True Love

By SanelisiweGwala

251 8 1

Teenage girls are been auctioned by vampire's who rules the world and the entire huminity. Talia and her sis... More



8 0 0
By SanelisiweGwala

Harry's pov

I love waking up with my girl next to me, she's my everything my world, I just need to protect her and treat her like the queen she is ...

After doing some paper work in my office I walked to Lou's office I walked in and closed the door, hell he looked horrible his hair is messed up his eyes are a hint of red meaning he's angry and stress since they veins on his hands

"I'm sorry man Talia told me...about that guy fingering her and I'm sorry but we are the lords Lou we in charge of everything we are not weak thats fucking jerk there abused your girl and we can't just do nothing we have to torture him in pain slowly till he dies and show him what we capable of doing and not touch our girls" I said he looks at me and nod

"Y-your right!" He said "and I swear once I find him I'm going to kill him he will regret living" he said angrily

"We all with you" I fist pump him 

Talia's pov

I sat on the counter with glass on and started writtng my lyrics

"Hey Andre you busy?" I asked

"No" he said

"Can you come take me Louis's house?"

"I'll be there in a minute" he said

"Oh thanks" I said and hung up I put my books away "I'm going to check on her" I said

"Good luck just hope she's alright" Angie said

"Me too" I sigh and shook my head then heard a honk "bye" i wave and walked away "thank you so much Andre"

"No problem" he said and started driving

"Talia" El said hugging me and cried on my shoulder

"I'm sorry" I whisper she shook her head "come here" I pulled her into a hug "what did Lou say?"

"He first got mad and broke a vase but he really calmed me" she said "I failed him" she sniff

"No no it was a mistake he knows that and I'm glad you have someone like him in your life" I said she half smile

"I'm glad too" she said we continue talking she made me pasta we ate and I'm happy she smiles and laughs but we ended up falling asleep

Harry's pov

"Oh harry Talia is at Louis's" Andre said

"OK I'll stop there" I saI'd I nod

"Just hope they alright" Zayn said I nod as the car stopped at Louis we both got off and walked inside as they both laid on the cough Elenour had her hands on Talia's waist and Talia had her arm around her shoulders they looked adorable and the same

"They so beautiful" Lou said

"Too much" I nod

"Im falling in love with her" he said kissing El's Cheek

"Me too man" I sigh "keep her Safe man she's in a bed state she needs comfort a person to be with her in situations like these" I said

"Ill also be with her I love her more than anything" he said

"Good" I said nodding And looking at them "awe they love each other so much look how cute they are"

"Awe I know" Lou said

"Let's have a drink and let them sleep" I said he smiles

Talia's pov

"What will you do if they find out especially him" Grandma asked

"I really don't know grandma I'll try to protect her" dad said looking at me in the crip

"Sadrick your life is also in danger what will happen if something happens to you Linda and I can't protect her forever we humans we grow we die easily"Grandma said

"Yes yes I know" dad said

"Look at her out of the five of them she looks exactly like you her dimples her smile her hair her blue eyes her jaw Sadrick this is just the female vision of you" She said they both laugh

"I know you'd see me as a bad father when I say this but when they were born yes I love them all so so much but Talia when I laid my eyes on her I felt a stronger connection with her then the others now I see it's because of the blood" he smiles at me I giggle

"Dada" I giggle

"D-did you hear she said dada!!" Dad shout

"Oh my god I heard her!" Grandma said Dad picks me up

"Dada" I said again he spins me up

"Her first word is Dada" dad said kissing me

"She's gonna make a amazing -"

I open my eyes and yawn next to me was a sleeping Eleanor I hear laughs from the kitchen I shook El and she immediately woke up

"Is it Christmas!" She asked half asleep I couldn't help but laugh She slaps my arm

"I'm sorry!" I laughed harder

"Shut up" she laughs and turned on the TV our song want to want me

We stand up and Started singing  "No I want is you I want is you just to get up next you just get up next you"

"Hey girls" a voice said but we ignore it

"You open the door, I see nothing but a smile closing the door, and you whisper in my ear baby I'm your oh just the thought of you gets me so high so hiiiiighh girl your the one I want to want me if you want but damn you got me no I want is you I want is you just to get up next you" we stopped and high five

"Oh hey guys" we said unison they look at each other and laughed 

"Hi baby" harry said pecking my lips

"Sup" I nod cooly He chuckle and seats across me next to Lou we stayed quiet and looked at each other

"soooooooooooo how was work?" Eleanor asked

"Cool" Lou nods

"What do you'll do anyways?" I ask

"We rule the country so we make sure things are in order and get meeting and stuff" harry said then my phone rings mom

Yes mom?
Heeeey Talia
What did you do?
Well promise me you won't get mad?
It depends
Uh your grandma -Me its was you grandma voice said at the back ground it was your fault
OK spill the beans I'm getting impatient
Your grandma wrecked your car
Which one?
Audi R8
It was a mistake your mom aint good in directing
What were you'll doing in my car! And why mine! Couldn't you at least take Els or Natalie's
Well it's small and fancy but at least we didn't take the Ferrari
If you'll dare take my Ferrari mom I will kill you, literally
Yes yes I know
Good now go repair it I shout at the speaker and hung up

"Why should they take my car you have two" she said

"Well shut up since now I have one" I frown

"Which one is wrecked?" Harry asked

"The Audi" I sigh "I'm fucking thirsty not for water not for alcohol not for juice and not for a cool drink"

"Then what are you thirsty for?" Lou ask

"Thats the problem I don't know" I said They laugh  

We walked inside the house and sat on the bar stool

"There are my love birds" Angie said starting to cook

"Pshh we birds" I said

"Really look how you sitting" she said I now realized harry is sitting on the stool next to me we facing each other and holding hands I flinch my hand away and rubbed me neck

"It's just happens" I said swinging to faCe her

"No it happens because you guys love each other but scared to commit" She said no I don't love harry yes he is my true love or something but I don't think I will he's a monster they kill people I was auctioned for fucks sake they abuse us as girls they take up away from our families I thank god for having harry since he's nice and takes me to my family but it still hurts I lost my friends because of this and they are the lords but they do nothing to stop this Cant we just leave like equally together without any killing or something I don't see a problem with A human dating a vampire but in a world like this I see it as stupid and right now i see my self stupid

Why the fuck did I let them too me, they monsters, creatures, demons I know I kinda like Harry but what I'm doing is just wrong, grandma had told me stories about vampire's how heartless they are, they never love,they dont have a heart beat, the live for blood,they cold, they kill us just for fun, they abuse us, they don't sleep they just close they eyes, they powerful and thats why they took advantage of us because we too weak we don't have super speed we don't super strength or hearing we don't can't smell scent from a distant we don't have fangs and red eyes ...I remember Katlin my best friend two years ago she was sent for an auction two months later she came home she lived next door I saw her walking in her house so ran to her to say hi I was so excited to see her she then walks out with her mom and brother crying for her to stay I look at her master in the car he looked so cruel and heartless with his smirk I walked closer to her and hug her tight her master walks out the car and stood next to her she starts shivering that was when I saw her

She looked so skinny bones appeared she had bruises all over her face and body fangs on her neck her eyes were filled with horror

"I-i came to say goodbye to y-you all mom you have been the best mom in the world I'm sorry this head to end like this Jake" she looks at her brother "promise me you will protect and take care of mom for me Talia" she looks at me "your the best best friend anyone could ever ask for thanks for been there for me every time I needed you I know you'll also be in my position soon but please don't fall for any of them they trick you into thinking it and it works every time they are just heartless do not trust them Tal I love you'll so much more than anything
...will meet again soon"

"Where are you taking her?" Her mom cried her master smirk

"I don't know let's find out" he sinks his fangs on Katlins neck living her lifeless body on the floor "pathetic humans" he said and walks away living my best friend laying on the floor

"Talia?" Angie said

"Oh god no I don't love harry I just like him" I said standing "and I think I'm making a mistake to" I mumble and walked upstairs

"Babe?" Harry said walking in but I didnt look up at him

"Please harry I just I want to be alone" I said quietly he nods and walked out

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