Family comes first- Kailani A...

By awkwardteen4ev

19.1K 203 16

Koda is one of WWE's best wrestlers in its history. She is athletic, charismatic and just an overall badass... More

Meet Kalani


987 9 0
By awkwardteen4ev

I've just gotten back stage after winning the contract and was congratulated by everyone. My brother and cousins walk up to me and pull me into a group hug. I hiss a bit as my back is killing me.

"Oh shit you good?" Jon says worried.

"I think that damn chair scratched up by back. I'll go see the medic." I say starting to walk there.

"We'll come with you." Joe says.

"Oh no. I'm gonna have to take my top of and most likely my sports bra so you guys are not coming. Trin can." I say.

"Yeah I'll go with you." Trin says following me.

We leave the boys and head to the the medic room. It takes us about 10 minutes to find it. We walk in to see the medic at the computer but as we walk in he looks up at us.

"Hey ladies. What can I do you for?" He asks standing up.

"I think my back is bleeding from being beaten with the chair." I tell him.

"Ok take of your top and bra so I can see. I'll turn around." He says turning back to the corner.

Trin helps me take my top and sports bra off as movement hurts too much. I hear her gasp as she sees it. Oh shit that can't be good. I lie down on my front and try to relax as I know this is gonna hurt.

"Ok let's have a look then." The medic says as he comes over. "Yeah that chair mainly just bruised it but there is a few grazes that are bleeding a little. I'll clean them and bandage them. I recommend that later on you get into a warm bath just to soothe your bruises. It should be fine in a few days just rest and take it a little easier with your training although I think you should take a break after working so hard for this." He says grabbing all the stuff. This is gonna hurt like a bitch. "Ok you ready?" He says I nod my head and prepare myself.

I feel a sudden stinging which makes me hiss even louder. That shit stings like hell.

"Paia paʻu paʻia e tiga pei! (Holy fucking shit that hurts!)" I say through gritted teeth.

"Ok that's it. I've cleaned it all and bandaged it. Remember to try and take it easy. It'll speed up the whole healing process. You can still wrestle but just try to avoid your back. If the pain gets unbearable or hasn't gone within the next week then go to the hospital to maybe get an X-ray " The Doc says packing away. He leaves the room so I can put my sports bra and top back on.

"Ok let's go to the locker room. The fam band wanna go out to dinner to celebrate your win." Trin says as we walk out. That'll be fun. It'll take my mind of the pain.

We walk into the Divas locker room to see all the girls in there relaxing. We couldn't really leave yet as the show hasn't finished and a few of us have meet and greets after first some if the fans. I sat down next to Paige and Nikki while Trin sat next to Eva and Nattie.

"Well done girl. You did so well in that." Paige says.

"Thank you. Everyone did such a good job." I say to everyone. It's true. Everyone did do a great job.

"What are you doing once the show finishes?" Eva asks.

"Well I'm gonna meet my family at the meet and greets and then going out to dinner." I respond taking my boots off. I sigh in relief once they are off from pure relief.

"That'll be fun." Brie says.

"Yeah it will be" I say.

We all fall into pleasant conversation until the door opens revealing the bitch from the east Summer Rae. Her fave has some bruises on it and so does her chest and stomach which are exposed by her gear. Everyone glares at her as she walks to sit next to her bestie Eva. She looks up at all of us looking at her.

"What?" She asks confused.

"Why did you attack Kalani after she won?" Paige asks for me. I look at the girls to see that they are all pissed.

"Well I was just trying to get a reaction from the crowd you know. I thought the only way to do that was to attack you." Summer say playing round with her hair. BULLSHIT!

"Ok but with a chair?" Ariane (Cameron) asks.

"I was just in the moment and I quickly just grabbed a chair and-." Summer says. Omg even more BULLSHIT! I cut her off as I think if we here any more bullshit its gonna start stinking up the place.

"I'm gonna stop ya right there. I'm allergic to bullshit. It makes me break out in bitch." I say trying to avoid a major argument.

"What? It's not bullshit. I was in the heat of the moment." She says.

"No no. I think you were pissed that I got you and your bestie eliminated at the same time without even breaking a sweat when you thought you were better than me just cause you show of your ass and tits." I say to her. The girls start laughing while Eva and Summer just give me the evils.

"We are better than you." Eva says trying to sound confident.

"Says the girl who only learnt how to do a head lock two years after she started in this company." I say to her. I look her dead in the face to see how she is gonna react.

"You've changed alot since you joined. You've become such a nasty person." Eva says. Oh bitch do not go there.

"Well maybe I've changed into a person less likely to take your bull shit." I say to her. "You two have everything you want without having to work for it and all you both do is bitch and complain when something doesn't goes your way." I tell them. All the other girls nod their heads agreeing with me.

"We have worked hard. We have had to put up with you guys bullying us and saying shit like that when we have worked hard." Summer says.

"Bullying you?!? We have never once bullied you. Your the ones that talk shit about people just to cause drama." Brie says to them pissed. God these girls are annoying the wrong people.

"You guys should be nice to us just as you are nice to everyone else. None of you are happy when we achieve something or are sympathetic when we loose." Eva says.

"Well maybe if you were to us then we would reciprocate. And by the way that is pure bullshit cause when you do get anything in this business or lose anything we are always the first people to congratulate you or help you through it. So do not come at me us and say we are bullying you." I tell them both.

"YOU'RE WRONG!" Summer screams out. Wow she took it from a ten to a one hundred in about two seconds. "You guys are only ever happy when you guys win."

"You know what..I see no point in carrying on this argument with you two. You guys are doing a fine job of proving your complete ignorance by your selves." I say to them both. They look like they are gonna say something but I need to leave."So I'm gonna go and start getting ready for the meet and greets then dinner. You ladies coming?" I ask the other girls as I grab my bag with my stuff in.

"Yeah let's go." Nattie says. We decide to get ready in the spare locker room this arena has. We walk over there and start to get changed. I get changed into:


"How should I do my hair guys?" I ask them looking in the mirror. I can't decide what hair would look best with my outfit.

"Ooh come here. Let me play with it and decide." Trin says. I sat down infront of her and just let her get on with it.

"So Nini have you got an eye on a guy yet?" Nattie asks from where she is sat.

"Umm nope." I say laughing.

"Really? Not a single guy?" Brie asks.

"No. I mean I'm not exactly looking but not a single guy has caught my eye." I tell her.

"Oh well I am making it my mission in life to get you a boyfriend." Nikki says.

"Go ahead. It's gonna take you the rest of your life to find one for me." I respond to her.

"Ok your done." Trin says. Look in the mirror and damn it looks good.

"It looks so good. Thank you so much." I say to her. Now for my makeup. I'm gonna be taking pics so I gotta look camera ready. After about 10 minutes it is done and it looks fierce. I decide that I should probably take a pic for instagram to celebrate my win.


@alexa_bliss_wwe_ I'm coming for that title. Be on guard babe. Thanks to l the fans who helped me become your first Mrs Money In the Bank. Love all of you with all of my heart😘😘😘

After that's up on instagram, the door knocks. Nikki goes to answer it and comes back a few se ends later.

"We gotta go guys." She says. We all stand up and begin to walk to were the meet and greets are being held. It takes us a few minutes but we finally reach the place. We all go to our designated areas and wait till the fans come in.

After a few minutes they start to come in. They have to cue to see the divas that they wanted to see but none of them seem to mind. All the ones I meet are all so cute and lovely. They all want a picture and for me to sign something which I don't mind at all. Some even brought gifts for me which are just too kind of them.

It takes about two hours to be finished but when we are, myself and Trin say goodbye so we can go meet the family at the restaurant. We grab our bags and walk out to my car. Once we get too it, we throw the bags in the back and begin the drive to the restaurant. Now none of us are really into that fancy food you find in high class restaurants so as a family we decided on booking the top floor of the nearest pizza hut. Everyone should of ordered by the time me and Trin get there so we shouldn't have to wait too long before we eat. It's only a 10 minute drive till we get there so it's not bad at all.

"So when is that audition for the Disney movie? Moana wasn't it?" Trin asks me.

"Yeah it is Moana. It's the day after tomorrow. I gotta fligh out to LA at like four that morning to get there by about 11. They said that the audition could take anything from one to four hours so I could be out by either twelve or three." I explain to her.

"Wait why that long?" She asks confused.

"Well they are gonna ask people to do maximum of four or five songs each if they like you and then you gotta do some line reading and shit." I tell her.

"Shit. That sounds like a busy as day. I mean two separate flights. What time do you reckon you should be back by?"She asks.

"Well if I get out by 12 then I should be in the hotel with you guys around 8:30 ish maybe. If I get out around 3 then 11:30 ish. I'll let you guys know as soon as I know the times and that." I tell her.

"Will you need someone to pick you up?" She asks.

"No no I'll get a taxi or something. I was gonna a give my car to Roman so he can drive it up to detroit." I say. "My friend is up there so she is gonna drive it back home and it'll stay there till I get there."

"That's a good idea." She says. The rest of the two minute drive is filled with silence as Trin touches up on her makeup. I pull up to the restaurant and we both climb out. After locking it we walk into the restaurant and up the stairs. As we walk in, everyone looks up at us and starts to cheer.

"There they are." My mom says.

"Hi." We both say as I sit next to my mom and JoJo while Trin sits next to Jon and his kids.

"Congrats on winning Nini. I knew you would do it." Jojo says as she give me a hug.

"Thank you baby." I say squeezing her tightly. "You excited about having two baby brothers?" I ask her. Let me explain. My brother and his wife Galina are having twin boys. Honestly, none of us where really shocked when they announced twins as they kinda run in our family. Jojo wanted to have a little brother but I don't think she wanted two....or atleast not two at the same time.

"Yeah but I kinda wish there was a girl." She says. Everyone who hears this starts chuckling. She made her wants clear in a prayer once that she wanted God to give her a baby sister. It was so cute.

"I know sweetie but maybe if your mom and dad decide to have more you will get your baby sister." I suggest. She nods her head seemingly satisfied with what I said.

After a few more minutes of conversation between everyone the food comes which is a about 6 pizzas (2 plain cheese, 2 meatier and 2 chicken) with three large garlic bread and frie sides. Yeah I know it sounds like a lot but there is about 15 (some of Trins family are here too) of us and we all love to eat. Before we could all dig in my dad stands up from his seat at the front if the table holding his drink.

"I just wanna make a toast to two very special women in our family that made were apart of WWE history this evening." Everyone cheers a little at this making me and Trin blush. "Trinity and Kalani. You two made us all proud of you tonight. Top five and then the winner. You girls not only made us all proud....but all of our late ancestors aswell. To Trin and NiNi!" Dad cheers.

"Trin and NiNi!" Everyone else cheers. After that we all just start eating the food before it gets too cold. It was really good and we even stayed for dessert.

Its about 11:30 and we are all just sitting around having some drinks but her notice that the kids are slowly but surely dropping off. The only reason they were allowed to stay up this late is because some of them have early flights and they should sleep the whole way through them. The others are just being treated by staying up this late. We all head off to the hotel we are all staying at and into our own rooms. We say goodbye to those we won't be seeing in the morning. That night was the best night sleep I've had too damn long.

Thank you all so much for reading. Hope you are enjoying this book. I do not own any of the pictures used so credit goes to the owners although I did edit the instagram one. Hope you carry on reading and enjoying.

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