Vampire King | Short Story

By Sincerely_izzy19

11.4K 373 33

What happens when Harry wakes up a random room, a random pale man on top of him and instead of feeling scared... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter One

2.7K 74 2
By Sincerely_izzy19

The waking up part at the start may be similar to another fanfiction but it's where I got this idea from. I can't remember the title for that story currently but if you somehow have read it and can remember the title, please mention in the comments. I reccomend people read it.

All Harry could see was darkness. And all Harry could feel was a high type feeling of pleasure. His skin felt cold yet he felt no coldness in the air around him. In fact, he felt warm air against his neck. It kept coming and going in waves. It was like someone breathing against his neck. Wait... someone was breathing against his neck.
He opened his eyes and jumped slightly. Blood red eyes, that flickered with amusement, stared down at him. A man that looked around the age of twenty leaned over him. Watching his every movement.

'Era ora che ti svegliassi, tesoro,' the man chuckled in a deep voice with what Harry could tell, deep Italian accent.
Harry couldn't help but shiver at the voice, his eyes fluttering shut as he moved his head to the side to make a clear pathway to his neck for the man. 'Sei così allettante, amore... ma non posso. Sono pieno, il tuo sangue era così divino,' the man sighed. Harry moved his head to look at the man properly. His black hair and tall pale body making his red eyes pop out. His lack of clothes showed a skinny but muscled body.
(Google translation-
'Time for you to wake up, honey.'
'You are so tempting, love ... but I can't. I'm full, your blood was so divine.')

'W-Who?' Harry asked, his voice croaky.

'Oh sì, parla inglese. Me ne sono dimenticato.... my name is Draconian,' the man answered. 'Draconian Dracula.'
('Oh yeah, he speaks English. Forgot about that.')

'Where?' Harry questioned.

'Welcome, amore, to Island Dino,' said the man, Draconian, grinning as he sat up and crossed his legs.

'I'm in Italy... how?' Harry questioned, also sitting up.

'Well, someone tried to get in my pants on my annual visit to England. I was only in the pub for a drink. Ended up with a lot more of that since it would have taken incredible will power to not give into you. You weren't drunk. You had only drunk a fizzy drink. So it was completely consensual. I was uncomfortable doing anything physical away from home so I brought you here,' Draconian answered.

'Right... I went to the pub... what pub?' Harry asked, trying to fill in the missing memories he had some how misplaced.

'One in Hogsmeade. The town by that large school, Hogwarts,' Draconian said.

'Hogsmeade, Hogwarts-- Hogwarts! Crap I'm supposed to be in school,' Harry panicked, now looking around for his clothes.

'Sorry, amore, but school will have to wait. You'll be staying here for about two weeks,' Draconian informed him.

'But Dumbl-'

'Don't say his name in front of me,' Draconian warned.
'That man has annoyed me to no end. He already has one of my own, I'm not joining that war.'

'What do you mean, one of your own?' Harry questioned.

'Oh uh, I'm a Vampire. I thought my last name was obvious... guess not,' Draconian answered.

'You're a what?' Harry gasped.

'A Vampire,' Draconian grinned  showing off his fangs.

'I lost my innocence to a Vampire?' Harry muttered to himself.

'Yeah, you should be proud of yourself,' Draconian laughed.
'And why are you making being a Vampire sound so bad? You are one after all.'

'It's not bad, I me- I'M A WHAT?!' Harry yelled.

'Merda, non avrei dovuto dirlo ancora,' Draconian mumbled.
'It wasn't my fault alright... okay maybe I had a little to do with it... but it wasn't just me. You're a bloody masochist with the most divine blood I've ever smelt or tasted. I had to chuck your wand across the room to stop you from cutting yourself again. I hadn't even taken control of you yet. You used this cutting spell to draw blood from yourself so I would bite you. I didn't want to kill you, I'd have most of your world after my arse. And I didn't exactly want to have sex with someone unconscious from being drained. My options were limited.'

'Oh Merlin... now I'm never going to fucking die,' Harry groaned.

'Well, that's not exactly true, if someone stakes you with the right material then you'll die... properly,' Draconian mumbled.
'And the killing curse.'

'Sounds great, someone has to murder me to be able to die,' Harry muttered. 'Is there something else I need to know?'

'Yeah... so I'm a royal Vampire and that bite mark on your neck means I've claimed you,' Draconian answered.

'Claimed me in what way?' Harry questioned.

'Your mine till I die and if I die before you... you take my place,' Draconian explained.
'Claiming someone always involves biting someone during sex. Your instincts don't really listen to your brain during it. So... we were having sex... you got me to bite you... bam I've claimed you.'

'Take your place-- when you said royal... did you mean...?' Harry mumbled.

'Mean King?' Draconian smirked. Harry gave a cautious nod.
'Yep. Vampire King Draconian Dracula has claimed you as his. Which makes you my Queen.'

'Shit,' Harry sighed in frustration. 'How did the King of Vampires give into me of all people?'

'I haven't a clue,' Draconian laughed. 'Probably has something to do with your blood. It's different to everyone elses. But what puzzles me the most is that my blood hasn't mixed into yours yet your blood has mixed into mine. In you, my blood and your blood stay separate, yet you still turn into a full Vampire. I've never seen anything like it. No one has. One of the reasons you'll be staying here for two weeks. A second reason is because we need to have a chat with the council. They won't be too happy with finding out I've claimed someone that isn't from my family. The fact that you were a human will just make them mad. They want the royal blood to stay pure. Especially after my cousin claimed a human muggle.'

'Who is your cousin?' Harry questioned.

'Eileen Prince,' Draconian answered.
'Her side of the royal family were all pureblooded wizard and witches. I'm the only Wizard on my side of the family. She was a nice girl... until she married that horrid human. She had a son, I visited him and his mother before I found you.'

'Why is it bad to claim someone outside of your family? Why do the council want to keep the royal blood pure?' Harry questioned 

'They're just like the purebloods in the Wizarding World, their beliefs are the same,' Draconian answered.

'What am I to do whilst I'm here?' Harry asked.

'Train and learn. You need your Vampire side to be strong, especially for what you have to face when you go back,' Draconian replied.

'You do realise the headmaster will be looking for me in every nook and cranny right?' Harry said with a raised eyebrow.

'He won't even realise you're gone. I have one of my gifted Vamps impersonating as you,' Draconian smirked.

'Not creepy at all,' Harry mumbled. 'I'm hungry...'

'Eat,' Draconian ordered, moving his head to expose his neck.

'But...' Harry gulped.

'Do you want to starve?' Draconian questioned. Harry eyed the man's neck and licked his lips. He couldn't control himself he just had to. And he did. Harry went on his knees and grabbed the man's head to move it out of the way before going forward and piercing the pale skin. Harry moaned in delight as blood flowed down his throat. He'd never tasted something so delicious. Harry pulled away once he had had enough and sat on his feet as he looked up at the Vampire King. Harry could feel blood running down his chin, blood dripping from his fangs. He wiped away the blood on his chin and licked it off his finger. Harry shut his eyes in pleasure as he licked the blood from his fangs.
'How was your first meal as a Vampire?'

'Delicious,' Harry whispered.

'Want more?' Draconian smirked. Harry could only nod.
'Follow me, amore,' Draconian purred as he got off the giant bed they were on. Harry didn't care if he was only in his boxers, he climbed off the bed and went to the man's side in seconds. 'Yes... you do look lovely in only those but we should get dressed. I'm not letting anyone see what's mine.' Harry nodded and looked around for his clothes. He heard a cough and looked back to see Draconian holding out a set of clothes for him. Harry smiled in thanks and took them. He noticed they weren't his but... clothes were clothes. Harry quickly pulled on the white t-shirt and tucked it into the black trousers once they were on. Harry noticed Draconian was also dressed now and went to stand by his side.

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