Aurora Lupin-Black

By louismintoxxx

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Imagine being born of the same day as your best friend. The person you would risk you're everything for, only... More

Prologue ✔✔
Part 1: The Prisoner Of Azkaban 🌕🐀🐕🦌
Chapter 1: Packing Up The Lupin/ Lupin-Black House ✔✔
Chapter 2: The Leaky Cauldron ✔ ✔
Chapter 3: Dementors On The Train ✔✔
Chapter 4: Draco...King Of The Idiots ✔✔
Chapter 5: Defence Against The Dark Arts ✔✔
Chapter 6: A Black Dog And An Uninvited Guest ✔✔
Chapter 7: The Dreaded Quidditch Game ✔✔
Chapter 8: Invisible Attacks and Betrayal ✔✔
Chapter 9: You Should Hate Me ✔✔
Chapter 11- Goodbye Buckbeak ✔✔
Chapter 12: DAD ✔✔
Chapter 13: The truth ✔✔
Chapter 14: The End Of The Year ✔✔
Part 2: The Goblet Of Fire 🏆🔥🐉🧜🏻‍♀️
Chapter 1: End Of A Great Summer ✔✔
Chapter 2: The Reunion ✔✔
Chapter 3: The Champions ✔ ✔
Chapter 4: Dragons ✔✔
Chapter 5: The First Task ✔✔
Chapter 6: Babbling, Bumbling Band Of Baboons ✔✔
Chapter 7: The Yule Ball ✔✔
Chapter 8: Mermaids?✔✔
Chapter 9: The Second Task ✔✔
Chapter 10: He's Free?! ✔✔
Chapter 11: The Third Task ✔✔
Chapter 12: Moody's Office ✔✔
Chapter 13: Home Again... Sort Of ✔✔
Part 3: The Order Of The Pheonix 🧙🏻‍♀️🚫🔮🎆
Chapter 1: PTSD...ish ✔✔
Chapter 2: The Rescue Mission ✔✔
Chapter 3: What's The Order? ✔✔
Chapter 4: Heading Back To Hogwarts ✔✔
Chapter 5: Our Encounter With Umbridge ✔✔
Chapter 6: Dumbledores Army ✔✔
Chapter 7: Red Hot Anger ✔✔
Chapter 8: Christmas At Grimmauld Place ✔✔
Chapter 9: Caught ✔✔
Chapter 10: The O.W.Ls Go Off With A Bang ✔️✔️
Chapter 11: The Department Of Mysteries ✔️✔️
Chapter 12: Possession ✔️✔️
Chapter 13: We'll Be Ok ✔
Bonus!!! Chapter 14: The Wedding Of Padfoot And Moony ✔
Part 4: The Half Bood Prince 🛋🤵🏼⚡🧙🏼‍♂️
Chapter 1: Harry Arrives At The Burrow ✔
Chapter 2: Diagon Ally ✔
Chapter 3: Back To School ✔
Chapter 4: Slughorn's Class ✔
Chapter 5: Hogsmead Date ✔
Chapter 6: A Slightly Broken Hermione ✔
Chapter 7: Slughorns Party ✔
Chapter 8: Home Before Christmas ✔
Chapter 9: Christmas At The Burrow ✔

Chapter 10: The Patronus Charm ✔✔

1.1K 32 0
By louismintoxxx

Harry and I were walking around the school, hand in hand, smiling wildly as we made our way to meet Remus.

It has been a couple weeks since Harry and started dating and it was going well.

Or as well as it could for two thirteen year olds on love.

As soon as we reached our destination, Harry placed a quick kiss on my cheek, before letting go if my hands and opening the door.

"Ah, Harry, there you are, you came." Remus smiled kindly as he saw Harry walk into the classroom he asked Harry to meet him in. His eyes shifted to me as I grinned and waved. "And you brought my god daughter with you, wonderful."

"I can hear the sarcasm in that statement Moony, what's got your tail in a knot?" I huffed as I dropped my bag beside Harry's and looked at my God father worriedly.

"Nothing of importance Pup, now, seeing as I'm teaching both of you, we'll have a quick run through the logistics and then take it in turns."

"Seems fair." Harry nodded.

"Now, before we start, are you both sure about this? This is very advanced magic, well beyond O.W.L standards."

"I'm sure." Harry and I both replied, smiling reassuringly at the Professor.

"Ok then, let's get started." Remus grinned, walking down towards us. "Everything is prepared, now the spell I'm going to try to teach you is called a patronus Charm. A patronus is a protective force and for the wizard, or witch, who conjures one, it works something like a shield, with the dementor feeding on it, rather than you. But in order for it to work, you need to think of a memory. Not just any memory a very happy memory. A very powerful memory. Can you do that?"

Harry and I nodded, looking at Remus who by now was sat on a desk infront of us.

"Very well, close your eyes." He instructed. We complied and continued to listen as he spoke. "concentrate. Explore your past."

I searched inside my head, looking for a memory of the time I felt happiest.

The only thing I could really think of, was Harry.

"Do you have a memory?"

"Yes." Both Harry and muttered.

"Good, now, allow it to fill you up, lose yourself in it.."

With my eyes still closed, I began to picture Harry smiling at me, grinned a big goofy grin, his green eyes locked to mine. His messy hair flapping over his face as he spoke. I couldn't hear what he was saying but I didnt care, I just watched feeling my whole body ignite with happiness.

"When you've done that, I want you to speak the incarnation, Expecto Patronum."

"Expecto partonum."

"Very good." Remus muttered and I heard him moving about.

"Right, Harry, you first, wand at the ready."

I stepped to the side and watched as Remus moved behind a black trunk and waved his hand over it. Once Harry was in position, Remus opened the trunk and out came a dementor, hovering over Harry.

"Expecto Partonum!" Harry yelled, his  wand aimed to the hooded figure. "Expecto....Expecto..."

His voice began to fade and before I knew it he was on the floor, unconscious.

"Rory, give it a go, quickly!" Remus shouted and I ran over, wand raised and eyes hard, concentrating on my memory.

"Expecto Patronum!" I yelled and the slightly gleam of light shot from my wand. 

"Very good Rory, try again." He yelled, excitement and pride in his voice.

Something inside of me clicked as I looked at Moony and suddenly my memory changed, I was no longer just Harry was Remus...and my dad, Lily, James and Harry.

I felt the memory wash over me, every fiber of my body lit up with every happy feeling one can feel. My heart beat in my chest and my stomach filled with butterflies as I looked at the hooded creature and stood taller, the happiness of my memory making me feel stronger.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" I yelled, my soul focus on my happy memory.

The light on my wand shot out, glistening brightly as it shifted to the dementor.

Then something unexpected happened.

A large dog, made of the light, burst out of the tip of my wand and charged at the dementor, sending it back into the trunk it came from.

Breathing heavy, I kept my eyes on the dog as it ran around the room excitedly before running over and stopping at my feet.

Then it was gone.

"What the hell was that?" I gasped as I looked at my godfather who watched me, stunned.

"That...that was your was did you do that, your first try?" My godfather asked, a huge proud grin on his face.

"I...I don't know, I don't even know what that was." I spoke shakily, but my attention was back on the unconscious boy, lying on the floor.

I rush down to him, brushing his hair out of his face just as he was coming too.

"Harry!" I gasped as I helped him up, leading him over to sit by the steps.

"What happened?" He asked as Remus handed him some chocolate.

"I'm... I'm just gonna head out, for some fresh air." I muttered as i stood up and walked towards the door.

"Little Pup." Remus shouted as he stood up. I turned around to see he had walked over, placing his arms around me. "I'm so, very proud of you. That is a powerful piece of magic you just did and to produce a full body Patronus like that...some experienced wizards and witches have trouble with that. Well done." He grinned happily.

"Thanks Moony, I'm just gonna go and get a drink and use the bathroom, let you work with Hatty alone for a bit." I smiled before I took off.

True to my word, I wonder the halls to the great hall, got myself a drink and then to the bathroom before heading back to the classroom to find Harry and Remus sat down, Harry talking about his parents.

"...I don't even know if it's real." Harry stated, a small shrug off his shoulders. "But it's the best I have.

"He'd be so proud of you." Remus smiled sadly at the boy, his eyes sad at the memory of his bestfriend. "Rory, too. Oh, he'd have loved seeing you to together, happy, close."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, looking at Remus confused.

"James is...was Aurora's other godfather." Remus explained, his eyes landing on me as he saw my movements. "Shenwas named after your mother too."

"That's me...Aurora Lily Lupin." I grinned, making Harry look over at me surprised, but he quickly smiled lovingly at me, as I walked over to the two men...the two most important men in my life.

" come you never told me?" Harry asked looked down at me, an eyebrow raised.

"Didn't want to make up upset, knowing my dad had trusted you father with my life...only to Betray him."

"I get that." Harry sighed, wrapping me in a hug, one I hope looked friendly, because Remus watched us a small smile on his face.

"James and Lily would have been overjoyed to see this." Remus muttered as he stood up and walked away, leaving into talk.

After the lesson finished Harry left, sneaking a kiss to my cheek, leaving me and Remus alone together.

I was till in shock after the whole Patronus incident, so I stayed in my seat, think back on the memory that was that powerful.

"That was a pretty powerful Patronus you cast, for your first time too. It must have been a hell of a memory." Remus finally spoke, sitting beside me.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged, my eyes still on the floor.

"Tell me about it." He offered but I shook my head, already having mixed feelings about it already, I don't need Remus to think I'm crazy also.

"I can't." I sighed, looking at my fingers as I twirled my wand around.

"Sure you can." He pushed, knocking his shoulder with mine.

"It was dad..." I muttered, barely over a whisper.


"Well, was you, dad, Lily and James. You were all sat around Harry and I. Dad and James were arguing over who was cuter, while Lily and you were arguing over who would be smarter. Then, while everyone was arguing, Harry and I both spoke our first words." I could help but smile at the memory and I watched my wand.

"Harry said 'dada'...while I managed to say 'Pads' which brought the biggest smile to dad's face." I laughed sadly, before looking at Remus with a sad smile "And then he kissed you. While I sat there giggling happily, repeating "Pads" over and over."

"I remember that. He was so happy that day, couldn't stop smiling his big stupid grin. I'm surprised you remember it." Remus smile kindly at me, but the pain in his eyes was still there.

"It's the last memory I have of him...outside of Azkaban." I told him, sneaking a peak at the older man who was watching me.

"Do you still love him? Even after everything he's done?" I asked him, looking back at my feet.

"Rory..." Remus whispered, as if telling me to stop, but I couldn't, I needed to get it out.

"Because I do...even after everything I've been told, after every awful thing that he has supposedly done...I still love him and I still want my dad back, he's my dad you know?"

It stayed quiet for a while, until I spoke up, looking at Remus who just starred ahead.

"Does that make me crazy?"

", of course not Pup, you have every right to want your dad back, it's just...he might not be the man I made him out to be in my stories." Remus sighed, brushing a hand over his face.

"I loved him Rory, so much. He was my best friend, my everything and I think I was blinded by that love."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

With a huff, Remus pulled out his wand and cast a patronus. Out of the end of his wand a large black dog appeared, one much like my own Patronus and it looked exactly like my dads animagus form.


"Like I said, I'm blinded by my love for your dad, he's...he and you are my happiest memories, which is why my patronus is Padfoot...and Pup, somewhat mixed together, see, the fur is tamer and the tail is slimmer, but it's still Padfoot." Remus pointed out before the patronus disappeared.

The room was quiet, until finally I spoke again.

"What is your happiest memory?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"You and your dad." He shrugged, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a comfortable hug.

"It was not long after you were born, your dad and I had been together maybe a couple months and we had decided to go for a walk, just us three. We got about ten minutes away from the house when your dad realised he'd left the changing bag at him so he left us alone, to run and grab it, telling me he'd meet us at our usual spot.

It must have been maybe 30 seconds after your dad had ran off that you woke up and started crying.

Once we had gotten you to the park, I had already trying to feed you, checked your nappy, rocked you...nothing would settle you. Then your dad got back, sat beside us and lent over to look down at you.

The second you saw his face, you stopped and began smiling, reaching out from him. I passed you over to him and I just sat against the tree we were sat under and watched as your dad played with you, making you laugh.

That was the moment I truly realised how much of an amazing dad he was and how much he loved you. He was so happy, just sitting there with you and just seeing him so happy filled my whole heart with Happiness. That is my happiest memory. You and your dad, laughing at each other as you played."

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as he finished the story and I looked up, resting my head on his shoulder and just cried.

"I really miss him Moony." I sniffed, closing my eyes and letting the tears flow.

"Me too, little Pup, so much." He whispered, placing a kiss on my forehead.

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