Chérie, parchments and quills

By Oleonetta

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A birthday gift voucher for Le'Amortentia - the dating service, sends Harry into a whirlwind of words after... More

Chérie, parchments and quills
Chapter One - Le'Amortentia
Chapter Two - False names
Chapter Three - Inordinate amounts of chocolate
Chapter Four - Apologies
Chapter Five - Faults of alliance
Chapter Six - Precarious nature of trust
Chapter Seven - Playing with fire
Chapter Eight - Halloween slips
Chapter Nine - Shattering illusions
Chapter Ten - Curative company
Chapter Eleven - Irrefutable evidence
Chapter Twelve - Three's a crowd
Chapter Fourteen - Concealed truths
Chapter fifteen - Christmas gifts
Chapter Sixteen - Christmas games
Chapter Seventeen - Sonixies
Chapter eighteen - Draco's dilemma and delusions
Chapter Nineteen- Miss Payne
Chapter twenty - Young Darkened Heart
Chapter Twenty-One - Fettered by Fear
Chapter Twenty-Two: Dueling of Desperation

Chapter Thirteen - The winds of remaining corruption

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By Oleonetta

The Great Hall was already decorated for the Christmas holidays, students excited about going home for the festive season while they enjoyed breakfast. It was Saturday December the eighteenth, a week until Christmas, and the train would be leaving Hogsmeade in a few hours to take most of the students home.

Whilst he had come to enjoy the muggle tradition, Draco would never understand it completely. He had a theory, as did many wizards although there was no proof on the matter, that this Jesus person was actually a wizard born to a muggle mother. It would explain the 'miracles' the man was worshiped for. Nothing was written to prove this idea however, except what muggles called 'the bible' which was apparently written by Jesus's and his father's muggle disciples. Of course, there were too many wizards, either half-bloods or muggle-borns, that held what Draco would call a muggle religion. It was for this reason that the ministry left it alone, let wizards believe what they did and join in with the festivities. At least, over the years, wizards had developed their own traditions, much like atheists who stuck to a story about Santa for the children – another wizard perhaps, that wasn't careful who witness his magic. Still, the idea that it was a time for family was a wonderful notion after all, except... Draco's mother was still in France and his father was locked up in Azkaban.

He was alone this year, but it was something of a comfort to know that Harry would be staying at Hogwarts likewise. He would have company, and he had Padfoot to talk with. He still hadn't asked Padfoot to meet with him, and although he wanted to, he was still afraid. Would Padfoot even agree to the meeting?

"Mr Malfoy?" Minerva called to him across the table. He turned to look at her with a small warm smile. "Have you seen Mr Potter this morning?"

He couldn't help but feel his smile grow; Harry still had a habit of skipping meals – much to Minerva's displeasure, and for a moment, Draco wondered when that habit had actually started.

"Why would I be aware of Mr Potter's whereabouts?" Draco asked.

"Oh, come off it now Mr Malfoy, we all know you and Harry have been spending quite a substantial amount of time together lately. I may be getting old but I'm not yet senile. I just asked if you had seen him this morning, a simple yes or no would have sufficed."

"No." Draco answered. "I have not seen the golden boy this morning. Perhaps he overslept." Draco doubted that: although Harry liked to stay in bed, he was usually awake at the crack of dawn. He had been looking out for him that morning, watching the Great Hall doors and hoping that he would appear for breakfast.

"Perhaps." Minerva didn't sound like she believed that either. "Go knock on his door for me. Remind him that as head of Gryffindor house, he will be accompanying the students to the train with the other head of houses, and that I wish to see him when he returns."

"Why not send Mr Longbottom?" Draco asked, looking down the table at the herbology teacher and head of Hufflepuff House. Neville Longbottom looked up upon hearing his name, but Minerva answered Draco's question before Neville could speak.

"Mr Longbottom will be heading down to Hufflepuff house shortly, to make sure the students are ready to leave on time." Minerva's her stern face was softened slightly by the mirth she tried valiantly to hide.

As if on cue, Neville downed the last of his coffee, nodded to the headmistress, and then excused himself from the table to do just as Minerva had said he would. Draco knew it was hopeless arguing with Minerva; the witch sometimes had uncanny observational skills – perhaps it was the cat in her. He didn't want anyone getting false ideas that he and Harry were anything more than friends however, so he refused to seem eager about his offered excuse to visit Harry this morning. He couldn't deny to himself that any excuse to see Potter was a welcomed one.

"What of my own students? As head of Slytherin, shouldn't I be assuring my students are ready to leave likewise?" He knew what Minerva was going to say before she said it.

"Slytherins unorganised? Merlin help us the day that happens. I'm sure you will find the time to round up any Slytherin stragglers mind you ... after passing on my message first of course. It's the Gryffindors and the Hufflepuffs that I find need the extra time to gather their wits about them. Unless Harry makes an appearance soon, I fear that there will be chaos amongst the cats this morning."


When Harry answered his door that morning, Draco frowned in concern. Harry was dressed, if you could call it that, but it looked as if he'd been dressed by a three-year-old. In fact, no! He'd seen three-year-olds dress better. It also appeared that Harry hadn't gotten much sleep, if the redness of his half-closed eyes were anything to go by.

"Oh, dear Merlin Potter, what are you thinking? You do realise that Halloween has long gone and that we're now approaching Christmas?"

"Not now Draco." Harry pleaded, leaving the door open as he went back inside. He picked up his half mug of black coffee. "Why are you here? Minerva?" He asked, before downing the last of his caffeinated drink.

"She noticed your absence at breakfast. You do realise that you should be taming your lions, right?" Draco asked, frowning at the mess: student essays and homework left out, robes thrown over the back of the armchairs, and toast half eaten on the dining table with two empty mugs.

"I'm going! I just had a rough night." Harry admitted, putting his empty mugs into the sink and disappearing into his bedroom.

"Minerva would like to see you when we get back from Hogsmeade." Draco shouted so that Harry would hear him.

"Did she say why?" Harry asked, rushing from his room as he threw on his robe. Apparently, he was ready to go.

"No." Draco frowned at Harry again and block the door. "Potter, I cannot in good conscience let you leave this room like that."

"What's wrong with this. It's what I usually wear." Harry frowned, looking down at himself.

"You always go out with your buttons in the wrong holes." Draco pulled at Harry's shirt. "Your hair looks like a bird's nest – a worse bird's nest then it usually does anyway." Draco wrinkled his nose at Harry's hair before looking down at him again. "And your robe is a wrinkled mess. Not to mention that you have odd socks on and your tie is still untied."

"I don't have time to–" Harry cut himself off as he growled in frustration, running a hand down his face.

"Nightmares?" Draco asked. Harry just nodded. "Oh, come here Potter!" Draco ordered; it burned his eyes just looking at Harry's state of dress. He stepped closer to the raven-haired man.

Draco didn't know what made him do it in the first place, but he'd started now so he had to carry it through. Besides, it was like an itch to look at Harry and not fix the complete dress disaster in front of him.

He took Harry's black tie, throwing over his own neck for the moment, and then undid the buttons on Harry's light grey shirt. He was amazed that Harry was letting him do this, but he worked quickly and was soon fastening the buttons the correct way ... before he could admire Harry's chest or think any further about removing Harry's shirt entirely. It was a fantasy he couldn't afford, but as he fixed Harry's tie into place, he couldn't help but become increasingly aware of Harry's breathing, of their proximity, of his own hands slowing in their work. He finished the perfect tie knot, and was about to remove his hands, when Harry caught his wrist.

Their eyes met, and Draco felt his heart beating like a bucking broom. They were so close and sharing the same air. He couldn't tear himself away ... but he had too! He had to step back, but Harry fucking Potter was staring at him questioningly with those unique and rare emerald eyes of his... and then Potter let him go.

"Thank you, Draco." Harry said, looking down at his shoes. He had no idea what had come over him, he was fucking embarrassed, but then he remembered his socks and was grateful for the escape. "I don't think anyone will notice my socks." Harry smiled. He then went to step around Draco to reach the door.

"Potter!" Draco wanted to say something, but again, he had no idea what he actually wanted to say. He had a desire to see if they fit... to see if their lips slotted together the way he imagined they would. Surely Harry's lips were as unique and addicting as the man himself was.

"Yes?" Harry turned his head, suddenly aware of coin-grey eyes on his face... on his lips.

Draco cursed himself and blamed Potter for his current brain malfunctions. His eyes moved so that that were no longer staring at Harry's lips... Harry still looked a mess – he had his excuse then. "You will not insult my help by leaving half way through it." Draco said.

Draco swished his hand in circular motion, and Harry's robes billowed until they fell straight and crease free.

"Non-verbal wandless magic?" Harry raised his brows, impressed.

"It is a spell I utilize constantly, so yes." Draco smirked, glad that Potter wasn't acting weird anymore. "I don't know why you're so impressed Potter, I seem to recall you blowing up your house."

"It's still impressive. That you can do that spell wandlessly and not others. Does say a lot about your pompous dressing sense however." Harry smirked.

"I can do other spells Potter." Draco defended himself, but come to think of it... all the spells he knew wandlessly were regarding one's appearance... Damn Potter!

"Oh really? Show us then!" Harry challenged him.

"Not the time Potter, you have to go and tame your kittens!" Draco said, changing the subject.

"Right!" Harry once again tried to leave, but he turned when he felt magic weave around his head.

Draco watched as Harry felt his own black hair in surprise, he watched as the raven-haired man smirked knowingly at him. Yes, he had used a wandless spell on Harry's hair to clean and flatten it. It wasn't perfect, Harry's hair would never be perfect, but it looked less like a used bird's nest and more like a newly created one – it was bloody good spell work if he didn't say so himself.

"Not a single word Potter!" Draco said however, when Harry continued to smirk smugly at him.

"Didn't say a word!" Harry said, finally opening his door and walking into the corridor chuckling to himself.

Harry did however, feel almost giddy knowing that Draco had cared enough to prevent him from humiliating himself, and the ghost of fingers against his chest still lingered. He thought for moment back there, that Draco was going to kiss him... Oh, how he wished he had.


Chaos! That's what Harry would call it. His Gryffindor students were a force to be reckoned with that late morning. Students missing, students forgetting things, students pranking others and more interesting in chatting then packing. It was a miracle that they all made it to Hogsmeade in time to board the bloody train.

"The lion finally rounded up his cubs then?"

"Shut it Malfoy! They've been fucking terrible this morning." Harry sighed. "Mr Monero transfigured all of Miss Tennison's hair bands into bees. Bees! The Gryffindor common room was in utter chaos." Harry explained. "I thought they were real bees at first, until I caught Monero laughing with Miss Hardy and Mr Matthews. Mr Dominicus Dodge, that poor first year, he was hyperventilating in the wardrobe because he's severely allergic to bee stings. Took me over twenty minutes to convince him that it was just a prank, and that the bees were all gone."

"I can imagine!" Draco wrinkled his nose, glad that the Slytherins had more poise. He contained his humour though – it was slightly funny but Harry looked stressed enough.

Draco watched his students hurrying to board the train, and he even used a feather-light charm to help a few of the student with their trunks. When he was sure all the Slytherins were onboard, he turned to see how Harry was getting on with the Gryffindors... he was not expecting Harry to be pointing his wand at him with a blank expression on his face.

"Potter?" Draco frowned, backing up in confusion and reaching for his own wand in defence. Harry advanced on him... then stumbled...grunted and forced his wand to lower.

"Imperius!" Harry ground out in a whisper, shaking his head as he fought off its control.

Draco's eyes instantly searched the left-over crowd of students. He found one browned-haired student with wide eyes pointing his wand at Harry – Mr Silas Avery! Silas realised that his spell hadn't worked, and he ran onto the train before Harry even had a chance to turn around.

"Silas!" Draco sneered, about to go after the boy.

"No wait!" Harry grabbed Draco's arm. "Are you sure it was him?"

"I'm sure?" Draco nodded, expecting Harry to let go of him now.

"Leave him! He's just a boy." Harry insisted.

"He's dangerous Potter!" Draco insisted just as firmly, yanking his arm away. If Harry hadn't been bloody Potter and fought of the curse so easily, Harry would have attacked him. He was also fuming that Harry could have been attacked or hurt for his actions under the effects of the curse.

"If we contact the Aurors he will be locked up for life." Harry whispered into Draco's ear. "You know Graves will take any chance he gets to throw away the key." Harry paused. "Let me find out if its really him that cast that spell?"

Harry smiled at the last few students now watching him and Draco with frowns. Draco caught on and did the same. Harry motioned them to hurry up before the train left without them, they were the last students left to board thankfully.

"How?" Draco whispered "He's smart, he will have cast another spell so that you cannot reveal the last spell he cast, he will be hiding amongst the students, and the train is about to leave."

It took Harry two seconds to think, and then, "Accio, Mr Avery's wand."

The train whistled loudly as a wand came speeding out of the storage carriage window, Draco couldn't believe that it actually worked – wandlessly too, and more importantly, he couldn't believe that Harry had actually done that. The train then started to leave the station, picking up speed until it was speeding its way towards London.

"Potter! You just stole a students wand." Draco was fumbling to accept what Potter had just done.

"Confiscated it." Harry corrected smoothly. "A teacher is allowed to confiscate a students wand if he or she deems in necessary for the safety of the other students."

"But... Potter... You-"

"Relax Draco!" Harry smirked at him.

"His mother is going to be fuming Potter! Minerva isn't going to be happy either."

"His mother will keep her trap shut when her options are to do just that or to see her son thrown into Azkaban." Harry calmly explained,

"You both coming?" Neville 's voice reached their ears.

Harry hid the wand behind his back, as he and Draco turned to see Neville and Filius waiting for them.

"We'll be just behind you. Go on ahead!" Harry smiled, watching as Neville frowned, shrugged, and then left with Filius. Harry then pulled out his wand.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked.

"An extension of the reverse spell. I learnt about it at the Auror Department, but it's kept a secret so that wizards can't hide an illegal spell by just using another one to cover it. They would just use three spells to cover the illegal one if they knew about this spell." Harry explained before pointing his wand down at Silas' thin, long, ebony wand and spoke the spell. "Magis prior incantato tribus!"

Harry heard Draco gasp, as three smoke created images erupted from the point where the two wands met. The first of the images, being the last spell Silas had used, showed a door where a key twisted locked and then melted away – the locking charm. The second image, a face with glazed eyes and a lost expression – the Imperius curse! The last one showed a feather with wings lifting a rock – the feather-light charm, and probably a spell Silas used earlier on his trunk.

"Deletrius!" Harry said, ending the spell and looking back up at Draco. "The evidence is now in my memory. If it comes to it, they can use a pensive, but we only get one chance to save Silas from a life in Azkaban. I want to try and convince Silas that his beliefs are wrong... I have to try!"


"I have to try Minerva!" Harry repeated. "He's just a boy! If it doesn't work then contact Mr Graves by all means, but you know Silas will go down for life for this. If he does, it changes nothing. Tom Riddle was failed by adults, look how that turned out. If we don't try then Silas remains at fault with his misguided views, and he stays angry with me and people that support me. His anger could grow into something nasty, something worse!"

"Harry..." Draco hesitated. "What about your flash backs? Those memories could trigger-"

"I have to try Draco!"

"Draco is correct Harry! You can barely talk about the war as it is, watching the war will be worse." Minerva's expression was less stern and more concerned.

"Then Draco can view them with me!" Harry gave Draco a pleading, hopeful look.

"Harry..." Draco knew that he couldn't say no to Harry, that the raven-haired man was determined to do this, but not only was he concern for Harry's mental state, the memories Harry wanted to show Silas wouldn't be great for him either. He had his own scars from the war, his own demons, and he was also wondering if something of that magnitude should even be shown to a child. Harry seemed to read his thoughts though.

"I know it won't be easy Draco, but it's the only way. Silas turns seventeen in January, January fourth,right?" Harry asked, Draco nodded. "He will be an adult then, but still a student. He can consent to viewing the memories, and if he doesn't, we contact the Aurors then. Please just let me try to get through to him."

"Very well!" Minerva finally decided, much to Draco's horror. "I'll arrange for it to be done on the first Friday of the new term – Friday the seventh of January, after dinner, seven-thirty." She turned to Draco. "Have Mr Silas Avery come with you to my office then." She then turned back to Harry. "I do hope you know what you are doing Harry."

Harry nodded. "Thank you!"


Draco had just entered Harry's private rooms at Hogwarts, and he took his usually seat in the left Armchair.

"Mother finalised the draft for you." Draco said, handing Harry over the small wad of parchment. "If you agree with everything this time, then you only need to copy and sign it, and then send it into the Department of Magical Law Enforcement – Family relations department."

Harry sat down opposite Draco, and he started looking over the parchments. He had been corresponding back and forth with Narcissa through Draco for the past five weeks, and he'd learnt a lot about Draco and Narcissa's life with Lucius. He felt sorry for them both, but he knew his sympathy wouldn't be welcome so he never offered it.

Together, they had decided what would be the best argument to put forth for the divorce request – mainly that her husband Mr Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, had brought Voldemort into her life and held her in submission under duress. There were other reasons however, such as Lucius' lack of sexual contact with her after Draco was conceived – unless it was to vent his frustrations in a rather aggressively sexual manner. There was also the fact that she feared for her son's life, and the aggression Lucius often directed at her when he was angry or frustrated, or when he disagreed with her.

It was a very controlled marriage contract, and as the Lord of Black and the Lord of Malfoy at the time had overseen Narcissa's marriage to Lucius, Harry had to claim that a breach had occurred as the new Lord of Black. There were certainly many breaches, including 'love and honour thy wife', 'keep from harm', and Harry's personal favourite, 'the alliance between families Malfoy and Black will hereby grow stronger with the matrimony...'

"It looks to be in order. I'll read it over later and start the copy. Is your mother doing okay?" Harry asked, being polite. A part of him kept whispering that Narcissa could become something of a mother in law to him if Draco didn't kill him first for being Padfoot. Draco still hadn't asked Padfoot to meet, and Harry was a nervous wreck every time he received a new message on the Le'Amortentia parchment.

"Thank you, Harry, and Mother is doing well. She is most grateful that you are doing this for her." Draco said.

"I'm happy to. Do you have the Malfoy vault records by any chance; we'll need them to prove that Narcissa didn't receive her thirty percent?" Harry asked, suddenly remembering.

"Its at the back." Draco pointed to the parchments he'd just given Harry.

"That's good. Seems like everything is in order." Harry stood up. "Fancy a coffee?"

"Black, with a shot of whiskey if you have any left."

Harry raised his eyebrows.

"I'm still reeling from what Silas did. I can't believe–" Draco shook his head, unable to finished his own sentence. There was a cold wind of uncertainty regarding Mr Avery that he didn't like leaving unchecked. The boy was corrupted, ignorant, and dangerous with his opinions and beliefs. Draco hoped that Harry could get through to the boy, but he was worried.

"We'll deal with it after Christmas." Harry said, waiting for the water to boil.

"You can change your mind you know; you don't have to do this." Draco was still concerned that Harry would have flash backs. He'd come to care a great deal about Harry.

"I know! But I have to." Harry nodded to assure himself that he could do this. He wasn't looking forward to seeing his memories of the war, but if he could save a teenager from a life in prison... he had to try.

"Do you know what memories you're going to use?" Draco asked.

"I have an idea. I'll think about it over the holidays and make a list. Don't worry about it now Draco." Harry fixed together the coffees and returned to the armchair opposite Draco.

"If you're sure about this then... I was thinking about adding some of mine." Draco looked up at Harry. "My memories that is. I saw him ... torture and ... kill his followers, others too, but if ... if..." Draco took a deep breath and exhaled. "If it helps then you're right, it will be worth it." Draco closed his eyes.

Harry saw Draco's pain, felt it even. He knew his comfort wouldn't be welcome, it was a matter of pride mostly, but his heart ached to help Draco through that pain as Draco was helping him.

"Kreacher!" Harry called.

Pop! "Master Potter be calling?" Kreacher bowed.

"I think we're going to need another bottle of whiskey please." Harry asked, smiling at Draco when Kreacher bowed again and left. "You still up for going shopping with me tomorrow?" Harry asked.

Draco smiled; he knew what Harry was doing and that was okay by him. Harry knew what he needed – not sympathy, not pity, not even comfort and false promises, but a friend that could just be there to listen and distract him from the pain. He could feel his pain in fragments, remember his past in small pieces, and then count on Harry to take him away from it all when it became too much.

"Of course, I wouldn't have agreed otherwise." Draco smirked. "As long as let me buy you a decent outfit Potter! Call it a Christmas gift if you like, but I refuse to be seen with you Christmas day if you insist on wearing those rags!"

"Rags?" Harry feigned outrage. He knew Draco was teasing him, and he loved it. "I brought these in a respectable shop I'll have you know."

"Mabilia's second hand robes?" Draco deadpanned.

Draco ducked when Harry sent a charmed parchment bird at his head. Draco laughed, grabbing his own wand to retaliate, and as Harry ducked out of the way of the dancing jinx he smiled. The smile that the blond wore was one that Harry hoped he would see more of. That smile was Christmas come early, everything Harry would ever need, and as light as air.

Harry Potter was no longer falling.... He was soaring on the winds of love and he hoped that Draco felt the same about him. Right now, however, he had a Slytherin to beat in a friendly wand duel.    

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