◾. Strawberry Milk (kiritodo)...

By --Lofii

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♩✧♪●♩○♬☆♩✧♪●♩○♬☆☆♬○♩●♪✧☆♬○♩●♪✧♩   кirishima didn't have the best of luck, Every where he goes, bad luck follo... More

things you need to know about this story
_Chapter 1_
_Chapter 2_
_Chapter 3_
_Chapter 4_
_Chapter 6_
_Chapter 7_

_Chapter 5_

301 12 5
By --Lofii

___ ___________________________________________

I Dryed my face and went to the ketchin, I filled a cup of cold water and drank it, I went back to bed and closed my eyes trying to sleep, soon enough i drifted to sleep.


-Slight Cussing

_Kirishima's POV_

Every thing was black, just pitch black, no light, no colour, no nothing.

Then all of a sudden, Todoroki appeard in this pitch black world with me.

He started slowly making his way to my body structure.

I can hear clicking from every time Todoroki takes a step.

"Your such a monster, Kirishima" was what Todoroki said,it took my by surprise, why would he call me a "Monster"?

"Because of you, Midoriya is in the hospital"

"Because of you, Your father died"

"Because of you, Your mother is now in jail"

"Because of you-"

"SHUT UP!!" I yelled,s I couldn't handle watching and listening to him talking sh*t about me! What is going on?! Why is Todoroki saying all these things?


Every thing was now silent.

Todoroki kept waking my way.

"You don't belong here"


"Because , No one wants you here, on earth"

Suddenly, the floor started cracking slowly like if I was walking on a Hard ice with heels one.

"That's why, you shall Leave"

Todoroki said dead serious again, the floor kept cracking , with every step Todoroki takes, The more it cracked,the more  the weather starts getting a bit more chilly in this dark place, I didn't know where I was, what is happening, and why is it happeneing.

Todoroki finally stops, so did the cracking.

"I think it's about time for you to say your final goodbyes"

Todoroki said , his head low, looking at the ground, is there even a floor in here?!

Without realization, I felt my self being pushed, I was gonna land on my butt, but, the ground shattered and broke under me. I started falling, and I still didn't land. The colours were changing around me as I fell from that unknown Place.








I looked under me and saw more colours.

I kept falling into this deep hole of colours until it was becoming darker with each second, then it became pitch black again.

I shot up from bed, sweating, scared for dear life, what was that dream?!

It sure was a strange nightmare,I looked at the clock to see it was early in the morning,I wondere how Bakugo and the green haired dude I think his name is midoriya are doing, I hope they are okay, it's my falt in the first place, I was the one who ran over him.

"Because of you, Midoriya is in the hospital

"Because of you, your father died"

"Because of you, Your mother is in jail"

These sentences,sentences I will never forget,sentences  that actually means what's true,sentences that the one and only Todoroki, my saviour, My friend, my crush, has said about me.

And I can't get that freaking dream out of my head!

To calm myself down, I decided to make a cup of coffee.

I made my way threw the giant mansion,and went to the ketchin,I got my favourite mug, and started making some coffee.

After making some warm coffee, I poured the coffee into the mug, then I went to the living room bringing my coffee mug with me, I sat down on one of the couches and turned on the T.V , hopefully this time I won't get to watch p*rn....

I flipped threw the channels knowing I won't find anything interesting, there wasn't anything interesting in this television in the first place! So technically this television is useless, just like my existence.....No dark thoughts! It's not your time! I just wanna relax today.

I look at the clock forgetting I had school today, it was 7:37, "Am late!" I said jumping out of the sofa , and before I land on the floor, I lost my grib on the mug, and BOOM! I feel on my face with a now broken mug and coffee spilled every where on the rug I feel on, now I need to take a shower, clean this mess, and throw away this stupid rug cause coffee will still stain my freaking rug!

Can't this morning get any worst?....

I left my mug broken on the floor, I didn't clean the coffee either, I just ran , and while running my way out of the living room, slipt and fell on my face again, but I, didn't give a sh*t, so I got up and made my way to my room as fast as possible, I got there I got my school uniform, and went to the bathroom to take a sh*tty shower.

I started the water, it was freezing cold!, but still.....I didn't care less, I poured shampoo on my hair, starting to clean it with a rush, I washed my hair, then I cleaned my whole body after, and I was officially done showering.

I dryed my body, still in a rush, I wore my school uniform, and ran out of the bathroom.

I made my way down stairs, I wore my shoes, grabbed my bag and looked at the clock, 7:53, 'on Sh*t' i thought as I opend the front door running out.


I kept running and running and running with no stop, I didn't wanna be late for my second day of my new school!

I still didn't stop running, I really wanted to take a breathe and stop a little, but no! I can't be late!

As I kept running I got a small glimpse of the school building in the distance, so,guess what I did, .....I ran faster.

As I was at the entrance I got out my phone , and slowed my running a bit, so now I was speed walking, I looked at the time and saw it was 7: 57 and boy am I late, I kept running ignoring my locker and made my way upstairs,7: 58, two minutes left! I ran up the first pair of stairs, I started running up the second pair of stairs, the 3rd, and now I was making my way to my classes door, 7: 59, Am gonna make it!I opend the classes door and saw that only a coupe of students were there.

'Aren't I late?' I asked myself in my thoughts, I was confused, I then realized I was panting really hard from lack of air, my lungs needed some oxygen! I looked around my class room while making my to my desk, "When does school start?..." I asked awkwardly, "It starts at nine AM, sharp!" A girl with short purple hair putting on black ear phones responded to my very much awkward question.

So I was not late? I was relieved and confused at the same time, so i just decided to wait for the rest of the class to get here.

Todoroki got in while I was looking at the students who are coming in and out,he made his way to his own seat, getting comfortable and getting his books and penciles ready,while he was done, he made his way to my desk.

"GOOD MORNING KIRISHIMA_KUN!" Todoroki said, more like yelled.

"Uhh...am right next to you there is no need for you to scream like that..."I said trying to make him chill and realize he was litterly screaming in class.

"I KNOW! BUT AM JUST ANGERY IS ALL!" He screamed again, a bit louder then the last time he yelled.

"W-why are you angery to the point of screaming at people.....?" I asked him awkwardly, Am always awkward.

Todoroki took a very long and deep breathe and then..."BECAUSE MY SISTER BANNED ME FROM BUYING STRAW BERRY MILK!" he screamed a high pitched scream with response, my ears are now ringing, how loud was that scream? Doesn't he realize that he is in class, that means more than one person is with him!

"C-chill!" I said trying my best to calm this angry  peppermint headed boy.

"I just wanted my strawberry m-mi-m-m-mil-l" aaaaaaaand he busted out crying, "Uhhh there is no need to cry I can buy you some!" I said wanting to cheer todoroki up"WAHHHHHHH wait really?" Todoroki......somehow stopped crying in an instance, his face was red with puffy eyes and wet from crying , how is there not even a single tear?!"y-yeah?" I responded,"Yay! Thank you so much kirishima_kun! I love you so much!" W-what?! Did he just say that he loves me ?! Is this a dream?! It's probably in a friend way, I shouldn't get my hopes up , "w-well yeah, am glad your happy" I said giving him a small simple smile.

Then suddenly,  Mina bursts in, "Attention Please!" Mina yelled loudly seeking the classes attention, every single student in this classroom turned to look at her," Am planning something very special for you guys! Am gonna be doing a sleep over today after school, the first day in, were gonna just have fun in my house, the next day were gonna go to an expensive and fancy Chinese restaurant, then we're gonna go ice skating, and after that were going to a karaoke bar! Then we will go back to my house and relax!" She said excitedly, well that sounds very fun.

"If you  wanna go then just tell me!" Mina informed, and I just realized,wasn't Mina a new student here?! Wait Mina.... Mina.... Mina....oh! She was my bully....

"I wanna go!" I was cut off from my thoughts as todoroki yelled wanted to go, "uh um m-me too!" I said wanting to go with todoroki.

_Todoroki's POV_

Wait, how am I gonna pay for the restaurant?! Am too broke!

"Uh um m-me too!" Kirishima wantes to go too? That's perfect! 

_Time Skip (Lunch break)_

"So hey ummm Kirishima?" "Yeah buddy?" "Well... you know how am too broke right?" I said, "yeah why?" What do you mean why? Why is Kirishima stupid!" U-um well you see.....I can't afford for the restaurant for mina's sleep over and.....ya'know...I want to borrow some money is all..." i said begging him for some money by giving him puppy eyes.

"Ugh fine..." "YAY!Thank you!" I said hugging him very tightly," i-i-I ca-n't b-bre-eath! " oh am hugging him too tight he can't breath! I pull away from the hug and back away a little " Am sorry! " I said seeking forgivness," it's fine" he said giving me a soft smile, I return the smile back while giggling a bit.

Today midoriya didn't come to school, he was in fact one of those students that like going to school, alot, he never even missed a day since this year has started, I wonder why he didn't think to come today....

With that thought out of the way, I continued eating my lunch while chatting with Kirishima.

"Hey! Kirishima! About yesterday! I suggested some ways to get rid of those dark thought of yours, did you actually try them?" I asked Kirishima, "well, I got to the supermarket and bought some strawberry milk like you tolled me to..."H-he W-what?! He actually bought some strawberry milk?! That was supposed to be a joke but he did It?! Am so happy there is another strawberry milk fan like me!

"But....I didn't really get the milk..." Kirishima said with a hint of sadness and disappointment,"Why?" I aksed curiously,"W-well...you don't wanna know..." Kirishima responded, am curious, what happend to his precious milk? When? How? Where? My brain was filling up with questions, what could have happened? Did the cashier not allow Kirishima to buy it? Did he lose it? Wait...if he lost the milk why couldn't he buy another one, he is rich! Maybe he didn't find any strawberry milk left? Or maybe the strawberry milk wasn't really for sale? What happened?! Did he not like it?! Did he not want to drink it or even buy it?! Did h-

"Hey! Are you okay?! Todoroki?!" What Is going on? Why is Kirishima waving his hand in front of me?! Oh...I zoned out asking my self stupid questions didn't I...

"Kirishima_Kun ! Am okay! I just zoned out for a second!"I said trying my best to calm Kirishima down,"You had me worried there" "am sorry" I apologized for worrying him over my stupid actions,"no! It's totally fine!" Kirishima said giving me a smile,his face is so hot....it's cute and adorable,he deserves love and affection,hugs and cuddles! And even kisses! His tall body structure, his beautiful red Rosey hair, his crimson eyes, his handsome face, his precious smile,his cute laughs,his sexy voice when he talkes to me,the adorable way he cares about me!, I just can't even! Why can't he be mine?! I want him, I need him! I can't imagine my self living with out hi-

"Todoroki you zoned out again!Are you alright?!" "Yes!yes! Am alright! No need to worry!" I said, great, I spaced out again,why am I embarrassing my self?! I should stop!

"How am I Not supposed to worry when you zoned out litterly two times!" Kirishima said, "Ooo~your worried about me?~" I said teasingly,"Of course I do! Your my friend after all!" Yeah...just friends.....

The bell soon rang and students had to got back to there classes, so Kirishia and I got up and made our way to our next class.

"Kirishima! What class do you have ?" I asked Kirishima praying for dear Lord that Kirishima would be in the same class as mine,
"I have physics" Kirishima answered, I looked at my scudueal to see what class I have next, I have history?! Are you kidding me!?
God damnit!

"W-well...I have history next,guess we're not in the same class.."I said with a hint of disappointment,"hey,it's alright,we can see each other later ya'know"Kirishima suddenly said ,"well..yeah!see you later kiri_San!" I said lighting up a bit and running my way to class.

_Kirishima's POV_

"Well..yeah!see you later kiri_San!" Todoroki said sprinting his way to his next class, wait..did he just call me 'kiri_San?!,I felt a tint of blush make its way to my face,why is he so cute? I really want to confess my crush to him ,but we have only known each other for a coupe of days, but I really want to express my love to him! What if he doesn't like me back? Ugh,it's not time to think about this ,I have to get to class or else I might be late.

As I made my way threw the halls,trying to find my class,I see her,the one and only, Mina.


I try to ignore her and not make any eye contact with her, b
ut she stops me in my track (Auto correct explain to me way you corrected 'stops' to 'stripes' like, can you even imagine Mina coming up to Kirishima, stripping?! Oh he'll Nawh auto correct!Your ship won't sail!) Oh God, Is she gonna start bullying me again?

She just stood there, looking straight into my soul, me , not knowing what to do, just stood there too, staring awkwardly at her, 'This Is so f*cking awkward!'  I thought as sweat rolled its way down my face from confusion, awkwardness and fear,I can't forget about all these years that she! She put me threw! She used to call me names, laugh at me, spread fake rumours about me, kicke me, hit me, hurt me, and break my heart,i will never forgive her-

"H-Hey, Kirishima..." Mina said shoving away the awkward sensation, "h-hey, M-Mina.." I replied basically,still scared for dear life,I don't know what she might say, do, think, it's all just.....it's all just...weird..

"I-I know we haven't been on the best of tirms lately..."

"W-what are y-you saying?..."

"What am saying is, I....kinda want to be friends, I know you won't accept being with me for all of the things i've done, but I promise! I've changed! I won't bully you anymore! I won't hurt you or hurt your feeling again Kirishima! Just...please,I want to f-fix this....fix things between us, I wanna make things right between us....i-

"Is this some kind of confession..?"



"W-what?! Kirishima! Didn't you hear anything i've said?! You literally ruined the moment! Were you even listening to me?!"

"Uhh...I don't think so am just looking at some really really really! Cute..." I said pointing at what I was looking.

Mina turned her head around to see what the hell distracted me this much, and she saw , her jaw dropped,  it even hit the floar...

"T-Todoroki?! You were listening to the whole c-conversation?!" Mina asked the cute little candy cane haired boy that was standing behind us.

"No...? What conversation?! Weren't you guys supposed to be in class?! The bell just rang! It's the end of the day!"

Mina and I looked at each other, shocked and kinda confused look can be read from our face expression.

"What did you guys do...." Todoroki said giving Mina a death glare, like he was gonna pull out a chainsaw form nowhere and slice her in half, he looked scary," w-we- we were talking a-about something....!" Mina said, "What about.....?" Todoroki asked, still giving Mina his all mighty death glare.

_3rd POV_

Mina suddenly had the urge to play with todoroki's mind a little, Mina in fact she knew about todoroki's crush on Kirishima, so she will use one of her devilish planes that she keeps in her mind for the day to come, which is today....

"W-well I was kinda c-c-confessing m-my love....?" Mina said fake blushing, she is a good acter, fun fact she is the top student in drama class, even drama class is her favourite class!

"Y-you ....what?..." Todoroki asked dropping down his death glare into a more sad and shocked look, " I have a very b-big crush on Kirishima!you see, I was about to confess , BUT, you! Came and ruined the moment for both of us!" Mina stated, clearly acting, then todoroki face becomes less shocked to a more sad and upset
Face," s-so y-you h-h-have had a c-crush o-on h-h-him all this t-tim-me....?" Todoroki said , his eyes started tearing up slowly.

"Uhh ......guys? What are you talking about? You didn't confess to me Mina." Kirishima said bluntly, like drama wasn't just building up,"Todoroki's eyes stopped tearing up, and gave Mina his mighty glare,"h-hey Todoroki! L-l-let's keep it cool, o-oka-AHHH!"Mina said trying to continue her sentence, but, todoroki came chasing after her, ready to kill her, With very intense, insane, scary......Tickles!

Well you see, Mina and Shoto are friends, so he wouldn't actually kill her! Or .....he will just end up in jail for the rest of his life...

Todoroki soon jumped on top of Mina, leaving Mina lying down on her stomach, laughing her butt off while todoroki tickled the crap out of her.

"Ha! This is what you get for pranking me like that!"

Giggles and laughes filled the hallways, and soon enough, all the school lights have turned off.

"Haha! Ha...ha.ha.......what Happened to the lights?..." Mina asked confused and scared at the same time,Kirishima looked out the
Window to see two men closing then locking the front gates of the school, "Uhh...what time is it..." Kirishima asked, to answer kirishima's question, todoroki took out his phone and checked the time, "oh uhh...it's 7 : 42 PM right now..." Todoroki answerd his question, W-WHAT?! WE ARE VERY LATE! THATS WHY THEY CLOSED THE ENTRANCE! Oh no oh no oh no, what do we do?! We're stuck in here!" Kirishima Stated, freaking out, not m owing what to do or whats gin happen, "What's gonna happen to my sleepover?!??" "Shut up Mina!" Both Kirishima and Todoroki hushed Mina cause right what matters is how to get out of here not her stupid sleepover. "Aww man! M-my sleepover is ruined...." Mina said with teary eyes.

Time sure does pass by with a blink of an eye...

"We need to find a way out of here as fast as ρσѕѕιвℓє

❣  ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣ ❣

That's it for today's chapter guys!
I know, It took too long to update,but I just didn't feel like writing that much, sooo that's why.
I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! If you did, then what are you waiting for? Click that vote!

(Word count: 3'513)

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