Alex 10

By _-102Grayson-_

4K 31 22

An unquantifiably long amount of time ago, there was a blank dimension without a universe. The fifth dimensio... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Bonus Chapter 2
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
All the Aliens

Chapter 12

65 2 0
By _-102Grayson-_

Title: Call in the Technicians

The Early 70's

At a nuclear missile control center, three pods are activated and opened up. Inside, a red alert has been set to indicate the launch of the missiles. A nearby officer immediately looks at his operator. "I didn't authorize a launch, abort!"

"We're not launching sir, something's pulling them out of their silos!", the operator said shocking his officer. As the nukes are pulled towards the sky, a ship floats nearby the area.

Back inside the building, Vilgax enters and his drones shoot the officers to make way, since this was the early seventies, he look he bore a resemblance to his current counterpart, however, he has red veins across his arms and his mouth is visible. His tentacles are also darker at the ends.

He looks around to see if he can take anything he can use. Someone then shoots down one of his drones, then directly at him. He blocks the weapon fire in success. He looked up to see two men in blue suits are armed with heavy weaponry and they seem to be going after Vilgax, one of them even had their arm merged with the weapon. "Phil.",

"It's over Vilgax! You're going down!", Phil said arrogantly.

"Many have tried, but they were all executed by my hand.", Vilgax boasted, not confidently but as-a-matter of fact.

"Until today squidface.", Phil runs after him, but Vilgax jumps up and kicks his helmet off, revealing Phil's true face. He's a well shaven man with sideburns and a pompadour

As Vilgax holds Phil captive, he threatens the other man in the suit by pointing his weapon at Phil, then unfolded his mouth to show sharp rows of teeth that goes down to an endless pit, or what seemed it.

A nearby drone then activates another missile. "Back away, or would you like one of your pitiful cities be destroyed?", Vilgax said, his demon mouth not even moving. "If not, lay down your weapon. Unless you want me to remove your other arm," he said as he pointed the blaster at his one good arm.

The man in the identical suit does as told Congress detaching the couplings connecting the large Gun to his prosthetic arm and dropping it.

"You can't just let him get away!" Phil said with a shocked expression.

The man let out a laugh. "Never said I would kid," he said as a tiny little gun formed out of his wrist shoots and shot out a laser that knocks the gun off of Vilgax's hand.

Phil then pushes Vilgax off of him. "You should've taken my offer," Vilgax said as his drone had completed the hacking, and was about to sent it off.

"Oh really? Good thing my timings perfect," the man kicked up the gun he dropped shoot a rubber-like material directly at Vilgax to send him along with the explosive.

Vilgax looked at him in fury, his mouth folding back ad he tried to rip himself free, but failed.

The man removes his helmet and Vilgax is angered by his tactics on stopping his plans. "I'LL KILL YOU, YOU PITIFUL HUMAN! MARK MY WORDS!!!!!" He roared in pure anger before being launched into the sky.

"What are you doing?!" Phil looked to his partner/commanding officer.

"Sending Vilgax off what do you think I'm doin?" The man said as he pulled off his helmet, revealing a familiar face, with dark brown hair and chocolate eyes, that man is none other than Max Tennant, in the past

They watched as that nuke was launched and collided with Vilgax's old flagship.

Present Day

"And then boom, no more Vilgax." Max said, he had been retelling his last confrontation with Vilgax. "Or so I thought, until today."

Alex smiled at his grandfather, he had gotten a slightly bigger pair of glasses, and to replace his old jacket. He had gotten a new one, resembling the back of the Omnitrix. "Oh, so you were a Hero I guess?"

"More like a guy who had to do a job.", Max said with a little smile on his face.

"Yeah, but looks like you're back in business," Alice chimed in from the back.

"I never left, I mainly retired to keep you guys and your parents safe.", Max said as he figured having a man stronger than the average adult human would've been handy just in case. "The Technicians span back to the old days, way before any of us before, maybe 1777 I believe if my memory isn't failing me. But in my era, we didn't exist, not officially at least, we've dealt with problems like these on a daily basis, but disbanded after we dealt with the Highbreed."

"Yeah, I could see why you left and all.", Alex said with a little smile as he adjusted his glasses. "I guess I'm just following in your footsteps."

"How much did you know about the Omnitrix anyways? I never really thought about asking until now." Alice said cocking an eyebrow.

Max pondered on this a bit. "Not exactly, like I said when Alex told me, I only knew from rumors. Some device with the power to transform others into something else," he said with a shrug.

Alice sighed. "So... what about those aliens inside the Omnitrix?"

"That's a story for another day, besides, Alex already knows what it's like for them." Max said, ever since Alex had told him about the whole 'it feels like I've been this way since I was born' thing, he figured Alex would get some information about the Aliens homeworlds.

As they pull over to let the authorities pass by, Alex scratched his neck. "Well, off I go," he said as he took off his seatbelt and hopped out the RV.

"Alex, wait!" Max tried halting his grandson as he started to dial in a new hero.

"I'll meet you guys there," Alex said as he selected Rush, and slammed down... only to get Power Grid. "Wha- oh man. Well this works," he smirked as he turned into a bolt of electricity and zipped off

At a random building, a man was panting and grabbing his head. "Th-There was something there, just tearing up the place," he explained to a fire fighter as a green bolt of electricity zipped passed and into the building.

Power Grid reforms into himself, then slapped the Omnitrix and became Mach Manta. He scoffed and looked at his hands. "Oh, so now you give me a speedy guy? Classic."

He sighed before looking around. "Okay, who's the punk giving us aliens a bad name?", hoping to get an answer. An alien appears and growls at him, which is a red aliens with black claws on its hands and feet. Which... is very small,  though it's shown that it's small in size, which makes Jetray burst out laughing. The little alien throws a large rock, which knocks Mach Manta over. He quickly got up and looked noticeably angry. "You picked the wrong day to be an alien." The Areophibian hissed as he shot out a Nueroshock blast from his eyes, which it quickly leapt out the way of.

The alien then jumps into the fountain and spits out water straight at Jetray, but considering his amphibian biology, he just smiled. "Ahhh, that's just a breath of fresh air."

The alien then got on all fours and started climbing a pillar, Mach Manta flew up and shot at it with his tail, but the red alien leapt out the way before that. "Stay still you little rodent!"

He dropped down and looks around, backing up cautiously, and eventually bumps into someone with a large rifle. The two's eyes widened. "Who are you?! Who am I?! Who are you?!" The man with the rifle attempted to blast Mach Manta, who with his super speed zipped out of the way.

"Hey, watch it!" Mach Manta said before being blasted behind a counter.

The man looked down with a smile. "Two Aliens for the price of one, just sit tight Areophibian. I'll be back," he said before turning around and walking to find the other alien, which showed up. The man started blasting and chased it.

Mach Manta got back up, took the pitcher of water sittin on the counter and dumped it on himself. "Ahhhh~ nice and moisturized. Gotta love room service." He said before flying up.

The alien had gotten behind a book shelf and pushing it onto the rifle man, which toppled over him and trapped the man. It leapt out and started roaring victoriously... before a metal box was dropped onto it.

"Little shit," Mach Manta said as he looked at the Omnitrix, which began beeping red, and engulfed him in a red flash, reverting him to normal. "Gotta go," Alex said before speed walking to the entrance, where Max and Alice where waiting for him.

"Hey guys. Guess what? Some dipshit with a rifle shot me?" Alex said with a sarcastically jovial tone.

The man got up, and scratched his head after pushing off the bookcase. He smiled as he noticed someone. "Max?"

"Phil!", Max said astonished as the two ran over and bro hugged each other. "Hahah!"

"Ohhh, you know this guy." Alice said cocking an eyebrow.

The two men departed and bared a smile. "You can say that, we used to be partners.", Phil said, his hair had gotten Grey and he had looked much older now.

Phil takes them to his car, which was a brand new convertible. "Yeah she's not much, but much better than that old rust bucket of an RV you used to drive," Phil said, that same smile on his face.

"So, how are ya old pal?" Max asked with a smile.

"Pretty good considering I bagged a Havok Beast, nasty little shit ain't he?" Phil chuckled. "Just like old times."

"What do you mean you bagged em? I could've sworn you were under a bookshelf while Jet-," Alex said, slightly annoyed, which wasn't out of character for him, before Max stopped him.

"A Havok Beast aye? Huh, reminds me of that little piece of shit we dealt with back in Denver." Max said laughing a bit.

"Yeah, good thing I was around. Y'know, once a Technician always a Technician." Phil tilted his head. "Ever thought about gettin back in the game Max? Y'know, relive the glory days?"

"No thanks, I'd like to keep my other arm and my family thank you very much.", Max said jokingly... well half jokingly. "I'm retired. And so should the Technicians."

Phil walked up to them. "No thanks to you, as soon as Vilgax was out of the picture, work just dried up."

"Just doin my job," Max said with a little smug smile.

"Yeah, anywho. Things look like they're picking back up again, in fact, I think I'll be starting my own freelance Technician business." Phil said with a shrug, before his eyes landed on the Omnitrix, which had turned from red to green. "Wow, cool watch ya got there. Looks... familiar."

"Thanks?" Alex said confused as he cocked an eyebrow.

"Well, we oughta hit the road," Max said with a nervous smile. "It's been nice catching up with ya Phil. Happy... Technician-ing?" He confused himself before the three got in the RV and drove off.

"Good job keeping the Omnitrix a secret Alex," Max said as the three had been driving down the road for a while.

"Yeah, it's best if only us three know about it.", Alex said crossing his arms. "Less they know, the better."

Then suddenly, a monitor from the RV's dashboard comes out with a transmission from Phil. [Max! I need your help if you're hearing this! Two Vulpimancers are tearing up a meat processing plant on Highway Forty four!]

"Vulpinmancers?" Max cocked an eyebrow, a Havok Beast and two Vulpimancers in the same night? That's a strange coincidence. In response to this distress call, Max pulled a U Turn and headed for the Meat Processing Plant.

They arrive at the plant and they hear growling from within, it sounded similar to that of a dog mixed in with a lion. "Sheesh, sounds like something I'd hear from my nightmare," Alice shivered as there Tennant Trio headed inside.

They walked the halls before finding where the meat was, and saw Phil lying on the floor, tempting to get up but a gash in his leg said otherwise. "Phil!" Max ran over and helped his old friend up.

"Max... boy am I glad to see you. I hate dealing with these things, Appoplexians are bad but at least they have some class. We're gonna need some of your old tricks," Phil said with a smile as he steadied himself. He winced as blood poured out of his leg.

"Alright, we're on it," Alex said as he just adjusted his glasses. He turned to a large cloud of smoke nearby, the two Vulpimancers exited, one was larger than the other.

The Vulpimancers regardless we're both large, about as tall as an adult human. They have canine paws with curving claws, and quills that grow on their backs. Their most notable feature is that they have no visible eyes, and instead have gill-like nostrils on the sides of their necks. Their mouths are more unearthly with a worm-like tongue, chapped lips, and four large fangs. The one on the right was a dark orange color with Tiger like stripes, the left was voided of those and was paler.

"Okay, didn't expect that.", Alex said as he scrolled through the Omnitrix's lineup, he was looking for if he even had one currently, no such luck. "Fuck it, I'm using him," Alex said as he slammed down on the Omnitrix before Max could say anything. He had become Kracklsacean, which was most useful in this little issue.

"So that's why I recognize that watch, it's the Omnitrix," Phil said astonished as Kracklsacean nodded.

"Forgive us for not explaining it to you, but we'll be speaking of this later. Now if you don't mind," Kracklsacean turned and scurried over to the Vulpimancers. He let out a series of grunts and snarls, the male Vulpimancer understood him perfectly, but just roared as he wasn't apart of the pack. "It seems I've angered them,"

Alice looked at Max confused. "Vulpimancers are smart yes, but they're not entirely too keen on other species and not even their own kind," Max said as Kracklsacean frowned.

In order to match in agility, Kracklsacean immediately transformed into Spidermonkey and started running off, the two Vulpimancers chasing after him. He leapt onto a chain, causing the female Vulpimancer to go head first into a wall. Causing buckets of entrails to pour onto her.

Spidermonkey and the male Vulpimancer growled at each other similar to how actual animals are. Before lunging at each other and started biting at the other, but Spidermonkey opened his jaw, shooting out a massive torrent of webs at his gills, effectively blinding him as he ran off. "Hop on," Spidermonkey said to Phil, who hopped on as they started running.

Only for the female Vulpimancer to leap in front of them, they tried to turn back, but the male Vulpimancer was right there. "Oh you gotta be kidding me."

Spidermonkey growled at the Vulpimancers, and before the animalistic aliens could try to rip each other apart, they all held their ears. Hearing a sonic vibration ringing through the area that only they could hear. Phil hopped off the second Splitclaw and limped a bit. "Sorry about that Alex. Only way to bring down a Vulpimancer."

He said as the Spider like alien covered his ears. Max cocked an eyebrow. "Lucky for us you had a Sonic Pitch Whistle with you." He said suspicious, Spidermonkey slapped the Omnitrix emblem and reverted to human.

"Never do that again without a warning.", Alex said slightly irritated.

"So the stories are true, the Omnitrix does exist," Phil said, having heard the same whispers and murmurs as Max back in the days. "I heard that whoever puts it on can transform into any alien out there.Heh, your moves kinda remind me of your grandpa back in the day."

"Heads up!" Max said as his prosthetic arm turned into a gun and shot the Male Vulpimancer, who howled in pain. The female Vulpimancer took the sonic pitch and ripped through it. "See ya!" Max said as his gun transformed into a claw again, he grabbed both Vulpimancers and threw them into a meat locker where they were trapped inside when they closed the door.

"Hah, just like the good ol days..." Phil said, slightly happy he's back with someone he once knew. "I think this is the beginning of a new partnership, what do you say Max?" He looked at his former partner, who looked a little bothered.

"It was fate that we had met up again," Phil said, he had taken them to his hotel room where he patched up his injury before it could really get infected.

Alex was off in the corner, digging into a platter of shrimp. "Huh, nice place... have to had cost a penny," Alex said looking at Phil, Max and him looked at the Technician with the same expression, suspicion.

"Just a little thank you the manager did after I solved his alien problem." Phil said nonchalantly. "And trust me, this is the tip of the ol' alien iceberg. Y'know kid, you'd make a great Technician, you're cousin may not show much but she's got potential."

Alex cocked an eyebrow as he kept eating the shrimp. "I would?"

"Yeah, a chip off the old block.", Phil said getting up, at he had used alien medicine to regenerate it enough so he could walk fine.

"All I'm concerned about is the fact we faced a Hyper Weasel and two mega mutts in the same day." Max said scratching his chin, Phil just shrugged. "I need some fresh air," Max said as he turned and walked out.

"Hey kids, order whatever you like off the Room service menu," Phil said as he walked off after him.

Alex cocked an eyebrow, before shrugging. "Fine by me," he said as he started eating the breadsticks that rivaled Olive Garden.

Alice got up and popped her neck. "You think there's something going on?" She asked as Alex nodded.

"Yeah, I'm glad you noticed." Alex said smiling. "It's not everyday that two... whatever those things called and that little shit of an alien appear only a few hours away from each other. "Let's go."

The cousins walked out calmly to avoid making any noise and walked out of the Hotel. "No Grandpa or Phil, got any ideas on where they went?"

"Well, if Grandpa thinks those aliens are connected in someway. There's only one place to check out," Alice said as a green flash erupted from Alex, Rush picked her up and placed her on his back.

"Hang on tight! Pedal to the Metal as they say," Rush's visor slid down as he sped off to where the the tire tracks lead to.

At Mount Rushmore, the headquarters of the Technicians, Max walked into a room, voided of anything else, now shelves, no anything. Other than an entrance but that's it. He looked to a pedestal. "It's gone!"

"Lookin for this old thing?" Phil said behind him, in his hands he held what looked like a high tech handgun, with a large bulb where the chamber is.

"The Null Void Projector, I thought all those aliens looked familiar.", Max said turning to his former partner. "You stole it and released the ones we captured,"

"You were always too intelligent for your own good, but not wanting to join in with me is just plain dumb." Phil said condescendingly.

"Why the hell are you doing this in the first place?" Max asked crossing his arms.

Phil smirked. "Job security my friend. I release an alien, and get some hotel manager or mayor or whatever pay me to catch it. Easy money."

"I'm not gonna let you get away with this Phil, you know the Technicians were never about Money." Max said as Phil shook his head.

"I knew you'd say something like that. I guess me and Vilgax saw something in common, we never liked how things worked with the Technicians.", Phil pointed the gun behind Max and shot the space behind him. Creating a large yellow portal.

Suddenly, a grotesque beast, with the upper part of their body slightly resembling a frog's and three black claws on each hand. They have black lips, black crystal shaped spikes on their shoulders, and have four bacteriophage-like legs. Roaring at Max.

"Don't worry about your grandkids, I'll tell em you wanted them to follow in your footsteps.", Phil said with no regard for him whatsoever.

Max grimaced was he transformed his prosthetic arm into a shield as the Org Beast tried to attack him... only for a black and blue blur to zip on by and speed past Phil. "What the?!" Phil turned to see Rush.

"How stupid do you think we are?" Rush said, slightly offended that Phil thought Alex and Alice didn't notice anything.

"Alex! Listen to me we don't need your grandpa, you and I alone can revive the plumbers.", Phil said, trying to win him over.

"Sorry Phil, I'm not interested.", Rush said crossing his arms.

Phil sighed. "Such a shame, anyways. Meet an old friend, a Wigsilian Org Beast, ugly thing ain't he?" Phil said as he ran off to the back entrance of the Null Void holding center. "I'd like to stay and chat, but I've got shit to do," he said as he ran out the room.

Before the Org Beast could attack, Max punched it straight in the gut, sending it flying back. "Alex, transform into something that'll get this done quicker!", he said not having any patience.

"Hmmm," Alex thought of something, he looked down at the Omnitrix and turned the dial, before slamming down on it again. The green flash erupted from him at the same time, a black ooze seeped put the Omnitrix during this transformation.

Rush was now infused with Parasyte, he had a more aquamarine and teal coloration as opposed to black, white and blue. His size was around fifty percent larger, causing him to look more hunched. His claw feet had grown sharp talons, and his til had grown to a total of eight feet long, with spikes going from his back to the top of his tail. His helmet now was his entire head, with two bulbous green eyes, and a small fanged mouth with a long worm like tongue, with what looked like a hood.

"I've got this Grandpa," OBLTR8 said, his voice sounded similar but much deeper. His head looked like it collapsed into the hood, as he sped at the Org Beast and slammed right into it, causing it to fly back.

The Org Beast roared as OBLTR8 ran circles around it, before landing a kick right to its jaw. Max was off busy searching for a certain weapon. Before pulling out what looked like an orb. "Alex!" He threw it at them, which caused OBLTR8 to speed off and avoid it, the orb released some type of gas that caused the Org Beast to fall to the ground.

Max walked over and nodded at Alex before the two looked around. "Where's Alice?!"

Alice had found her Bō Staff from the RV, and had a walked over to Phil's car, then jumped in the back seat, hiding underneath a large blanket in the back, along with some other stuff.

Shortly after, Phil walked into the parking area, and sat himself in the drivers seat, setting the NV Projector down in the passengers seat. "And who said crime doesn't pay?" Phil said as he was lifted out of the base, and drove off. A few minutes later, the Rust Bucket was lifted out.

The RV powers up and in a flash, they travel at high speeds with the help of rocket thrusters built into the back. "So, what is this Null Void thing anyways?" Alex asked as they kept speeding off.

"The Null Void is a prison dimension, a nasty one at that. It's inescapable and in theory could have billions of prisoners inside.", Max explained as he tried to keep stability, catching up quickly.

Meanwhile, Alice peeked her head out and spots the Null Void Projector, trying to take it. Phil sees her in the rearview mirror and tries to take it back, not paying attention to the road. Up ahead, he was about to be hit by an oncoming truck, though he was able to dodge it. Thankfully, Alice had gotten it. "Better hope you get a job as a real Technician." She said as she held the Projector out, only for Phil to move the car a bit, causing her to drop it.

"Fuck this shit," Phil said as he pressed the horn on the steering wheel, engaging auto pilot. He took off his seat belt and tried to wrestle it away; while also being hit by a staff. While they fight over it, they activate it and Phil sees the RV behind them. "Good idea, we can use a distraction." The Projector releases a Null Guardian.

The Null Guardian look somewhat like Vulpimancers, but with tentacles hanging from the undersides instead of legs and have wings. The Null Guardian are grey in color. It flies over and lands on the RV's windshield. "I got this," Alex said as he attempted to transform into OBLTR8 again... but transformed into Hotshot.

"This'll do.", Hotshot said as he leapt out the RV's window and flew off. The Null Guardian chasing after him, in response Alex shot off two fire balls at it, and thankfully, it rammed straight into Phil's car. He smiled as he lowered himself down.

Phil fell out of his car, panting as the guard rails prevented him from falling. "Fucking brat! We could've all worked together-" Phil was cut off as a green flash erupted, a familiar black and white hand stretched over and grabbed the Projector, merging with it by his hand and creating a large cannon like blaster.

"Answer: Thanks but no thanks," Daft Punk said as he looked as if he smiled. "Declaration: In fact, let's see how you like it," Circuit Breaker said as he blasted Phil quit the projector, sending him to the Null Void.

"Alright, who's next?", Alice asked confidently as they looked over to Max.

The Wigsilian Org Beast, the Havok Beast and the two Vulpimancers were tied up by some strange black web like substance. Curtesy of Parasyte, Max fires the Projector at them, and sent them right back into that hell hole. "That's the last of em."

Max sighed as he looked at the gun. "I'm sorry I had to keep my secret from you all these years. I wish I had told you sooner."

"Don't worry Grandpa.", Alice said hugging her grandpa.

Max turned to his bespectacled grandson and patted his head. "And for what it's worth Alex, you would've been a great Technician. Both of you." He said smiling. A few minutes later, he had put it back in its holding center, and walked out.


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