Summer love

By nicoleashcroft

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Used to be called: All is fair in Love and War One summer, one cabin, two groups of friends. What could happe... More

Chapter Two:We're here
Chapter Three: What the purple elephants
Chapter four: This means war
Chapter five: What the hell
Chapter six: Thunder storms
Chapter seven: Frist date Jitters
Chapter eight: Truth or Dare!
Chapter nine: Fighting Sucks
Chapter ten: Surprise Surprise
Chapter Eleven: What A Day
Chapter 12: Well Hello
Chapter 13: Pranking Xavier
Chapter 14: Asking?
Chapter 15: Wedding
Chapter 16: I want you....
Chapter 18: Sick
Chapter 19: Jealous
Chapter 20: Crazy, Beautiful love
Chapter 21: Birthday Surprise
Chapter 22: Water park
Chapter 23: Over Dramatic
Chapter 24: Beachy Past
Chapter 25: Morning goodbye's

Chapter 17: Horrible Incounters

80 9 0
By nicoleashcroft

Caleb's POV

We got back from the wedding awhile ago and the girls almost put the bastard Tyler in the hospital. Which I wouldn't have minded.

"Caleb I'm going to go to bed now I'll see you in the morning" Farrah kissed my cheek.

"So Chase how's everything with Laura?" I asked Chase who was sitting on the couch smiling.

"Great, that bastard better not come near her again or I'll put him hospital" Chase smirked.

"You know the girls almost did that, but we had to stop them they were attracting unwanted attention" Ryder chuckled.

"Well today has been a great but stressful day so I'm going to bed" I yawned laying down.

"Ya me too. Night guys" Logan crawled next to Xavier.

"Yikes! Chase keep your god damn feet away from mine" Ryder hissed at him.

"But there cold" whined Chase.

"Exactly" Ryder stated.

This is why I like the couch.

I was woken up by Nicole who was yelling at Jules about her god damn coffee.

"Jules how many time must I tell you not to touch, smell it even think about my coffie!" Nicole yelled.

"A lot more times" Jules replied.

"Would you all shut up I think someone's here" Logan growled at them.

He was right I did here a sound of a car. We all ran to the window Chase not slowing dawn in time hit the window face on.

"Shiz! That hurt" He complained rubbing his nose.

"Hey that's Nicole and Kaitlyn mom" Xavier pointed out the women.

"It is my mom" Nicole stared in shock. "Kaitlyn get you fat ass down here!" Nicole shouted.

"What?" Kaitlyn asked rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Mom, Will, Claire and Matthew are here" Nicole squealed.

They ran out the house and hugged their mom and Will, I think. Nicole picked up a little girl who I was assuming was Claire.

"Guys this is our family. Our mom, step dad Will, our little brother Matthew and our little sister Claire." Kaitlyn introduce them to us.

"Nicole that one looks like a teddy bear" Claire pointed to Logan.

I turned my head and covered my mouth trying not to laugh.

"Uh thank you?" Logan said, but it sounded more like a question.

"Family these our are friends. This Caleb, his dating farrah, this is Chase, his dating Laura, this is Logan, this is Ryder and this Xavier" Nicole and Kaitlyn mom gave us all a hug.

"Can we see your rooms?" Matthew asked.

"Sure let's go" Nicole grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs with the rest of their family in tow.

"That's a big family" Xavier pointed out and we all nodded our heads.

"Well their only their half siblings, Mathew and Claire. Brenda is also their half on their dad's side, but their mom treats her like her own" Jules explained to us.

"Okay now I see" I nodded my head.

Nicole POV

"Well girls I need to talk about those boys with you" our mom scolded us.

We showed my mom our rooms, she was pleased with our rooms, but after word she chased everyone down stairs saying she needed some time to talk to her girls.

"Ugh, mom we told you there is nothing" Kaitlyn complained.

"Sure sure" our mom rolled her eyes.

"Mom I'm going to be perfectly clear with you," I grabbed my book, "The only man I love is Chase no matter how much of an idiot he is" I stated hugging my book.

"What the hell! A few days ago you said you hated me and now you love me. Make up your mind" Chase exclaimed.

"Ugh not you! Chase in my book" I explained to him.

"What's so good about him?" Chase scoffed.

"Well for starters he has brown hair, blue eyes, handsome, tall, a little shy, and romantic" I sighed in bliss thinking of my book characters.

"Aren't you describing me?" Xavier walked in smirking.

I scanned him and he did have brown hair, blue eyes, some what handsome, shy and he was 6'1.

"N-no" I laughed.

I caught my mom and Kaitlyn look at each other and wiggled their eyebrows.

"Sure. Anyway breakfast is ready if you want some" Xavier informed us.

Once he and Chase left I was about to follow after them when I was pulled back.

"Nicole do you like him?" My mother asked.

"What! No" I exclaimed.

"Nicole" Kaitlyn said sternly.

"Kaitlyn" I said just as sternly.

"Do. You. Like. Xavier?" She asked.

"I said no. Now lets not discuss this" I walked past them.

I don't like Xavier. I don't.

I do like him, I groaned and hit my head on the wall.

Farrah POV

We ate breakfast and Nicole and Kaitlyn parents seem to enjoy the guys, also Claire really liked Logan.

"Farrah wanna go to town today. We haven't been on a date in awhile" Caleb suggested as we were washing the dishes.

"Sure sounds like a plan" I smiled at him.

We told the others where and what we were doing then headed to town.

"Farrah this is gonna sound stupid, but we've been dating for a mouth and a little bit and I don't know your favorite colour" Caleb blushed.

"Oh I like purple" I stated

"That's a nice colour. I like blue" he told me.

"I like that colour as well just not as much" I laughed and he chuckled.

"How about we start off by getting some ice cream?" Caleb asked.

"Ya that's sounds great!" I exclaimed.

"Okay" He pulled into the ice cream parlor shop.

We hoped out of his truck and walked in the ice cream shop. I grabbed his hand and smiled at him and he smiled back.

"What can I get for you two?" The man behind the counter asked.

"I'll take a chocolate fudge ice cream" Caleb said.

"And I'll have a strawberry ice cream, please" I asked.

"Okay that comes to $5.99¢" the guy informed us.

"Thank you. You'll have your ice cream in a minute" the guy smiled at us.

"Thank you" we said to the lady who gave us our ice cream.

"Have a wonderful day" she waved goodbye to us.

We walked out and hoped back in his truck.
This is so good! I smiled at how good the ice cream was.

"Is it good?" Caleb asked starting the truck and putting the air conditioning on.

"Yes!" I exclaimed and he laughed.

"It is good isn't it. Can I try some of yours?" He asked.

I blushed, but nodded my head and he lean forward licking my ice cream.

"That is good" he said.

"C-can I try yours?" I asked shyly.

"Ya" he smiled and I leaned in licking his ice cream.

"Yum!" I approved wiping the chocolate from the side of my mouth.

"You missed a spot" he leaned forward and wiped off a spot where some chocolate was.

I blushed fifty shades of red at his face. He was biting his lip in concentration.

"There all gone" he smiled at me, but his eyes went wide once he looked at me face.

I was blushing at how close he was and the fact that he was wiping chocolate off my face.

"Farrah" Caleb hand gently touched the side of my face.

"Y-Ya" I stammered.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked starring in my eyes deeply.

Damn this way to cheesy and cliche for me, but I like it.

"Yes" and that was all he need before his soft lips met mine.

It was soft warm kiss, but still full of passion. He pulled away first and rested his forehean on mine. We were both panting.

"Farrah your doing things to me" Caleb breathed out.

"My bad" I teased him.

"Don't tease" He smirked at me.

"Okay" I looked up at him.

He gave me a peck on the lips before sitting up again.

"Where to next?" He asked.

"How about the park" I suggested and he nodded his head handing me his ice cream to hold while he drives.

"Farrah I wanna have some of my ice cream" He whined.

"Okay, here" I went to hand him his ice cream, but what he said next surprises me.

"No I want you to feed me" he smirked at me.

"Wh-what?!" I exclaimed blushing.

"We're on a date so let's do date like things" he said.

"But that's weird" I looked away blushing even more after visualized it.

"No it's not" he said.

"Fine" I pouted and held out the ice cream close enough to his face and he took a bite.

"Yum it taste better like this" he winked at me.

That's it, I lifted his ice cream and shoved in his face.

"That's what you get for embarrassing me" I said smugly.

"Really?" He stared at me.

"Hmph" I crossed my arms and faced away from him making him laugh.

"Okay were even now" he laughed.

We pulled into Polson park, parking under a tree.

"Come on I gotta go find a bathroom before I get all sticky" he glared at me and I laughed.

We found a bathroom pretty fast cause it was just on the other side of the truck.

"I'll be right back don't wonder" he waved his finger in my face and I was tempted to bite it.

"Yes dad" I mocked him.

"Good girl" he smirked at me and walked in the men's washroom.


I took a seat on the bench closest to the washroom.

"Farrah" a women's voice I recognized all to well.

"Mom?" I turned around and sure enough it was my mother.

Oh god. If she see Caleb she going to get mad.

My mom is a person who wants everything to be perfect. That includes her job, house, money and even her kids. If my siblings and I do something wrong we get a long lecture. Once she even hit my sister because she didn't approve of her boyfriend.

As for my dad his a kind man that love's my mom and never notice how much of a control freak she is.

"Darling how are you? Where are your friends?" She questioned me bring me in for a hug.

She can be loving at times when she happy.

"Um I'm here with my boyfriend" I told her and her smile fell.

"What?" She asked me.

"I have a boyfriend" I said with more confidence.

"Why didn't I know of this?" Her anger rising.

"I started dating him a month ago and I seen no point in telling until I got home" I stated lying through my teeth knowing I wasn't going to tell her until I told my dad.

"But I'm your mother" she gasped.

"So, doesn't mean I have to tell you everything" I hissed at her.

"Farrah sorry I took so long that ice cream got sticky fast-oh who's this?" Caleb asked when he saw my mother.

"This is my-" "I'm her mother" she interrupted me.

"Oh it's nice to meet you" Caleb held out his hand to shake hands with her, but she just stared at it with disgust.

"Okay then" Caleb pulled his hand away.

"Farrah can I talk to you alone?" My mother asked sternly.

"Fine. Caleb go stand over there I'll be a second" I kissed his cheek making my mother gag.

"Okay" he nodded and walked away.

"I don't approve of him. Dump him and come straight home" my mother orders me.

My mouth dropped at how blunt and rude she was.

"No mom" I glared at her.

"I'm your mother you will do as I say!" She yelled at me.

"I will not dump him cause I love him and it has nothing to do with you!" I yelled back.

"He's a manwhore who doesn't give a shit of your fucking feelings!" She yelled at me her voice getting louder.

"No his not you don't know him like I do! He's a great guy with a big heart and will do anything for his friends and family!" I yelled at her a tear escaping my eyes at what my mother called Caleb.

"Your a fat fucking whore who doesn't listen to her mother and has no respect for herself!" She raised her hand and slapped me.

I fell to the ground landing my butt.

"M-mom" I cried holding my cheek.

I looked up at her and saw no love in her eyes just down right hate and disgust.

"That's what you get for being a bitch" she hissed raising her hand to slap me again.

I closed my eyes waiting for the pain, but it never came. I opened my eyes and see Caleb glaring at my mother with his hand holding her wrist stopping her from hitting me.

"If you have a problem with me ,tell me not my girlfriend, want to insult me, insult me to my face not my girlfriend and if you want to insult my girlfriend keep it to your god damn self. If I ever see you touch Farrah again even if you are her mother, don't you think for one second that I won't call the cops" he hissed at my mom who was wide eyed.

"You have no right to say this to me!" She yelled at him.

"Oh I think I have a pretty big right after seeing my girls mother slap her" Caleb dropped my mother's wrist and helped me off the ground.

"Your both sluts! Farrah never come home and if I see your face don't think twice that I won't hurt you!" My mother threatened me and stormed off.

Caleb picked me up and started carrying me in bridal style to the truck. He opened the door and gently put me down on the seat. He closed the door and walked to the drivers side.

"I'm sorry" I cried.

Caleb pulled me on his lap and hugged me.

I buried my head in his neck silently sobbing and he rocked me back and forth like my older brother used to do when mom got mad at me.

"Farrah look at me" Caleb said lifting my head.

Even though my eyes were puffy and red, mascara running down my face, he looked at me like I was the most beautiful girl in the world.

"Farrah I love you and I will never ever let you go" Caleb kissed my forehead love clear in his voice.

My tears turned into tears of happiness after hearing him saying I love you.

"I love you too" I smiled and cuddled into him my crying slowly stopping.

Things fall apart so better things can fall in place.

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