i'll make you fall for me, i promise you

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a/n: woah! this took me for freaking ever to post and its very short :/ i just ended up having no motivation to write the rest, and zero idea what would happen with it. i want yall to know i never plan out a fic (or rarely) i just kinda make it up as i go 😳 but here are my liddol lesbians doing something marginally gay at all times and extremely gay a few times. uhhh i linked the playlist in the last chapter and i'm on my tablet which doesn't like html so when my computer isn't dead I'll put it here too :p I forgot what else I wanted to say here so enjoy this crap x_x m sorry its not as good as the first chapter

The morning after her junior prom, Gigi woke feeling a number of emotions at once. She wondered for a moment if she had dreamed the night before, as so much of what had happened seemed out of the realm of possibility for her. She lay there, thinking and daydreaming of the wonderful night when her mother walked into her room, telephone reached across her body.

"Jaida's calling you. I thought you were staying at her house last night?" she questioned, peering at her daughter through the doorframe.

Gigi smiled at her mother, attempting to keep her face from showing the slight hurt she was feeling about her friends. "She ended up staying at someone else's house. A cheerleading thing, I think," she reasoned, smiling again and taking the phone in her hand. She twirled the cord as she walked out of her room, into the hallway. "Hello?"

"Gigi! I'm so sorry about last night!" she could hear a commotion in the background of the call, but her friend's voice was clear as day. "We went looking for you, but we were in such a rush to get out. Sasha said we had to leave right away before someone showed up to lock the house up. We really wanted to spend more time with you."

Gig sighed, trying to cover the phone so Jaida wouldn't hear it. "Hey, it's okay. I ended up hanging out with Jackie and Jan," she paused for a second, wondering whether she should divulge something so new to her friend. "I met someone new. Do you know a senior named Crystal?"

Jaida was silent for a few moments."Is she kinda," another pause, "weird?" she asked, drawing out the word for a moment. Gigi frowned, not liking the sound of that. She thought for a moment, looking back on her memories of the night before. She didn't think Crystal was weird at all. She thought she was the most amazing person she'd ever met.

"She dresses kinda funny, but she's really sweet. I want you guys to meet her, I really think you'll like her," she settled on, not wanting to draw too much attention to her infatuation.

Jaida dismissed the conversation with a casual hum of agreement. "We really miss you though. Nicky got really drunk and started crying about how we abandoned you," she giggled over the phone. It made Gigi's heart pang a little bit. She did miss her friends and she felt bad for not being able to spend the night with them.

"Well I can't wait to hear about your wild adventures at school on Monday," Gigi smiled into the phone, her ease with her closest friend coming back as they talked over the yelling in the background. "It sounds like you have to go, but I'll see you soon, okay?" she called. They exchanged goodbyes and promises to meet before school as usual. Gigi hung the phone back up on the wall and sat back down on her bed. She stared at the ceiling, thinking about her night after leaving the dance. She couldn't help but grin as she thought of the first kiss she had shared with Crystal. She was so nervous, but nothing had ever felt as right as it did when she was kissing her.

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