
By CatherineAlexandra96

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A story that talks about a girl who meets a boy...a boy that is well known in their town and a boy that every... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 8

39 23 1
By CatherineAlexandra96

- He didn't show up... - Whispered Alex as she looked over the door and didn't see anyone showing up. – During the entire summer, he decided not to show up today...

- Hey, don't think badly already. Maybe he is late or something happened... - Lexi said, trying to calm Alex down, even though she wasn't understanding what was happening either.

- Just forget it. – She said nodding, looking down and walking inside to go get some water for her, leaving Lexi alone back on the front of the Milkshake.

Alex's expectations were ruined and all she could think about was that she messed something up and he wasn't there because she got him scared. Loads of things were crossing her mind at that moment and she was trying to understand what was happening and why he wasn't there, but nothing was making sense in her head. She was completely out of the world and she got completely off from the work. She was sat down in a table, drinking her glass of water, in her world, when she heard the front door opening, making her heart start beating faster. That could be him. That could be Liam and with that thought she just got up from the chair and walked faster to the front part of the Milkshake and that was when her expression changed. The smile she had previously with the thought of having Liam coming inside changed to a pale and scared expression. She couldn't believe in what she was seeing. His tall and rough posture was scaring her and once she looked to his hands Alex could see the Whisky bottle empty, again.

- What are you doing here? – She asked coldly but feeling herself shaking a lot with what could happen with the way he was. Lexi, on the other hand, was still in the same place, not knowing what was happening and not knowing who that man was but knowing that Alex knew him.

- I came to see where you actually work!! – He said laughing as he looked around, nodding a lot with a sick face. – And let me tell you what a miserable place! It's here where you work? – He asked as he looked around and gazed at everything.

- Leave now, you are not welcomed here. – Alex said looking at him, demanding that to him. – You are not going to do a scene where I work.

- Me?? Doing a scene?? – Tom asked her laughing as he drank the rest he had on the bottle. – I just came here to say hi to my daughter. – He said sarcastically. – Besides, I gave you a warning yesterday and yet...you had the balls to show up when I told you I didn't want to see you in that house again.

- Where did you want me to sleep?? In the streets? – She asked quickly as she looked at him with a serious face. – Get your shit together. You don't even know what you are saying and you didn't even face me yesterday so I don't understand what your problem is.

- Yeah!! It's where you belong! – He said making it sound obvious. – And my problem is you as it is pretty clear!

- Sir, I am going to ask you politely to leave this place right now. – Said Lexi now, not being able to keep on hearing what he was saying to Alex.

- I am sorry, and who are you?? – Asked Tom confused as he looked at Lexi with a confused face. – Did I give you an order to talk with me?

- Excuse me? – Asked Lexi, offended. – I am Alex's friend and I really don't need your authorization to ask you to leave this place.

- You are such a pussy that you need a friend to defend yourself? – Asked Tom, now looking at Alex and talking with her, as he walked inside the counter to see if they had anything to drink.

- Stop, you are not going to drink more. – She said walking towards him and not letting him pass to go get any drink.

- And since when do you give me orders? – He asked with his raspy voice, already without balance as he tried to see if they had something.

- Since I am working here and this is my store. – She said serious, standing in front of Tom.

- Get the fucking out of my front. – He said mad, pushing Alex away with all the strength he had in him and making her almost lose balance.

- Sir, get out now. – Lexi said walking towards Alex to help with as she stood next to her, facing Tom. – I am not going to ask you another time. Go or I will call the cops.

- Don't make me laugh young girl. Just keep doing your work and serve me the strongest drink you might have in here.

- I am not going to serve you anything. Leave or I will call the cops. – She said walking towards the door, opening it so he could understand that she was really meaning her words.

However, right at the moment, she opened the door, someone got inside. His breath was faster and he was sweating. It looked like he got there after running. He was tired and once Alex looked over the door and saw Liam there she couldn't contain her smile. He was there. He was finally there but things were not going well in the Milkshake and the fact that he was in the same space as her father, was scaring her. Alex didn't want Liam to know how her father was but there was nothing she could do at that moment.

On the other hand, Liam got inside after seeing Lexi opening the door and stood there, looking at them all as she tried to catch his own breath. He knew he was late and he knew that that scared her somehow but it was for a good cause. Yet, when Liam looked at Alex, he smiled but felt like something was not right. She was scared and her body was shaking and that was when he looked to the man that was there.

- Can you please leave?? You are done in here. – Asked Alex to Tom, trying to keep herself good and calm.

- You are no one to boss me around and I will leave when I think I should leave. This is a public place so serve me what I demanded. – He said serious and with a really mad face, starting to be pissed.

- For the billion time, I won't be serving you anything. Leave. – Alex demanded again. – Listen to us and leave because this might end up bad for you.

- Is everything okay? – Finally Liam's voice was heard as he looked to Alex and Lexi, being confused with all of that but trying to figure what was happening.

- This sir is saying bad things to Alex and treat her badly and we are asking him, politely, to leave and he doesn't. – Lexi said directly as Alex looked at her and gave her a look, telling her that it wouldn't be necessary to tell him all of that.

- You okay? – Asked Liam to Alex as he got closer to her, frowning a lot with all of that, being worried.

- Oh, someone has someone protecting her!! – Said Tom, laughing sarcastically at the moment he saw Liam getting closer to Alex.

- Leave him alone, he has nothing to do with this. – Said Alex, feeling her heart squeezing with the fact that Tom could hurt Liam in any way and that was something she didn't want at all.

- Now I am curious to know who this idiot is and why he is protecting you! – He said giggling as he gazed Liam with a disgusting look. – Is he your boyfriend?? – He asked but not even giving them time for them to answer him. – Of course not!! You are not even woman enough to have a boyfriend. You are not worth shit and once he knows what you did, he will leave you in a second. – He said laughing sarcastically. – No one will actually look to your face anymore. You will end up alone Alex and that is something you should know already. You are going to have a miserable life and no boyfriend or friend will want you as their friends. You are evil.

- You are abusing. Leave now or else I will be the one calling the cops or the ambulance because in the way you are, you won't even be able to walk away from here. Leave. – She said now getting closer to him to start pushing him away, knowing he was abusing already and he was saying things that they weren't true.

- Don't you fucking touch me!! – He said louder once he felt her pushing him away, which made him push her harder, making Alex lose her balance and fall on the ground. – You are no one to touch me!

- What do you think you are doing?? – Asked Liam quickly and loudly as he saw Tom pushing Alex that way, which made him grab her hand right away and help her pulling up. – Stop that shit, you are abusing right now!

- You better step away from me because you have nothing to do with this. – Said Tom serious as he looked at Liam. – This is between me and my daughter so fuck off now. – He said with a demanding voice.

- Is this the way you treat your daughter?? – Asked Liam, nodding a lot, standing in front of Alex, protecting her.

- After what she did I should be treating her a lot worse. – Said Tom coldly.

- You can say whatever you want. – Alex said, standing away from Liam and showing herself to Tom, showing that she was not scared of him even though she could feel her legs weak and shaking. – I know what I did and I don't need you to remind me of that every single day.

- Oh honey, as long as I am alive, you will hear me saying you are a murderer every single day and I will make sure that every single person that knows you, knows what you did. – He said smiling, with an evil smile as he looked to Lexi and Liam's reaction to his words. – Your past will haunt you forever!

Lexi and Liam were stopped in time with what they just heard coming from Tom. They both stood looking at Alex with a confused face, not knowing what he was talking about but knowing that it was a massive accusation.

- Oh, you didn't know that this young lady is a murderer?? – Asked Tom once he looked at them and saw how surprised they were. – Well, let me tell you that the person you have in front of you right now is a murderer!

- What? – Liam asked confused as he looked to Alex and nodded, confused, seeing that Alex was not even trying to say otherwise. – What are you even saying?? Do you have any idea of the accusation you are doing right now?

- She never told you that right?? – Asked Tom, giggling with what was happening. – She is a murderer that never got the chance to pay for what she did and as long as I am alive, I will make sure she will pay for it.

- That is not true. – Lexi said quickly, not believing in what he was saying, nodding a lot, confused as well. – You are lying okay?? Alex would never be able to do something like that so, shut up and leave. You already messed this up so it's time for you to leave.

- You should do the honors Alex. You should tell them who you really are!! – He said now looking at Alex who was stopped in time. – I bet them are damn curious to know the real Alex, since you have been faking what you really are.

- Go away. – She said, sobbing, not being able to contain her tears at that moment. – You don't know anything and you don't know who I am. I tell what I want to tell and when I want to tell and you are no one to demand me things. You already made your scene so fuck off now! – She said, feeling a massive urge to cry.

- Why?? Are you going to kill me like you did with Sophie?? – He asked directly to her, knowing he was touching a subject that he shouldn't. – Would you have the balls again to do it?

- Shut up!! Don't you even dare talking about her! – She said loudly, full of rage. – Is that what you want me to say?? That I was the one killing her?? That it was my fault she died?? You want me to take the fault?? Well, I take it! It was all my fault and it was me killing her! She is not here anymore because of me! I was the one taking her life away but let me tell you something. Thank God she is not here to see you and see the piece of shit you became. – She said faster and coldly, looking directly to his eyes and that was the moment she felt his massive big and strong hand shocking with her face, feeling him slapping her with his massive strength. – Yeah, do what you do best. Keep on treating me like that. Keep on giving me reason when I say that you are not worthy of her. She is so much better without you Tom. You blame me for this but don't worry because the disappointed face that she would have right now by looking at you will hunt you forever and, of that, I am sure about. You are her biggest disappointment and knowing you like I know, that must hurt more than anything in this world.

- You took her away from me. I am like this because of you!! You took my babygirl away from me and you stood here. It should have been you dying on that day instead of her. I am going to do everything to make you suffer like you have been making me suffer since she is gone. I will be here every single day to remind you of what you did and every single time you look at my face you are going to wish it was you instead of her. – He said coldly, not regretting what he just did to her in there, in front of every single one. – Your mom and I hate you so much that you are going to wish to die because the world would be a better place if you weren't around. Every single thing you touch you destroy!

- That is enough. – Said Liam, not being able to keep on watching that and seeing him slapping Alex like that was the last drop, making Liam get closer to Tom and starting to push him away. – Out. – He demanded him, standing firm in front of him and showing Tom that he was not scared of him. – You already fucked this up, so leave now.

- I will leave. I am sure you must have loads of questions to ask her, so I will leave. – He said giggling. – But be careful okay?? She is damn dangerous and you shouldn't ever be alone with her. – He warned them. – Bye Alex!! I hope you have a wonderful day!! – He said waving at her, sarcastically.

Tom end up leaving the Milkshake and Alex couldn't stop crying with his own words. Everyone was silent and she could feel how tense the air was at that moment. Lexi and Liam were looking at her with a really massive confused face, not understanding anything of what just happened. They had so many questions at that moment that they didn't know where they could begin. They were speechless.

- Your judgment eyes it was all I needed now. – Whispered Alex as she looked at them and saw their faces and the way they were looking at her, what made Alex grab her thing and just leave the Milkshake, not being able to stay there any more second, knowing that they had billions of questions that she was not ready to answer yet. She needed time for herself, to think and to let it all out.

Tom's voice was echoing in her head. His words were getting louder and louder in her head and the tears didn't stop streaming down her face. Despite everything, Alex knew Tom was right in what he just said back in the Milkshake. She was a murderer and it was all her fault. Sophie was not there because she was the one killing her. Alex took Sophie's life away and now she had to live with that for the rest of her life, knowing that all those demons would haunt her forever.

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