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'maybe i do have a shot, just go for it.' "m-me?" sebastian chuckles, "you? are you a dancer?" jimin shakes... More



261 15 4

warnings: mentions of blood wounds, and murder.


sebastian was provoked at the end of her desk, feeling the stalking gazes for her own staff, her team standing around her - feeling the hot tension of her just sitting there, having an impenetrable stare at her wooden-black desk.

'someone's gonna die,' that's all the mafia' boss could think.

both her hands clasp together, she and her staff feeling the heavy weight of disappointment, feeling simply like a failure at heart.
her men panic-stricken over the mafia boss who was keeping to herself in the worst possible way. they knew silence meant they messed up somewhere, big time.

sebastian doesn't have a correct timeline of what happened over the last six hours of being wide-awake. her body was used to the sleepless nights although, but now it was sunrise - that morning coming into a new morning, it was serene, but frenzied.

it was something completely different from her old ways, completely different. she wasn't used to having to take home a person she had an eye out for - her shouting for immediate emergency care for a dancer she only knew for a week.

a week. a simple week.

sebastian was always having modification - always finding new ways to become deeper into her own business without telling, in secret. that's what it was supposed to be, she couldn't have slip-ups, nor even the smallest mistakes.
having jimin being very vulnerable to her. to her dark world, being a fresh and a very easy target to taunt, to breakdown...it wasn't ideal for the dancer to be around sebastian. at all.

jimin got hurt because she let him go inside that conference room, showing his face to all those macabre, harrowing men whose life's work was to kill without a doubt, without a heartbeat.
exposing jimin to the dark world was a massive mistake - it was written in the books for life sebastian concluses, she couldn't leave jimin anymore - the poor fairy would murder under a day of sebastian let him walk out the doors.

that wasn't a suitable option for the both of them. and it's not that sebastian didn't want jimin to be with her...even though they met a week ago, it was a human decency for her to protect jimin from the bad. having jimin not dying because she had to keep up 'the status' of a boss, keeping with the image of having no run-on relationships.

that would cause great casualties in the business, if sebastian kept the fairy, jimin by her side: that would mean jimin would have to be a part of the mafia, and that wasn't something sebastian didn't want for jimin. overall, the fairy wasn't meant for the life sebastian was living and that made her so angry to think about.

sebastian was beyond angry at that point.

the mafia boss' clenched her fist so tightly that her nails were making her palms bleed trying to calm herself down, but she couldn't notice it because she already had jimin's blood all over her hands.
dried blood crust on the outlines of her rings and fingernails - dark brown blood dried up under her nails.

sebastian could still feel unconcession-jimin's blood in the palms of her coarse hands - it became creamy due to her own hands warming up the blood.

sebastian was just sitting there, rethinking about unconcession-jimin in her hands - the blood being so thick, sticky to her lap and her hands. she's been in situations with jimin's outcome for years and yet, she hasn't seen that much blood for one body in a long time.

sebastian could feel her heartbeat through her hands, holding tightly on the open wound in jimin's head - seeing all the blood pour through her fingers, into her silk pants - spreading through the stone cold freezer floor, forever staining it.
she had no other choice but to let him bleed out on that freezer floor, having a heavy mix of cooing jimin to stay awake as long as he possibly could—to her straining her voice - pleading for medical attention while pushing crying taehyung away from the traumatic scene, begging him to stay away.

that was the first time sebastian has ever been in that high-tense situation. she never stood for the bleed-outs, she didn't have to be there.
one thing she did know...she was responsible for what happened to the dancer it was sickening to even process.

knowing that jimin's blood was on her hands. literally.

partially, sebastian was scared out of her mind. it was all becoming too real for her. she cared about jimin. it was going to screw her over and she knew it, she couldn't do anything about it but help and protect the fairy.
she couldn't let him bleed-out, letting him die on that freezer floor. him pleading her to hold him and take the pain away, the light pleading for the sweet nickname: 's-sebby' - sebastian wanted to kiss it all better, really.

jimin begged her to not let him go under, but before she could even get a word out, jimin's eyes fluttered back into his fuzzy-head, blacking out completely.

sebastian was in the stance of quiet, her hands close into fists, when her breathing slowed - yoongi on her left, jungkook on her right...physically seeing her chest raise. she lifts her head up and there's nothing but cold-hatred and a promise of rick and his two tagalongs in her eyes -- It's in that moment that everyone knows rick messed up, big time.

"someone want to tell me the fuck why rick got away?" the words were barely contained, her voice was thunderous, everyone around that table could feel the vibration of her gruff voice.
her eyesight snaps up to the people standing above her, they instantly blink their attentions to the hard-wooden black tile plates - lips twitching, petrified to speak.

"look at me when i am talking to you, answer my question, you fucking idiots! why the fuck did rick get away! huh?" it was venom, sebastian was fuming with a demon's blood inside, she was careful not to do physical damage to some of them, but she was leaning more toward that than shouting.

every soul in that room jumps out of their bodies unexpectedly at the sudden strain of shouting towards the men.
both her blood covered hands crack down on the desk, punching her desk so hard that everyone hears a crack in the wood, things falling off her desk, breaking.

many of them spit-out excuses about not securing the area well enough to catch rick before he slipped out of the back door - speeding off in his traveling vehicle.

yoongi and jungkook stand besides her desk, behind her chair. both seeing the back of her head instead of her front view.

even from that angle - she was still fuming, having trouble containing her anger when talking about something could've easily gotten done.

it was a simple job to do, that's why she was so berserk. they've done that type of quick-search before every mission they've ever had. the one time they needed to do it faster and quicker, they missed the mark.

"s-sir. we weren't fast enough to secure the are-area well enough. we're sorry, it won't happen agai-"

sebastian heard enough. she was sick at looking at the faces of men who can't hold their ground.
sebastian wanted to snap someone's neck over jimin getting hurt. if they were faster, jimin wouldn't be in a mild-coma, or have stitches in the back of his head. sebastian and taehyung having that killer image of jimin bleeding out in the mafia's boss' hands.

"-it better not fuckin' happen again ca-"

everyone's heads snap to the door opening, a door-waiter formally makes his presence known before explaining the current headline. the door-waiter slightly shaking because the walls in that office weren't necessarily soundproof.
everyone outside in the hallway knew that those gunmen were getting roared upon, threats being stuffed down their throats for not doing their job correctly.

"-sir. it's been told jimin has woken up, he's asking for you. sir." the shaves the anger off by a ton for the mafia boss, she knew jimin was going to wake up either way. the head injury wasn't deadly, that wasn't rick's intention in that moment..not yet.

sebastian completely shuts her mouth closed, feeling her teeth pinched together in the process. her jaw clenched.

sebastian doesn't say anything.

she doesn't wait for anything.

she pushes out her chair - standing up for the first time in that office since she carried jimin motionless body to her emergency room, blood leaking on the ancient floor.

everyone sneakily watches her button-up her blood stain suit as she stands on her legs, she blinks her attention to yoongi - second-in command. without saying anything, yoongi follows up on her gaze, ready to take immediate orders from her.

she pushes her body towards the door, ready to leave the office because she was sick of looking at failures, her steps were long—almost making it to the awaiting door whenever she steps, "no one is sleeping until i get those names that were in that diner with rick, someone better tell me every single gotdamn details on what happen at that diner. yoongi. take over."

it was the last thing she said before stepping out into the hallway, door-waiters, gunmens standing straight in their design positions as they made their presence known, showing respect for the one above.

sebastian was a pile of emotions she hasn't felt in a lifetime, she was anxious - apart of her wanted jimin to lose his memory of what happened in that diner. after his head being stitched together.
the conversation of his best friend, taehyung was going on a light rant about jimin having an ongoing battle with anxiety, having a total breakdown like the one in the diner.
she caused him to have an anxiety attack, and she'll never forgive herself for letting him step in the line of fire.

"how's he doing? did he say anything to you?" she questions the door-waiter, easily as they walked towards her personal bedroom. "-how'd he wake up? did anyone go in the room? how did he summon you?"

question upon questions. answers the door-waiter didn't have because all he knew is jimin was above whispering asking for the mafia boss even though the fairy' head was clouded with purposeless thoughts.

other than him questioning where he was, and why he was there - he didn't even know he was planted deadly in the mafia' bosses house, tucked tightly in her lavishly, extortionate bed.

the door-waiter shook his head, feeling the back of his throat tightly pull-in - terror-struck to answer the question.
"no s-sir. i was about to use the restroom. i heard him singing, b-but he was sleepy... oh! that cat was in there with him." it's been an ongoing mysterious case with that white cat.

that was something. sebastian didn't own that nameless cat nor did any of her employees that lived in that house she owned. the cat just one day appeared from the doors and now lives in that house comfortably, being well fed and getting head scratches for free. living very lavishly.

sebastian for one wasn't a cat fan, she absolutely despised that white fur cat with passion.
she'll be in the middle of working - deep in her papers...all of sudden, the cat wants to jump on her desk, meowing for attention - pushing papers off her desk, being very bratty and having no clue about anything but ruining instead of enjoying.

overall, sebastian didn't have a relationship with the white fur cat even if she wanted to. it was a brat.

the two parties fell silent in that hallway only hearing both of their dress shoes click on the marble ancient floor stepping closer and closer to sebastian's personal room.

sebastian embedded in her solid mind, she wasn't nervous, no, she was trepidation - she could feel every nerve go cold. she knew she had to meet eye-to-eye with the dancer after what just happened to him.

'he probably hates my fucking guts, i don't blame him.'

sebastian was an idiot. a solid idiot in the mind. everything she wanted, she was crushed because she couldn't take care of simply because of her job. she
couldn't take care of anyone, it wasn't something she was made for doing and now she got someone hurt.

she was stupid.

the doors open to her room, and the door-waiter lightly removes himself from her side, saying his goodbyes, letting sebastian walk into her own room - getting punched in the face with the smell of her own scent. she hasn't been in her bedroom in weeks and yet, it reeks of her scent all over the place.

sebastian was peeking into the room.

sebastian's heart absolutely swells looking at the fairy in her bed, lightly petting the white fur cat with his eyes closed - enjoying the quiet. she could see it on his face the sleep he just awoken from, his puffy face and swollen lips were on display.


jimin doesn't hear her voice - he doesn't move at the sound of it because he can't hear at that distance yet. the fairy continues to pet the white fur cat lightly as he hums to himself in his light sleep waiting for sebastian.

liking the atmosphere of the quiet in the bedroom, hearing the light muffled talking outside the door in the unknown room, the soft purrs of the white cat he made friends with immediately.

jimin eyes flutter open easily to the sounds of footsteps, smelling sebastian coming to the side of the bed where he was. his eyes peel open again for the second time that morning. his blurry vision naturally travels upon sebastian's silhouette-like body, eyes becoming familiar with the built person standing in front of him.

jimin dismisses the dried blood and dirt on her hands and neck because he doesn't know how she got that in the first place.

'she's so handsome.'

"you feeling okay? need anything? how's your head?" it was a series of questions.

jimin tugs on his head, giving a very stiff nod to her questions. "i-i'm...okay...i feel fuzzy in th-the head though, i don't remember much of wh-what happened."

jimin had memories of what happened but not really. he doesn't remember how he got in the diner, he remembers rick and his taunting, yelling, but after that his mind misses the puzzle-pieces and jimin has no real memory of it. he doesn't remember how he got those stitches in the backs of his head, or how he ended up in the worlds most comfortable bed.

jimin shives again under the sheets of the bed. even though jimin was in the warmest place possible for him. he was still freezing. he doesn't know why he was so cold, but the white fur cat he made friends with was a sweetheart, a real friendly and simply cat.
snuggling up to his neck, giving deep purrs to help relaxes his fuzzy mind, helping him warm up.

"i'm-i'm freezing. it's so cold in-in here - why is it so cold? trying to kill me or something?"

sebastian runs an apology quickly, snapping her back to him, running to turn up the heat.
being at fault for being the one who likes the cold more than she should, really.
sebastian slept with little-to-no clothing while she slept. she needed it to be colder than cold.

not thinking, she thought jimin would be the same. this was the first time she's ever had anymore beside yoongi and jungkook inside her personal room for a long period of time.

being quicker on her feet, she collects more blankets she kept in her room. lightly cursing at herself for not knowing these things, of course jimin was going to be cold, he just lost a lot of blood.

sebastian spread the blankets as evenly as she could considering she still had somewhat of blood on her hands, it was a long time ago even though she felt fidgety, jittery for someone.
for sebastian it was a constant battle of being on-point and knowing what he'd like.
she felt as if she wasn't doing enough for the fairy.

"i didn't know you had a cat, you don't look like a cat person...o-or a pet person at all." jimin trails on, eyes wondering over the cat.
the white fur cat was a it's peak. the cat looked expensive, the white fur cat was very well behaved and was friendly to touch, responsive. and jimin liked that a lot.

jimin never grew up with animals simply because he never had the money to take care of another animal like a cat. plus, his mother never allowed him to have pets in their one-bedroom house. jimin knew at some point of his life he was going to have a pet although.

jimin feels the bed dip, sebastian sits down next to his hip, hiding her blood-covered hands along the way. jimin wonders if she knew she had blood on her neck and face as well.

"it's not mine, that brat is a handful. not a fan."

jimin likes that. hearing the mafia boss having sebastian-like comebacks was pleasing to hear. he knew he was in the right place.
jimin guesses the cat could hear sebastian' abhorring remark, the cat simply lifts up from jimin's gentle pets, hisses highly at the mafia boss, marking her territory on the fairy, claiming him. her fur-full tail whipping wildly in jimin's face - him getting a face full of hits to the face.

jimin could feel himself giggle lightly, his chest expanding as he continues to pet the now fidgety cat. "she doesn't like you either. what's her name? does she have one?"

sebastian shrugs. "brat. i called her brat. that's what she is, she can hiss all she wants, but she isn't getting away with any shit. brat." there was some bad blood between the two because everytime sebastian spoke, the white fur cat would lightly meow loudly and hiss right when sebastian would speak or move.

jimin likes her a lot, she is a beautiful cat. her fur was the softest and she had class. jimin could remember when the cat first came into the room where he was lightly sleeping, jimin eyes peels back at the sounds of meowing, quick but gentle hits to the face with her smooth tail - trying to get the sleeping beauty's attention and it worked.

jimin talks to the cat. knowingly whispering about jiberish, having rumbling thoughts about his currents dreams he just woken from, liking how responsive the white fur cat was, meowing at the comments of how pretty she was, interrupting his small comments with licks to face and head-buds to his head.

"well, in that case... does this beauty belong to anyone in this castle?"

sebastian could feel the corners of her mouth curl up in a small grin, liking how jimin talks - knowing how to get things he wants without feeling like it was too much to ask for.
sebastian shakes her head, "not that i know of - if it does, then i'll talk to them about letting you keep the brat. how does that sound?"

she reads his mind easily, jimin clearly wanted the cat for himself. sebastian didn't see a problem with that. more of a positive than a negative in her case she'll see less of the bratty cat because jimin would be taking care of it, keeping an eye out for it.

both of their attentions blink to the sudden demanding cat - purring for attention that wasn't being given, head nudging jimin's tucked away arm, putting her neck right on jimin's stomach.

"that sounds perfect. absolutely perfect." it doesn't take long for jimin to move his light-weighted arm right under the white fur neck - scratching lightly on the cat sweet-spot. both sebastian and jimin watching the cat shutter at the feel-good spot - liking the hands of its new owner.

"my love?" sebastian calls out seriously. there it was again. that same exact look she was giving whenever jimin tried his hardest to get her to calm down in her head, but that look was deadly in her eyes.

jimin couldn't possibly know why she was looking at him like he was the one in that diner, taunting and threatening her business. like he had something to do with it. and honestly, jimin didn't like it. not one bit.

sebastian was tangled in options, not knowing how to handle the situation from there.

in reality, there were only two ways out of knowing what to do and how to handle it the right way.
she could lie to jimin and say he hit his head whilst washing the dishes or she could tell him that he was in great danger - murders hot, looking for him and wanting to get a taste—feel for jimin because rick had a loud mouth of course.

the clown-like mafia boss mouthing off to randoms about how much he touched up on jimin's bunny soft skin, feeling up all over the fairy's goods, portraying like he was the one having the dancer cooped up
in a private room, rick portrayed like he was the one making jimin cum just by his voice.

he wasn't, that was sebastian's doing.

flexing false sayings and my, the moment sebastian was around to getting to know what really happened in that diner - it would be over for rick. nothing left for the clown-like mafia boss. all hell will break loose, that's for sure.

rick was messing with fire at that moment.

even though jimin was greatly confused as to why she was shifting her persona with him. the sweet, but short pet-name takes jimin by storm - cheeks warming up with a harsh blush buttering him up.
jimin perks up at the pet-name, giving her eyes those glassy, bubbling eyes sebastian aches for.

"y-yeah, sebby?"

sebastian stares back at the fairy with settled eyes. 'that fuckin' nickname.' sebastian really wasn't the one for nicknames.
she never allows nicknames in her office or anywhere else besides her mother of course, but other than that...hearing come out of the fairy's mouth had a ring to it.

it sounded like jimin was always ready to one-up the mafia boss by making her flustered with quick, but settled words.

"you have to tell me what you know, everything. do you remember anything?"

jimin eyes drop, sighing. knowing it was going to be talked about. jimin just didn't want to have the conversation out loud because it was going to make it real. and now, jimin hated rick's guts more than anything for putting him in that uncomfortable situation.

the white fur cat purrs mutely under his touch before jimin says, "sebastian, i don't remember too much. the only thing i remember is rick being a disgusting pervert." jimin wanted to simply forget that intolerable, unappetizing moment he had to experience being in that small booth with rick. "and him telling me and taehyung that he was going to kill us."

and that was the truth. jimin really had no real memory of him being in that situation for long.

out of everything he went through, his mind decided to flip the switch and torture him with remembering that memory of rick kissing and groping the dancer under the table not scared to show that disturbing side of the clown-like mafia boss. that just showed jimin how much rick really was an real idiot at his job.

rick was stupid.

rick fucked up.

jimin has already had enough experience with men who think they're above everyone, having a mind of a rock - being stupidly rough with the fairy, not giving him the room to breathe or have any type of control. that led to jimin cutting himself out of the bedroom play for a very long time. jimin lost a lot in himself during that melancholic, unhappy time of sex.

rick was the cherry on top of it all. 'sick-fuck, i hope sebastian puts a bullet in his head. do us all a deed.' jimin thinks as he brings up his eyes to witness a confused sebastian, her eyebrows connected. her lips a bit caught in-between her smooth lips - bits of her hair stringing on her forehead.

"a pervert, how? tell me everything."

"he was kissing my ear, touching my thighs, and whispering in my ear. all that bullshit."

jimin couldn't get enough of it. he really couldn't. he doesn't know why it found it so attractive and just...thigh-clenching seeing her mad, angry.
it looked like she was an entirely different person. a dangerous person who looks like she was ready to kill. her eyes pierced black, the hoods of her eyes making her eyes more sharper.

"god, that fucker is dead. his ass is playing with the devil." her fists locked together, long forgetting about trying to hide the blood from the fairy, but jimin didn't seem to mind either way because he knew it was there way before she was trying to hide it.
sebastian wanted to snap rick's neck to the point of no return. wanting to hear the smoke come off from her gun barrel when she puts a golden bullet right in the middle of the clown's head.

'this fucker is dead.' she thinks.

she hasn't felt a real hatred for a person before. she grew up to love and see past differences, different opinions, but ever since she's been in this business of hustle - rick really did a number.

rick was a rat. had a loud mouth that was going to get him in deep trouble, a follower at heart, and a clown.

and frankly, it was pissing sebastian off more than it should. 'touching jimin like it was his business? okay, fucker. since you want to play like that...'

jimin stays silent, worryingly watching sebastian rant about how much rick was going to pay. she sounded serious about her demands and what was going to happen to charlie and rick at the same time. both the white fur cat, and the fairy hearing those harsh threats. not bothering sounding nice at all, no mercy.

jimin doesn't like that side, he concludes. he could tell everything she was saying had major history that he wasn't a part of until a week ago. he couldn't sit there, pretending like he was because that wasn't his place, it would be simply disrespectful to her, and her business.

his place was to comfort her.

all it took to pull her out of her tangled, perturbing thoughts was jimin's tender hand on top of her dried bloody rings, feeling her skinned hand under his warm ones. his pinky lightly running over the rings -- feeling the flakey dried up blood on them.

it was enough to stop her from talking, her gaze snapping up to jimin - it was soft. a soft feeling in jimin's tucked away stomach. sebastian was really gentle with him since the day they met in that VIP section of the club, the fairy could feel that same sebastian peeking through when he touched her hand.

the fairy, who was slightly smiling up at her with a toothy grin, his red rosy cheeks still there - shining through the butterflies that were fluttering up in his warm stomach, hoping it would calm her nerves.

"sebby, kiss me."


"kiss me."

that's all it took to shift the thoughts to a seedling of emotions sebastian had for the dancer. 'fuck.'

her own forehead creeps easily to a snug-like forehead that belonged to jimin, sebastian's roughed-up hands snake right under the curve of his jawline, easily placing the fairy's head in her hands. jimin liking the feeling of it on his cheek. she was warm and smelt like fresh, fresh made black-tea and mints.
soft, such soft fingers brush a slow path along a sharp jaw, and those wind-kissed lips slide down, pressing open mouthed kisses where they both could hear the white fur cat remove herself from the tucked-away fairy.

sebastian couldn't get enough of him.

jimin's sweet, decent taste was so relevant to her bitter, black-tea taste. it was almost impossible to believe, illusory.
there was no way around noticing that as she pecks the soft plump lips that was right in between hers soft ones.

lips trace heartbeats with their touch.

jimin scores massive points, he could feel the relaxation seeping in her bones as she deepened the solid kiss, jimin could feel his top lip being gently tug on as she gets comfortable in his wet mouth.
they both kiss each other softly. lips melting well together easily. sebastian couldn't begin to wrap her head around how it felt to be kissing a beauty like jimin.

sebastian pulls away, out of breath.


"-shut up, idiot."

they're kiss was lingering, consuming, crowding up every atom possible in sebastian's jumbled up brain. jimin teasingly finished with a bite to the sebastian's lips, pulling back with a slow, lazy grin. knowing the sweet kiss calms her nerves completely, that was a long overdue kiss needed for the hard-working mafia boss.

they match very well. their own scent complimented each other magnificently. jimin's distinctive scent was a sweet lavender musk with a tiny hint of vanilla. jimin was a sweet person with a sweet mouth.
sebastian's was the complete opposite - way more bland and bitter, almost salty. black-tea and mints were her own, somewhere at some point her natural odor does break through.

it was a slow recovery for sebastian, having to process that mind-blowing, hallucinatory kiss. the fairy's lips were a dream, a complete dream.
she been kissed many times before in her life, but jimin was promptly at the top of the list.

sebastian' blinked at jimin, momentarily stunned, eyes glazed and lips parted softly still. she meets jimin half-way, the dancer already lightly tugging on his bottom lip to say something.

"you need to relax, sebastian. i could care-less about rick and his bullshit, okay? just focus on the good things." jimin mutely mumbles under her lips, finding comfort in that warm position. smelling, feeling her body move was a site to see.

instead of following up with the answer, sebastian sighs softly in jimin's aura. "...you should shower, my love. i've gotten you all dirty." sebastian openly drops her gaze by looking down at the mess of a mix of dry flakes of dark-brown blood that sneered under jimin's soft jaw.

jimin was a warm person with warm emotions.

"...only if you shower with me, you're all dirty too. who's blood is that?" jimin doesn't have a memory of him bleeding out, he doesn't know that that was his own blood on sebastian's hands and neck, some clumps of blood stuck to her roots.

the fairy was right although. sebastian was a filthy mess. she needed to wash off before she started back up working, figuring out the right way to handle rick and those two gunmen.

sebastian could feel jimin's soft fingers curl up into her nest of midnight locks - lightly rubbing the hair in between his fingers as his eyes peel from her face, looking around for the white fur cat that jumped off the bed.

"a shower with you?...i'll just let you go fir-"

"no. it's us together or i'm not showering at all, you'll have to deal with me bloody."

. . .

"my love?"

jimin's heart rattled under the smooth hot water that was drowning him calmly. jimin was alone in the steamy shower for a bit. he could hear sebastian outside the glass shower, undressing - taking her rings off before stepping into the heat.
the shower was on the expensive side of course, jimin concluses. the water felt more comfortable than the one at his cramped apartment he shares with taehyung.

jimin could definitely see himself more in her castle like home to shower. it was a wide shower. it could fit his entire bedroom in it. the water seemed not to get cold at all, her shower products were the type of products jimin wouldn't even dream of buying at the stores, he would walk straight past that section.

the fairy turns around to look at naked sebastian. jimin's breath was stuck in his throat because god, it was a sight he could never get used to. he's seen her shirtless, but not topless, or without any pants. this was the one obvious gamechanger.

sebastian was fully naked, sharing water with the fairy.
jimin witnessed it plenty of times...but it still stole his breath every single time. she was beautiful.

sebastian's body was magnificent, hard and defined in all the right places and jimin longed to touch it to figure out if it had some softness to it — it had to. it was soft and delicate to the touch, once jimin started he couldn't stop. sebastian likes the touches of curiosity though. feeling those chubby fingers dance around her black - inked tattoos.

'the tattoos - the fucking tattoos, the tattoos.' it was going to be the downfall of the fairy for sure. he didn't have a single clue as to why he was so lucky to get a site to look at them for free. sebastian was top tier, jimin felt as if people needed to pay money to look at her.

her tattoos were mostly black, but with a hint of color in a few drawings that made them look that much more appealing. red and black was a pattern picked up, jimin sees. that tattoos looked expensive, exorbitant.
they were all over her torso, thighs, neck, arm and hands. they were everywhere. jimin knees were wobbling embarrassingly in that shower.

jimin swore to taehyung he didn't have a thing for tattoos especially because he didn't.
they were messy and just didn't look good on a person, but he unhesitatingly had a thing for sebastian with tattoos.

"you're so handsome, you know that, right?"

she rolls her eyes lazily, a snobby grin shining through. her steps becoming closer to the drenched dancer, the steam of the shower grew to another level as sebastian placed her bare hands on the lower back of jimin, taking him by surprise at the touch.

the mafia boss doesn't give not a single second for jimin to adjust himself in her loose grip.

It's delicate.

so soft and oh so sweet. jimin was so sweet. jimin was an angel at heart, but he just didn't know how sweet and light he was to kiss. sebastian always wondered what an angel would feel like in her hands, but the angel was standing right there.

jimin takes his time. pecking lightly at sebastian's active lips once on his own lips and then backing away in awe.
jimin openly searches sebastian's eyes for what feels like a lifetime before he leans back in, the pace of the kiss being in her control, jimin dives in so far.

he could see himself doing that more often. it felt right, it felt real. most of all, he felt the most comfortable.
every single time sebastian laid a hand on the fairy, she was the most gentle and most cautious with her motions. she could tell that jimin was very taking advantage of his past days before meeting sebastian.

if anything, jimin was helping sebastian become a more calmer person in general. everytime she would get upset and lash-out, jimin was always there to clear her head, help her think more straight - to simply calm her down. she was more gentle, it was seeping into her persona, thanks for the fairy.

sebastian could feel her own instincts take over instantly, her being more rough with the fairy. she immediately grasped onto his curved waist with both hands - pulling his body forward to press him against her torso.
a foreign sound leaving her lips and meeting jimin's ear, a sound jimin's never heard from her before. it sounded so animalistic, raw to hear.

'god damn.' jimin thinks. jimin hasn't seen that side of sebastian before, and now that it was there - present with him in that running shower...it was doing things to him.

a low, drawn out groan that held a mix of relief, a bit of happiness, but most importantly, desperation from the mafia boss because all this time - she been craving to taste, feel him, "fuck baby,"

sebastian doesn't know if she wanted to take jimin right in the shower or at a later date in time, but it was going to be the answer soon, although.
she didn't know why much longer she could deny her sexual desire for the dancer. she's been going to 'cherry-bomb' for months with jimin working while she was mindless of the gem working there. she outta punish charlie for keeping jimin away from sebastian.

sebastian's lips were moving furiously against jimin's. jimin felt the hunger, want that have been pent up all these small teases, sexual frustration slowly rising to the surface - jimin as he breathes deeply into the kiss and tilts sebastian's head to the side to deepen it.

jimin was becoming more anxious...he didn't want to have sex. not yet. jimin doesn't want to disappoint. it was clear that sebastian wanted to go all the way. her breathing was picking up faster, her hands wandered all over jimin's goods, jimin didn't mind that, actually.

sebastian's kisses are far from controlled...lips sucking on jimin's red bottom lip as he holds the back of her head - tilting sebastian's head back to jimin's own comfort.

jimin dumbly pulls away from her wet kisses, lips pouting downward. sebastian pepper kisses along his jawline, hungry for more. jimin's tongue was itching not to say anything.
he didn't know to ruin the mood once again. since the first day they met, jimin was always the first one to give-in or fuck up. "no, sebastian. not here. not now. im-i'm not ready..."

it was almost like a code being put into a computer. sebastian snaps out of the trance of being all-about-jimin, she gets a-hold of herself in that shower, realizing what the fairy just said.
sebastian wonders if she stepped over the line, making jimin uncomfortable with her uncontrollable action(s).

sebastian looks up at jimin ready to say something, but he beats her to it, with his mouth already open. "i'm sorry. i'm just not ready for...that."
it came out soft. his words, jimin had no intention of making sebastian feel bad because there wasn't nothing to feel bad about. jimin liked the rough kissing, touches, but it was clear sebastian wanted more.

"n-no, no need to apologize, fairy. i understand." sebastian acknowledged herself going off the edge with jimin. she wasn't going to hide the fact that she wasn't trying to go beyond kissing.

"besides, i wouldn't be no good if i didn't ask you out on a proper date first,"


A/N: lmao so i lied about the smut,, but i didn't either jsjsjs i did write it but it just didn't fit well with this chapter at all so i just cut it out . sorry bae .

also this is a shitty ass chapter ugh, towards the end of the chapter my writing was getting so sloppy, then i just lowkey rushed to get it finished because i was tired of looking at the same boring bullshit writing for hours .

anyway, if there's mistakes in this...you didn't see them luv . ❤️

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