The Summer of '93

By Miaowoman

1.3K 39 0

For Megan life was all about travelling. So far her journey hadn't gone the way she had planned. Having daydr... More

Piraeus night
Sounion summer
A date with Athens
Forming an aquaintance
On the road to Edinburgh
Food, glorious food!
Still awkward!
What a Baptism of fire looks like
Flying high
The eagle has landed
Sightseeing in the rain
Dream vs reality
The after party
Keeping it in the family
Running out of time
Back to reality
Keeping busy
A surprise delivery
Chase me, chase me!
"It's a braw bricht moonlicht nicht the nicht
Burning the candle at both ends
Tonight's the night
The concrete city
Meeting the parents - again!
Kissing fields
White sand and sunshine
Have car, will travel
Whistle stop UK
Care giving time
Supporting role
York and the Golden Fleece
More parent meeting
It was on the cards
Goodnight Oxford
Trains, no planes and automobiles
The final flourish

A St Paddy night out

42 1 0
By Miaowoman

I was to spend Saint Patrick's day in the office in Edinburgh it was one of those rare and life changing occasions when I was going to do something else other than a takeaway and four hotel walls for the evening.  I got a phone call from Karen asking what time I was going to meet her. She said "Better make it 6-ish, as I'm not feeling too great, but I am still coming! I'll not have to book a table."

I left work, headed to the Council offices, made my way up in the lift into the office and headed to her closed abode where she was sat on her own, with the cleaners vacuuming around her. I followed her back in my car to her flat. It was an area that I hadn't visited before. It had a large art deco clock that we passed very close to the flat. Edinburgh was full of these little areas, that were still classed as Edinburgh. Karen's boyfriend's flat was beautiful. It was stone faced which looked onto what I imagined in days gone by, had been a small green or some village stocks. It was probably where all the community met or gossiped. I stood in front of a large pane of glass looking over houses and watching people and cars. I caught a dappled reflection of myself with flashes of blue and turned, passing time to survey the living room. I cricked my neck to look above;  my eyes traced the curves of a high corniced ceiling and a modest ceiling rose with a metal chandelier hanging austerely from its chained cable. Thick lined jacquard curtains were suspended by a small tree trunk of a wooden pole. My feet balanced over the cracks on what had become fashionably stripped back floorboards, which had been smothered in a thicky glossy coating. Their nailheads protruded at angles that were never meant to be on display. A centrepiece of the fireplace was the room's focal point as well as being flanked by an inlaid bookshelf. It had been overpainted over the years with heavy gloss. I envied Karen this flat. I wanted to own a flat like that. The street was lined with austere black railings. 

Historically the name canonmills came from the Augustinian canons who resided at the abbey at Holyrood. The flat was directly above shops. It would have had mills dotted to grind corn at one time. Now it was a busy thoroughfair with a very unglamorous petrol station. But it would be a central place to live. 

Karen dropped things off, "have a seat" she hollered from behind the door and I sat comfortably on a very long but comfortable brown sofa. I heard Karen frantically get changed with the objective of dropping off her wearing day, including her car and I drove up with her directing where to go and park. We ordered two pizzas. It was washed down with a bottle of wine (I was driving so only had a small glass) and it relaxed us both.

"So where are you going on holiday Karen?" I took a bite of my Mushroom pizza.
"Well we've booked to go to Crete in May."
I munched on a slice, then asked, "Have you been before?" I'm not very comfortable eating with people like this, but it was getting better as I did this job, as well as helping to combat my shyness.
"No", she replied, "I've only really been to Spain and Tenerife."
"I've never been to either but I have been to Crete." I stated.
"Did you have a good holiday there? How long ago was it when you were there?"
"Well," I started, "I have had a penfriend in Greece since I was 15 and he invited me over with him for a holiday. I didn't want to outstay my welcome so I had gone to Crete for a few days,  then to Athens for a few days in the north in a place called Halkidiki for the rest of the time."
Karen replied "That must have been really odd, if you'd only written to each other!" as she put a folk loaded with Pizza and slurped from her glass. I told her about my journey back and being robbed. I continued, "They really wanted to have someone to teach their son English and insisted on paying for everything which was a bit uncomfortable. But I got on very well and they made me feel like a member of the family, so it was really surprisingly easy. Crete is beautiful. I travelled by bus around the whole island and it's so accessible that way. Where have you booked for, can you remember?"

"We've booked a lively resort in a place called Malia."
"I did pass through Malia, it has really lovely beaches; you should have a wonderful time as it's the largest Island but watch the sun. I got burnt really badly. "
"Ouch, how bad was it?"
"Well let's put it this way" I summarised, "It was a good job I was staying with two doctors!"
"That was lovely." I said, "Do you want dessert?" I enquired.
"Nooo, I'm full to bursting!"
"That wine went down well, I think you needed that!"
"I think I'm coming down with a cold!" Karen sniffled, "It was purely medicinal!"
I picked up the tab, and we collected our coats. The place was thankfully quiet.

She told me that she'd arranged to meet Jill at the bar. There was a TV in the bar and my ex Richard was on the television, that night as there had been a hacking incident through the University firewalls and Richard had had to collect the evidence for it, Quig had told me, and there was Richard being interviewed, as it was covered on the news. It was a big case but the University had lost the court case against a youngster who nearly killed his Grandma by wiring his computer to the electric supply so that she didn't touch his computer and switch it off as he was hacking. The hacking skills had got him into a large petroleum company's system and he'd gone for the big guys and got caught. Amazingly at the tender age of 16, hehad successfully hacked into the University too and that is why it had gone to court. Richard's  image was on the 10 o'clock news but my attention was drawn to the bar.

As I looked around the bar the pub was pretty primitive and understated. It was an old building in the Old Town, heading up to the Royal mile called The Scotsman Lounge. There were regimental photos smothering the walls and the beamed ceiling was as bare as the wooden floorboard clad floor. The tables were sparse as they were large barrels and the chairs were not exactly comfortable. Stacked behind was every bottle imaginable, of every possible brand as there were so many bottles of Scottish whisky. The bar could only be described as a spit and sawdust pub. It was very much without frills. It was a real drinking den and not somewhere ordinarily I would go. I felt very much overdressed in my suit.

Karen and Jill her friend, were chatting and catching up. They were talking shop and were clearly old friends. The man who had caught my eye coming back from the bar was now chatting to a friend of his in a small group. He had a pint in his hand and he was talking in a very engaging and animated way, and was illustrating his point with his hands. I could tell he had had a bit to drink and but was heavily passionate about his conversation. I tried not to stare and gave brief glances. My company didn't notice my behaviour. They were too busy gossiping.

This man was dressed really well in that what he wore really suited him and brought out the colour of his vivid blue eyes.  He was startlingly attractive. His colouring was striking and far removed from Dionisis. His hair was sunstreaked blond, he had an elegant nose and his features were all in proportion. Blondes were not normally as appealing to me as men with dark colouring, but he was very much so. He was in shape too, very much in shape. He looked up and over I looked back at him fleetingly. The pub was becoming progressively busier. Some more guys  joined him. It looked like this was his regular pub as they all clearly knew each other. My eyes continued to wonder in his direction, involuntarily and I hoped that he wouldn't feel my eyes on him as I looked again. He looked over. I felt such a silly girl. I noticed one of his friends coming over. He said hi to Jill and started up a conversation. Another guy came over and did the same. Most if not all the seating area was now occupied. The guys disappeared and some others trickled over.

Ever since I can remember when I've liked a guy, it's always been about having a relationship. I'm just wired that way. All my thoughts with Dionisis was about having a relationship with him. If I liked someone that much I didn't want it to be a fleeting thing. I wanted it to have permanency. I didn't want to be a conquest. I wanted it to mean something. However given that there was no one of coherency in my life, I suppose, I reflected I could be considered footloose and fancy free and had been for some time. Was this the reason why my normal male radar that didn't find much to normally tempt me, (I tended to be drawn to people I already knew and liked, rather than just the shallowness of the facade of them) was suddenly making men look more attractive? It certainly wasn't beer goggles; I was always driving.

Finally the guy that I had been watching, drained the contents from his pint glass swiftly and made a move. I then realised he was on his way over in Jill's direction. His friend planted himself over by Karen, who was now clearly suffering from what was quickly developing into what was to be a very heavy cold. The blonde guy was looking for a stool and couldn't find one.

He looked at me and then searched for a seat. I could see from the intensity of his eyes on me that he was signalling that this was his intention. Just then he smiled at Jill and gave her a friendly nod.
I blurted out without thinking, "you could always sit on my knee!" As soon as the words leapt from my mouth I wanted them to pack them back in hastily from where they came. I thought to myself, God did I really say that? He managed to find a stool and he sat down.

He said in a very broad Scottish accent, "Look I know this is going to sound really corny" and he paused, "but do you come here often as I've never seen you in here before." I did look out of place. I was wearing my strong peacock blue suit, that i had been told creased like linen, dressed for the office and everyone was in the pub (including Karen) in casual dress. I let out an involuntary laugh.

I did for a moment think about saying I was a Scotsman virgin and quickly thought better of it.

"No, you're right, this is my first time in here. I pointed to Jill. "I am an IT trainer, and I'm delivering training to the team that work with Karen," I signalled to Karen who was still engaged in gossip. "She's good friends with Jill and I'm a regular visitor up here, so they invited me out for St Patrick's day."
"Oh right!" He exclaimed, "That explains a lot!"
"You mean that's why I'm the only person in here wearing a suit?"
"No, why there's a better class of customer suddenly appeared in here!" Oooh! I thought. He continued, "Where are you from?"

"Well without giving you my life story, my Family for the most part are Welsh, I moved from Birmingham when I was three up to Leeds, and I'm currently living out of a suitcase, travelling the country, pretty much. How about you? What brings you here?"

"Well I'm a squaddy and we're on leave from Berlin, so I thought I'd make the most of it and travel through from Lanarkshire to socialise with this rabble." He declared. His pal who was clearly more worse for wear, flushed with the drink overdose, looked over and laughed at the statement. "I'm Ali and this is Dog!"

"Oh dear!" I blurted out at the name, "Pleased to meet you both, but are you really called Dog?" By this time I gather that they were in the army stationed in Berlin (what a shame) but what was this all about with Germany all of a sudden?

"Everyone calls me Dog and it's kind of stuck!" He slurred. He did indeed look like he'd spent a few nights on the floor, lying there because of the inebriated state he was so clearly in.

Karen looked in my direction and then the company that had joined us. She did seem to express a clear lack of a approval on her face, but it could possibly be the cold that was quickening pace and flooding her with feeling rough right now. But I was enjoying the conversation and the attention. She, like me had anything but a poker face. I later found out that he and Jill had been what he described as casual bum boxing partners and I imagine that was the reason for the tone of her face. 

We had a lengthy discussion about Scotland and there were times when his accent were so strong that it was difficult to decipher what he was saying. He used some of the condiments that had been left on the table to illustrate the geography of the Clans, highlanders and lowlanders and told me all about the Highland Clearances. The party was quite noisy, however it made a refreshing change to this guy not to do that your place or mine routine! Karen was obviously realising that we were getting on well. Jill had gone and there was just the four of us. The pub was closing. I was sober. They were shouting last orders.

"Can I get you a drink?" Ali asked.
"Well I'm driving so..."
"Ok, he chipped in, I'll get you a blackcurrant and lemonade, ok?" So, up he sprang. Karen was ready for off I think but realised that one more drink meant we weren't going anywhwere. I did something which surprised me. I offered them a lift.

"That would be great" he said. Karen looked at me startled  with disapproval. Dog had bought her a drink but she didn't look in fit shape so we downed the drinks swiftly.
"My car is just outside" I announced and they climbed into the back of the car.
Karen whispered on the way to the car "have you gone mad? These guys could rape you."

I retorted "I doubt it, this one's mug shot is on the wall and even Jill knows who he is. He's the bar local. He would be dense to do such a thing. Plus we exchanged details as he's taking me out tomorrow!" He had asked if he could write to me whilst he was stationed over in Germany, so he had my hotel details as well.

Karen looked dumfounded.

What he hadn't told me was that the Barracks were very much out of Edinburgh, so it was unfortunately quite a journey there and back. Karen clearly wasn't very impressed with them because she's gave Ali a look of obvious disdain. It was because Ali had got quite loud with the comedy moment of lifting one of his colleagues kilts. When I asked what they wore underneath they showed us the underpants but there was really nothing to see! Karen was horrified. It made me burst out laughing. But I had to remember she was still my customer and so I played it down.

"I'll ring you around seven." He said. I was back to the hotel after 12am and they had shut the doors at 12 (and this is supposed to be a hotel!!)

It turned out the security guard was sleeping and my incessant banging for half an hour finally woke him.

I concluded in my own mind that Ali was a bit of company whilst I was in Edinburgh. He was interesting and easy on the eye. It was never going to go beyond that. I had a fun night. I didn't think Karen would speak to me again however!

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