Go With It (A Zayn Malik Fan...

By JCatherineS

284K 9.3K 1.2K

Autumn Williams' world crumbled when her Mother died, and now all her Dad wants to do is leave. Autumn moves... More

Chapter 1- A Warm Welcome
Chapter 2- Fancy Seeing You Here
Chapter 3- Nice to Meet You Too
Chapter 4- Keep Your Distance
Chapter 5- See You There
Chapter 6- Do Friends Make You Blush?
Chapter 8- Don't Freak Out
Chapter 9- So Close, Yet So Far
Chapter 10- What Just Happened?
Chapter 11- I Haven't Forgotten
Chapter 12- Falling Into Place
Chapter 13- He Would Never
Chapter 14- Electric Shock
Chapter 15- What's You're Problem?
Chapter 16- Happy Birthday
Chapter 17- We're In For a Treat
Chapter 18- Flipped
Chapter 19- Redo
Chapter 20- Why Not
Chapter 21- Trapped
Chapter 22- Here We Go
Chapter 23- A Fighter

Chapter 7- That's a Shocker

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By JCatherineS

“Hey Zayn!” He stood there looking amazing with his hair in a quiff, and wearing a varsity jacket. I realized he had a cigarette in his hand.

“You smoke?” I asked trying not to sound like I was judging him. 

“I’ve been trying to quit it’s just that I’ve been stressed lately.”

“Well I’m not here to lecture you.” He dropped the cigarette and stomped on it.

“How is it in there?” He motioned inside the house.

“Crowded I nearly passed out.” He laughed.

“Thank god you didn’t!” 

“These parties aren’t really my thing, I’m more of a stay home and watch movies kinda girl.”

“I used to be more into things like this, but I’m just not in the mood anymore.” it felt nice to have someone agree with me.

“Why are you here then you seemed excited to come the other day.” 

“Well Kristen invited me, and my friend Liam asked me to come with him. However I can’t find him anywhere, I turn my back on him for 5 seconds and then he’s gone!” We both let out a laugh. “It’s good that you’re here though.” His tone became serious. 

“Yeah I’m glad I came.” I both looked into each others eyes.

“MALIK!” A boy with a buzz cut, wearing a red plaid shirt came between us. He had his hand wrapped around a girls waist. 

“There you are Liam!” I could tell Liam was a bit tipsy. “Liam and Jennifer this is Autumn.”

“Hey Autumn!” Liam and Jennifer said in unison. Jennifer had long curly black hair and deep brown eyes, they looked cute together. 

“Sorry to ruin your conversation, but Kristen told me she wanted to see you Zayn.” 

“Oh, okay.” Great just as I was getting to know Zayn Kristen had to interrupt. “I’ll see you later Autumn!” Zayn gave me a smile and headed inside with Liam.

“See ya.” The door shut and I was left outside with Jennifer. 

“Sorry about Liam I didn’t know he interrupted your conversation.” She said apologetically.

“No worries! You guys are cute together by the way!” 

“It’s our 8 months today, and he decided to come to this lame party.” She took a sip of her drink. “I had reservations for this really nice French bistro I had to book it 3 months in advance! But no Liam really wanted to come here instead and has now left me. At least I have you!”  I gave her a frown.

“That sucks you're handling it quite well though. If it was me I’d be at home sulking.” 

“I have a tolerance I love him and I just want us to be happy. I can always book another reservation for our one year.” 

“Exactly there will be more anniversaries to come!”

“Thanks for dealing with my shit.”

“Trust me that’s nothing.” We both laughed. We decided to head inside since I was beginning to turn into an ice cube. I had finally saw Lily and Sam, they were flirting with some guys over by Kristen’s grand piano. Jennifer and I were just about to approach them when Kristen blocked us.

“I didn’t invite you.” She said in a flat tone. Kristen crossed her arms, and rose her brow.

“Oh well...Uhm....” Common Autumn get a backbone. 

“She’s with me!” Jennifer shouted, the music was so loud.

“I don’t remember inviting you either Jennifer.”

“Well my boyfriend did, so too bad.” Jennifer made sure she said ‘boyfriend’ nice and loud.

“I don’t have time for this shit I have guests to tend to.” She pushed Jennifer and I aside and moved passed us.

“That bitch needs to get a life.” Jennifer rolled her eyes.

“I honestly don’t know what I’ve done to her.”

“Don’t bother trying to please her, she’s a selfish brat.” I nodded my head agreeing. I felt like Jennifer was becoming the big sister I never had. We walked over to Lily and Sam.

“Oh hey Autumn!” Sam said turning away from her conversation with one of the guys. She gave me a sweet smile, but it slowly faded when she saw Jennifer beside me.

“Oh...Hi Jennifer.” 

“Hey!” Jennifer said kindly, but something was up. 

“Sam I think I’m going to head home I’m really not in the mood for this.” 

“Okay, but how are you going to get home?” I realized Lily drove me here.

“We can take a taxi together!” Jennifer offered.

“Uh, okay. See you on monday!” Sam gave me a quick hug, but ignored Jennifer. 

“I need to find Liam!” Jennifer grabbed my hand and brought me to the kitchen. Sure enough I saw Niall there munching away on some snacks. Jennifer spotted Liam with Zayn by the counter. “Liam, I’m going to take a taxi home with Autumn, okay?” I stood there twiddling my fingers.

“Going home already?” Zayn asked.

“Yeah I’m tired.” 

“Well it was nice seeing you.” Jennifer motioned for me to meet her outside. 

“I’ll see you on monday?” I asked.

“Definitely.” He gave me a quick hug he smelled so good. I couldn’t even smell the cigarettes. I waved goodbye to Liam and him and headed outside.

Jennifer sat in silence in the taxi.

“So what’s up with you and Sam?” I asked to stop it from being so awkward.

“Nothing we just don’t get along really.”

“Jennifer I’ve never been one to gossip, but there’s something wrong.” She gave in.

“Sam and I used to be really good friends once upon a time.” I raised a brow, I never would have guessed after seeing them tonight. “She was really good friends with Liam, and I kinda knew she had a crush on him. When I asked her if she did she said ‘no’ so I just assumed she didn’t care. I began to spend a lot of time with Liam and I started to develop feelings for him. One day she caught Liam kissing me after school, and she was pissed. I talked to her reminding her that she was the one that sad she didn’t like him like that. But she said that I was a bad friend cause I should have known she did.” She took a deep breath. “I tried making it up to her, but she refuses to speak to me. Liam and I love each other she can’t do anything about it. Sam could at least try to get over it.”


“I felt bad, but now it’s just ridiculous.”

“I don’t know what to say.” I had to be careful what I said, Sam was my friend too.

“Just don’t go telling her I told you I’m sure if she said what happened her story would be way different from mine. Sam doesn’t even talk to Liam anymore they were best friends!” 

“I guess she knows how to hold a grudge.” 

“Tell me about it.” The taxi stopped in front of my house. “I’ll see you later Jen!” I stepped out.

“I’ll see you at school!” She shut the door, and the taxi began to head down the street. I climbed into bed after taking a shower, and stared at the ceiling. I couldn’t get Zayn out of my head deep down inside I hoped he was thinking about me too.

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