A New Chapter (BNHAxReader)

By Glizzy_Rider155

3.8K 314 95

She grew up and matured, though she still reverts back to her old ways. Things are starting to look up for he... More

Chapter 1: The future in now
Chapter 2: A new start
Chapter 3: First day
Chapter 4: Catching up
Chapter 5: Take it outside
Chapter 6: Moving plans
Chapter 7: Their turn to move
Chapter 8: Still surprising people
Chapter 9: Let the games begin
Chapter 10: Last of the few matches
Chapter 11: New Quirks
Chapter 12: Another lead
Chapter 13: Troublemakers
Chapter 14: Like old times
Chapter 15: It's not impossible
Chapter 16: The mission
Chapter 17: The horror house
Chapter 18: The twins
Chapter 19: Sleep? Don't know it
Chapter 20: Drinks on me
Chapter 21: Never should have happened
Chapter 22: A little help seriously helps
Chapter 23: First fight
Chapter 24: The resolution
Chapter 25: Get through this together
Chapter 26: Finishing up
Chapter 27: Ground Zero
Chapter 28: Where did we go wrong?
Chapter 29: The cold is a bad omen
Chapter 30: Falling apart
Chapter 31: Back again? How?
Chapter 32: Reckless
Chapter 33: Don't make the same mistakes that I've made
Chapter 34: Am I real?
Chapter 35:Trying to get back to normal
Chapter 36: The swing of things
Chapter 37: A little fun hurt no one
Chapter 38: Finish what I started
Chapter 39: The bully
Halloween Special
Chapter 41: Pictures on a wall
Chapter 42: Who am I?
Chapter 43: A sparring match, like old times
Chapter 44: Jailbird
Chapter 45: New member to the family
Chapter 46: That gut feeling
Chapter 47: Story time
Chapter 48: Like father like son
Chapter 49: Run away from emotions
Chapter 50: Trading emotions
Chapter 51: Late night homecoming
Chapter 52: Mental breakdown
Chapter 53: My fault
Chapter 54: Losing it
Chapter 55: Imposter
Chapter 56: Work first
Chapter 57: Heat wave
Chapter 58: Storm watching
Chapter 59: Next generations class trip
Chapter 60: They never stop
Chapter 61: Against my will
Chapter 62: Homecoming
Chapter 63: You before me
Chapter 64: Staff party
Chapter 65: Silent treatment
Chapter 66: Class reunion
Chapter 67: Sons first battle
Chapter 68: Coming out
Chapter 69: Full house
Chapter 70: Beach day
Chapter 71: Hero con
Chapter 72: DΓ©jΓ  vu
Chapter 73: Father
Chapter 74: The truth
Chapter 75: Pleading for the end
Chapter 76: Everyone is hit hard
Chapter 77: Has to hurt before it's to heal
Chapter 78: I'm sorry, Toshi
Chapter 79: I'm sorry family & friends
Chapter 80: Baby steps
Chapter 81: The tables have turned
Chapter 82: Here comes the sun
Chapter 83: An unwanted vacation
Chapter 84: Not the world's biggest jerk
Chapter 85: First visitor
Chapter 86: Glad to be back
Chapter 87: One chapter closed
Random Special
Chapter 88: Quirk malfunction
Chapter 89: Something new
Chapter 90: Late night mishap
Chapter 91: Lost piece of happiness
Chapter 92: The struggle begins once again
Chapter 93: Getting used to it
Chapter 94: Graduation
Chapter 95: A felines quirk
Chapter 96: The End
Authors Note

Chapter 40: Where a chapter started

21 2 2
By Glizzy_Rider155

I woke up with a stiff back and looked around since the room I was in was unfamiliar. I generated a pair of glasses since my vision was so blurry, and saw that I was in a hospital room once they were on. I noticed that I was wearing oversized sweatpants and a hoodie. They weren't too big, but just enough that I'd notice.

I let out a sigh as I thought, 'What did I do now?'

I got out of bed with ease, so I knew that whatever I had done wasn't too bad that would make me weak like I usually am when I have to heal myself, resulting in me using a lot of energy hence making me weak. When I made it to the foot end of my bed, the hospital room door slid open. A man who I've never seen before was standing in the doorway. His face lit up upon seeing me before he bolted in and threw his arms around me. I tensed up and widened my eyes since I didn't know what was going on and that I didn't have the slightest clue as to who this guy was. Not going to lie though, he was pretty handsome looking.

He let go of me and asked in a frantic, worried tone, "How are you feeling? Are you alright?"

"I-I'm f-fine." I stuttered.

He took my hand and tried to pull me back towards the bed, "Come on, you shouldn't be out of bed so soon. I'll get the doctor and-"

"No!" I yelled as I jerked my hand free from his grasp. He looked to me as if he was hurt, which I then didn't waste any time to run out of the room and down the hall. Just as I turned the corner to leave my room, I bumped into someone. I  looked up to see who it was. Thankfully it was just Yamada. I put my hand up to my chest and let out a sigh of relief before I said, "Thank god you're here, there's-"

"Y/N?" the guy who was in my room said my name, making me freeze.

I slowly turned around and asked in a grave tone, "H-how do you know m-my name?"

He looked to Yamada, who was behind me, and said in a worried tone, "She doesn't remember who I am."

Yamada sighed, "Well, it's like the doctor said I suppose, they won't remember a lot."

'Won't remember a lot? Wait, did you say they? Who's they?'

The guy took a step towards me, which I then took a step back, bumping into Yamada, making him place a hand on my back as he said "I guess if you want, you could head back home since she doesn't remember who you are, and she seems a little shaken up by things."

The guy agreed, "Yeah, we don't need her to panic more than what she already has. Just text or call or whatever when you hear something new." he said before looking to me, "Sorry if I startled you."

"It-it's fine." I said quietly before he left. We then watched as the guy left and entered the elevator. Once the elevator doors closed, I turned to Yamada and asked, "Who is that guy?"

He sighed and said in a stressed out tone, "His name's Chikao. He's your husband."

My eyes widened, "What?!" I exclaimed.

He turned so he was facing the hospital room door that was next to mine, "Follow me." He then opened the room door and I followed him in, closing the door behind us. There was a boy that looked to be about my age that was sitting on the hospital bed. He had black hair that went to just about his shoulders. He looked beyond tired as if he hadn't slept in days.

Yamada took a seat on the chair that was by his bed and began to explain as he crossed his arms, "He already knows most of it, but you two were hit with a criminal's quirk. The quirk turns a person back to their high school self. That includes their appearance, abilities, and memories."

"Wait, so how old am I supposed to be right now?" I asked.

He looked up and tried to remember before responding, "Thirty six."

I gave a confused look before I looked down and tried to process what little I had just learned. "Who's that?" I asked as I raised my head and looked to the boy who was sitting on the bed, looking back at me.

"Guess. Who does he look like?" Yamada said, making it a game.

I hummed before replying, "Aizawa, I suppose?" He nodded his head. "What? No, it can't be. He's too young to be Aizawa." I said in a confused tone.

"He was also hit by the same quirk as you." he explained.

"Hizashi," the boy who looked like Aizawa spoke up, "who's the girl?"

"Her name is Y/N." Yamada replied before asking me, "Who's the number one hero still?"

"All Might." I replied, "Why?" He then began to look closely at my face. I put a hand up to my cheek and asked sheepishly, "Is something on my face? Where is it?"

He waved a hand and crossed his arms, "No, nothing like that. I noticed that your right eye isn't red tinted, so obviously you hadn't gone on the class trip yet." I tilted my head to one side in confusion. "How many months have you been living with Sho and I?"

"A few months I think?"

"I see..."

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, just trying to pinpoint what time frame you were sent back to." he replied.

Aizawa looked to Yamada and said, "You said that she's been living with 'Sho and I'. What do you mean by that? Is she our daughter or something?"

My face turned red as Yamada replied, "Well yes, but no. Well, the time that she's stuck in right now, we weren't fostering her, but in this current day and year, we have fostered her and pretty much accepted her as family; which we still do for both her and her family."

"Family?" I asked quietly as my face turned back to its normal color.

"Like I said earlier, that man you met was your husband. You two have four kids."

"Four?" I repeated in shock.

He nodded his head, "Yes, you had quadruplets. Two boys and two girls."

"How old are they?"

"Sixteen; so the same age that you were converted back to." he replied, which I just nodded my head once slowly. He went on, "Three of which are in UA. Two are in class 1-A while the other is in 1-B. The fourth child already is working for I-island, doing exactly the same thing that Chikao does."

"Who's Chikao?" Aizawa asked.

"Her husband."

"But she's only sixteen."

Yamada let out a frustrated sigh as he put his hand to his forehead. He sat like that for a minute before crossing his arms again and explaining again, "You know the quirk that you both were hit with, right?" We nodded our heads. "You two were sent back in time pretty much and reverted back to your old selves. Over the years from when you were really that age, up until now, a lot has changed; especially for you, Sho." We didn't say anything, so he stood up and said, "I'm going to go check you guys out. We're going to head home."

"Home?" Aizawa asked.

Yamada turned to him, "Yes, we live together and have been ever since we were pretty much in our last year of school. Except for a year or so when I went to study in America." He then turned to me before leaving, "Y/N, I think that you can explain a couple things since you may know a little bit. I'll be back." he then left, resulting in an awkward silence.

Eventually Aizawa spoke up, "Why did he go to study in America?"

"He's an English teacher at UA. You're a teacher too for the first year hero course." I explained before adding, "You're both my teachers."

He paused for a moment before asking, "What about Oboro? Did he become a teacher too?"

I tilted my head to one side again, "I'm sorry but I don't think I've heard of him."

"Oh." he said before asking, "If we're supposedly your teachers, then how can you live with us?"

I waved a hand, "It's a long story."

He crossed his arms, "I've got time."

I shrugged my shoulders, "So be it then." and began to explain the condensed version, "I get attacked by villains a lot since I'm already a hero, so principal Nezu suggested that I were to stay with fellow heroes for my own safety."

"Wait, you're a hero already?" he asked in a confused tone.

"Yeah, I'm the youngest pro hero."

He continued with the same tone, "But how? You're still in UA, right? You haven't gone through the courses."

"I did them ahead of time. I'm just going to UA so I can finish high school. All Might helped me a great deal." I explained.

"He's the number one hero of your time?"

"Yeah, you know him pretty well too, I think. His name's Yagi Toshinori."

He nodded his head, "Yeah. I never really expected him to become the number one hero. Good for him." I nodded my head in agreement.

Shortly later Yamada came back and said in a tired tone, "Alright, let's get going."

I put my hands above my head as I turned to the door, "Nap time!"

"Yes, nap time." Aizawa agreed quietly as I heard him get out of bed.

"Head over to your room and see if you have anything there, Y/N." Yamada said. I nodded my head before I left the room to do as he said. I looked everywhere and couldn't find a single thing that could have been marked off as mine. I then left the room and went out to the hallway, which was where they were waiting.

As we went to the car, I noticed how short Aizawa was compared to the one that I always have known. He was pretty close to my height, yet a little taller. He also had his scarf around him now, so he looked a bit more familiar to me.

"What are you looking at?" Aizawa asked as he glanced at me.

I looked away and shoved my hands into my sweatpants pockets, "Nothing."

"What is it?" he asked again, but his tone made him sound more ticked off.

"I just noticed how short you are." I mumbled.

"You're shorter than me."

We walked as I said, "Well yeah, but I mean from what I'm used to." He sighed as he buried his face into his scarf.

When we got to the car, I opened the back door so I could get in, but then Yamada and I noticed that Aizawa was hesitant to get in the car.

"What's wrong?" Yamada asked him.

"It's nothing." he replied.

Yamada opened the drivers side door and said before he got in, "You can sit in the front if you'd like or you can sit in the back. Y/N can move to the front if you'd want to be alone in the back." I quickly teleported to the passengers seat. "I guess you'll have to sit in the back now, Sho." Once I was up in the front, he then got in.

As we were on our way back to the apartment, Aizawa asked, "What is your quirk?"

"Who? Me?" I asked.

"Well duh. I already know Hizashi's."

I sighed, "I'm not too sure. I can do so many, I don't know if I can just think up of something or what."

"Can you copy peoples quirks?"

"I mean, yeah. As long as I can think of it and know its boundaries, I can do it. Honestly, I mostly use a quirk to knock the criminal out and/or to erase their quirk, which is much like yours." I explained as I rested my chin on my fist since my elbow was resting on the side of the door.

I watched as the snow fell as he said, "So I take it you know my quirk then?"

"Yep." I replied simply. A couple minutes later we made it to the apartment. When we got out of the car, I took a deep breath and let a light smile creep to my face before I covered it and followed the two towards the front door of the apartment. When we walked in, I felt comfortable all of a sudden. As soon as we kicked off our shoes, a short legged cat came running towards us. I walked towards it and let it sniff my hand as I asked, "What is its name?"

"His name is Sai." Yamada replied as he walked past me.

Aizawa joined me with petting the cat as I asked, "Where's Melody?"

"She's at your house."

"Oh." I said as I stopped petting Sai so Aizawa could have a turn.

"I take it you like cats too?" he asked sheepishly.

I smiled a soft, presentable smile, "Yeah, I do quite a lot." I then stood up and said, "Welp, I'm gonna go take a nap."

"I was going to make supper." Yamada said from the kitchen.

"Wake me when it's ready."

He sighed, "Fine."

I then went up the stairs up to my room. When I entered, I noticed how empty it was. I walked to where my bed should have been, but it wasn't there. I then generated a couch where it should have been originally and laid down on it as I generated a blanket and pillow. Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

(Man, while I was on break, so much had happened. I got accepted to all of the colleges that I applied to, my pretty much one and only friend caught COVID, I had to go on a two week quarantine, I watched the entire twelve hour live stream for the deletion of Unus Annus, someone random dropped off two kittens again at my houses which we may just keep, along with a few other things. It all somewhat feels stressful still, all while I feel relieved somehow. I was planning on still writing, but I didn't do it as much as I had planned. Whatever though, at least I got a few more chapters done on here, along with getting a pretty good start on an Erasermic fic. So expect to see that come in the near future, though that may just be when this is completed. *Hands reader a potato that has "Memento Mori" etched into it.*)

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