Not my Husband

By EdithMontgomery

448 35 170

Life doesn't always work out the way you want it to does it? Ever since I was 16 I had a vision for my life... More

My Normal
Meeting Lucas Edge
Unhealthy Attachment
My Penpal and My Past
Let's have a bit of fun, shall we?
Double Booked
Date Rape
Jessica Pierce
New Home
Fikile and KB Valentine
Nightmares, Comfort and an Almost Hook Up
Lucas's Point of View
Tripped and Fell on your Lips
Adulterous Affairs
Now Feelings Are Involved
Is it still called dating if he's married?
Author's Note
Seeing Lucas
Haunted and Paranoid
Vigilantism and Explanations

A Day of Embrassment

19 2 8
By EdithMontgomery

Lucas and I emailed each other all night, we finally told each other Goodnight at 4 am. When I wake up at 6:30, 30 minutes before my alarm I'm in a good mood. Lucas and I talked about a lot; we talked about anything and everything. It was so easy talking to him. He told me that he knew what it was like to not have many people, so he understood when. I told him that he felt like a close friend.

I make my way downstairs, and I find Jessica making pancakes, she's always up by this time since she goes to bed really early. I pull out a chair from under the kitchen island and take a seat

"Good morning Love" Jessica says to me, at least this time she's half dressed wearing a t-shirt that reaches mid-thigh.

"Good morning" I respond with a smile on my face

"Well someone is in a happy mood" Jessica says whilst putting a plate of pancakes in front of me

"Aren't I always in a good mood" I say back to her before taking a bite out the pancakes.

"Nope, you're always in a sour mood, always doom and gloom" she teases

"That's not true." I lie with a pout. I don't want her to know that it was my conversation with Lucas that put me in a happy mood. I don't want to have to explain to her why I'm talking to him, she's just going to assume that I have a crush on him or that he's trying to sleep with me when it was much more than that. It was a genuine friendship.

"It so is, did you get laid last night?" she says whilst wriggling her eyebrows. She takes a seat next to me at the island.

"I wish! I haven't had sex in 5 months" I say trying to change the topic.

"And I honestly don't know why. I mean look at you Yara you're a total catch" She says before taking a bite of her own pancakes

"The problem is that I'm always so busy with Riley, I don't have time to go out and meet people" I say now looking at her beautiful long legs, and I think Jess notices this because she turns her body to face me and opens her legs just a little.

"That's what dating apps are for" Jess says continuing the conversation as if she was oblivious to what she was doing.

"I'm not a dating app type of person" I say to her now looking her in the eye.

"Then you're just going to be celibate for the rest of your life Yara-Idah, unless you quit that godforsaken job" she says rolling her eyes

Jessica never liked me going to work; she hated it even more when I started working for Riley because I was barely at home. Jess was basically like my baby I had to clothe her and feed her and put a roof over her head since she couldn't work her legally and she wasn't interested in getting the right documentation that would allow her to.

Even though I loved Jess very much, she was my best friend, I couldn't just quit my job, I had to be able to take care of myself, to take care of both of us, I couldn't always rely on my parents and didn't want to rely on them for financial aid anymore, it kind of defeated the whole purpose of me cutting them out of my life forever. I especially couldn't quit now because it would mean that I would never be able to see Lucas ever again

"Jess you know I can't quit, we need the money" I say whilst rubbing my temples with my index fingers.

"Yeah I know" She says turning her body back so her legs are under the island again. We eat the rest of our meal in silence

"I have to go get ready for work" I say to her getting up and then going to put my plate in the sink. "Thank you for the breakfast" I say now walking away.

"It's no problem" She says back her mouth filled with pancakes.

When I get to my room I take a quick shower, I'm excited to go to work today; Lucas said he would be swinging by to see Riley today. When I'm done I go to my closet to choose an outfit, I settle on a formal white crop top and a pair of loose high waisted slacks, I pair the outfit with red heels and a black purse. By the time I'm done getting ready its 07:30.

I rush to the parking garage and get in my car and drive work, I pass by Grind as usual to get coffee, and I'm at my desk at exactly 07:45.

Just as I'm about to sit down Riley calls me to her office, when I walk in she standing by her window looking at her gorgeous view of Boston.

"Yara, my husband will be coming by today so at 10:45 go to Catch 54 and get our usual order. Make sure the board members are aware that the meeting has been moved to today as well and don't forget to follow up on the appointment I made with Dr Shaw for my Lasik eye surgery for Friday next week. Make sure that it's scheduled for 3pm. That will be all." Riley says without turning around

"Yes Riley" I say with a small smile that comes with the mention of Lucas, I knew he was coming already, he told me so last night, but it's just nice to hear Riley confirm it.

I walk out of Riley's office and go to my desk to do what I'm supposed to do, when I'm done the anxiety creeps in. I'm a little nervous about seeing Lucas today, I don't know why, but its natural isn't it, especially for someone who doesn't have many friends and is as introverted as I am.

At exactly 8 o'clock my day of answering phones and telling people to hold commences, I'm so busy that I almost forget about Lucas, almost. By the time its 10:45 I'm already up on my feet, I stick my head in to Riley's office and say "I'm going to Catch 54 now, I'll be back in a bit, do you need anything before I leave?"

"No, I don't need anything, just make sure to be back before my husband gets here." she says without looking up from the paper that is on her desk.

"Alright." I say before making my way to the elevator. I go to the little restaurant across the street and get the food and I'm back in the office a minute before Lucas is set to arrive.

I leave all the food in Riley office on her coffee table, and I get back to my station and watch the elevator as though my watching it will make Lucas arrive faster. At exactly 11am on the dot the elevator opens to reveal Lucas's muscular body and his bright green eyes which are locked on me from the second the doors open.

When he steps out of the elevator I release a breath that I wasn't even aware that I was holding. He walks toward my desk and stops in front of me then flashes me his pearly whites

"Good morning Yara" he says

"Good morning Lucas" I respond with my own smile

"Did you sleep well?" he asks me with a smile still on his face

"I didn't sleep at all, you made sure of that" I say and as soon as those words leave my mouth I realise how it sounded

"Oh my god" I say before clamping my mouth with my hand, "I didn't mean it like that I swear I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to sound so inappropriate" I continue now panicking, I don't want him to think that I want anything more that friendship from him. Oh my god what is wrong with me, what if he thinks I'm too inappropriate and stops talking to me

I think Lucas sees the panic on my face before he then puts his hand on my shoulder and says, "Yara, it's okay, I can take a joke" he's smile never falters. "Now if you excuse me I
have to go in and see Riley" he says without giving me a chance to say anything else, and with two long strides he disappears into Riley's office. When he's gone I smack my forehead with my hand for being so silly and embarrassing. I don't want to scare him off; I have to be careful, whilst also respecting the fact that he has a wife, I can't be making dirty jokes.

50 minutes pass by and I still feel the embarrassment from my conversation with Lucas even work can't distract me; I've been on my computer going through Riley's emails deleting the useless ones, replying the ones I can and making a note of the important ones that she needs to see for herself. The whole time my face and cheeks are still burning up from the shame I feel.

The phone then rings, momentarily freeing me from the humiliation I was feeling "Riley Allen's office, this is Yara speaking" I answer

"Darling it's me" I hear Jessica's voice on the phone

"Jess why didn't you just call me on my personal phone?" I ask her relaxing into my seat

"Because I knew you wouldn't answer, you never do when you're at work" she says nonchalantly

"What's going on?" I say to her ignoring her earlier statement because I know that it's true.

"I was thinking about what you said earlier today, and how you don't do dating apps and how you're to busy to meet people" she says with deviousness in her voice

"Yeah, and?" I say with my curiosity peaked

"I made one for you, a dating profile that is. I figured since you're so busy I could vet the people I see and choose the best looking one's for you" she says clearly proud of herself

"Jess why would you do that, I can't" I say to her now freaking out, I wasn't about to date a rando from the internet, what if I get axe murdered

"Why not?" Jessica asks me in a whiny voice

"I will not date a stranger from the internet Jessica" I say to her, I can't believe she would do this

"I'm not asking you to go on a date, it's just a one night stand, they can come over when you're done with work and they'll be gone in the morning before you wake up" she explains

"So basically it's like hiring a gigolo from the internet?" I ask her dryly

"No Yara, it's nothing like that because you're not paying them, and lots of people do this. Haven't you heard of Tinder?" She says to me as if she's talking to a child and I almost laugh

"Jessica I will not have sex with a stranger from an application!" I say to her trying to sound firm, but she can probably tell I'm about to burst out laughing. But as soon as those words leave my mouth I hear someone clear their throat and I turn around to see Lucas standing next to Riley. Shit! How many times am I going to embarrass myself in front of this man?

"Miss Valentine take your personal phone calls in your own time, and I would appreciate if you didn't use the company landline" Riley says to me with a tone so serious I feel like I'm 13 and back in the principal's office. However, Lucas's eyes are filled with amusement but he doesn't say anything

"Yes, Riley. I promise it will never happen again, I am so sorry" I say frantically putting the phone down after hanging up on Jess.

"Good" Riley says before walking her husband to the elevator. They talk a little bit whilst they wait for the doors to open, and when they do she watches him walk in and waits for the doors to close before walking back to her office.

I am so humiliated; I just yelled sex in front of my boss and her husband who I'm trying to become friends with. Why is my life like this? No wonder I don't have many friends, in fact I only have one and a half. Lucas being the half.

The day passes by so slowly, it's as if the universe wants me to marinate in my shame and humiliation for as long as possible.

When the day finally comes to an end I'm exhausted, at 21:00 Riley passes by my desk and tells me goodnight before heading for the elevator to go home. When she's gone I put order in her office then I pack up my own stuff before taking the elevator to the parking garage and driving myself home.

When I get home Jessica is already in bed and she's left some food for me in the microwave, I take the food and drag myself up the stairs, I change in to my onesie and I grab my laptop and get in my blanket with my food before I start eating.

When I switch my Laptop on I see that I have a new email, it's from Lucas, it says:

Sex with strangers from the internet huh?

Oh my god, when is this shame spiral of a day going to come to an end. I respond to him:

I was telling my friend that I didn't want to have a one night stand with a stranger form the internet

His reply comes almost immediately:

So I assume that means that you're not seeing anyone. I wouldn't have guessed.

I laugh at this response, what does he mean he wouldn't have guessed, he's met me, he should know by now that I'm terrible with people. I respond:

No I'm not seeing anyone; I'm not very good with people. What do you mean you wouldn't have guessed?

He replies:

I just thought an attractive person such as yourself would have men knocking down your door........I have noticed how awkward you can be [insert laughing emoji]

His response makes me blush. He thinks I'm attractive? And I laugh at the fact that he actually typed insert laughing emoji instead of just putting the emoji. I respond saying

That's not the case it's just me and my best friend Jess against the world

He responds:

No family?

This makes my heart beat so fast, I hate when people ask about my family because I never know what to say, it's just too complicated. So I type

Not really, I cut ties with them

He responds:

Wanna tell me about it?

Do I want to tell him about it? Do I trust him enough? Well it's not like it's a huge secret or anything, maybe I could tell him. But then again I hardly know this person; I can't just go telling him my life story. He's a half friend. I settle on typing:

It's a long story

He replies immediately:

I have time.


A/N Ladies and Gentlemen that is the fourth chapter and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. As usual do not forget to point out any mistakes if you see them, I am also open to suggestions

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Edith Montgomery

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