A romantic evening

By Gay_panda765

6.1K 129 48

This story is cute af with some mature tings More

Part 2
Part 3
Shower time


2K 36 26
By Gay_panda765

It was a Friday morning at Luna nova and Atsuko Kagari (aka Akko)the clumsy and determined witch was running though the hallways of the massive school to get to the breakfast hall, she always misses breakfast because she's up practicing her magic.

"Crappppp. I don't want to miss breakfast, they serving hash browns"

she said to her self as she ran pass many classrooms. As she was going to turn right,*BANG* she hit the floor with a thud and the sound of books on the floor.

"pardon me but ur not suppos- oh good morning Akko"

Diana cavendish,(yes the one and only) said with a warm smile as she helped her girlfriend off the floor.

"aA Diana I'm so so sorry, here let me help" she said as she picked up the books about the most complicated spells and subjects, like how does Diana understand any of this stuff Akko thought another thing she loved about her girlfriend,she's super duper smart.

"Oh Akko, you don't have to love"

Diana came down to also collect her books from the floor as they picked up the many books they touched hands on a red book called dating for witches 101 (god knows where Diana got this from, dumb lesbian hehe). They both blush at the contact, they have only been dating for a couple of weeks, Akko like the dork she is asked Diana when they were in town with their friends she confessed at the wishing fountain and privately so Amanda and Sucy didn't tease them, anyway they both looked at each other and locked eyes with little blushes on their faces. They both stud up both not breaking eye contact.

"Ummm Akko? Diana said with them baby blue eyes Akko so lost herself in.

"Haha Yessss" Akko said like a idiot still looking at her girlfriend who she loved

"You are going to miss breakfast" Diana said with smile that's rare for Diana, Akko is one of the rare people even before they were dating made her smile.

"Oh crap, sorry Diana talk later and sorry for running in to you byeeee love youuu" Akko shouted one of the big halls where students were talking, Diana's face turn bright red like a tomato and watched as Akko raced off to the cafeteria.

"For the love of Jennifer Akko, what am I going to do with you"she said out loud and walked off to her many lessons and jobs she had.

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