Different Worlds? / Batman x...

By gabygabs4030

93.4K 2.4K 1.3K

This is a story about YOU and of course Mr. Bruce Wayne. You, a rich girl, who likes to keep it a secret, mov... More

Goodbye National City
Reaching Gotham City
New World.
The Brown Bag
Be my Guest?
Is it Batman or Manbat?
Dear Sara.
Home Sweet Home
Who are you?
Decisions, Decisions
Gala Drama
It's Time..
Start of it all.
Means to an End
Team Work makes the Dream Work
Should I?
Welcome Home Mr.Wayne
Becoming Her
Is this it?
Feels so Good
Happy Birthday Bitch
The Letter
Welcome to Gotham?
First Day
Im Here, Now What?
Didn't I train for this?
New Me
Forgive Me
Letting Go.
The Promise
Hard Times
The Boss
Back to normal?
Lights, Camera, Action
Don't get your Hopes Up!
Primo Giorno di Lavoro
Primo Giorno di Lavoro 2
Baby Steps
Bed Rest?
Back in the Office's?
Past Troubles
First Timer
The Boy
The Reunion
Bienvenidos a Ibiza!
The Wake up call
The Call
Sorry for no Invite
Back Home


905 21 11
By gabygabs4030

It was Tim's Birthday, and I had gotten up extremely early to prepare him some breakfast and get all of his gifts wrapped.

I carefully tried to wake up Bruce so he would come help.

"Babe, Babe" I said caressing his face trying to wake him.

"Huh? What time is it?"

" 6:00 am, come on we have to go get Tim's stuff ready before he waked up and leaves for school." I pulled the blanket off of him.

"Alright, Im up." he said walking like a zombie towards the bathroom.

"Im so excited, I got him the computer he wanted so bad and the gaming headset he has been asking for since last christmas, and don't worry its from both of us." I said brushing my hair and then my teeth.

" He's going to flip out when he sees that computer, he has been trying to get me to buy it for him for months, I told him that after I saw his grades this semester but I guess you got ahead of me." Bruce said 

"Give the kid a break Bruce, its his 18th birthday, and honestly he will need the computer for college so..."

"Alright I guess so, I'll give him a car or a boat or something if he graduates."

"So humble" I sarcastically said giving Bruce a little push.

We both finished getting ready and headed downstairs to make Tim's breakfast, we made him his favorite bacon, eggs and pancake with extra syrup and chocolate chips. I still didn't know how this boy managed to eat so much.

"Alright on the count of three we open the door and start singing happy birthday" I told Bruce.

"One.. Two.. Three....  Haaappy Birthday to youu." I sang along with Bruce.

"WHat?" Tim woke up confused.

"Happy Birthday Kiddo" I said handing him his tray of food and the box with his gifts.

"Happy Birthday Tim, get up come on." Bruce said.

"Holy shit, this looks so goood you guys, and gifts what? No wayyyy, no way, no way. You guys got me the gaming PC and headset I wanted so bad.. NO WAY!"

"Gaming? I thought it was for school." Bruce said interrupting.

"Shush Bruce, let him enjoy it, be a boring parent later." I said winking at Tim knowing that the PC was always meant for gaming.

Tim came up to us and gave us the biggest of hugs.

"Alright dude, get ready go to school and remember tonight is your big party so be back early, I called some guys in to do a suit fitting for you." I said.

"Suit? Ughh Y/N, just let me wear my own clothes."

"Okay Okay, No suit, but you still have to look formal, after all you are the one being celebrated."

"Hey Y/N, be a boring parent later." Bruce said teasing me.

"Ahhh fine, I gotta go to work, see you guys tonight, im going to change at the penthouse and meet you guys there." I said giving Tim a peck on the cheek and Bruce a kiss.

- After work-

I had been at work for almost 12 hours now, it was already 7 pm and Tim's party was going to start at 9, so I had to get ready fast.

What to wear, what to wear.... I guess i'll play it safe and get the Dior dress Bruce got me for my birthday and never got to wear. It had to have some work done after Selina almost ripped through it but it was still as beautiful as the first time I saw it, and the shoes were stunning.

I did my makeup in less than 30 min, I did a cat liner, put on some lashes and it looked like the perfect night out makeup. I decided to text Bruce and ask their ETA.

You: ETA? Im ready to go, just waiting for you guys. The caterers, DJ, Sound and Light crew and waiters are already here. Just need you guys to start.

BTWayne: On our way, just picking up Barbs on the way. Tim was nervous but Dick gave him a tequila shot and he seems better now. 

You: Bruce... what the hell. He's 18 not 21. :/

BTWayne: Young Adults. Am I right

You:  Just Hurry Up, I'll talk to Dick later.  Love you

BTWayne: love you

The party was taking place in the 12th floor of the tower, which was one of the floors designated for conferences and other events when we had a product launch or anything similar. I was ready and just making final adjustments to the cake table when Caroline my assistant came running up to me.

"Miss.Musk, John Brian from the board is on the phone he says its urgent."

"Yea, hello. Make it quick John im at a birthday party."

"Miss.Musk thank god. Ive been trying to reach you for hours. Some factory workers have reported stolen merchandise."

"What? What did they steal?"

"Weapons, thousands of dollars worth of weapons. It was a big hit to the National City Factory."

" Where the fuck is our security?"

"They were there on site at every hour, but they didn't see anything suspicious. We checked the cameras and nothing. One second theres the merchandise and the other second its gone. They hacked into our system."

"Hacked? Hacked Musk Enterprises you got to be kidding me. This company is unpenetrable. Let me check out firewall and servers right now." I said signaling Caroline to hand me her tablet.

"No John, theres nothing here. No hacks, nothing. There has to be an explanation, but I'll look into it more tomorrow, for now. I want you to order 3 cases of weaponry for tomorrow, maybe it will attract the thieves again. Ill be getting there tomorrow at noon. Meet me at the private airport, and no word to anyone about this, not even my parents." I tried rushing the call, I didn't want anything stopping Tim from having a nice birthday.

I gave Caroline her stuff back, and saw Bruce, Alfred, the boys and Barbara coming inside.

"Hey! Welcome guys." I proceeded to greet them with a hug.

"Everything look great! I love this." Tim said.

"Well go look around, there's a lot to see. Meanwhile I have to steal Bruce from you guys a second." I said wrapping my arm around bruce's arm

"What is it love?"

"Bruce, we are going to National City tomorrow."

"What why? Something happened to your parents?"

"No no, the National City factory has been robbed, thousands of dollars in weaponry. Security saw nothing, and the cameras glitched. I entered our servers and checked our firewall but no hacking involved. I need to go see it by myself, and I need your friend to help me. Im leaving at noon, meeting with John at  1 and heading to HQ for a while, buy you some time till nightfall. Meet me at 8 by the factory, I put an order for 3 cases of weaponry worth over 300K dollars, if something is going to attract them its going to be this. "

"Smart Girl. I'll meet you there then. Meanwhile lets go have some drinks shall we." Bruce lead me to the bar near the dance floor. Some of Tim's friend started arriving with their families.

"Babe, lets go greet the guests." I said to Bruce while he signaled Tim to come over.

"So, are you going to introduce us to some of your friends and their parents." Bruce said.

"Yea sure, theres someone I want you guys to meet. Its this girl I really like, but please don't embarrass me."

"Fine we wont." I said giggling while we followed Tim.

Tim walked to a girl standing by the snack bar with her parents.

"Hi Molly? Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. I wanted you to meet someone."

"Hello Tim" Molly said giving him a quick hug.

"Hey, young boy. For sure lead the way."

We were standing a few feet behind Tim. He made his way towards us with the girl and her parents.

"Well Mr and Mrs Stewart, Molly, this is my dad Bruce and my mom Y/N." Tim said 

I was surprised, did he just call me his mom? This warmed my heart and without thinking or even noticing the people in front of me I hugged him which he gave me a weird look in return since I was embarrassing him. I knew that we were only 10 years apart but knowing he saw me as part of his family just made me extremely happy and gave me a purpose to keep on getting closer to Bruce and his bat family.

"Hello, Pleasure meeting you guys." I said shaking their hands.

"Oh my! You have to tell me your secrets ." The lady said.

"Excuse me?" I looked confused.

"How do you both look so young, and have an 18 year old." 

" Oh well you know, running everyday and eating kale." I said not knowing what to respond. Bruce looked at me like if he wanted to laugh but was trying really hard to keep it in.

"I have heard of you Mr.Wayne, in fact Ive seen you around but I didn't know you were married to Miss.Musk. Hell of a business you guys share." the man said to Bruce.

"Oh well you know, keep your friend close and you enemies closer, am I right?" Bruce said ironically, which made me pinch his arm trying to stop him from scaring away Tim's crushes parents.

"Honey, I think we have to go pay the decorator. Nice to meet you guys." I said pulling Bruce away from the snack bar.

"Tim is going to be so mad at you after that." I said laughing.

"Well, let's just hope they don't tell the press we said we were married and have a son because your dad is not going to like that one bit."

"Well fuck that. Its my company so why should I care."

"Babe, remember he can be retired but he still has more company shares than you, still making him your boss."

"Ugh I guess, Well problem for another day. Let's go enjoy the party."

The night went by, and the party just got better and better. The dance floor was never empty and the guests left until very late at night. Bruce and I headed in early, and went to my penthouse for some rest. After all tomorrow was going to be a big day for batman and batgirl.

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