The Last Goodnight [HS]

By Freshlamar

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Aaliyah was aching to finally up and leave her boring life in Millbrooks. She was quite tired of her routine... More

Authors Note {important}


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By Freshlamar

The next morning I woke up to the excruciating pain in my foot. I was confused at first but the memories of me kicking the metal like an idiot flooded. Of course I would injure myself within my first week of school. I slowly moved out from under my comforters, seeing my swollen foot. I almost gagged at the sight, my weak stomach hated the sight of any injury. I peered over my bedroom window behind my bed seeing both cars gone.

I had no cash for a cab. I rolled over on my bed to grab my cellphone, opening snapchat. My eyes widening at the time, it was already 9 am and my first period began at 8:45. Amazing, missing school already. I sent a chat to Connor asking if he was in class and of course he responded in seconds saying that he was.

I struggled out of bed and hobbled to my closet picking out something comfortable. I grabbed grey sweats and a simple white t-shirt. God I'm about to be dressed like Harry.

I need to get to the ER.

I hobbled to the bathroom, it'd be dumb of me to shower with a potentially broken foot, I'd probably fall and stay laying there like a 70 year old lady. I quickly stripped and put on my new outfit. Brushing my teeth after. I stared at my tired eyes. I can't believe someone stole my bike. If I had just stayed home last night I would've had a working foot and bike to get myself around this damn town. If I stayed home my father wouldn't have snapped at me, i'm an idiot. I'm basically asking for his distrust.

My eyes flicked up to the post it note on my mirror, Harrys phone number. I know he'd pick up but I would look quite pathetic asking for a favor. I took a glance at my foot one more time, looking at the gross green and blue bruise on my fat foot.

Yeah I'm just going to call him.

I grabbed my phone from the counter and began to dial. I better not regret this. If he says no I don't know what I'm going to do. The phone continued to ring.

"Hello?" A confused Harry answers before the last ring, I widened my eyes at his voice. I thought it was going to head to voicemail, and he didn't seem like the type of person to listen to voicemails which is okay because i'm not the person to leave a voicemail.

"Oh my god Harry it's Aaliyah." I rushed my words, maybe if I up-played my eagerness he'd help me. God I just need some ibuprofen and a foot wrap i'll be good to go.

I heard a sigh on the other line, obviously annoyed with me. "What is it Aaliyah? Why are you calling me?" He snaps, does he always need an attitude?

I close my eyes in frustration. Trying to talk to him is painful. I think just having to speak to him is making my foot hurt worst. "Listen, I think I broke my foot. Is there anyway you can drop me off at the ER. Connor mentioned that sometimes you drive to school if you don't bike." I hurried my speech as the pinching feeling in my foot increased.

I heard him stand up through the phone, whatever chair he was on scraping the floor, "Are you home?" He asks, his tone flipping a bit it wasn't quite warm but it didn't have an undertone of annoyance.

"Yeah I am, so you can come? You're not like missing class right?" I asked concerned, he had been out school more than he's been at school and it's only day 6. I held my phone with my shoulder to my ear as I attempted to apply moisturizer on my face. I might just run into a hot doctor there.

I can't risk anything.

"I'm not going today, I'll be there in 5 minutes." Is all he says before the line goes dead. I was taken aback from how simple that was. If he actually shows up and leaves me at the ER I'm going have to owe him, I don't know what but i'll figure it out.

I put my phone down, limping out of the bathroom to look for one shoe, there's no way my newly fat left foot would fit in my sneakers. I slipped in my right foot and sat back up on my bed patiently waiting for him. Shit, I hope he doesn't come through the front door. Let me text him.

come through the back i'm in my room.

He read the message within a minute, the three dots popping up. It was shown as typing for another  just for him to send


are u driving and texting?

stop texting me.

I furrowed my eyebrows when reading his rude text, well maybe not rude. His bitchy text. My head began to hurt from a new spike of pain, shooting up my leg now. I froze in pain, trying not to cry from the burn. How hard did I kick that metal rack? Walking on it probably didn't serve me any justice. How am I going to get to school everyday? I was too close to bus and too far to walk. What sort of shit was that? 

I elevated my leg but the swinging of my bedroom door startled me, my foot crashing back down. I wince in pain, "Jesus christ- oh my god your foo-" Was all I could hear Harry say before he gags, his gag almost made me want to gag.

Did my foot look that bad? This is so embarrassing. I guess he wasn't made for the medical career. He covers his eyes, "Sorry, I can't stomach any injury. I brought old crutches I have, let's just go." He blindly made his way towards me, placing both crutches in my hands.

I want to laugh so bad but the throbbing in my foot was telling me to cry. I used all my strength to lift myself to the crutches, he had already adjusted it to my height before he came in here, cool. I crutched behind him, my home was only one floor so it was quite easy for me.

This is ridiculous, yesterday I was mentally cursing him out and now i'm relying on him to take me to the ER. Now I couldn't be mean to him if I tried to, i'd feel too guilty. I'm sure if any of my other friends had a car they wouldn't miss school to take me to the hospital. "Grab my bag please." I ask as we got to the back door, My purse sat on the kitchen counter.

He snatched it and quickly opened the door, waiting for me to go through. I stayed frozen for a second, scanning his outfit for the first time.

Of course we're wearing the exact same thing.

Our blank t-shirts' were identical down to the cut of the neckline, our sweatpants hugging our legs the same way. He even had black converse on, of course I had one on but it was all the same down to the T.

I giggle, covering my mouth immediately, I hated people seeing how wide my mouth becomes when I laugh.

His irritated face turned to confusion. "What?"

I continue to laugh at how horrible this situation was, how funny it was when he gagged and how unplanned our outfits were, "I-I just... we're wearing the same outfit- and you gagged and my bike is fucking stolen." I say in fits of laughter, its definitely not as funny my brain thought it was but if I didn't laugh i'd probably cry my way to the ER.

His lips twitched into a small smile before looking down and shaking his head, "Aaliyah please get to car." I could hear the smile in his voice. I quickly crutched out the door, attempting to suppress laughter. I heard his foot steps behind me, then I heard a small chuckle. My smile grew wider.

The car was a simple grey Honda. I tugged at the front door handle and it was unlocked. I got in placing the crutches in between my legs. He was in the drivers seat within the next few seconds, putting the key in the ignition. A single hand ran through his hair while doing so.

I turned my face to my window, not wanting to look at him to long because then i'll realize how everything he did was attractive. Even in the outfit he was in, I wouldn't mind if had just unhooked my seatbelt and gra-

"What did you do to your foot and why do I have to be the one to take you." He quickly interrupted my thoughts. I blushed at the place he stopped my brain, he'd never know.

I clear my throat, "Oh um, I saw my bike was missing so I got angry and kicked the rack really hard. Like a proper kick, then I walked all the way home with the pain. Now I called you because my dad was already gone and you're the only one with a car..." I bit the inside of my lip, what if he could read my mind. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, he's looking at me like he could read my mind.

Harry if you could read my mind say 'chicken wing'

I waited for his response but instead of responding he turned back to face the windshield, beginning to drive the car. I swear if he says anything related to chicken i'll be so freaked. "You shouldn't have walked home alone that late." Is all he says.

He was right, but it wasn't like I had any other choice. I never carry cash for a taxi. It wasn't worth explaining so I allowed silence to fall upon us. My purse stayed in his lap as he drove down the narrow streets of Milbrook. The dainty purse on his lap contrasted to the loose gray pants on his legs. It was almost picture worthy, the image could be something on his website.

I shut my eyes, I'm thinking way too much, he can for sure hear my thoughts.

The 23 minute ride consisted of me shutting down my invasive thoughts with the unrealistic fear that he heard what my brain spewed.

He put the car in park, getting out quickly, my purse in his hand. I gripped the crutches but before I could open my door Harry had it open for me. I gave him a small smile, getting out and stabilizing myself on the crutches.

Harry stood by me while I spoke to the lady at the front desk, rating my pain on the smiley list as if I was 7. I was more surprised to see Harry stick around when I only asked him to drop me off. I'd probably use the ATM there and take public transportation home. But he stayed, quietly towering near me the entire time.

They settled me into a room where I lie on the comfortable bed. Hospitals had a weird place of comfort in my heart, I felt more safe in a hospital room than in my own room. Perhaps it was a bad thing but I don't care.

Harry sat at the chair near the windows that looked out into the hallway. His legs were spread and his held tilted back as he closed his eyes. He must be tired.

I shut off my own phone, afraid a sudden instagram video would play to startling his sleep.

I lay in pain and silence for another 20 minutes before Harry jumped to his feet. "Why are they taking so bloody long?!" He huffed, peeking his head out the door. Sighing as the nurse came in sight with her computer on wheels.

"Hello, Aaliyah?" The nurse wheeled into the room, Harry moved back to sit down in his chair. I nodded a yes to her.

"You're here for your foot, correct?" She had an american accent, it was pretty.


"Alright, well Dr. Damien will handle that for you, I'm seeing here that your physical hasn't been updated in 4 years. Would you mind if I ask you some questions?"

Great, she's here for nothing. "Yeah go ahead." I shoot a glance at Harry, rolling my eyes in frustration, he rolled his eyes back. Playfulness?

"Alright, you're 17 correct?", I nodded. "Alright, any allergies to any food or medication."

"No, i'm allergic to strawberries but that's probably on there."

"It is, when was your last period?"

Right, they ask these sort of questions too. "The 24th of august." I quickly respond, not daring to look at Harry. I kept my period in track all of the time.

"Sexually active?" She asks, typing in my previous statement. My face turned hot. It's not like Harry didn't know, our first real interaction including my ex-flings best friend airing out my sexual life. "Yeah I am." I quickly respond, my eyes accidentally making its way to Harry but he was now on his phone.

"Birth control? If so what form?"

I pointed to my arm "Implanon, I had an IUD last year but my body didn't react to it right." That was a nightmare, I had gotten an IUD and it didn't quite work for me and I bled so much I passed out in my bathroom, try explaining that to your father.

"Has it worked?"

"I haven't been sexually active in a little less than a year so I don't know, it has made my period regular again though, I also gained some weight."

"Alright, where are your parents today? Is he a legal guardian?" She looks over at Harry who was know alert to the conversation.

I laughed at the question, "Oh no, he's my-my friend he did me a favor, my dad left before I woke up."

She smiled at Harry then looked back at me, "Well put a pillow under your foot, the swelling looks like it's lowering it's most likely just badly bruised." She grabbed a pillow and delicately placed my foot on it. Harry snapped his gaze away from my gross foot. "Alright, Dr. Damien will be in soon. Feel better." She smiles before grabbing her computer and exiting.

As soon as she turned the corner Harry says, "Doctor Damien sounds like the name of a male stripper"

I stifle a laugh at the accuracy of his statement, it really did sound like someone i'd hire for my bachelorette party.

Did it really have to take a broken foot for him to be nice to me? Maybe he just pitied me and this phase of playfulness would be over with.

I hoped it was here to stay.

His stripper joke later fell to another silence between us. The doctor came in, and wow was I glad I put on some moisturizer because our stripper doctor really was dreamy.

I swear my eyes glistened like an anime character when he came in. He had blond hair and blue eyes, hair perfectly slicked back, I could see a tattoo poking out the cuffs of his lab coat. He was about Harrys height with a perfectly chiseled jaw. He was hot, in a older man sort of way.

He asked me the typical routine questions, then felt my foot, I winced when he pressed on the purple bruise.

"Well it isn't broken, it's just bruised. I'll send some ibuprofen to your local pharmacy, you can continue to use those crutches" Dr. Damien pointed to the crutches that leaned next to Harry. Harry stood up and walked to the hospital bed I sat on. "Come in for a checkup in two weeks." He smiled and walked out of the room.

That was it? I waited two hours for the doctor to give me an answer in 3 minutes.

"He was so hot." I mumble to myself, earning a scoff from Harry as handed the crutches to me. I stood up on them. "What? Cmon admit that he was hot."

"He looked like hitler youth Aaliyah." Harry jokes and I gasp at the accuracy of his statement. He did have blonde hair and blue eyes, what an out of pocket joke.

"You're mean Harry." I crutched behind him, we made our way out the hospital and back to his car, he leaned over placing his left hand at the small of my back and his right hand on the car door handle. I almost gasped at the contact.

"I know I'm mean, get in." He moves his hand away quickly and I limped into the passengers seat. I sat the same way I did before, crutches between my legs. He got into the car, my purse still in hand. "I'll bring you to school until you're off those."

I widen my eyes at his statement.

Don't like... start to think that we're friends or anything because you have my sweater and stuff.

His rude words from last night rang in my ears. Why the sudden change of heart, i've done nothing but bother him today. Maybe he pitied me, it wasn't the ideal way i'd want us to get along but if it came down to it I guess it was better than rude jabs at each other.

"Why?" I ask out of curiosity as he pulled out of the parking lot. He reached over to the radio, playing whatever song played first.

He sighed, "Well do you want to crutch to and from school everyday? Plus i'll be at your house everyday anyway."

He made several points. I just nodded before letting the soft rock music play between us. Should I say thank you? He did waste 3 hours of his day taking me to the hospital.

I'll wait until I get home. I looked out the window, realizing he drove into a drive through pharmacy. "Aaliyah Jones" I speak from the passangers seat when we rolled up to the window. The pharmacist walked away and came back with my prescription in seconds, Harry grabbed it and handed it to me.

I smile, making contact with the black eye  he turned up to school with yesterday. The second he noticed my gaze he looked back at the road and continued driving. My smile fell a bit. "What happened?" I ask, maybe it was too personal for me to ask but he had been so nice to me I just thought I could help him out too.

"Got into a fight sunday." He admits but I could tell that's not the entire truth. I nodded before looking back at the window.

I chuckle, "I sure hope they look worse than you do" I half joke trying to raise the spirits in the car, To my surprise he chuckled, it shocked me enough to look at him, his dimples deepening.

"Fuck." He suddenly says, I furrow my eyebrows and look at where he was staring. There were 2 cop cars at my house Sofia standing with her arms crossed speaking to the cops. I put my hands over my face from embarrassment. "What do I do Aaliyah?" His voice was frantic.

Fuck, "Help me out, I'll figure it out." He stops the car before getting out to open my door.

"There she is- of course with a boy!" She yells from across the street, this is so embarrassing. Harry leans over to grab the crutches, helping me on. "Oh- oh my goodness Aaliyah what happened!" Her voice flipped to fake concern, god I hate her.

Harry follows behind me, I don't know what would be worst, him meeting Sofia this way or him leaving. The cops looked to me. I struggled across the street. "I hurt my foot but you guys were gone, had to call my partner to take me." I rubbed my eyes, this is so fucking dumb.

"What did you do Aaliyah! Why didn't you call us!" She deserved an Emmy for her role as concerned step mom. "And who are you?" She snaps her head to Harry.

His eyes shot a glance at me than back at Sofia. "Oh-I'm her project partner, I was the only friend with a car..." He begins to explain, but Sofia cuts him off by grabbing my purse from his hands. I gasp at her rudeness, Harry took two steps back.

"Well, thank you. Let's get into the house." She falsely thanks him. "Sorry officers I guess it was a misunderstanding." She smiles before storming into the house.

"I'm sorry, she does the most to get me in trouble." I laughed through my frustration.

He pressed his lips together, "I'll get you tomorrow morning." Is all he says before turning around and leaving. He sure could walk fast because it felt like within a second he was already in his car. He didn't give me time to thank him.

As I made way back into my home I couldn't help but smile at the circumstances of today.

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