Red Empress Kylo Ren//Read...

By PapaIV_

55K 1.1K 101

An arranged marriage between you and the Supreme Leader of the First Order has been arranged by your father... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 10

1.8K 38 2
By PapaIV_

⚠️⚠️Multiple warnings⚠️⚠️

I could only imagine what I looked like right now. I felt sticky, blood was everywhere. This man had tortured me for hours, about some plan.

"I....told you.....he locked me my room."

"Your lying." He slashed my other arm again. Another man came in, one I didn't recognize. "Maybe this will make you talk." The other man unbuckled his pants, he pulled down mine and tried to open my legs. I used all my strength to get away from his grasp but I was too weak. Just as the man was going to force himself into me the door opened, the other man from before looked at me in horror. He pushed the other guy off of me and pulled up my pants.

"What did you do Finn! Stop!" He yelled. The man slapped the knife out of the others hand.

"She killed our people, I'm getting information out from her!"

"We don't kill Finn! We don't hurt people! Why would you let him try to rape her! She was an arranged marriage, didn't you ever wonder if she was brainwashed. Our spy told us she was locked up for weeks, she wouldn't know the plan."

"Poe, I watched her slaughter our people! My girlfriend! She wasn't being controlled!"

"You...don't kill huh? Tell that to my dead mother." I spat.

The man who's name is Poe looked at me confused. "What?"

"Years ago my mother was visiting a planet and that planet went under you guys. Someone came up to her and slit her throat. They let her bleed out, slowly dying. I've wanted my revenge ever since. She didn't even attack you shit heads, you killed her for no reason!"

"I-I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Poe steps forward. He tries to wipe my face again but I sit back away from him.

"Just kill me, please. I'm already slowly dying. I don't want to die slowly like my mother did." I closed my eyes. I heard moving around me but then an alarm started to blare.

"Someone has locked onto us!" Poe yelled I opened my eyes as the two men left me alone. I laid back and felt myself slowly slipping away, the pain being unbearable. I didn't bother to open my eyes as the door slammed open minutes later.

"Y/N! What the fuck did they do to you! No...No!" I heard a familiar voice yell. They unchained me and picked me up, cradling me close to their chest. I opened my eyes and saw a familiar face.

"Kylo?" I whispered. I smiled and closed my eyes again, listening to the chaos around me.

"No! Don't you die on me!" I heard a faint yell call out to me.

But I couldn't focus, I couldn't listen. I blacked out again.

Kylo's POV:

When the Resistance started to retreat I couldn't find Y/N anywhere. I decided to look around in the back but saw no one. I made my way farther into the woods, I stopped when I saw blood. On the bottom of the three I saw hair and a piece of a black robe. Y/N'S. I touched the ground and blood was on my gloves, I stood up and screamed. They took her. Before I left, I noticed something beside me. It was her saber, she dropped it.

I grabbed onto her saber and rushed onto my ship. "We need to follow them, they have Y/N." I rushed past Hux.

That was days ago. We finally caught up to their ship and locked on. I killed anyone in my path to get to Y/N. All that mattered was Y/N. When I found her, I thought she was dead. She was covered in blood, you wouldn't recognize her. I tried to wipe her face, "Y/N. What the fuck did they do to you? No....No!" I yelled out. I unchained her from the chair and held her close against me. I wouldn't lose her, she still had so much more to see in the galaxy. I had so much to show her, to teach her.

"Kylo?" I heard her small voice say. She laid against me limp as I rushed back to my ship.

"No! Don't you die on me!" I yelled. But she didn't respond back.

We had rushed her back to my destroyer, now the doctors were taking care of her. I blamed myself, I don't know why. I shouldn't care, maybe it's the fact that she's powerful. I didn't want her to die though, I don't know what I'm feeling. "Sir, you better get some rest. She's going to be out for a couple days." The doctor tells me.

"No. I'm staying with her." I stand up, making up my mind. Usually I wouldn't care, I would go back to my quarters. Maybe even call for some entertainment, someone to release my stress on. But something in my cold heart made me stay.

I walked inside and found her sleeping peacefully. Even with a bruised and cut face she looked beautiful.

My Red Empress.

She was mine.

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