Issues (Arranged marriage)

By piss420baby69

14 1 0

Marriage can be forced on you; but love cannot. First published- 19.07.2021 More

i s s u e s
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2 0 0
By piss420baby69

Camille woke up bright and early, ready to scare the shit out of her mother and father. She ran downstairs to see them both making breakfast. "You look happy, Cami" her mother said.

"i'm just so excited to finally meet him" She said, with a big fake grin on her face.

"See Edward, i knew she'd pull through" She said. Her father just gave her a thumbs up and smiled.

Camille just poured herself a bowl of coco pops and ate them in silence. When her dad left, her mother turned to her again, while eating her eggs. "He is so hot. If i was your age again i'd be sure to snap him up" She said with a big grin. Camille just pretended to gag, while taking her cereal into the living room, to stay away from her mother.

When she was done she put her bowl in the dishwasher. "Cami, get dressed we're leaving soon". Her plan was falling into place perfectly.

She ran up stairs and got dressed into her fishnets, pleated skirt and a black leather bra. Camille kept on checking herself out in the mirror. She put her coat on and left to see her parents smiling. Her father was wearing black jeans and a white polo shirt. Her mother was wearing a grey dress.

Her mother looked at her outfit, which was covered by her coat, and back up at her. "I love your skirt but maybe you should pull it down a bit".

"I think it adds more class to my outfit". She just nodded and made her way to her dads car.

The car ride there was silent, just her dad humming to the 80s music on the radio.

Camille looked out of the car window and saw white house. It had 2 floors and was a decent size. Her dad pulled up on the side of of the curb and they all got out.

Her mother placed a hand on Camille's back, leading her to the house. They knocked and the woman from before opened it. "Oh, hello Jenny. You look lovely as always" The woman said, embracing her mother into a hug and turned to Camille. "Hello, Camille you look stunning". She tried to give her a hug but Camille dodged it and gave her a hand shake instead.

The woman moved to the side to let them in. The living room was pretty. Her father and the woman came in and sat down on the sofa. "He's just in the kitchen. He's so excited to meet you Camille". Camille just gave her a fake smile in response, knowing it wouldn't be long until they'd leave.

As she heard foot steps coming into the living room, she took off her coat. The whole room fell silent. The man came in and she looked up at him. Fuck. It was her English teacher. As he looked at her face and her outfit, he dropped the 3 glasses of lemonade he had in his hands, causing them to break on the hard wood floor.

"I-I've got to go". Camille quickly grabbed her coat and ran out of the door. She heard her mother's obnoxiously loud heals click against the stone floor coming after her. Camille finally stopped running and sat on a bench and her mother stood in front of her.

"Camille Gwen Laurent! You're going to go back in there and apologise to that lovely fam-" Camille cut her off.

"Mum" Her mother just ignored her.

"About you're outfit and what you j-"

"Mum" Camille said it louder this time.

"What?" She shouted.

"Tha- That's my old english teacher". She was shaking.

"Fuck" Her mother said.

"I'm not going back in there no matter what mum. You ca- can't make me" Camille stuttered, still shaking.

"Yeah. Neither" . Her Mother sat down on the bench next to her. She saw her dad running down the path.

"Guys, when are you going back i-" Her father said

"It's her old teacher" Her mother said.

"Shit" her dad paused. "Well we need to go back in there. We can't just leave"

"This is exactly why parents shouldn't play matchmaker. I haven't been out of school for even a week yet and your trying to set me up with my English teacher" Camille shouted.

"No. You're fathers right Cam. We need to go back in". She grabbed Camille's hand and led her to the house.

He was sat on the sofa with his head in his hands and his mother was looking around, confused.

"What's wrong?" She said. He looked back up at Camille and Camille looked back at him.

"She wa- was my student for 2 years" He said, gulping. Camille turned away so she couldn't see the woman's face.

"So? There's nothing wrong with that. When i was Camille's age i was married to a 40 year old man. And i love your outfit Camille". Camille looked back up at the woman to see if she was joking. She had a massive grin on her face. "Guys. Atleast say hello to each other".

They both looked at each other in the eye again. Camille was the first one to break the eye contact. "So. Shall we just go home then?" Camille asked, knowing there was no way in hell that this was going to work.

"Of course not silly. You can talk to each other. Camille's out of school now" She said.

"Can i go home and think about this please?" Camille said.

"Of course hunny"

As soon as she said them words, Camille hurried out of there and into the car. Her parents flowed behind her.

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