Travel and find love

By marty098

79K 3K 106

After the war Harry feels lost and numb. Discovering more manipulations and truth faces of these he called fr... More

Visit with the Goblins
Busy day
The Wizengamot
Redeemed, Magical Races and Creatures
The "new" Terston line
The confrontation
Making it home
Twins bonding and start of his journey
Royal family's
New freinds and Discovery
First weeks in Romania
First meetings
Courting and surprises
Surprises all around
Epilouge: Always


4.1K 186 0
By marty098

Finally it was the Session were they would discuss Hogwarts since all these that are school governor's are also in the Wizengamot seats it was easier. Harrison new this session is going to be long and annoying, it is were Dumbledore was going to argue most. After all the formal sayings the group for the education of children above 11 started to tell them the facts: how Hogwarts was ranking pretty low on the ICW list, how they course lost was short and lacking and how other schools had more clubs and activities. Most lord's and lady's were shocked after all they were told most of the times that Hogwarts is the best school. They also showed how the number of Master's due to lack of Apprenticeship is low and that most aurors, healers etc. need additional training because the basics are lacking after Hogwarts, the numbers and facts were depressing. Finally they sat down and the lord's and lady's started to discuss what can be done. Some lord from the light secession told them to bring the subjects healing, wards, law, Latin back another one from the neutral added to hire more teachers and to separate them to teach first to fourth years and then from fifth to seven year's. Yet another lord this time for the dark site proposed to with the hiring of new teachers bringing back the apprenticeship to Hogwarts for the Teachers with the higher classes. This time it was Draco who stood up and took the floor "lady's and gentlemen, why don't we invite a goblin here now so he could tell us how Hogwarts vaults are doing and then we discuss hiring more teachers, because having one teacher for the subjects with 300 hundred students and additional duties must exhaust them." Most agreed with it ignoring Dumbledore protest that it was not needed and how it will take time, but he shut up when Lord Ragnok himself came in with a thick folder. For the next half an hour all were shocked that the Hogwarts vaults we're actually quite full not to mention the additional vaults from the founders and how the scholarship wasn't properly used. All were shouting at the headmaster to explain himself. Finally the Chief warlock having enough banged his hammer and tall them to be quite then he told Bumblebee he wasn't to add his opinions anymore and he will be investigated by the board. So after an hour they all agreed to hire two teachers for every subject, the one for higher classes must have an Mastery in it and the junior teacher an O in NEWTS. Then came the discussion for which subjects to reinstall to the Curriculum. This time it was Blaise Zabini who stood. "I would like to propose a balanced Curriculum: core subjects Charms, Defence, Herbology, Potion, Transfigurations, History, Astronomy, Latin and Wizarding/Mundane Culture, the last two for the first and second years. Then in third year electives: Runes, Arithmancy, COMC, Ancient Studies, Music, Art, law, extra language and then in fifth year they can drop subjects and choose others: healing, warding, spell crafting, dark arts, duealing, alchemy. Divination should be taken out either you have the gift or you don't. And Mundane Studies are for the first two years with their history in the regular classes." And he sat down they voted and the subjects list was approved. Them Harrison stood "it would also be very good to have clubs in the school, literature club, botanic club, duealing club, culture club, some new sports clubs etc. children have too much time right now which brings fights and bulling. We should as well hire not only the additional teachers but also and assistant healer maybe with focus on mind healing and care takers that could be the head of houses with their takes focus only on the children, they could also oversee the various clubs. Teachers can't gave the children they full attention with they various duties. We should promote house unity as well and of course instead of mundane celebrations celebrate our own." He could see all of the neutral and dark sites were nodding and the light was quite deviated. Since Dumbledore was arguing every new change they wanted to bring the Chief warlock and the school board decided to suspend him for the next five years if he goes against what they decided or against Hogwarts charter, that the group found the original he will be sacked and replaced by Filius Flitwick.

For the next weeks the school board and old teachers were interviewing and searching to fill all the new spots in Hogwarts. At the end they found all teachers and surprisingly Sirius was offered to be the Duealing teacher since he had a Mastery in Defence and Duealing. More surprising was his agreement. The letters for new and old students were all send, the school board also decided to invite the students how couldn't graduate last year as eighth years and teachers were all changing their lessons plans and redoing Hogwarts classroom and rearranging quarters. Harrison in the time helped the goblins build his home. It was exhausting but it gave him a satisfied feeling. Sometimes he helped in Hogwarts as well with the Defence lesson for the younger years or what in the culture classes should be covert. He also gave ideas for the sports club how they could change mundane sports to a magical version. For example they changed soccer with a magical ball and magical goals. This whole time he avoided Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Molly who hunted him but most people noticed his avoidance and helped in it, especially when they noticed the attitude of these four.

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