Echoes of Love

By ShivikaOnly

857 86 23

Young and successful Kayal had everything in her hands, a job that she's passionate about, a great bank balan... More

Chapter 1 - Faint Smell of Dettol
Chapter 2 - Heavenly
Chapter 3 - Little Things
Chapter 4 - The Engagement Ring
Chapter 5 - Light Snores and Nightmares
Chapter 6 - The Trust Factor


177 15 5
By ShivikaOnly

You know what? My cousin saw us in the coffee shop today and he took a picture of us! Check it out!

Kayal smiled as she forwarded the candid image of them which Vijay had sent her. She felt herself going back to the carefree girl in the cafe earlier this day where she could laugh out loud at some silly remarks and embarrassing stories that Reyansh was telling her.

Only photographs have the power to do that.

She recalled one of the sentences that Reyansh told her some time ago. They've come a long way since then! From flirting strangers in the elevator to getting married now. Even if it's just for convenience, they are getting married for real, with the blessings of their parents!

She sighed as she plugged her phone into the charger, when she saw a message from him. Curiosity got the better of her and she quickly unlocked her phone to open the message. He had sent her and image. A screenshot of his new wallpaper with their image. Her heart started beating wildly upon seeing that. What exactly was Reyansh trying to do?

I guess this is what a supposed couple will do when they get a candid image of them together???? *3 cheeky grin emoji*

I look so hot here!!!!!! *3 Cool sunglasses emoji*

This picture is lit!!! *a dozen fire emojis*

You know what??? You should also make this image as your wallpaper!!! We can be like those cheesy couples!!!! *a dozen drooling emoji*

Kayal couldn't help but to chuckle at his message. One should learn from Reyansh Mehrotra to over punctuate his sentences and also add extra super needy emojis! She barely used any other emojis except for the thumbs up and okay. Well, if this is what she's getting herself into. She might as well as get used to his texting language, which is weird. Very weird.

I'm not putting that image of ours as my wallpaper. I love my current wallpaper. It's nice.

LAME!!! *3 thumbs down emoji*

Come on Kayal!!!!

It would be nice to have matching wallpapers!!!

Please, pretty please!!! *sad, puppy eyed emoji*

Continuous *sad, puppy eyed emojis*


I shall until you make that picture as your wallpaper!!! *angry huffing emoji*

"Look at who's using this emoji! I'm the one who's supposed to be pissed!" Kayal couldn't help but to slap her forehead as she quickly pressed her home button and changed her wallpaper. Once she was done, she took a screenshot of it and sent it to Reyansh.

"Let the whinny baby be happy!" Kayal exhaled a deep breath. She was tad close to losing her temper.

AWWWW!!!! *Heart eyes emojis*

See you at the wedding tomorrow!!!! *kiss face emojis*

Good night!!! Sleep well!!!

*sleeping baby GIF*

Kayal's lips involuntarily twitched upwards as she saw his child-like behaviour! Who could probably guess that this six feet tall man in well-trimmed beard and round-frame glasses could actually text like a teenager? She swiftly moved her finger across the floating keyboard, wishing him a good night and plugged in her phone again, leaving it on the table and turned around only to clench her heart tightly from the mini heart-attack her cousins gave her.

"What in the name of the holy fuck are you girls doing here?" Kayal whisper-yelled in order to make sure that her voice didn't escape the room.

"We just dropped by to give you some tips!" Her elder cousin, Anusha giggled as she exchanged glances with another cousin of theirs, Kavi.

"What kind of tips?" Kayal asked curiously.

"Well, the kind that you will be needing for your married life!" They chuckled and giggled yet again, much to Kayal's annoyance. She loved her cousins, no doubt in that, but they just really had to annoy her beyond the limit, don't they?

"Anusha Akka, Kavi Akka, I know that you guys have been married for a few years now, but believe me, I got this! I've been given that bees and flowers talks ever since I was a little girl! Now, please, I need some sleep!"

"Nevermind her Akka, you both tell me!" Kayal's much younger cousin, Shruti spoke up, shamelessly.

"Why? So that you can go ahead and pull all those stunts for your useless boyfriend, Karthik?" Kavi was quick to interject. She had already been annoyed with Kayal's rejection.

"Karthik isn't useless! Our parents have met each other and agreed to get us married once my degree is completed!"

And thus, the argument began between the two cousins! Kayal just stood there blankly watching them bickering. She couldn't really remember why she had left Chennai, but now she knows and is reminded of it every single moment that she spends in the house. They all live as a huge family in the big house where there is literally minimum to no privacy at all and despite shoving everyone off, they would still come and annoy you every chance they get.

Thankfully she sneaked out earlier after lunch to meet up with Reyansh. It was much needed, given the commotion that was never-ending in their house. If she hadn't blow off the steam earlier today, she would have blasted at her cousins for being such a nuisance at the moment. Just then, her grandfather knocked on the door and chased her cousins out of the room, before she could do so herself.

"Thanks Thata!" Kayal smiled weakly as she goes ahead to hug her grandfather who was still as strong as he could be in his eighties. He could walk without any walking sticks and be as active as any other younger member of the family.

"Amma, Kupayi!"

Kayal shook her head upon hearing her grandmother's name. Her grandfather had wanted her to have that name, but her father was adamant with his choice and her mother too agreed to it. Albeit, her beloved thata has always called her Kupayi.

"Yes Thata, tell me!"

"You're genuinely happy with this marriage, right? I mean, this is all happening so quick and you said mappilai is a marine engineer who hardly stays at home. Are you sure about this? He'll keep you happy after us, right?"

Kayal felt a pang of guilt hitting right trough her heart. She was going to lie to that one person who trusts her more than anything. She herself hardly knows anything about Reyansh Mehrotra. Him and her are just an arrangement. Her grandfather's concern is justified, but it's not valid anymore. Her happiness lies in her hands. That's what she has always believed in. And she's aware of the fact that love doesn't exist in this Kali yuga. Its just selfish needs and arrangements that benefits both the parties.

"Kupayi?" Her grandfather's call brought her back from the reverie.

Kayal gave him a weak smile and nodded.

"I'll be more than happy after the marriage. And yes, if Reyansh has to be away for four months, then he will be with me for two whole months! Don't overthink and worry about it, Thata!" Kayal reassured the old man. She couldn't bring herself to lie to him, but at the same time, she can't even tell him the truth. It was better this way.

"Okay, I'm so relieved now! You go to bed! Your muhurtam is early in the morning, like how mine and your Paati's was. Sleep well, Amma!" He cupped her face lovingly and left.

Glossary :
Akka : Elder Sister.
Thata :Grandfather.
Paati : Grandmother.
Mappilai : Groom.
Muhurtam : Auspicious time for wedding.

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