Played like a Guitar

By AndrejMilo

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The reader can freely decide the protagonist's gender, as it remains unspecified across the first POV. Curio... More

Preface and Author's Note
Chapter 1 : A Fresh Start
Chapter 2 : Serendipity
Chapter 3 : The Club Incident
Chapter 4 : Athena
Chapter 5 : The Concert
Chapter 6 : Into the Night
Chapter 7 : The Farewell
Chapter 8 : The Void
Chapter 9 : Ghosts of the Past
Chapter 10 : The Reunion
Chapter 11 : Italian Kiss
Chapter 12 : The Museum
Chapter 13 : The Boy Who Cried
Chapter 14 : The Zoo
Chapter 15 : La Sorellina
Chapter 16 : Patience is a Virtue
Chapter 17 : I Love You
Chapter 18 : The Third Wheel
Chapter 19 : Point of No Return
Chapter 20 : Hanging by a Thread
Chapter 21 : Be Free
Chapter 22 : The Note
Chapter 24 : The Ceremony
Chapter 25: The Butterfly Effect
Chapter 26: Bargaining with Souls
Chapter 27: Whatever it Takes
Final Author's Note

Chapter 23 : The Calm Before the Storm

45 3 1
By AndrejMilo

Keep in mind the following chapters will be a lot longer than usual. We're getting closer to the end, only a few left. Enjoy!

Chapter painting: Galway Quay Street Night by Bill O'Brien.

"Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets."   - Arthur Miller


Who would have known that a four hour flight could be so unbearable? I was beyond thrilled to travel abroad with my friends for the first time, but Elektra's irritating voice was there haunting me during the entire trip. Before leaving the airplane, I was introduced to the entire history of the Kardashian-Jenner family tree against my will after her horrified reaction at my unawareness of their existence, alongside rumors and gossips being spread around Hollywood. "Have you been living under a rock this whole time? To think you were dating a celebrity..." - was her snarky reply, if I remember correctly.

Leo was whining about the uncomfortable seats not providing enough leg space, plus the lack of pillows and entertainment screens, disgusting food and rude flight attendants. "We should have gone to business class instead." - he muttered. The other passengers returned threatening stares, wishing to throw us out collectively with no parachutes. But at the end of the day, they were both traveling far across Europe to act as emotional supports for me and I couldn't have asked for better friends.

Our suitcases could barely fit inside the silver cab, which took us to the cheapest Airbnb apartment we could find close to the center. It was located in a narrow street with flagstone pavement with each house painted in a different color, ranging from burning red, ice blue to pure white and pale yellow, their exteriors mostly consisting of simple wooden doors and windows, with the occasional Irish flag and greenery hanging from the roof. I've learned soon enough not to be fooled by the simple exteriors as the inside of the pubs and shops displayed impressive carpentry skills and the most random decorations.

The place we booked was a bit of a setback in comparison to what we've seen so far, but considering the brief duration of our stay, anything more would've been excessive. We dropped our suitcases in a rush, sprinting immediately to the nearest restaurant as our stomachs were devouring themselves from hunger. The brewery was packed with local citizens and students laughing, drinking and playing cards. So much positive energy, hospitality and cheerfulness, no wonder Jamie claimed to be homesick all the time!

"What places should we visit tomorrow, El?" - asked Leo with his mouth full of fish and chips. They were well-informed that the invitation was dedicated solely to me, which meant a day off for them.

"There's this bridge which was featured in an old movie, I think it's called the Quiet Man Bridge. If you're up for a ride, there's also Kylemore Abbey, a huge Disney-like castle next to a lake. Jamie can show us around after the wedding, once Noah's done crying over him, that is." - she opted for a lighter meal, gulping down the remainders of her potato pancakes (boxty, the menu called them).

"He'll be lucky if I shed a tear." - I answered arrogantly to her petty remark, slurping on the delicious traditional lamb stew, questioning the certainty of my own statement. If all goes well, we'll stay friends and keep in touch every once in a while after I leave. The main problem was, things never really go according to plan when the two of us are involved.

"Do you even know when and where the wedding is taking place?" - spitted Elektra with her mouth full of food.

"Yes actually, I'm familiar with the name of the cathedral but I had to search online for the time. The place will be crawling with paparazzi." - I noted, secretly enjoying the thrill of being under the celebrity spotlight for a day.

"Sounds exciting. I bet lots of Irish and Spanish celebrities will be attending. Oh, what if you meet Liam Neeson or Salma Hayek? Can you take their autograph for me, pretty please?" - the thirsty blonde begged.

"I'm not going there to make friends, El." - to which she returned a glum face. "Although now that I think about it, I could cross meeting Shakira off my bucket list." She threw one of Leo's chips onto my face, jealous that she wasn't invited. He, on the other hand, stared sadly at the chip that had gone to waste on the wooden floor instead of circulating through his digestive system. "What can I say? You should've hooked up with Jessie when you had the chance." - I taunted her.

"Who's Jessie?" - Leo intervened rather aggressively, already forgetting about the tragedy of the fallen chip.

"One of Jamie's band mates, the former lead singer. And nah, he's a total douche bag." - she commented, caressing the back of Leo's hair in hopes of calming his sudden jealousy. I tried disguising my smile.

Scanning our surroundings, I had the distinct feeling that he was somewhere nearby, expecting to see his figure observing me among these empty faces. Also, the greater number of gingers didn't exactly help the situation either. It felt weird traveling to his hometown without informing his sister beforehand, but I had no access to Malory's phone number. Ringing his was never an option.

The lively ambience pulled through and we came face to face with a few locals studying here, sitting on the adjacent table. So many different nationalities, cultures and fields of knowledge sitting in one place, yet we were compatible enough to spend the evening together. They were also kind enough to offer Leo and El help for tomorrow's trip.

"You guys are familiar with the Midnight Blues, right? That singer, Jamie O'Dea, is getting married tomorrow with some rich Spanish model. I heard it's going to be the wildest party to take place in Galway." - a student from Dublin notified us. Ha, if only she knew...

"Really? Never heard of them." - I lied, wishing to see my friends' reactions and boy were they trying not to burst in laughter.

"Yeah, he lives nearby, around a thirty-minute walk from here. He's very kind, always carrying a bunch of autographs and hand-written notes for his fans. Sometimes he walks around town and leaves signed copies of his book to however is lucky enough to find them. Even after what happened to his sister..." - a French girl noted with her surprisingly good English pronunciations. That does sound like something he would do.

"My younger brother went to school with her, claims she changed completely after the car crash, some of the students call her a freak. You know how kids can be mean sometimes." - the Dubliner added before changing topics. The bullying never stops, does it? Well, this is supposed to be her last year of high school as far as I know, so things can only improve from now on. I hope so, at least.

A few Guinesses and root beers later, the live music lit the place on fire, bringing the guests on their feet, moving to the combined sounds of the fiddle, accordion, pipes and flute. Thankfully I remembered a few tricks from the club, since Elektra pulled me in for a dance next to the band, stealing everyone's hearts. Her unpredictable trouble-making self climbed on top of a table, pushing the drinks onto the floor with her feet in an effort to grab one of their traditional kilts hanging from the ceiling. Although she was close to slipping and breaking her neck, Leonardo managed to catch her in time. She simply shrugged off the near death experience and proceeded to put it around her waist. She had a few screws loose that one, and I enjoyed every second of her company. Leo treated himself with some extra shots, so when a group of old-timers pulled him in for some Irish step-dancing, he wasn't sober enough to decline their offer, awkwardly failing to reproduce their moves. No words could describe how wonderful life was for all of us at that moment, with music bringing us all together anew. I even forgot for a hot second the reason we traveled here in the first place.

Way past midnight, El and I said our goodbyes to the fellow students and bar owners, carrying the inebriated Italian boy to the apartment. "I need to find myself a hot rich Irishman so I can live here forever.", to which the drunkie replied: "I'll buy you a house here some day.", before dozing off. Jokes aside, these types of cities were meant for her and the fact that she pulled through the night without a sip of alcohol made me proud as hell. We dragged him up the wooden stairs and onto his bed with his clothes still on. El took off her makeup before hibernating, but as expected, I was wide awake, wondering whether this was all just a calm before the storm. I sighed before turning off the bed side lamp, wishing for my simpler life to come back.


It's been two hours and my eyes were still restless and bloodshot. On top of the voice I kept hearing at the back of my mind, now I started hallucinating shapes and silhouettes in the dark, interpreting them as ghosts and monsters creeping up on me. I could swear I even heard faint guitar strings being played outside, but I was too skeptical about my five senses that I didn't bother checking if they were actually real. But the sound continued playing after a few minutes, on and on, until my brain woke up from its resting state, realizing there really was someone out the window. I left the coziness of the bed in my pajamas, ready to curse whoever was making that noise in the middle of the night. Sitting on the rooftop of the opposite house was none other than the cursed musician himself.

"What are you doing here?" - I asked firmly after sliding the window open.

"Aren't you glad to see me?" - his sparkling smile and captivating look made answering the question truthfully a bit more difficult.

"I asked first." - I bit back, tired of getting answered with questions.

"Well, an old friend of mine broke the news that Noah Westwood was seen dancing and singing at the Three Carrots earlier without me, so I had to know if it was true." - he shared in a delighted tone.

"Who's your friend?" - I asked, wondering who shared the news. I couldn't remember seeing anyone familiar back at the pub, but again, the place was packed to the bone.

"You've met him already, silly." Oh, that brings down the endless possibilities to one person.

"I didn't consider Benjamin as a gossip girl." - he smirked at the revelation, surprised that I figured it out.

"My question now." - he persisted.

"I'm here for Malory so there's no need for me to be glad." - I chose a cold approach to the conversation.

"She's sleeping. Long day ahead, remember?" - he reminded in his typical cocky fashion. No reply from my part. "You're coming tomorrow, aren't you?" - he asked, the tone of his voice hinting at distress.

"I will be attending the wedding, yes. We're still friends after all." He nodded, both relieved to hear that I wasn't angry with him, but also disappointed to be labeled that way. Not my problem.

"Okay, sorry I interrupted your beauty sleep. I have a few children's books to hide around the city as part of this scavenger hunt I'm organizing for kids, and I thought you'd like to join me but I guess I was wrong." - tbe drama king exhaled. "The ceremony begins around one o'clock, in case you didn't know. Good night, Noah." - he put the ukulele (wasn't a guitar after all) on his back, sliding down the gutter pipe swiftly and landing steadily on the ground. Add parkour to the list of hidden talents.

"Jamie, wait." He turned around grinning like a Cheshire cat, expecting me to fall under his spell for the millionth time. "Mind if I tag along?" - I changed my mind. To be fair, we will barely have enough time to talk tomorrow with the ceremony, party and hundreds of guests he is expected to please so might as well take advantage of my sleeplessness. I slid into my white sneakers without changing, too lazy to take off my red flannel pajamas before heading outside.

"Long time no see, partner." - he offered a fist bump but I just went straight for a tight hug, missing him more than I could admit. He was about to say something, but changed his mind last second, returning the gesture. It lasted longer than expected, but neither of us dared to comment on it. It was the first time seeing him in summer clothes with his royal blue T-shirt and dark denim shorts, but the cologne remained as alluring as always. "It seems you've been enjoying your stay so far." - he remarked based on old Benjamin's detailed report.

"You weren't kidding about this place, it's freaking awesome!" How the tables have turned, damn. Once a poorly paid guide, now an exhilarated tourist.

"You've only scratched the surface, there's so much more to discover! Even a week wouldn't be enough to visit most of the attractions we have here." Apart from the ukulele, he was carrying a huge bag filled with books and comics.

"Looks pretty heavy. Here, let me help you with that." - I offered. He removed it from his back, placing it gently in my arms.

"It's my newest baby. Isn't she magnificent?" - he showed it off proudly. The ukulele was an incredible work of art, the front featured a painting of a stunning purple-orange sunset, sand beach, and wavy sea. My jaw dropped to the pavement, completely blown away by the details on the instrument. Now I finally know where he got his talents from.

"Wait 'til you see the back." - I turned it over only to be presented with a portrait of a young ginger girl with small freckles and faint smile, her face brought to life with nothing more than a paintbrush.

"Holy shit, your grandpa is insane! She's beautiful." The attention to the facial features and colors was spectacular. Guess he won't be needing a replacement for his guitar anytime soon.

"Why thank you!" - a voice jump-scared me from behind, the same face I saw seconds ago on the instrument was now sitting in front me.

"Malory O'Dea, pleasure to finally meet you." - her electric wheelchair driving her towards me, offering her hand. I shook it, still mind blown to see her in person.

"Hi! Oh my gosh, I didn't expect this." - I laughed, as pleased as Jamie was towards my positive reaction.

"What? Did you expect me to stand up and hug you?" - her unexpected comment made me regret coming out of my mother's womb. No, no, no, I didn't mean it that way! I've never felt so awkward in my life. Noticing my unresponsiveness, the two suddenly started laughing.

"You should've seen the look on your face!" - she pointed her index fingers at my baffled expression. "I was just messing witcha, relax!" Unfortunately, she got her humor from her brother.

"Yeah, Mal has a very...specific sense of humor." - he noted, showing a fond dislike towards it.

"Oh thank God, I was about to teleport back to Thess." - I exhaled in relief. Her adorable smile and tiny dimples made me as happy as a pig rolling in mud.

"So tell me, how does it feel to live with your older brother on a daily basis?" - I couldn't resist asking.

"Older brother? Please, he is more immature than my classmates, and that's saying a lot. Also, we only see each other on a monthly basis at this point so it's nice to have some peace and quiet at home." - to which he responded with "Stop talking behind my back, you two!" while struggling to carry the bag of books.

"Oh that reminds me, you graduated this year, right?"

"More than a month ago, yes." - her accent slightly weaker than her brother's.

"How does it feel? People joke that it's the best day of every student's life, and it genuinely was for me."

"This year was a serious downgrade compared to the previous ones, so I'm not that sad to be honest." - she confessed.

"Looks like you found someone who is just as dramatic as you are, Mal." - her brother pointed out in a sassy manor.

"Hey, you don't have a say in this! You were the most popular kid in school, we get it." - I defended. Malory gave me a high five for the assist.

"I don't miss having six different classes in one day, copying my homework last minute and getting two-hour detentions, but damn was I carefree back then. I mean sure, we had our own problems with friends, dating and annoying parents but I would take them anytime over the things I'm dealing with currently. The only thing we have left now are memories..." - I reflected on that dark thought for a moment.

"Noah, I would kindly ask you to leave the existentialism out of this, she's eighteen for crying out loud!" - he joked, aware of my 'little' issue.

"You're right, sorry about that. Your brother is used to listening to my babbles for hours." We both looked at each other in a bittersweet way.

We walked to an empty town square with a fountain in its epicenter and the occasional passersby returning home after a long night out. He opened his bag, letting Malory place a copy of the first Harry Potter book in the series against the marble. She claimed the third one was the best. I agreed.

"Should I even bother asking about the guitar I left?" - Jamie whispered while she was distracted.

"I think it's best if we don't talk about it." - I admitted, wishing to avoid discussing the personal matter in front of her. Even if I brought back all the broken pieces, there was not enough glue and duct tape in the world to put it back together.

"Yikes. Did it feel good at least?" - he smiled to the destruction of his grandfather's hard work in an almost sadomasochistic way.

"Sure did." - I confirmed proudly.

"In case you were wondering, I came up with this idea a few weeks ago. It motivates the children to run outside and explore their surroundings instead of staring at various screens all day. Plus, they get to educate themselves with essential classics along the way. Most of our band's support came from locals and it's a way for me to return the favor. There's a bit of variety in there for all ages: comics, novels, short stories and poems." - he returned to his regular voice.

"Are you volunteering for some book foundation?"

"Oh, no. I buy all of these myself. By putting some money on the side every month, I can help those in need without even noticing a change in my lifestyle. Some of her former classmates couldn't even afford buying textbooks so I covered those expenses for them as well."

I described the eventful Three Carrots experience while they were leaving behind more books on statues, random benches and historical monuments. We strolled down Quay street, the ideal location for travelers to buy souvenirs, local goods, browse for clothes but also sit down at coffee shops, wine bars and restaurants. Each store was painted in different color combinations and featured distinct interior designs.

"That reminds me, I need to teach you how to step-dance one day. It's not as difficult as it looks." His bag was slowly being emptied, marking an end to our short-lasting escapade. I felt a bit uncomfortable discussing these topics around Malory, but she didn't seem perturbed. Instead, I asked her about school, exams and her plans for this summer. They were both very sociable and easy to interact with. While she was ranting about her classes, I kept comparing the siblings but failed to see any major physical difference, almost like they were twins with a slight age gap.

"Hey, I know it's getting pretty late, but I would love to show you our place." - she suggested courteously, so how could I refuse?

"Oof, I don't know. I'd hate to wake your parents up in the middle of the night." - I replied.

"Our dad sleeps like a polar bear during summer, and mother won't be able to hear us over his loud snoring." - Malory reassured, and I laughed.

"I'll be sleep deprived anyways, might as well pull an all-nighter. I'm more worried you two won't have enough time to prepare for the big day tomorrow."

"There's nothing to it, really. Valentina and her parents are organizing most of it, I just need to shower, get dressed, make sure my family and relatives arrive in one piece and that's it."

"You don't seem nervous at all. I'd be trembling like a leaf if I were in your position." - I said, imagining the pressure I'd feel for such a commitment.

"I choose not to show it, to make others feel more comfortable." - he confessed.

"Oh, you're so tough and strong Jamie! Our hero!" - his sister teased sarcastically.

"Shut up, you buck eejit." - he muttered. She showed her tongue to the Irish slang I've never heard before, but could easily determine what it roughly meant. He was always very conscientious with his prominent accent, trying not to use slang around me.

"What about Valentina? Where is she?" - I tried sounding interested.

"In her mansion, throwing a bachelorette party for her best friends. Girls only, what can I say." - he shrugged.

"Yeah, her 'friends'. She probably doesn't even know their names. Besides, they're only coming for the free drugs and alcohol." - she asserted, showing resentment towards Valentina. Interesting.

"Malory, watch your mouth." - he warned her, dead serious this time.

"Why not throw one for your group of friends then?" - I tried breaking the sudden tension between the siblings.

"Come on, Noah, you know me better than that. I'd rather share a bottle of fine wine and have a real conversation rather than hire strippers and drink cheap booze from their belly buttons." I do know you, but it's nicer to hear it from your lips.

"You came here with that guy, Leo was it?" - he asked. I described our adventures in Thess, Leo's surprise visit but also reminding him who Elektra was and what happened to her in the meantime, adding how she thought she would be twerking alongside Jennifer Lopez tomorrow at their wedding. Malory gagged at the last part.

"As far as I'm concerned, she has my blessing to come if it would mean the world to her. As long as our guests aren't physically violated or aggressively twerked against their will, that is."

"I'll make sure she gets the message, thanks."

"That girl you mentioned, Elektra, how did she get over that whole incident?" - Malory asked curiously.

"Well, you see, El always thought bad things only happened to other people, that she was immune to the dangers of the world, so when her luck ran out and she went through that horrific experience, it's like her eyes finally opened. Attending court every week was like a direct fight with her demons, so once she won the case, it motivated her to become a better person. Obviously, she applied for a specialized rehab program for young alcoholics and with a bit of effort and dedication, she was one of the first to leave the group therapy sessions. Tough as a rock, that one." - I explained proudly.

"If someone did that to Malory, I'd probably get a life sentence in jail for first-degree murder." - Jamie asserted with resentment at the thought. It was impossible to imagine such a friendly and lovable person harming someone in a brutal way, but when Malory was involved, his actions had no limits. Almost like a brief display of a darker, suppressed side of his personality.

"Don't say stuff like that, please. People already think you're weird enough. He's no serial killer Noah, just way overprotective sometimes." - she reassured me just in case.

"He wouldn't hurt a fly, I know him." - I returned a bright smile, remembering his sweet and tender side.

We stopped in front of a semi-detached property with tall fences and walls around built for privacy. They must have renovated the place to keep the paparazzi from meddling into their affairs. The street was purely residential, covered in greenery and all house owners possessed a backyard, garage and small patio. I was surprised by the cleanliness and lack of rubbish on the streets, thanks to the recycling bins present on every corner. Once he opened the gate and checked if anyone was creeping up on us from afar, we entered the front porch with neatly trimmed rectangular bushes, colorful flowers and two trees with an old swing attached for kids. The house itself was simple yet aesthetically pleasing, its walls made of out dark brown bricks and white windows, alongside a few vines steadily building their way up towards the roof which had a huge diagonal window, ideal for star gazing. Judging by its appearance, it was surely built in the 40's or 50's when his grandparents were young.

"Must have been nice growing up in a house like this." - I inferred, observing the botanical choices and architectural design.

"My parents wanted to sell it after the accident but Malory and I protested. It's all we ever had so I promised to work extra hard for us to keep it. Let's go inside, just be quiet." - he pulled out a set of keys from his pockets.

Upon entering, the first thing I noticed was the wheelchair lift integrated onto the narrow staircase on the left leading to the upper floor. On the right laid the entrance to the living room consisting of a beige corner sofa, an antique rocking chair and a limestone fireplace with family pictures nestling against the mantle. I assumed that the corridor led to the kitchen and backyard but we proceeded upstairs straightaway. His international fans probably expect him to be lodged inside a luxurious villa, but I knew he would choose this house over any other. Memories above value, that was his way of living.

Making her way to the first floor with the machinery, I imagined the everyday struggles Malory faced with these long stairs, unable to move as freely as before. There was nothing to be seen apart from the three doors closed shut and another set of stairs leading to the attic. Two bedrooms and a bathroom I presumed, but were the two siblings sharing a room? She answered my question before I could even open my mouth.

"I took over Jamie's old bedroom, because it's closest to the bathroom and stairs. Our parents are sleeping in the master bedroom on our right, and he stole my precious playroom in the attic from me." - she whispered, taking off a hook attached to the wall and poking him with it.

"I think I'll go to bed now, I'm super tired." - she yawned loudly. "Good night, Noah. I had lots of fun, hope we can catch up more tomorrow! Don't stay up too late, birdbrain." - she insulted him mercilessly. Note to self: don't mess with the ginger beast. He grabbed the hook from her, pulling a hidden trap door with attached ladders leading to the attic.

"Behold, the secret entrance to my lair. Here, you go first. I'll be right there in a second." Okay Noah, try not to fall and give everyone a heart attack. I placed my foot on the first ladder to check how stable it was, scrambling my way up carefully to the top once I got the hang of it, his hands holding my hips throughout the climb. It was a spacious room with a red patterned carpet and wooden walls, his wardrobe and cabinets occupying the right side, the queen sized bed on the left and a huge vintage desk on the far end. Next to the bed stood a dark oval ornate mirror and a golden tripod lamp. Wandering around, I noticed an old typewriter, quills, and notebooks organized on the table with sketches, poems and paintings glued to the wall above. The sketches had faceless portraits whereas the paintings depicted different environmental settings. On the top left corner stood an easel holding a hidden painting covered with a piece of white cloth, with all the necessary painting supplies located next to it. Were all of these created by him? Overwhelmed with the diversity and creativity dedicated to each piece, I completely overlooked the gigantic diagonal window above my head that could be seen all the way from the yard. The room was a bit dark until he switched on dozens of string lamps hanging from the ceiling, a magnificent sight for sore eyes. Swept of my feet (literally), I crossed my legs and sat down on the carpet in the middle of the room, unable to decide what to admire first. The place where his masterpieces came to life.

"My gosh...this place is incredible! I'm at a loss for words." - I confessed once he entered the room from the main entrance. He sat on the carpet besides me, admiring the night sky.

"It's nothing, really." - he put his arms behind his head, laying on the carpet and ignoring my enthusiasm.

"How can you act like none of this is magnificent? You should be on the cover of every art magazine, for Christ's sake!" - I stood up furiously, noticing abruptly an array of various instruments hidden behind the attic door. Did he really know how to play all of these? He laughed at my shocked reaction, minimizing the insanity that was his talents. The way he delicately formulated the line of each poem, the way his paintings skillfully depicted each landscape with tremendous accuracy and the way his music pierced even through the thickest of bones. This room perfectly depicted all of his capabilities as a human being.

"Look at this, look at it!" - I showed him his very own sketches, as if he suffered from retrograde amnesia.

"Yes, I made some sketches, so what?" He was begging to be slaughtered beyond recognition at that point.

"I will murder you. Just admit that you're fucking brilliant and I'll stop." - I gave him one last warning with my malignant expression.

"Okay, fine. I'm fucking brilliant! I am the next artistic prodigy, the reincarnation of Jesus, the best thing to have happened to this planet since Confucius or Freddie Mercury!" I tried sustaining my laugh at the last part, but failed miserably, falling on his chest. His heart was beating like crazy, causing mine to do the same. His lips inches away again, the same ones I was begging to taste mere months ago. My brain kept reminding me that I was supposed to be over him, urging my body to explore the rest of his work and therefore prevent another romantic moment.

"What's behind this?" - I observed, approaching the hidden painting again.

"It's something personal I've been working on lately. I'd rather show it to you once it's done so don't uncover it yet." - he said rather nervously.

"Oh come on! You can't just leave me hanging like that." - I protested, my hands reaching steadily towards the cover.

"Hey, leave it. You'll see it eventually, I told you. In the meantime, I have a little surprise." - he jumped back up on his feet, grabbing a small ladder behind the wardrobe, placing it gently against the lowest part of the window, pushing it up, revealing an entrance to the roof. He laid hold of my hands, guiding me towards the exit. It was a bit steep but his strong grip improved my balance until I could safely sit down on the roof tiles. His left hand was still holding mine so I waited a few more seconds, pretending to observe his neighborhood whereas in fact I was curious to see if he planned on letting go. He didn't. Well, there my heart goes again!

Nothing but crickets and the occasional owl could be heard, the night sky clearer than in Rome and Thessaloniki. "Talk about déjà vu, huh?" - he noticed, matching my exact thought in that moment.

"I know, right? We always somehow end up watching the stars together." - but I was the only one observing them. I could feel his side gaze stuck on me, but I pretended not to see it. He smirked quietly.

"What?" - I nudged him with my shoulder playfully.

"Isn't it weird how more than three years ago we came across each other randomly, and now you're here in Ireland, sitting on my rooftop." - he remarked in amazement.

"Crazy, right?" - I lied, having imagined a moment like this too many times in the past. Yes, I'm a total creep, but I keep it to myself. "Everything we've done built up to this moment." - I gazed into the distant scenery.

"Malory likes you a lot, you know. She finally figured out why I couldn't stop babbling about Rome all the time."

"Aw, she's so sweet! I think we'd get along pretty well." - I inferred. "How is she holding up, by the way?"- I felt safe asking him this, now that she was no longer with us.

"I don't know, we had a pretty rough argument the other day. She's not as passionate and ambitious about school and her career anymore, claiming no one wants a handicapped person in their office...or life for that matter. She's not a fan of Valentina either, but they barely spent any time together." - he looked away, visibly frustrated that there was tension in their relationship for the first time in ages.

"Don't dwell on it, I'm sure you'll sort things out. She won't be like that tomorrow, I guarantee it." - I tried reassuring.

Silence. Deafening silence.

"I missed you." - he confessed out of the blue, his cheerless glare making me feel responsible for his pain. Almost like he was trying to keep it to himself until now.

"Don't say that. Not now." - I warned coldly. We were past the play-pretend, it was time to face reality.

"I'm just being honest."

"Hm, that's funny. You're always honest, yet you never seem to act upon it." - I shook my head in disbelief.

"I know, I'm sorry." - he apologized with an unsteady voice, as if he was moments away from breaking down.

"For what?" - I kept my tone serious.

"For everything." - his empathetic side finally emerging, realizing that his actions had consequences and that I was a human being with feelings and emotions.

"Look, it doesn't matter now. I've moved on with my life, I can't delay my happiness anymore. And I highly suggest you do the same, you can't be heard saying stuff like that from now on!" Maybe I was a bit too stern, but for his own good, I had to be.

"Noah...I don't think that will ever happen. Ever since that night at the hotel, I couldn't stop thinking about you, about us. My mind kept playing scenes on repeat. The slow dance, the kiss on the Ferris wheel, me risking my life just to feel your touch again. All of it." - he shook his head, a tear plopping from the rain forest in his left eye. Er, I was afraid it would come to this.

"What do you want me to say? Cancel the wedding, so we can be together forever? I'm not stooping so low, Jamie. You brought this to yourself. You chose her, so deal with it." - my harsh words cutting him deeper than a knife, bringing any chances of us being together down to zero.

"I screwed everything up and you have every right to feel this way, but believe me when I say that this wasn't entirely my fault. I wish things were different, but..." - I let go of his hand, irritated by this never-ending cycle of false hopes and promises.

"But what? Enough with the bloody secrets already! I'm so sick of hearing the same bullshit over and over again! You can't possibly expect me to put up with these lies and empty words every time we see each other. Tell me now or help me God I'll be out of your life forever! You're not the only one suffering here. I couldn't sleep or eat for weeks, and I pushed everyone aside because of you! I deserve to know, whatever the hell it is you're hiding." - this man has been keeping something far too long, based on that miserable, heartbroken, bloodshot gaze.

"After Malory..." - he stopped instantly, wiping the river of tears with his arm, his voice trembling to every word.

"After the accident happened, I distanced myself from all my friends and relatives, including Valentina. It was the worst period of my life, I was clinically depressed and Malory's life was on the line. As I told you before, my dad wasted all our money on gambling, my mom quit her job to take care of her and we were barely making ends meet. Then one day, her father came to our doorstep uninvited, wishing to talk to me in private, claiming he had some kind of offer I wouldn't be able to resist. Valentina was still in love with me at the time but my feelings were long gone. Anyways, he said if I were to sign a contract, a big chunk of money would be transferred to my bank account every month, enough to cover Malory's bills, for us to live comfortably and my dad would get to keep his job in the company. He even promised a second tour for the Midnight Blues, with me in charge this time. The only catch was, I would have to publicly date Valentina, do interviews together, propose eventually at his request, and get married under his conditions. I really wanted to say no, but I..." - he crashed into my chest, unable to sustain his pain any longer.

Faced with the inconceivable choice: devoting his life to someone he didn't love, or sacrificing the life of the one he loved most? Although not entirely surprised to discover Valentina's family was capable of doing something so monstrous and medieval, I couldn't blame him for anything. If he were to share this with someone else, his sister would have suffered indefinitely and Valentina's father would probably fire his dad on the spot, and Jamie's music career would've been ruined. With the power that man holds, he could've made up any story about Jamie, and the tabloids would be filled with lies and deceptions with enough money. He made the right choice.

"Shh, it's okay, I'm here now." - I caressed his back, staring blankly at the stars, contemplating the injustice in the world. Two pure innocent souls, ruined by a series of unfortunate events. One mistake cost him his entire life. I placed a gentle kiss on his head, as if things would be fine from now on and the wedding was not taking place in ten hours. They had him under her control like a marionette and there was little he could do about it. They better keep that puta ten feet away from me tomorrow.

"Please don't go...I love you..." - he plead.

"I won't." We returned inside, shutting the window behind. I settled down against the headboard slat of the bed, his arms still holding onto me dearly, the only real friend he had. He calmed down after a while, sniffling occasionally like a baby. Once his breathing returned to normal and he remained motionless in my grasp, I knew he was finally asleep. Will he be able to tie the knot tomorrow? I looked up at the endless stars, hoping to find an answer. "He has no choice."

With his tired soul finally resting, it was my queue to leave. Halfway down the stairs, one of the doors opened, causing me to crouch and hide, afraid that his parents would find a stranger roaming their house past midnight.

"Nothing to worry about, it's me." - Malory's feminine voice echoed, an instant relief to my ears.

"Hey there, sorry if I woke you up. I was about to head outside." - but something seemed off about her. Looking behind briefly, I noticed her window was open. Oh no. Was she listening to our argument the whole time? Did she know about the contract? Her dangerous stare made me feel like a prisoner hooked onto an electric chair, one false answer and I would be burnt to crisps.

"Do you still love him?"

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