Bite Me

Por Mandi473828

27 0 0

Carter POV: Two years! Two years I have survived in this zombie run world that I live in. Two years of runni... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

3 0 0
Por Mandi473828

Carter POV:

"So, where are we going?" Elliot asks, jogging up to my side. We are currently walking down the streets of what used to be Manhattan. All the skyscrapers that stood tall in all their glory, now stand crumbled and littered with dead and truly dead bodies. A year after the world descended into pandemonium the government deployed nuclear missiles to the areas with the highest concentration of Aljans'. Their attempts were futile as the little bastards just got stronger. The government then issued a quarantine for every place that was hit. Two years after the first Aljan was found in Africa, the world's two largest powers (The United States of America and The United Kingdom) allied together to eradicate Africa. If that isn't total narcissism then I don't know what is.

"We are going to raid some houses and buildings and try to stock up on some more supplies. I was running out of food before and now that I have a second mouth to feed, I am going to need a lot more. Also, I need to check up on something once we finish getting the supplies."

"Okay, so what is it that you need to check up on?"

"You will find out later, for now, let's focus on finding supplies and not getting killed."

"Yeah, about that, where are we going to find supplies? We are literally in a zombie apocalypse!"

"First of all, you need to keep it down or we are both dead. Second, you have clearly never watched a zombie movie. We are obviously going to break into houses and steal some food. I mean it's not like the people that used to live there need it now. And third, if you haven't noticed we don't have any weapons, so whatever we do we need to be quiet. All I have is this knife and it is not going to do much against an Aljan. I did have a bat though, but I kind of lost it yesterday while I was running."


"I already told you, you don't need to be sorry. Everything you did as an Aljan was not you, that was someone else."


"Anyway, I found a lot of supplies close to where you were, so let's go back there. Who knows, maybe I'll even find my bat there." The only acknowledgment I got from Elliot was a quiet hum, I can tell he feels guilty. I can't even fathom what it must be like to come back to life and have someone tell you that you were a brain-eating zombie. Whatever, I can't get distracted again. Last time I came here Elliot came out of the basement, which means there are probably more Aljan's in there. I think this time I'm going to go around where I saw the staircase and just skip to the second floor. I know it's risky, cause it's unknown territory but it's better than getting caught again.

"Alright. This is the plan: we will be going up the stairs to the second floor. We need to stay quiet and make sure to not drop anything. When we get inside, grab everything that looks useful. If you see something move, get my attention, and run. And this last one is very important, so listen up, under no circumstances are you to scream or speak. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Good, now let's go." The building was dull, seemed to have been a hospital at one point. All the walls were broken and stained with blood, but I guess that's the new "modern home vibe". The stairs themselves have definitely seen better days, there are literal gaping holes in them. Luckily for me, they are cement and not wood, otherwise, I would have already fallen through them. 

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