It happened over whiskey

By harshitabajaj_239

14.2K 682 37

Love happens in the most unexpected situation with the most unexpected person. No one can agree to this more... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 13

329 19 0
By harshitabajaj_239

Ryan’s POV:


Today was the most scary nightmare that I had lived apart from the one where I lost my beloved grandmother. I couldn’t get over the fact that I had just bid my farewell to Amber.

It killed me when I realized that it was the last time when we talked to each other, when I could hear her honey dipped words or for that matter it was also the last time when I could feel her fingers intertwined in mine. I stopped at a bar while going home to drown my misery.

Why does it always have to be ruined for me? Just when I smiled after so long today and thought that things are finally getting to a point where I can smile again, it was all brought back to ruins by taking away the one person who was the reason behind most of my smiles from the past few days.

I remember being so excited to celebrate my Thanksgiving with Amber and although I did have a memorable time with her, it was just over, so early. I was loaded with a lot of alcohol when I made my way towards my car.

I knew I couldn’t drive in such a drunkard state if I wasn’t planning to attend my own funeral as a ghost so I decided to call my driver. I rummaged through my pockets to finally get a hold of my phone.

With my blurry eyes trying to support me to get a clear image of the various numbers in my phone, I searched until my eyes landed on my driver’s number. I called him and asked him to pick me up.

I sat inside my car while resting my head on the steering wheel when suddenly I heard someone knocking on my car window. I was relieved to see that my driver, Samwell was standing there with a concerned look on his face.

He helped me get out of the car before locking it behind us and then he guided me in the back seat of his car. “Do you need anything?”, Samwell  asked me while securing his seat belt.

“I want her, Samwell. She keeps me happy, she makes me feel wanted”, I said while pouting at my newfound sadness. Samwell looked at me through the rear view mirror and while scratching his eyebrow with his index finger he said, “You would want to not speak anything in front of Khloe about whoever this girl is, Ryan. She is already furious after watching you on the news with some girl which I am assuming is the same girl whom you are talking about.”

I focused on the bright street lights that illuminated the dark winter streets before muttering, “Fuck! Khloe saw the news. I am deep in shit already and now I have to deal with her too. Did you hear her say anything else?” Samwell thought for a minute as if contemplating if he should tell me or not before carefully measuring his next words out of his mouth, “She called your friends just to be informed that you had absolutely no plans meeting them for dinner today. I suggest you to sleep it off for a day before you have any conversation with her.”

I looked at him as if he had grown two heads and said the next words with hate in my tone, “Did she really do that? I can’t believe how Khloe can behave so unreasonable at times.” He didn’t say a word more leaving me to my thoughts.

I appreciated this quality the most about him. Samwell has been with me since my early days as an entrepreneur.

He knows me in and out and is a dear friend of mine. He knows when his wise words need to be preached and when he should just leave me alone, pondering over it myself.

He never really asked me about any details even when I shared practically everything with him. As soon as the car came to a halt in the driveway, I huffed while looking at the big house in front of me which is supposed to be my home, the place that keeps me at peace but honestly, with each passing day it was just turning into something exactly opposite of what is expected of it.

I gulped an entire bottle of cold water to keep my intoxication at bay, allowing me to handle things calmly in there. I ran a hand through my hair before stepping out of the car.

I wanted Samwell to follow me inside, probably to protect me but he just left with his car and I was standing there looking at him like a child who was left at the gates of his school while his parents made their way home. I tried to keep my composure calm while climbing the few stairs before entering inside the mansion.

I saw Khloe sitting in front of the television which was still focusing on ‘How Ryan Parker spends his Thanksgiving singing Karaoke’. She was gulping a sip of vodka with every new headline being presented on the T.V. as if it was her way of digesting the information.

I was making my way to our room with the most silent steps I could take when I heard a voice from behind me. “Oh! Here you are. Are you fine?”, the voice said with a worried notion in his voice.

I turned around to be met by my bodyguard, Kyle. This caused Khloe to turn around in her seat.

I patted Kyle on his shoulder while nodding my head before turning back in the direction of our room. “Where do you think you are going?”, Khloe said before getting up from her seat and making her way towards me.

I knew I had to have this conversation one way or the other. I just wanted to take my time to cool my jets but if she wants to have this conversation now, she will have it for sure.

“In the bedroom, to sleep”, I said while pointing in the direction of the room. My ‘everything was fine’ attitude made her stomp her feet on the ground before folding her hands on her chest.

“Ryan, don’t you try to test my patience. I want an explanation now!”, she said while pointing on the T.V. screen. I looked in the direction of the T.V. before focusing my eyes back on her, “What? Do you have a problem if I go and sing karaoke with my friend? What sort of explanation do you want me to give for something as self-explanatory as that?”

She strolled around in front of me while laughing hysterically as if whatever I just said was funny before narrowing her eyes at me, “Oh! She is your friend? Since when did you started being friends with a bartender? I never heard about her before nor did I saw her in any of the social gatherings that we host. Was she your ghost friend till now?” I kept my cool attitude act on before replying, “What do you want Khloe? You don’t talk to me when I am at home, hell it seems that you are least interested about my existence these days. And when I go out to enjoy a bit, you have a problem with that too? You know how I miss my family during Thanksgiving every year and just because I was back from Paris a day before, I decided to go out and have a little fun. She works in that bar and she just joined me for a song when I asked her too. You know everything now. Does that keep you at peace?”

She looked at me while her nostrils flared with anger before spitting her words at me, “I don’t care what you do, whom you meet and whom you fucking sing karaoke with. The only thing I have a problem with, is you not being okay if I do the same thing. I just shared a beer with Charlie that day and your possessive ass brought you down there to rescue me. How is it any different if you have a nice time with a friend from me doing the same with one of mine.” I rubbed my face with both my hands before chuckling at her words, making her furious, “Oh! So this was about Charlie from the very start. And look at me, here I was, holding that tiny hope that you were jealous because you love me but just the way you said, I think I need to remind myself time and again that you don’t give a fuck about me anymore.”

Khloe looked at me with pity and I despised being so fucking needy all the damn time. “Stop being so dramatic, Ryan. I do love you and there is nothing denying that. I just want to have my space and I also want you to keep your nose out of my business. You have lately been acting like a control freak and this isn’t the Ryan that I fell in love with”, she said non-chalantly, keeping her expressions neutral.

I didn’t want more of her words that meant nothing to her but everything to me. She does this always when she feels that things are going out of her control but I am not letting her get away with it this time.

I have made enough of a fool of myself by believing her words which are nothing more than words to her. I raised my hand in the air signalling her to stop her drama and I couldn’t believe the next words that left my mouth, “You know what Khloe? Forget it! I don’t want to hear all these words because both of us know that you don’t mean them. I don’t even understand why we are still married if you can’t bear a sight of me. I am honestly tired pretending to be happy in all those events when my life is a wreck in reality. I don’t want to fool people anymore by behaving like a perfect couple in front of the paparazzi. So, I’ll ask my manager tomorrow itself to prepare divorce papers for us. You can live your life just the way you want after that. I won’t be there poking my nose in your business nor will I have a problem if you go out to grab a beer with all the eligible bachelors of New York. I hope this makes you feel free and in charge of your own life. You can sleep in the master’s bedroom for now while I sleep in one of the bedrooms upstairs till the divorce gets into action. After that, you can move to anywhere in the world that you like, no one is stopping you then.”

She looked at me dumbfounded and I could see all the colour disappearing from her face. She was about to say something but before she could even manage to get the words out of her mouth, I made my way upstairs.

As soon as I reached the guest room, I closed the door behind me and sat on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands. I groaned loudly before getting up and throwing the vase that lay on the bedside table with a loud thud.

I was divorcing her. My first love.

The girl whom I so desperately wanted to marry. The thought itself made me want to throw up.

Anger and sadness crept in my heart and I didn’t know how to handle it any more. I threw everything that came in my way as a way of emitting my hard feelings towards my personal life.

I sat on the ground amidst all the glass and furniture pieces while burying my head in my knees. I cried for what seemed like hours and it was as if my intoxication had vanished after all the words that left my mouth in front of her.

But I knew this was it and I had to do it to free us both from the shackles of a love less marriage.

Hello guys! I know you'll were expecting a chapter wherein somebody squeezes in to rescue Amber from the cafe. But I had to put this chapter first before heading with the story so that in regards with time,  you'll know where exactly are Ryan and Amber. By the way, do you think Ryan took a good decision by asking Khloe for a divorce? Do let me know in the comments section. My next update will be on Saturday. Do not forget to vote for my story and do share it with your friends and family. Tada!❤

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