The Hidden Mikaelson

By anonymouswriting17

185K 3.5K 172

Elena gilbert had gotten pregnant but changed her mind on what she wanted to do and that was last year. Her s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
please answer
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Bonus 1
Spoiler facebook group

Chapter 9

9.8K 197 1
By anonymouswriting17

Elena woke up to Henrick jumping on her bed."Mom wake up wake up your phone is buzzing"

"I'm up i'm up" Elena grabbed him and sat up. She took her phone and seen that it was her job."Hello"

"Elena i know that you request off all week but we got a major emergency today and we really need you here" Danielle said.

"What's the emergency" Elena asked.

"This girl she died and she woke back up and hour later can you help please" Danielle begged.

"Can i bring Henrick" Elena asked. That was the only way she was going to go into work. if her son got to come with her. Cause this was the day she always spent with him and she wasn't going to change it now."I can't come unless he comes to"

"Fine Elena you can bring him i'll order pizza and cookies" Danielle said.

"Were on our way" Elena smiled. She usually won these arguments mostly because she never backed down.

"What's wrong" Henrick asked.

"Were going to work come on" Elena said. She went to his room and got him dressed. She put him on a t-shirt that said My mother is amazing. With navy shorts. When they arrived at the hospital she went and found Danielle by a door.

"This is her room" Danielle said.

"Take him to your office i got this" Elena said.

"Ok" Danielle walked off with Henrick.

Elena walked in the room and seen a girl who looked to be 16 standing against the wall away from the sun. She went over and put the extra daylight ring she had brought on her finger.

"Who are you"

"I'm Elena who are you"

"I'm Evie i don't know what happened somone bit me i was draining i died how am i still here" Evie asked.

"I want to tell you something but you can't tell anyone else" Elena said. Evie nodded."Your a vampire before you jump to conclusions you can be a vampire or you can die its your choice"

"I don't want to hurt anyone" Evie teared.

"I'll help" Elena showed her vampire face. Then morphed back to normal."You'll be fine i don't hurt people i don't know who turned you but know that i'm here to help"

"Ok" Evie said.

"I'm gonna go talk to the doctors you can look out the windows now" Elena said. She walked out and went to find Danielle. When she walked into the office she seen Henrick eating pizza that Danielle cut up.

"What's wrong with her" Danielle asked.

"Nothing she's healthy she flatlined a few hours and some how her heart jump started she is fine she will be fine i'll take care of her. Give her a place to stay so that she is not alone since she's an orphan" Elena said.

Danielle got up and went and gave Elena a hug,"We wouldn't make it without you. Thank you Elena."

"It's fine everything is alright" Elena said.

"Pizza" Henrick said.

"Yeah we can eat pizza then we are heading home" Elena said.

"Yay" Henrick smiled.

"Your lucky that you are cute" Elena said,


Elena took Evie to her house and gave her the guest room and a blood bag."Drink" Evie nodded her vampire face came out and she drunk it fast.

"I'll help you to control your urges everything will be alright" Elena said.

Her phone started to ring it was Caroline she sent it to voicemail and five minutes later listened to what Caroline had said."Hey Elena 5 years is a long time to go without seeing someone we miss you so much were going into our new normal the life we now have without you in it. It's going to be hard but we don't have much of a choice then to do it cause we don''t know when you'll be back i'm happy you answered last time i know it was hard. Cami's sorry Kol couldn't bare to here your voice right now he misses you more than anyone of us ever could"

Elena hated to know Kol was breaking but she didn't know whether Dahlia was gone and couldn't risk Henrick.

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