dress to the small of her back, holding onto the sleeves while Gigi pulled her arms out of them. She glanced at her face, making sure she wasn't uncomfortable at all. She shimmied the dress down to her navel, and Gigi could see her eyes gloss over with desire. It made Gigi's legs quake to see Crystal look at her that way.

Crystal kissed from her neck, down her chest, stopping right before reaching her sensitive area. Gigi wriggled underneath her, trying to get Crystal to put her mouth where she needed it so desperately. Crystal blew lightly before taking the nipple in her mouth, working the other one lightly with her fingers. Gigi couldn't help herself, letting out a long, drawn out moan as Crystal sucked and nipped at her. "God you're so loud," she said, her lips brushing against her skin as she spoke. This only made her mind work overtime, mewling as she felt Crystal's mouth hot on her skin. She dragged her lips across Gigi's chest, peppering kisses here and there. Occasionally she would nip at a spot where she was especially sensitive, earning her a cacophony of sounds from the blonde. At one point, she stopped abruptly, looking up at Gigi, waiting for her to open her eyes. She still held one of Gigi's nipples, rolling it between her fingers as she stared at her face. When Gigi finally opened her eyes she stared at Crystal's fingers working her skin. "You smell really good," Crystal smiled. At that, Gigi threw her head back in a laugh that infected the brunette until they were both giggling uncontrollably. Gigi found herself cradling Crystal's face in her hands, the way she had imagined doing so when they were dancing. She kissed her fingers and her ribcage softly. The tenderness of it all sent sparks through Gigi's whole body. As did Crystal's fingers, still attached to her body, drawing shapes along her curves and pinching her nipples just to make her gasp.

"I don't... I don't know what to do next, Crystal," she said, her fingers in the other girl's curls. She felt a nervousness she hadn't felt since they first kissed, and she needed her mind to stop moving so fast, stop spinning so loud. Her hands rose to her head as she tried to stop it, not knowing why she suddenly felt weird.

Crystal noticed immediately and sat up, moving to where her face was inches away from Gigi's. "Hey, hey baby. Don't worry, you're fine," she cooed, rubbing her thumb against her cheek. "Baby this is your first time doing anything. I am not planning on doing anything except kissing you here," she said, kissing her lips for just a moment. "Here," she moved down to kissing her neck. "Here," her left breast. "And here," she said, kissing her right breast and then moving back up to her face. She hooked a finger underneath Gigi's chin and turned her head to look into her eyes. "I'm never gonna do anything you don't want, okay?" Gigi nodded, kissing Crystal, thankful for her understanding and compassion.

They spent a few more minutes exploring and kissing and being altogether very smitten with each other before they decided it would probably be a good idea to head to Gigi's house so she didn't get in trouble from her mother. Crystal helped her put her dress back on, zipping up the back slower than was necessary but enjoying watching Gigi shiver as she did so. She pressed a kiss into Gigi's shoulder before standing up and reaching her hand out to help her up. They kissed for a minute before Crystal broke away, taking Gigi's hand in hers. "Now, I wanna know everything about you."

They walked and talked all the way to Gigi's house. If they ever walked by a commercial building or anything else that could hide them well enough, Crystal would push Gigi up against it and kiss her for just a moment before continuing along as if nothing had happened. It left Gigi breathless and she loved the drama of it all. She did worry a bit though, if her friends found out, or worse, her parents. When they got to her window, Crystal helped her inside, not minding the view from under her dress. Gigi smirked at her, but her red face gave away her inability to be too cocky. "So, will you come talk to me on Monday?" Gigi asked, her nervousness creeping back into her stomach once again.

Crystal smiled at her, leaning in the window to give her a farewell kiss. "Of course. I wouldn't dream of leaving you alone anymore, baby," she kissed Gigi two more times before turning around and walking down the street toward her house. Gigi wondered how she had gotten so lucky.

this got a little too "grosse pointe blank" for me the first time i wrote it, so i definitely tried to keep them away from the nurse's office if u know what i mean (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) heheh. i'm thinkingggggggg. this is one of those universes i really like, and i'm gonna leave it open to get another chapter written. def a little more steamy u know? i will for sure update the tags as they become necessary if i do write it. anyway anyway, if u liked it, please let me know! also if u didn't like it, tell me why i'm not afraid of a little criticism <3 just wanna feel validated my doods. alsoooooo also if there was anyone who would be willing to make a cover for this??? i usually write on ao3 so i have no idea how to make covers that would be so cool <333

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