Red Empress Kylo Ren//Read...

By PapaIV_

55K 1.1K 101

An arranged marriage between you and the Supreme Leader of the First Order has been arranged by your father... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 11

1.8K 33 0
By PapaIV_

I felt sore, everywhere. My eyes fluttered open, I was no longer with the Resistance. Had I died? I looked around until my eyes landed on a figure sitting next to me. Their hand was next to mine.

"Kylo?" I whispered, my voice being dry. His hunched over frame lifted, he rubbed his eyes and slightly smiled. "What happened?" I asked.

"Your okay. I saved you." He whispered.

"He...he hurt me. Someone tried to touch me." I started to panic. Everything flooded into my memories, I started to cry.

"Shh, they can't hurt you anymore. I'm here." He softly grabbed my hand. I felt my face and felt no cuts, I looked at my stomach and I was shocked to see nothing but a bruise.

"Where did my cuts go. He kept cutting me, I should be badly scarred."

"They healed, our doctors are brilliant. All you have is some bruises." He slightly rubbed my hand.

"How did you get there so fast? I was only there a couple hours." Kylo looked away from me.

"Y/N you were there for two days. They kept going into Lightspeed, it was hard to trap them."

"Oh." I felt confused, I thought it was only a couple hours. "How long have I been asleep for then?"

"Another two days." He stood up.

"Can I please go to my room." I wiped my tears. Kylo picked me up and carried me down the halls. I hated the looks of sympathy that people gave me.

Kylo gently laid me in my bed, I noticed flowers were everywhere. "All from me... and I brought some more books for you." Kylo stared at me for a moment before leaving. I curled into a ball and hugged my legs. Visions of my torture wouldn't leave my mind.

Nightmares filled my head all night. I also found that after sleeping for two days, it was impossible to sleep again. I found my way into my bathroom and started to run a bath. I took off my gown and stared at my naked frame in the mirror. Bruises filled my body from where he cut me. My eyes were extremely red and I had huge bruises on my face. I touched my thighs softly, hissing in pain. There was a huge hand mark that formed a bruise from the man that tried to rape me.

I covered my mouth and backed away, when I looked up Kylo was standing there staring at my legs. "I wish I could kill them all. For what they did to you." He backed against the wall and clenched his hands into fists. I ignored him and sat down into my bath. I sighed as the water helped my sore frame. I was still angry at him, but I was thankful he saved me.

I didn't know how long I was in the bath and I don't know when Kylo left but I felt better. I changed into a long baggy nightie and grabbed the blank book from under my bed. I began writing about my feelings, my nightmares, my experience. Most importantly I wrote about Kylo. I was confused on why he stayed with me when I was unconscious, or why he even saved me.

After putting away the book back under my bed I decided to go out and walk around, maybe find some food. I grabbed a long black silk robe that covered me and tip-toed outside, only a couple people filled the halls. Mostly people were sleeping or out finding the resistance.

I ended up sitting on the ground on a balcony that faced one of the hangars. I was peacefully watching the few pilots walking around until someone stepped behind me. "Oh shit. Chris you scared me." I grabbed onto my chest.

"Sorry princess. I saw that you were gone so I came to find you." He didn't sound normal.

"Chris l told you to call me Empress or Y/N. Why does your voice sound different?"

"I'm sorry Empress, with the resent attack I'm feeling out of it. My throat was damaged in the attack, so I'm gonna sound different for awhile." He held his blaster against his chest, something he never did around me.

"I wanted to get out of my room for a couple minutes before I get back to bed. I've felt trapped in there. I will be going now." I stood up and brushed past him.

"I'll escort you to your room." He spoke up from behind me.

"No I'm okay. I'd rather walk alone."

Something was off about him, I didn't know what yet. But he's not acting like normal Chris.

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