Star Wars- Solo's daughter

Par EGvamp24

477 1 0

Elle is an excellent pilot like her father, she's strong with the force like her family but she has this pass... Plus



47 0 0
Par EGvamp24


I watched as Ben boarded his ship with Elle and Rey, and as soon as they left the resistance ships landed. I look for Leia and suddenly I locked eyes on her "Goodness! Han Solo! It is I, C-3PO. You probably don't recognize me because of the red arm. Look who it is! Did you see who...?" C-3PO said and looked at Leia then at me "Oh. Eh. Excuse me, Princess... General. I'm sorry. Come on, BB-8, they're waiting." He said to the BB unit and walked away. "You changed your hair." "Same jacket." Leia said and I shrugged "No, new jacket." I told her and she smiled, Chewie groaned and hugged Leia but I sighed "I saw him... Leia, I saw our son and our daughter. He was here and he took Elle with him." I told her and she frowned.


We arrived at the resistance base and I looked around for Poe but BB-8 passed me rolling to Poe as he came out of his X-wing "Hey! BB-8, my friend. Good to see you. Finn saved you? Where is he?" Poe said and he looked to me and I sighed "Poe. Poe Dameron, you're alive?" I said running over to him and we hugged "Why... so are you!" "What happened?" I asked and he frowned "What happened, I was throw from the crash. I woke up at night; no you, no Elle, no ship, nothing - BB-8 says that you saved him." "No, no, no. It wasn't just me, Elle helped too." I told him and he nodded. "You completed my mission, Finn... That's my jacket." He said and I frowned and started to take it off "No no no... Keep it. It suits you. You're a good man, Finn. Where's Elle?" Poe asked and BB-8 beeped and Poe frowned "Poe, I need your help." I told him and he showed me where the General is.

"General Organa. I'm sorry to interrupt. This is Finn. He needs to talk to you." "And I need to talk to him. That was incredibly brave, what you did. Renouncing the First Order, saving this man's and my daughter's life." General Organa said and I nodded "Thank you, ma'am. But a friend of mine was taken prisoner." "Han told me about the girl. I'm sorry but also my daughter was taken too." She said and I nodded, Poe looked worried and I could tell that he cared for Elle a lot. "Finn's familiar with the weapon that destroyed the Hosnian system, he worked on the base." Poe said and General Organa sighed "We're just good for anything you can tell us." "That's where my friend and your daughter was taken. I got to get there fast." I told her and she nodded "And I will do everything I can to help, but first you need to tell us all you know." General Organa said and I told her everything.


"General, I regret to inform you but this map recovered from BB-8 is only partially complete. And even worse, it matches no charted system on record. We simply do not have enough information to locate Master Luke." C-3PO said and Leia sighed "We are so foolish to think I could find Luke and bring him home." "Leia." I sighed and she frowned "Don't do that." "Do what?" I asked as she walked away. "Anything." Leia said and I sighed and looked to C-3PO "Princesses." He muttered and I rolled my eyes. "I'm trying to be helpful." "When did that ever help? And don't say the Death Star." Leia interjected and I groaned.

"Listen to me, will you? I know every time you... Every time you look me, you're reminded of him." I told Leia and she frowned then turn to me "Do you think I want to forget him? I want him back, I want us to be a family again." "There's nothing more we could have done... There's too much Vader in him." I said and she sighed "That's why I wanted him to be trained with Luke. I just never should had sent him away, thats when I lost him. That's when I lost you both including Elle. She became distant from me." "We both had to deal with it in our own way. I went back to the only thing I was only good at." I told her and she smirked "We both did." Leia said and I sighed "And Elle was distant because she was training herself to become a Jedi, she's just like you and Luke. She is strong with the force and she's a good pilot like me." I said and my face softened. "We lost our son. Forever." "No. It was Snoke. He seduced our son to the dark side and I believe he'll try to do the same to Elle, that's one reason why I didn't let Elle train to be a Jedi. Luke and I swore to never train her after Ben but I guess we will have to and make sure we save her and we can still save Ben... Me. You." Leia said and I frowned "If Luke couldn't reach him, how could I? And what if I can't protect Elle, like I couldn't protect Ben?" "Luke is a Jedi. You're their father. There's still light in him, I know it. And Elle is strong enough to not be seduced by the dark side." Leia said and I smiled then nodded. "General. The reconnaissance report on the enemy base is coming." Leia went back over to the others and I thought about Ben and Elle.


I woke up locked up and I struggled against the restraints "Ben? Where am I? Where's Rey?" I asked and he was crouched down "You're my guest." "Where are the others?" I asked about our father, Chewie, Finn, and everyone else on Takodana. "Do you mean the murderers, traitors and thieves, you called friends? You'll be relieved to hear I have no idea." He said and I glared at him "You still want to kill me." "That happens when you're being haunting by your own flesh and blood." I sneered and he took of his mask to reveal his face, the face I longed to see, my brother's face was older then the last time I saw him. "Tell me about the droid." "He's a BB unit with a selenium drive and a thermal hyperscan vindicator..." I said and he nodded "Carrying a section of a navigation chart. We have the rest. Recovered from the archives of the Empire, but we need the last piece." Ben said and I shook my head "I'm not giving you anything." I told him and he held his hand out and looked into my mind. "You know I can take whatever I want... You're so lonely. So afraid to become a Jedi. At night, desperate to sleep, you feel like you'll become like me." Ben said and I tried so hard to resist him but he kept prying into my mind "You imagine an ocean. I see it. I see the island." Ben said and I closed my eyes. "And Han Solo. You see yourself being a family again, that he'll never leave. But he will, he will leave you once again and I will be here for you sister." Ben said and I opened my eyes and used the force to push him out of my mind "Get out of my head!" I yelled at my brother and he nodded "I know you've seen the map. It's in there. And now you'll give it to me." Ben said and tried to get into my mind again. "Don't be afraid. I feel it too." "I'm not giving you anything." I told him and he nodded "We'll see." He said but this time I got inside Ben's mind and it was dark and but there was a light at the end of a tunnel, I walked towards it and I saw a crushed mask. It was the mask of Darth Vader, our grandfather. "You... you're afraid... that you will never be as strong as Darth Vader!" I said and Ben pushed me out of his mind and I frowned "Ben... come home with me." I said and he frowned "Ben is dead. I killed him, I am Kylo Ren!" He said and marched out of the interrogation room.

I tried to find a way out and I sighed, I could hear radio chatter and I got an idea "You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open." I said calmly and focused on the Stormtrooper's mind. "What did you say?" "You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open." I said and the stormtrooper walked into the room and in front of me "I will tighten those restraints, Rebel scum!" He growled and I calmed my breathing again "You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open." I said and he straitened up "I will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open." He said and the stormtrooper released me and I massaged my wrists. "And you'll give me my lightsaber." "And I'll give you your lightsaber." He copied and got it out of the drawer it was stashed in then I ran to grab it and tried to find my way to a escape pod.


"The scan Data from Snap's reconnaissance flight confirms Finn's report. They somehow created a hyper lightspeed weapon built within the planet itself." A pilot said and I was told that he was my daughter's Best Friend "A laser cannon?" "We're not sure how to describe a weapon of this scale." "It's another Death Star." Major Said and Finn showed us "I wish that were the case, Major. This was the Death Star... And this, is Starkiller base." "So, it's big." I said and Leia just frowned at me. "How is it possible to power up a weapon of that size?" "They uses the power of the sun. As the weapon is charge, the sun is drained until it disappears." Finn explained and I frowned "Ma'am. The First Order charging their weapon again, now. Our system is the next charge." A girl told Leia and she frowned. "Without the Republic fleet, we're doom." she said and I sighed "Okay. How do we blow it up? - There is always a way to do that." "Han's right." Leia said and I was taken back but I smirked "In order for that amount of power to be contained, that base has to have some kind of thermal oscillator." "There is one. Precinct 47. Here. If we can destroy that oscillator, it might destabilize the core and cripple the weapon. Maybe the planet." Finn said and Elle's friend nodded "We'll go in there, we'll hit that oscillator with everything we got." he said and looked at the Star Killer Base plans "They have defensive shields that our ships cannot penetrate." "We disable the shields. Kid, you worked there. - What do you got?" I asked and he sighed "I can do it." "I like this guy." I smiled and Finn nodded "I can seal the shields, but I have to be there, on the planet." "We'll get you there." I told him and Leia turned to me "Han, how?" "If I told you, you wouldn't like it." I said and she frowned. "So, we disable the shields, we take out the oscillator and we blow up the big gun." "Alright, let's go!" Someone yelled and we got the Falcon ready. "Chewie, check that thermal capitator." I yelled and he groaned, Finn dropped some equipment and I frowned "Hey, be careful with those. They're explosives." "Now, you tell me?" He muttered and I walked over to Leia and held my hands on my hip then smiled at her "You know? No matter how much we fought, I always hated watching you leave." She told me which made me smirk "That's why I did it, So you'd miss me." "I did miss you. So did Elle, she would go on missions with Poe just to fill the void." Leia said and I nodded "She and him, are they?" I questioned and she smiled "No, but I can sense something with them two." "It wasn't all bad, was it? Huh? Some of it was... good." I muttered and she nodded "Pretty good." She told me and I chuckled. "Some things never change." "True. You still drive me crazy." Leia said and I pulled her close "If you see our son... bring him and Elle home." She told me and I looked out in space thinking of my kids.

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