True Love

By SanelisiweGwala

251 8 1

Teenage girls are been auctioned by vampire's who rules the world and the entire huminity. Talia and her sis... More



7 0 0
By SanelisiweGwala

"Okay remember be your self" Lora said we nod

"I'm counting on you" Lou hugs me

"Thanks" I sigh they were about 40 models here and it made me even more scared "let's do this"   

"Our tenth princess is Alicia" they shout the girl shout I pat my Cinderella short dress nervously they put a small crown and a tenth princess sign thing on the shoulder to the the waist "our nineth princess Is Elenour!" I shout and hug my sister as she walked on stage people screaming "our eight princess is Shannon" people scream as the girl works on stage "our seven princess is Natalie" I scream and hug my sister she walks on stage "our sixth girl is Perrie" we scream hug her as she walks on stage "our fifth girl is Staphine" we screamed for staphine as she walks on stage "our forth girl is Tasha" we screamed and my heart started beating faster and faster every moment "our third princess is Danielle!" I scream loud and hugged my sister and she walks on stage "and we have our Second princess Alex!!" Everyone screamed I just looked at the floor knowing there's nothing I can do any more my sisters won I lost Harry will be so disappointed I feel some one intertwined our hands I look up as Lou smiles at me I just shook my head "now the moment we all been waiting for our Miss New year of the year is drum rolls please" the drums rolls drummed "Talia!!!!!!!!!!" He shout I gasp as everyone hugs me and screamed I cup my mouth and walked on stage the crowd screamed insanely

"You won!!" The girls hugged me as the music played balloons and stuffs filled the stage as they put a huge crown on me and Miss New Year a bouquet of roses and a gift bag a huge pageant award and a 50 thousand rand!!!

"Congratulations" the judges said and hugged me we did a little photoshoots we drive back to the hall 

"We did it!!" Lora shouts Lou walks in with brooze we shout "never in history had one of my models won" Lora shout

"Okay shots for the winners!" We took a shot

"Remember guys don't tell your masters your crowns and buckles  safe you will wear them on the award show" she said after four shots I stopped and looked at the clock its six pm I look at the girls and they fucking drunk and I have a huge headache luckily we all changed back to our clothes I took my phone and call harry it rings three times

Hey baby please come fetch us
Okay we are hanging out at Liam's will be there
Good please make it fast I'm not really feeling good
We on our way where are the Others
You'll see when you'll get here I hung up and walked back inside

"Come on guys the boys are in they way" I said helping Natalie stand she stumbled and fell

"Nooooooooooooooooo we don't wanna go!!" Perrie whines making me angry

"Fuck" I groan and help her up she stand up "let's go!" I said pushing them out the door I walked back to look for El I asked people but they say they don't know I hear mumbles on the closet I walked in to see one of the camera men on top of El naked as he was taking Elenours Panties of

"You little bastard" I groan and grab him away as Lou comes in and gasp I start beating the shirt out if the man while Lou helps El up after seeing the man unconscious I sat up and dragged a drunk El angrily and walked out

"Noooo do you have to such a buzz kill" Natalie said I pace around angrily as the limo parks infront of us I harshly open the door

"Get the fuck in!" I snap they jumped and walked in I walked last and put the bags down harshly

"What happened to them" Zayn asked holding Perrie for balance I just walked to the skin and washed my hands that had blood

"Who's hurt and why you'll so drunk!" Liam said

"It was just a few shots baby" Danielle sang

"It was fun" El said I turned around

"Fun!!! You call that fun!!!" I shout I look at Lou "I found her in the closet she was almost raped by one of the guys he was fucking naked and her panties were fucking off if I didnt get there on time we would be talking another story!" I said everyone gasp

"What!!!!" Lou stand up "turn the car now I need to see that bastard!"

"He's on unconscious" i said washing me hands then I feel someone hug me its Louis I hug him back

"Thanks for protecting her" he said

"Its also my job" I said I sat next to Zayn as the girls laid there passed out

"Why did you'll get drunk!?and what happened!?" Niall asked I sigh and rub my head

"I already have a huge headache and talking about it causes more but after the photoshoot Lou came with the broozes I only took four shot I stopped but them they carried on I just got sick and seat back after calling harry I took Per Dani And Nat outside I went to look for El everywhere then I heard some noises in the closet I opened then boom a naked guy on top of El taking of her underwear I just lost control and bit him" I said

"A-are you sure he didn't do anything to her?" Lou asked brushing her hair..

"Check her wrist" I sigh looking at the floor I hear gasp

"I know this guy is not dead but I will kill him" Lou said his eyes changing red

"We don't have practice for two day so when we go back you can come in with us ill show you I'm sure he will be there and do whatever" I Said and laid my head on Harry's Lap as he brushes my hair softly I ended up blacking out

I woke up to see Harry's sleeping figure I can feel it that I'm half naked the picture of my sister almost been raped breaks my heart I stand up took my phone and walked downstairs turned on the light and sat on the bar stool drinking water till my phone buzzed who would call me so late Elenour

I frown and answered

"Oh my god Talia I'm so glad you answered" she cries

"I couldn't sleep what what's wrong?" I asked

"I remember" she cries whispering "that guy I was drunk and he said I look beautiful and asked me to take a picture of me in the closet so I went then he pushed me on the floor and started kissing me I pushed him away then h-he started fingering me Talia I tried shouting but there was no voice then he started taking of his clothes and mine then you came everything became blur" she sobbed.

"He fingered you!!" I whisper yell

"Yes i-i just need to t-tell Lou but thanks for saving me" she hugs up I put my phone down a tear slide down I failed I failed dad I failed El I should have protected her she spent her whole eighteen years not doing something sexual because she was waiting for the right one to experience all with him but this man fucking took it away I'm gonna kill him I swear

"Baby" harry said appearing next to me wearing his boxers he's voice always calms me down instead of talking I tangled him with a hug "it's baby I'm here tell me what happened" he said helping me seat and he stand between my legs

"El just called and told me she remember everything she said that fucking guy fingered her" I said he looked confuse I chuckle  "she finger fucked her like putting his fingers into his vagina its just like fucking her but with his fingers" I said his jaw dropped

"Oh god Louis will not be happy with that" he said "thats fucking cruel he took advantage on a drunk girl El is like a sister to me we will find the guy and kill him" he said I nod he lean closer and kisses my lips his touch never changes how I feel I kissed back slowly and passionate his tongue asking for entrance I let it in after what felt like hours we pulled away

"I think we just broke a kissing record" he said I chuckle and nod "feeling better?" I nod

"Thanks for making me feel better"I said hugging

"Any thing for you princess" he said no I'm queen Miss New year "Tally I just...realized something"

"What?"I whisper his green eyes stare at mine

"When I'm around I feel...happy and out of space this feeling is new to me so I've never had it with anyone else and I'm glad I experience it with you your touch make shiver and form Butterflies in my stomach hearing your laugh is the best seeing you smile enlighten my day because you my love are my true love" he said I wipe my tears

"Thats the best thing anyone has ever said to me" I hug him "I feel the same way" I said

"I like you Tally" he whispers

"I like you too"I smile "now let's go back to bed" I said pulling his hand and standing up he grabs my bum I chuckle and jump on his back he laughed

"Man you so light" he said I cluck my tounge he super speed to our bedroom

"Wooooooooooow" I breathe out he chuckle and lays me on bed he lays next to me "can I lay on top of you?" I whisper

"Come here" he said I lay on top of him my face buried on his neck "I love this position we should do it everyday" he said his chest vibrating I chuckle

"Oh please" i said sarcastic he chuckle after minutes of been quiet I started to fall asleep

"I think I'm starting to fall in love with this girl" those were the last words I heard before blacking out

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