Destiny 2 Lightfall: Fallen D...

By OreZhc3

20.3K 202 64

After The Witness and its Pyramid Ships enter a Portal inside of The Traveler, A Guardian and his fireteam fo... More

Chapter One: From Rise to Lightfall
Noble 6 / Fireteam Jester's Bio
Chapter Three: A Hunter's Draw
Chapter Four: A Warlock's Journey
Chapter Five: A Titan's Resistance
Chapter Six: Speak of The Devil
Chapter Seven: Threat Level
Chapter Eight: Almost At Reach
Chapter Nine: The Truth
Chapter Ten: The Unexpected Visitors
Chapter Eleven: Battle of Red Cliffs
Chapter Twelve: A New Frontier
Chapter Thirteen: Made it This Far
Chapter Fourteen: Baptism By Fire [PT.1]
Chapter Fourteen: Baptism By Fire [PT.2]
Chapter Fifteen: Insurrection In Jingzhuo
Chapter Sixteen: Calm Through The Night
Chapter Seventeen: The Han Experience [PT.1]
Chapter Seventeen: The Han Experience [PT.2]
Chapter Eighteen: Casual Check Up
Chapter Nineteen: Little Hawk Down
Chapter Twenty: Said Too Soon...
Chapter Twenty One: To The Capital
Chapter Twenty Two: Old Monarchy
Chapter Twenty Three: Who Are You
Chapter Twenty Four: A Promise Behind The Mask
Chapter Twenty Five: Fortunate Son
Chapter Twenty Six: Same Problem Different Day
Chapter Twenty Seven: Breaching Barriers
Chapter Twenty Eight: With Haste
Chapter Twenty Nine: Home Perspective
Chapter Thirty: Looking For Trouble
Chapter Thirty Two: Trouble At Xuchang
Chapter Thirty Three: Under New Management

Chapter Two: We're Not in Kansas Anymore

1.3K 12 0
By OreZhc3

While they have second thoughts if they continue the investigation, the portal began to start like a vacuum sucking everything and anything into the portal. the ghosts returned to their Guardians as they themselves try to get a hold on something.
Raiden: "what the hell!!!"
Niko: "help!!!" the pole he held on to snaps as he was sucked in first.
Cotae: "Niko- oh sh-" Unfortunately for the Warlock a Vex block flew towards him and knocked him out as he was sucked in.
Raiden: "damn it- OSIRIS!!!" He lose his grip and was the last to be suck in before the portal deactivated and destroyed.

Meanwhile Osiris didn't get a response back from the team which he tries desperately to find their frequency and Nimbus heading towards their last location.
Osiris: [Guardian... Guardian are you there... Nimbus do you see them?]
Nimbus: [Osiris the guys are gone.]
Osiris: [what do you mean "gone"?]
Nimbus: [that portal on the ground is destroyed, i think they jumped in before the Portal blew... wait seeing the sand they got sucked in, we need to tell the Vanguard, asap!]

(Inside The H.E.L.M)

At The Last City, Commander Zavala, Empress Caiatl, Queen Mara and, Mithrax are having discussions about future plans and the sudden kidnapping of Civilians taken by the Shadow Legion till Osiris interrupts them.
Osiris: [apologies Zavala we have a problem on Neomuna.]
Zavala: "is that more important then the discussion we're having right now?"
Mara Sov: "Commander, let's hear what he has to say."
Osiris: [i send Raiden, Cotae and, Nikolai to investigate an anomaly after seeing modified Vex appearing, they are missing.]
Caiatl: "what do you mean "missing", explain."
Osiris: [I've send them to investigate the Vex Anomaly and when they reach there, their radio has gone silent, a Cloud Strider reach there to find nothing but Vex Remains, he believes they entered the portal which goes one way.] Mithrax thought about the portal and volunteer to go.
Mithrax: "allow me to investigate this anomaly, a portal that deactivates is common, maybe can reopen the portal and see if they enter back."
Mara Sov: "Petra and my Corsairs will accompany You to Neomuna."
Mithrax: "Thank you Mara Kell."
Caiatl: "I'll inform Bracus Forge to muster small force for a rescue."
Zavala: "then I'll get Ikora to lead this rescue, this is an emergency and I will not lose any more Guardians..."

He looks at the Triangle Portal that The Witness and it's Pyramid Ships go through now opens idle.

"Long Divided Must Unite, Long United Must Divide... Thus it Must End..."

(Let the Adventure Begin...)

At the Southeast of Jingzhou near Changbang, Liu Bei and his sworn brothers Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and companions Zhao Yun and Guan Ping reach to a river after a victory at Xinye against Cao Ren's One Hundred Thousand troops with the help of The Sleeping Dragon.
Zheng Fei: "brother can we rest, we been traveling too long."
Guan Yu: "Yida always complains about traveling."
Liu Bei: "he is right we must rest, our horses will be tired to continue... over there a river."

They dismount as Liu Bei and Zhao Yun found a river of fresh water and drank some of it.
Zhao Yun: "how long until Cao Cao comes invade with his army?"
Liu Bei: "since Cao Ren lost so many men to traps and flood-" all the sudden something created a large splash in front of them getting them soaking wet as they jump up knowing it might be Zhang Fei's doing.

Liu Bei: "Yida what is the meaning of this!"
Zhang Fei: "brother im over here." he turn to see him standing with Guan Yu. they turn to the river and find an tall man in robes slowly crawling ashore and flip himself up. when they surround him the only thing they see is his blue iris and puple.
???: "help... please." when he fainted the four got closer to get a better look on the unknown man and saw a Wolf's Crest on his upper armband that is glowing.
Zhuge Fei: "is that a crest, is there a clan more powerful then The Cai Clan?"
Zhao Yun: "no, there is no such clan who uses a Wolf as a family crest."
Guan Yu: "who is he then?" they look at eachother until Liu Bei broke the silence.
Liu Bei: "we must help this man."
Zhang Fei: "what if he's an assassin from Cai Mao?"
Guan Yu: "i don't think a trained assassin will fall on accident, i don't see anything that can hold... quickly help carry him to Kongming..."

[Chibi River Near Jianye]

At Chibi the Wu navy are practicing and preparing just in case Cao Cao had eyes on Wu. Sun Ce along with siblings Sun Quan Sun Shangxiang and general Haung Gai and Zhou Yu advising the drills.

Zhou Yu: "my Lord, the Navy and Men of Wu are ready, now we wait for Cao Cao to look at this direction so we can show him what the flames of Wu are made of."
Sun Ce: "great... sister are you ok?" he saw his sister glumy expression. her Bodyguard and Sun Quan's favorite concubine died from sickness a month ago and still fresh on their minds.

Sun Quan softly lay a hand on her shoulder to get her attention.
Sun Quan: "i miss her too, if she were still here she'll make sure your smiling." feeling she unlocked a memory core she smile and nods.
Sun Shangxiang: "you are right brother, for now we must-"
???: "AHHHHHHHHH!" a yell interrupted the moment then a spash was heard nearby as they look over to find nothing at first.

Sun Quan: "did one of our men go overboard?"
Zhou Yu: "the men can swim my Lord, i don't know-." all the sudden someone came out of the water.
???: "help- can't swim- i see the light- too soon!"
Sun Shangxiang looks around and find a rope then toss it to the stranger as he climb aboard and lay on the deck catching his breath.
???: "thank the Traveler, thank you, oh god thank you."

Sun Shangxiang: "uh..." they inspect the cloaked stranger wearing armor and a hat, helmet and a Cloak.

Zhou Yu: "who are you?" the stranger look up and look around before standing up being taller then him or  Huang Gai.
???: "im a Guardian."
Haung Gai: "Guardian? Guardian of the river?"
???: "what- no, Guardian from The Last City." The hooded man looks around again and shake his head. upon closer inspection he has a helmet on him

???: "ok... where im i?"
Sun Quan: "you're at the Chibi River near Jianye."
???: "J- J- Jan yee- Jan- January- ok, can you take me to the nearest broadcast station?" the only answer he got was nothing but confused looks at him as if he is crazy.
???: "never mind then." he held out a palm to show nothing. in her eyes she thought it met for her hand in marriage.
Sun Shangxiang: "what are you doing?"
???: "my companion should be here about... now." nothing happened.
???: "ah shanks..."

At The Borders of Jing Province

After hearing reports of Cao Ren's lost at Xinye Cao Cao personally led his army to Jingzhou.
Cao Cao: "Cao Ren's failure has made me think that he may attain another strategist."
Xun Yu: "I've heard about the Sleeping Dragon and if he did set those traps it must be him, i advise that we must approach Jing carefully."
Cao Cao and Xun You go outside and meet with Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan and Man Chong waiting.
Man Chong: "Cao Ren has return with half of his forces in defeat."
Cao Cao: "let's not waste time... have the men-"

All the sudden he was cut off by a body that came out of nowhere as his generals got off their horses and rush to his aid.

Xaihou Dun: "my Lord!" together they lift the the Iron Clad and saw Cao Cao's body imprint in the dirt knocked out face first while Xun You and Man Chong inspects the unknown Iron Clad.
Xiahou Yuan: "cousin is ok."
Xun You: "what do we do about this...?" he crouch next to him and shook him a bit to no avail but were surprised when the Iron Clad sat up he took off his Helmet and reveal his face and turn to Man Chong looking confused.

???: "is it Monday... oh fu-" before rolling his eyes and fainted.
Man Chong: "huh, monday?
Xun Yu: "what?"
Xiahou Dun: "we must know who he is and what is he doing here."
Man Chong: "then we shall take him as prisoner and question him once he's awaken." He gestures to the soldiers as they came and drag him away but have problems picking him up getting the help from four more men while the strangers belongings drop on the floor.
Man Chong picks up one of them with Black Metal and some polished Wood on the bottom and back of it, and Xun You pick up a curved knife which he pull out to saw his own reflection.
Xun You: "this knife is facing the wrong way."
Man Chong: "what is this... long metal thing, we must look into this throughly..."


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