
By sugarjaee

840 13 4

you knew he was bad for you but you kept going back to. him, no matter how much it hurt. he was your drug and... More

inTOXICated part one
inTOXICated part two
inTOXICated part four
inTOXICated part five
inTOXICated part six [final]
inebriated [jungkook pov]

inTOXICated part three

117 2 4
By sugarjaee

"May I come in?"

His voice was like it had always been. His dark eyes staring into yours, waiting for an answer. His height made him tower over you, looking down at your shaking body.

Your mind flashed to the last time you saw him, his lips attached to the other girl's mouth. You thought of her for a moment, wondering what had happened. You wondered when it ended, or if it ended. But forced the idea out. He was here now, with you. That was all that matters. He came back to you, in the end.

You stepped aside, letting him in. You couldn't speak. Your brain was screaming at you to kick him out and never let him come back. But as you stared at him standing before you, you wanted to run into his arms and kiss him. To tell him how much you missed him and how badly you wanted him back. How happy you were that he was there.

Your chest was hurting, as you stared at him. You couldn't think straight. Your brain was telling you one thing and your heart another. You weren't sure which one to believe. One was trying to protect you and the other was trying to ruin you.

Jungkook stepped further into your room. His eyes staring into the darkness, avoiding you. Even in the darkness, you knew he didn't look like himself. He looked sick. As if something was eating him apart for the past two months. His cheeks were hollow and there wasn't much colour to his face. He looked worse than you did. You could see his eyes under the faint light from the window, they were glossed over, they looked lifeless.

You watched him carefully. You didn't know what to say but the silence was killing you. The silence brought on thoughts of what you had done earlier. You remembered Taehyung, at that moment. A shiver ran down your spine as you forced the thought out. Jungkook was here now, it was over. You got what you wanted- stop being so guilty.

"Look I-" You were finally able to speak but you were cut off before you could finish speaking. Jungkook's lips crashing into yours. It took you only a second before you were kissing him back. Remembering how much you missed his lips. How perfectly they fit into yours.

This was what you wanted. You wanted him again. And here he was. Wanting you the way you had been yearning for him for so long. You could feel your heartbreaking with each second the kiss went on for. Telling you that it wasn't right. That you shouldn't trust the kiss. And that hurt you. Because all you wanted was to give in to him and never let go.

You felt his hands wrap around you as if to keep you from falling, tightly gripping onto your frame to hold you close to him. You felt the warmth of his body radiate off his chest, it made you tingle inside. His lips consumed yours, effortlessly moulding into your skin. You felt like you couldn't breathe but you didn't want to.

You had forgotten about everything that happened before. Everything that led to this moment didn't matter. All that mattered was that he came back to you. That he still cared about you. You wanted him to never pull away, in fear that if he did all the memories of the past would sneak up on you.

You had lost all track of time, too consumed by the moment. But when his lips pulled away it felt too soon. That the kiss was meant to last longer. But even as his lips pulled away, his hands did not. Still holding you close to him, not letting you escape.

"I missed you so much," Jungkook whispered softly. It was only loud enough for you to hear.

You could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks as he spoke. You knew that you were his again. You fell right back into his trap but you were okay with that. You looked into his eyes, you could feel the innocence radiating off them. You knew that you looked like a child. But you didn't care. "I missed you."

Jungkook smiled, pleased with your answer. He slowly began to step backward, letting his hands trail from your back, down your arms before holding your hands. In one swift movement, he pulled you into him as he sat down on your bed. Your body met his as you cradled his waist, sitting over him. Jungkook's hands went to your ass, grabbing the skin as he pulled you closer.

You looked down at his needy eyes, knowing what he wanted. But you couldn't bring yourself to ever want to deny it. You wished there was more than sex to come from his visit. But you would take any time with Jungkook you could get.

His hot lips kissed your neck, sucking down on the skin. You knew it would leave a mark but you didn't stop him. You liked knowing he wanted to claim you. Show off the marks he gave you so everyone would know you were his.

Your hands were buried in his dark locks as you began to rotate your hips on his growing erection. You could feel the pressure starting to grow as his cocky grew harder.

It felt good as you rode him. Jungkook's hands were firmly placed on your ass, moving you along to match his needs. You let him control you. You were a puppet for him, letting him determine your every move.

You looked into his dark eyes. They were filled with a thick haze of desire as they looked you over. He couldn't stay just staring at you from long before his desire took over and his lips were crushing yours. His kisses were rough and eager. He was forceful, he knew what he wanted and he was going to have it. And you weren't going to stop him.

You kissed him back, hard. Your lips were throbbing and you were out of breath but you refused to let go. Your hips moved faster. Your body acting before your mind could think.

Jungkook couldn't take much of this before he was trying to rip off your bottoms so he could get to the best part. You quickly noticed him prodding at your hemline and lifted yourself up so he could pull them down.

Jungkook wasted no time getting you naked. Within a second your pants were torn off and tossed somewhere in the darkness.

You then felt two of his long fingers plunge into your wet pussy, filling you up. You gasped at the feeling, slowly lowering yourself back to his hips where you began to ride his fingers. Jungkook smiled, watching you desperately get yourself off on his fingers. He took a sick pleasure in it, moving his fingers in scissoring motions, hitting your sweet spot and watching your face contort with pleasure.

You shut your eyes tight, your climax was building up fast and Jungkook knew it. His finger tricks were more frequent and rough. He wanted you to cum all over his fingers.

You were moaning so loud you knew your neighbours would have heard if they weren't out partying. You thanked God for that. You bit your bottom lip to try and hold some in. You didn't want Jungkook to know he was doing that good. Not yet, anyway.

Jungkook buried his face in your neck, biting at the skin of your collarbone, leaving more marks. He was teasing you, going the extra mile to get you to come.

Safe to say, it worked and you felt your climax rush down your body to your throbbing pussy and letting go all over his fingers.

You were breathing heavily as he pulled his fingers from you. You let out a weak moan as he did, filled with disappointment when you felt the emptiness between your legs.

Though you were tired from your climax, Jungkook hadn't had his yet. And he was eager to get his release. His cock was pulsing through his jeans, pushing against the fabric, begging to get out, you could feel it against your throbbing slit.

He looked at you with begging, needy eyes. They were nearly black as he stared at you. He was silently pleading for you to help him.

You nodded, gently lifting yourself from his lap. Your legs were wobbly but you found your footing quickly. He followed your lead, standing up and moving close to you. You moved away before he could touch you, lowering yourself onto your tiny bed, laying flat on your back and waiting for his next move.

Jungkook smiled as he unbuttoned his jeans to take them off. He pushed them down to the floor, his boxers quickly following suit. Within a second, he was over the top of you. His face only inches away from yours. He was breathing heavily, desperate to get inside of you.

You nodded your head, giving him the okay. Jungkook teased your slit with the tip of his cock. It made you shiver with anticipation.

Jungkook slowly slid into you with a low moan. His deep voice cracking as his cock filled you up. You were still tense from your orgasm, so you were too tight for him to fully enter you. Jungkook took his time, his thumb going to your clit to loosen you up so he could fit in.

You tried to hold in your moans by biting your tongue but it was no use. Jungkook kissed you deeply, absorbing the moans that slipped through your lips. It didn't take long for him to get you loose enough for him to slip in and when he did you were glad he couldn't hear how loud you could have moaned.

He was slow at first, taking his time to build you up again just so he could tear you down. His hips rolled against yours as he hit all your sensitive spots. You had your eyes shut tightly, your hands pulling at the fabric of his shirt. You didn't stop kissing him. You never wanted to stop kissing him.

Jungkook slipped his tongue into your mouth as he sped up his movements. His tongue battled yours for dominance. You put up a fight but eventually lost, you let his tongue explore your mouth freely, playing with yours so tease you.

You wrapped your legs around his waist when he began to pound into you. You knew he was getting close to coming and you wanted to give him the space to do so. He was moaning into your mouth, as he hammered into you. He was so so close.

It all happened in a hot flash. Within seconds, he was pulling out from you and coming onto your bare thigh.

"Shit sorry," Jungkook muttered, out of breath.

"It's fine," you responded, "there is a towel, just over there." You pointed at a neatly folded towel on your shelf and Jungkook nodded and went to get it.

He wiped you clean, making a disgusted face the entire time. Looking at his face and him muttering how gross he thought it was to himself made you giggle. It helped lighten the all too serious mood from a minute before.

"There," he said, triumphantly. He looked down at your half-naked body, smiling like a dork.

"What a gentleman," you cheesed, pulling on your pyjama pants.

Jungkook shrugged. "I try."

It was odd. Being able to talk to him as if nothing happened. You were trying not to think about it. Following the tone, Jungkook set for the conversation. You were happy that he was being playful. You liked that side of him. You hadn't seen it in a long time. You missed it- you missed him.

Jungkook sat down next to you, pulling on his jeans. As you watched him get dressed you were overwhelmed with fear that he was planning on leaving. He just got there, there was so much you wanted to talk to him about. He couldn't leave now.

"You aren't leaving, are you?" You spoke in a sad, innocent tone.

Jungkook looked at you for a moment. "I just got here didn't I?"

That didn't really answer your question. "Well, yeah..."

"See? Besides, I haven't really said hi yet."

"Hello," you said, with wide eyes.

Jungkook smiled. "Hey, you're cute."

You felt your cheeks heat up at his comment. Your heart began to beat too fast. You looked away to hide your reddening cheeks.

You realized then how easy it was for him to slip back in. It was simple for him to come back into your mind. After months of trying to forget him and move on. It told less than a second to fall back into his arms and pretend nothing ever happened. You hated how easy it was for you to fall but you didn't want to stand.

Your mind flashed over the last two months. Remembering everything you had gone through. All the pain you suffered trying to convince yourself you hated him. You even slept with someone else to try and make moving on easier.

Oh god...


You had wiped your mind clean of the events from earlier that night the moment you saw Jungkook standing outside your door. Your gut instantly dropped and you started feeling sick with guilt. You had no reason to be guilty really... you didn't know Jungkook was going to come back. You had every right to do what you wanted with who you wanted. Jungkook sure did.

But as you started at him sitting on your bed. His dark hair was a mess, like a black cloud over his dark eyes. His black long sleeve shirt hung loosely over his broad shoulders and his matching black jeans. He just seemed so familiar. Like he had always been there. Like he had never felt.

You felt guilty because you felt like you cheated. Jungkook was a constant in your life. No matter if he was physically there or not. He was always in your mind, occupying it constantly. In your mind, you were his and he was yours. It was a connection deeper than petty labels. It was different, more intense.

And you were an addict.

Jungkook noticed your silence as you were sucked into your deep thoughts. He reached out and touched your chin to lift your face up. "What's on your mind?" He seemed genuine as he asked.

You looked at him with sad eyes, knowing that you had done something wrong. It was eating away at you. You wanted to tell him but you were terrified of what it would do to him. You were terrified that it would make him leave again. You couldn't have that. You just got him back.

"Oh, it's um nothing," you stuttered, trying to force away from the subject.

You were a terrible liar when it came to lying to Jungkook. It was tearing you apart from the inside, feeling its eyes on you, waiting for you to ruin him. It hurt so bad you wanted to make it go away. It was like a parasite inside you. You wanted to scream it out just to make it go away.

"It's obviously something. You're acting all weird." He leaned closer into you, trying to read your face.

"I did something..." It hurt you to say it to him. You didn't look into his eyes, you couldn't. You could feel the anger in his glare on you. He had an idea of what was coming and it infuriated him.

"What did you do?" He asked, sharply. He wasn't pleased with you. But you could tell his anger came from sadness.

"I-I regret it." The words were stabbing you in the gut each time you spoke. Like sharp knives cutting you open. It was hurting so bad you felt like your head was spinning.

"Just spit it out. You want to tell me, don't you? That's why you brought it up. So you might as well say it." His tone was harsh and he saw no remorse in you. You were too upset to realize how rude he was being to you. You just saw it as a typical Jungkook. Nice to know he hadn't changed too much.

"I slept with someone and I regret it." You were nearly yelling, overwhelmed with all the emotions you had been holding inside. You were finally able to let them out, even if it was only to Jungkook.

"I figured," he said. He was calmer now, his voice didn't come off as angry as it had before. He quickly turned away, looking to the wall behind him. Suddenly there was a loud bang, you shut your eyes instinctively, not knowing what it had come from. When you had opened them, you noticed a hole in the wall and Jungkook standing next to it, his hand still in a fist. "What the fuck were you thinking!? Are you fucking stupid?! You are, aren't you? I can't fucking believe you. I fucking destroyed myself over what I did to you. I tore myself apart because of it and here you are whoring around. Fucking unbelievable!"

Jungkook's eyes were filled with rage, not only for you but for everything. He wanted someone to hurt because he was hurting. Jungkook never let anyone see his emotions, but you saw them now, staring you right in the eyes. The sheer pain he left from your betrayal. You hurt Jungkook, just as he had hurt you two months prior.

His fists were still tightly clenched, the veins in his arms protruding. He then fell to the floor, right at your feet. You saw the blood that rushed from the cuts in his knuckle. You saw the gaping hole in your dorm wall. But that wasn't important- he was.

You couldn't move, your body was frozen in shock. You watched as he melted to the floor, looking so weak and helpless. You wanted to help him. You had done this to him. It was your fault he was hurt. Your fault why he was upset. This was all your fault because you slept with Taehyung- you hurt Jungkook. You hurt him the way he hurt you.

You fell in front of him. Placing your face in your hands. "Please don't be mad at me. I didn't mean this." You were blaming yourself. You knew it was your fault. "Please, Jungkook. I can't lose you again. Please don't leave me. I can't take it. I can't-" You were crying so hard your words didn't make much sense. You were begging. Like a pathetic weak girl begging for him to stay. Just like you had when your dad left. You begged for him to stay. But he still left. He didn't want you- he never did. But Jungkook wanted you, didn't he?

You felt a pair of hands pull yours away from your face, exposing your tear-soaked face to Jungkook's waiting eyes. "Please don't cry. Not for me," he said softly, he was calmer now. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak out like that." He ran his hands over your cheeks, collecting your tears. His hands were a welcomed warmth against your cold skin. You leaned into his hold, letting yourself grow weak in his arms.

He patted down your hair as he held you in his arms. You felt hollow. Your body was there, but your mind was elsewhere. You felt so empty. But Jungkook's hands have your comfort, gently holding you close, you never wanted to leave his grasp. "Please, don't leave me," You finally whispered.

Jungkook pulled a strand of hair away from your face and tucked it behind your ear. "I'm here." Was all he said. He just looked at you with a sullen expression. His eyes glazed over with water.

You took his answer and sank into him. Feeling so tired you could barely keep your eyes open. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep in his arms. The pain racing through your heart takes all your energy.


You were laying in Jungkook's bed. It was silent. Jungkook was laying next to you, you had your head placed on his chest, listening to his heart beating. You traced your fingers over the fabric of his shirt.

Though the moment felt so calm and quiet, you couldn't help feeling overcome with sadness. You never had a relationship like this before. You didn't know it could be so easy.

"Jungkook...." you said, placing your chin on his chest to look up at him.

Jungkook lifted himself onto his elbows so he could look down at you. "Yeah?"

"Can I talk to you?"

"Well, you already are, aren't you?" He seemed annoyed. You felt bad for bugging him.

"Um... yeah, I guess." His comment caught you off guard and made you look down with a sense of embarrassment.

He didn't give you much time to dwell before speaking again. "What do you want to talk about?" His tone was soft and made you forget about what he said before.

"This is real, right?" You finally said. It felt like such a stupid question but it was one that was eating away at you for weeks. "Cause, I just really want it to be and I just have this intense fear that I'm going to get hurt in the end. I-"

"Does this seem fake to you?" Jungkook cut you off. His tone was calm, though upset.

"Well, no..."

"Well, then it must be real." He paused for a moment. "What makes you think it wouldn't be?"

You fell silent for a moment, wondering whether or not you wanted to explain. The thought of what you wanted to say, tearing you apart. "Everyone just seems to always leave me, in the end." Tears formed in your eyes, you didn't bother to fight them off. "And I just really don't want that to happen to us." You cared about Jungkook a lot and you weren't sure if you could bear having him leave you.

Jungkook let out a tiny laugh. "Trust me, I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me for a long ass time."

You felt relief run through you, hearing him speak. "Thank you." You hadn't put much thought into the idea of love. You never really knew what it felt like. True love. But as you looked at Jungkook that was all you could feel.

He touched his fingers to your chin. "Why would you think I was going to leave you?"

You sat silent for a moment too long, wondering if you wanted to open up to him. You hadn't ever really talked to anyone about your past. But as Jungkook waited patiently for you to explain, you felt a strong urge to tell him everything.

"My dad, um," you choked up a little, "he wasn't the most loving..." It was hard to talk about. You found yourself hardly being able to sit out the words.

But Jungkook was patient with you. He looked at you with waiting eyes. You felt that he cared about what you wanted to say to him. He stared at you with careful eyes waiting for you to continue.

"I just," you began to cry.

Jungkook wiped the tears away from your cheeks, keeping his warm hand on your cheek. "Hey, it's okay. You can talk to me."

You nodded, leaning into his hand. You wanted to tell him. You felt like you could. Jungkook had begun to mean a lot to you and you had this inherent fear about what that meant. You had been hurt too bad in the past. You didn't want to imagine him doing that to you.

"He left me when I was sixteen. Only after years of telling me I wasn't good enough. That I was nothing. He really fucked me up, you know. I just- it was really hard. And I never thought I could get past that." You started to cry, soft tears pouring down your face as you looked at Jungkook. Your father had utterly ruined you. He took every opportunity to tear you down, tell you were nothing. He hated you. But you still loved him. In some childish innocence, you loved him no matter how much he hurt you. That was the most painful part, that you loved him. A part of you still did.

It felt good to get off your chest. Even though it hurts you so much, it felt like pulling a knife out of your heart. It was the first step to healing.

"I've never really talked about that before." It was true. Not even Chae knew the whole story. She was around when it was all happening, so you were sure she put the pieces together but you never talked to her about it. You could never bring yourself to say it. But you felt safe with Jungkook. Like you could tell him anything and he would understand.

Jungkook looked sad for you. He looked weak as if he was personally affected by your past. He wiped your tears away with his thumb, forcing a sad smile to his lips. "Fuck him. He was the one that was nothing. And a complete idiot for leaving you behind. You deserve better than that asshole."

Your heart was aching so much you thought you were going to die, but Jungkook was healing you, making you better. "I know," you admitted. Jungkook smiled more, trying to cheer you up.

"Good, don't ever let yourself get caught up on people who don't deserve you. Because you deserve the world. I promise." He smiled and everything felt better.


"Yes." He kissed you gently. It felt like he took away all your sadness as he did. Making all the pain go away. He pulled you close to him, bringing your body up to lay over his, his arms wrapped around you.

You felt safe in his arms. As if he was protecting you from all the evil in the world. That when you were with him, nothing could ever hurt you.


You woke up in your bed. The early morning sun was shining through your curtains. It wasn't bright yet, just a soft light in the distance.

Your head was on Jungkook's broad chest, moving up and down with his heavy breaths. His thick scent intoxicated you. You always loved the way he smelled and even in the morning, he smelled the same.

You kept your eyes shut, not wanting to lose the moment by waking up. It was like a dream and a nightmare all at once.

You remembered the night before, as Jungkook lifted your weak body into your tiny bed and squeezed himself underneath you, his arms wrapped around your motionless body. You were too exhausted to know when you really fell asleep or if you even slept at all. You just remembered darkness and the feeling of Jungkook's body against yours.

With him, you felt whole. You were just two broken people who made each other whole. In some twisted, fucked-up way.

You heard him in the night, trying to force down his cries. Jungkook never cried, but he got close then. You felt his chest moving with his uneven breaths and you knew. It only hurts you more. But you could also feel the waiting forgiveness. Jungkook stayed through the night because he wanted to make things right in the morning.

You were still hurting. You could feel the pain through your entire body but Jungkook's touch helped you feel okay. He was like your morphine.

You snuggled into him more, feeling the soft cotton touch of his shirt against your cheek. You welcomed it, running the tips of your fingers over the fabric, tracing sweet nothings gently asking his chest. Just lightly enough to not wake him.

"Morning," has yawned, lifting his body just enough to be able to look down at you.

"Good morning." You forced a half-smile to your lips as you stared up at his tired face.

Dark circles had formed under his even darker eyes. His black hair was a messy cloud over his eyes. He still looked handsome. If you were being honest you liked him more like this.

There was a slight tension between the two of you. Still lingering from the night before. It hasn't been resolved though it seemed like you were both on the same page with just forgetting it.

You both made mistakes. It was in the past. You wanted to be in the present.

"I'm sorry," you whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.

"No, I'm sorry," he responded. He looked down at you with sad eyes. You felt the guilt and pain in them. "I was out of line. I shouldn't have-"

"Don't," you cut him off. "We both messed up."

"No, you didn't do anything wrong," he sighed, not letting you convince him otherwise. "You had every right to do what you did, I just shouldn't have acted out like that. But what I am really sorry about is before. That- wasn't right. And I hope you know it fucked me up real good. I just want to make things right again with you."

You didn't say anything. You just nestled your face into his warm chest. There was a calmness between you. Through the spoken apologies helped, you both knew the real apologies were said through your actions. Jungkook staying the night was meant to show that he was really sorry and you tried to comfort him to tell him you were too.

But there were still so many unanswered questions. Your mind flashed to the girl in the car. You still didn't know her name. You had been so stuck in your post-Jungkook depression that would haven't bothered to figure it out. You remembered her face vividly, mushed against his, kissing him. You felt a ping in your chest from pain thinking about it.

Your mind started spinning with questions about her just focused on just one.

"What was her name?" You asked, out of the blue. Jungkook looked down at you, in shock. You knew it was a bad idea to ask about the girl before/after you. But you had to know.

"Nayeon." He said, flatly. He didn't try to hide anything.

"Oh..." You knew who she was. She was in your Philosophy class. She was pretty. Really pretty. The idea of her with Jungkook made you self conscious. You felt like you weren't enough. You buried your face into his chest, wanting to rub away the thought.

Jungkook touched his fingers to your chin, lifting your face up so you can look at him. "She doesn't matter to me, you know?"

"She doesn't?" You said, probably sounds too excited. Mixed with childish innocence. It was what you so desperately wanted to believe for all those months.

Jungkook let out a low laugh. "No, I'm here with you, aren't I?"

You stayed silent for a moment. "I guess."

"Mhm," he mumbled, twirling a strand of your hair around his finger.

There was a still silence between you. But it was comfortable. Jungkook was the type of person who found comfort in silence, you were too. Sometimes silence was better with him than words could ever be.

"How about you? What was his name?" He asked suddenly.

You felt your heart piece with an unknown pain. You didn't want to tell him. You wished he had forgotten but it seemed only fair. "...Taehyung," you said, begrudgingly.

"Hmm." You hated it when he answered like that. He did it a lot. Jungkook never gave you a solid answer. He answered everything with another question or a mumble. It was frustrating sometimes.

"Yeah..." You bit your lip, trying to force it out of the conversation.

"Look, I'm sorry again for last night," Jungkook said. He wasn't looking at you. He was looking out the window into the pale morning light. But after a deep breath, he looked back down to your waiting eyes.

"I know," you forced out, nearly choking on your words. You didn't try to apologize back because you knew he would just tell you 'it's not your fault' and you didn't want to ruin the moment by fighting over whose more sorry.

"Thanks." He paused for a moment, looking deeply into your eyes. "I want to start over. Like fresh. I want to make this work." His eyes waiting patiently for you, they were genuine. He really did want to try.

Your eyes went wide as you listened to him. "I would like that, very much." You wanted that more than anything. If it meant getting him back, you would do anything. Having a fresh start was a bonus.

"I'm glad. 'Cause fuck I missed your cute ass." Jungkook grinned as he looked at you.

You instantly dropped your face into his chest to hide your reddening cheeks. "I'm not cute. I don't even have makeup on," you mumbled through his chest, making it so your words were barely understandable.

Jungkook's hands wrapped around your cheeks, lifting your face up to look at his. "Yes you are, shut up. Besides you're beautiful with or without makeup."

You shook your head in his hands, biting down on your bottom lip to stop yourself from smiling like a little girl when her dad called her a princess. Not that you ever had the pleasure of having that experience.

"You think so?"

"Yes, idiot." Jungkook laughed, kissing you gently. You kissed him back, wanting to absorb everything about the moment. From the heat the radiated off his lips. To the way, your heartbeat uncontrollably. To the sheer amount of happiness you felt knowing you had him back. For real this time. He was yours. For good.

You felt the kiss building up quickly. Jungkook did too and before it could go any further he pulled away and pushed you back down to his chest. "Ah, no-no. I don't have that in my tank right now."

You laughed, knowing exactly what he was talking about. "Come on, morning sex is a right of passage."

"Not on an empty tank?!"

"You had all night," you rebounded, not understanding his logic.

"I blew my whole load on you, last night. I am weak, okay?"

"For what?" You weren't catching on. There were times where you could go three rounds with Jungkook and he wouldn't comment.

"You! Dummy." He defended. "Like fuck, have my children."

You blushed even more. Laughing at the same time, shoving your face into his warm chest. He wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you in close to him.

"I gotta fix that hole for you, today. I don't want to look at it." He looked off to the gaping hole in your wall from his fist.

"How chivalrous," you giggled, "Jeon Jungkook."

"Yeah, yeah. Looks like you're stuck with me for a while." He looked down at you with a sly smile.

"No arguments here," you smiled back, brightly, knowing you were blushing so hard your cheeks were probably a dark shade of red.

Jungkook smiled back. Your favourite kind of smile. "Good."

With one simple word, you fell right back into his trap. As you laid there, held in his arms, you knew you were back in. For better or for worse. He had you wrapped around his finger. But it was right where you wanted to be.

As you laid there, in his arms, you knew that would give anything to keep it that way. You would let him break you and hurt you a million times over if it meant you got times like these at the end. These happy, confined moments where it was just you and him. Where he was yours and you were his. It seemed almost perfect.

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My life has been a serious of failed relationships and heartbreaks. Somehow, every guy I date, ends up leaving me. Thank God I have Taehyung, my be...