By parasoleil

30K 563 1.5K

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1 įƒ¦ š“·š“øš“½š“® (2020)
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1.3K 31 210
By parasoleil





╚» (Y/N) is in study hall; it is a Friday 

(Y/N) sighed to herself, placing her pencil down on her work.

It was nearing the end of spring time, and that had meant that there would be the spring exams. 

At the end of November, (Y/N) would take her spring exams, testing her in every subject, even syntax, her least favorite. 

She had been studying very hard; but she felt like she could use a break. Granted, she wanted to spend some time somewhere at like a beach or a park, but she never got to actually plan it out.

School would be ending in one month, December; and it would be ending on the week before winter break. 

She was so surprised at how time could fly by so quickly, but then again, things felt very slow.

She was heavily home sick- home ill if you will. She missed her twin brother Tobio, her best-friend Tadashi, her friends Shoyo and Hitoka, and her boyfriend, Kei.

Speaking of Kei, the blonde had been replying to her texts less and less as the days go by; it made her feel lonely. She tried to distract herself by talking to her new friends at Port Fraiser, but nothing really solved her issue.

'How I miss Kei... I wish he were here...'

It was that constant thought that ran through her head every single day; the more she focused on her partner, the more she gets tired of waiting to go home. 

Sighing once more, she picked her pencil back up, continuing to finish her work from the previous classes; her motto for this that gave her motivation was that if she finished her work for the day, she would get to go home and relax with the hopes of her and Kei talking.

"Let's finish this up..."

Thirty minutes had passed and her lunch period began. Instead of going out to eat at some diner, she decided to just buy some lunch and go sit outside on campus.

She went one of the grocery stores and bought herself a meal, a drink, and some cookies; afterwards, she went back to the campus and sat in front of one of their lakes. 

The scenery was great for a picnic; it was spring time after all and she thought it was perfect to sit out and enjoy the weather.

"In Japan right now, it would be very chilly though," she grinned to herself when she took a whiff of the hoodie she was wearing, "Kei would be wearing hoodies all the time."

Unknowingly, her phone began to ring; and the caller I.D was Kei. 

She quickly answered it, holding the phone to ear.


"(Y/N), what the hell."

She was taken aback from the words; not even a greet was said from him.


"Don't "Kei" me," he said frustratingly, "What the hell happened at that party?"

The party... the party where the incident between her, Kenji, Aya, and Shishou made things quite intense. 

"I..." she pursed her lips, "That happened a month ago, why are you showing your concern for it now?"

"I would've showed my concern for it if you told me the whole story."

That made her feel guilty, very guilty.

The night after she received the first letter, Kei had immediately called her early in the morning, frantically asking her all sorts of questions about what happened. She was vaguely replying to him, not wanting to make him worry.

But... something happened. Someone told Kei something he thought (Y/N) would've told him. 

"I didn't want you to worry," she said to him, "Nothing really happened between me and-"

"Bullshit (Y/N)," his words caught her off guard, "You want to know something?"


"You shouldn't hide shit like this from me; I'm your fucking boyfriend (Y/N)," Kei... sounded hurt for, "I was fucking worried that night when I found out you went so a party that involved alcohol- but do you know what worried me more?"

"When I found out you fucking punched a guy in the face."

(Y/N)'s lips opened agape, but they slowly shut back together; she balled her fists up, staring at the blanket. 

She hadn't want anything else to do with this; the "fight" had been a blur, and now her boyfriend was yelling at her from a different continent.

"Tell me something (Y/N)," Kei said lowly, "Do you not trust me anymore? Do you think that just because we have a screen separating us means that our relationship will be any different?"

"T... That's not true at all..."

"So then why are you hiding important shit like this from me?!" 

Kei almost never yelled at (Y/N) like this, she felt so scared that he might do something because she doesn't know what he is capable of doing.

It's true that (Y/N) didn't tell Kei the full story, but she only did that because she didn't want him to worry. Kei had volleyball, work, and school all at the same time, and if he knew that his girlfriend punched a guy in the face, it would be icing on top of the cake; and it's not the good one for that matter. 

"It's none of your concern," she simply replied, "I only punched him because he was going to hurt Aya. That was it."

"None of my concern? What the fuck is- you know what," Kei let out a ruffed gasp, "I don't have fucking time for this shit."

Kei ended the call between the two, which sent shivers down (Y/N)'s spine.

It had been their first argument, their first real argument since (Y/N) left Australia.

It was only November, and she wasn't returning back to Japan until June. 

「❮ 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮...❯」

'What the hell... did I do today...'

(Y/N) finished school normally, with the first actual conversation between her and Kei in a while replayed in her head countless times; it was nearly impossible for her to concentrate in class, but she managed to go through it.

(Y/N) walked to her bedroom, taking her clothes off and just wearing a simple t-shirt with her panties; Mari wasn't visiting anytime soon, and everyone was practically busy with their own studying, so she wasn't expecting anyone.

She laid down on her bed, sighing to herself when she couldn't get that intense argument out of her head.

"Do you not trust me anymore? Do you think that just because we have a screen separating us means that our relationship will be any different?"

Those words especially made a huge impact on her; she trusted Kei with all of her heart, but she couldn't form those words earlier for some reason.

'I do trust you Kei, I do... but I don't know why at that time... that I thought it was fine to leave that detail out... I just didn't want you to worry...'

She laid there, face against the soft pillow while she was crying her eyes out. She couldn't muster up the energy to even make some dinner- she didn't feel like doing anything.

Luckily it was Friday today, so the weekends would be free for her to just sulk.

After just an hour of sitting there, thinking immensely, her phone beeped.

17:06 | Kei, aka husband

Her fingers hovered over the keyboard; the sudden message from her boyfriend scared her.

17:06 | (Y/N), aka wife 

17:06 | Kei, aka husband
Can we talk?

She sniffled, trying to think of some sarcastic answer to answer back with.

17:07 | (Y/N), aka wife
idk, can you

17:07 | Kei, aka husband
Real mature of you. 
What are we? Five years old?

She couldn't help but let out a small laugh at that.

17:07 | Kei, aka husband 
I'm calling.

A few seconds after comprehending that message, his name took up all of her screen. She sighed, sitting up and answering it, putting the phone up to her ear.

"Hey," he greeted, "What're you doing?"

"None of your business." she mumbled.

"I take it that you're in your house, idling about."

She snorted, leaving no other response for him since he was right. 

"Listen (Y/N)-"

"I'm sorry Kei," she blurted out, "I'm sorry, okay? You have every right to be mad at me."

(Y/N) put the phone on speaker, setting it down on her bed as she crossed her legs, playing with her fingers.

"I didn't mean to lie to you, though I wasn't really lying in the first place," she said to him, "I just didn't want you to worry about anything that happened between me and my classmates; you already are carrying so much weight on your back, it would be stupid of me to add more things."

"You're the stupid one here," he grunted, "Seriously (Y/N), we've been together for three years, and you still choose to hide things from me- how many more years is it going to take for you to realize that we are together?"

"We're a team, remember?" Kei sounded hurt, "What good will it do if you hide these things from me?"

"I get it that we can keep some things a secret or two to ourselves," Kei sighed, "But this is one thing that your boyfriend, aka me, should know."

"Getting into fights is dangerous, especially since you've got one big disadvantage: your stamina; if a group of boys came running at you and only you, you'd probably end up dead."

'He's right...'

The reality of these events were something that she didn't consider much. (Y/N) knows how to fight and defend herself, but with that being said, she still has her fault in stamina. If she had to take on a whole group of guys, she would lose.

(Y/N) sighed, hanging her head low and facing the blanket of her bed.

"I'm sorry," she said softly, tearing up a bit, "I guess... this whole homesick thing is getting to me."

"Well you need to let it go," he said sternly, "You have to finish this school year strong."

(Y/N) sighed at that. "It's hard; I miss all of you so much, it drags me."

"That's why I said that you need to let go, (Y/N)," he replied, "We're not going anywhere; we're here in Japan from today to tomorrow, for a long time."

"We're not going to leave anytime soon, and even if we do, it'll be temporary; Japan is our home, and we aren't planning to leave our home permanently."

Kei had always known how to get to (Y/N), how to make her feel reassured. Kei knew she just needed little pushes here and there to make her go back on track; it was all she needed. 

"You promise...?" 

"I promise, with all my heart."

(Y/N) let out a breath of relief, now feeling a bit more relaxed. "I-I'm still so sorry Kei..."

"Before I accept your apology, you need to tell me truthfully and wholly of everything that happened that night."


(Y/N) began explaining everything that happened, from the hang-out to the small fight. She included everything he needed to hear, and when she was done, Kei had a few comments.

"I really wish you told me all of this sooner," he said to her, "I would've at least felt better."

"I'm sorry..."

"Just don't do that ever again, okay? Promise?"


"And (Y/N)," he sighed, "I'm sorry for yelling at you like that; I didn't mean to swear at you or hang up so suddenly like that. I hope I didn't scare you or make you cry."

It would be one of Kei's biggest regrets if he made her cry. 

"I-It's okay Kei," she said, "We were both in a tight situation, and it's my fault."

"No, it's not your fault," Kei replied, "Just... don't do that again. If you're ever in a situation like that again, act rational and text me ASAP."

"I'll at least try to answer your texts more often, but I've been so busy lately-"

"It's okay Kei," she said, "You need to focus on your life right now; not mine."

"I am."

"No you're not."

"(Y/N), do you know what my life is?"

"What kind of dumb question is that?" (Y/N) said, "It's where you are right now- Japan, volleyball, school-"


"Then what is it?" 

Kei sighed, chuckling a bit. "You are very dumb Chibi, after three years, you don't know the answer to one of the simplest questions in the world."

"J-Just tell me!"

"You, (Y/N)-" he smiled as if she was in front of him right now, "You're my life."

「❮ 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮...❯」

Thank God it was Friday because (Y/N) had spent her whole night on the phone with Kei.

Now it was Saturday morning; (Y/N) woke up groggily on her bed with her phone nearly dead. She charged it right as she got up, and she went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Her conversation with Kei last night went all sorts of way; they talked a lot about what was happening. For Kei, his fall exams were coming up just like (Y/N)'s spring ones. 

He told her how he missed her a lot and how he couldn't wait to hug her again. He really wanted one of her hugs because he was always tired, but it couldn't be helped that all he could have was (Y/N)'s face in the video-calling. It was better than nothing.

After getting ready for the day, she went and made a simple breakfast, something that could fill her up until lunch time. 

(Y/N)'s Saturdays were typically spent on herself, but today would be an exception. Her exams were next Friday, and she needed to ace them to show that she can become a great teacher.

Plopping onto the table with her breakfast, she opened her laptop and pulled up her drafts; she had an essay to finish that was due Thursday, but she decided to get it over with now. 

For the next few hours and after editing, she got done with it, and it was already lunch time. 

"I feel like eating some soup..." she mumbled to herself as she searched up some nearby restaurants that had good soup. Finding one, she wrote down the address and began to get ready to go out.

Today her outfit was simple; a floral dress that fitted her and her curves comfortably. This was one of the clothes he bought and sent to her in the first package. 

As she fixed her hair, her phone beeped; she received a notification from Kei. 

He had promised he would be texting her more often, but (Y/N) told him that it's okay if he was really busy. 

12:16 | Kei, aka husband 
Don't forget to eat. 

She smiled at his reminder. 

12:16 | (Y/N), aka wife 
I'm about to head out to eat

12:17 | Kei, aka husband

12:17 | (Y/N), aka wife

12:17 | Kei, aka husband
Can you call for a quick second?

After replying with a "yes", her phone screen is occupied by his contact; she accepts the call and puts it on speaker phone, continuing to brush her hair.

"Hi Kei."

"Hello Chibi."

"Why did you want to call?"

He grunted. "Just wanted to know what your plans were for the rest of the day."

"Oh," she said, "Well I found this restaurant that allows you to also study while eating, so I'm going to go there to finish up some notes. Then I'll come back home and make dinner and study more until I go to sleep."

"That's it?"


Kei let out a breath of relief, probably because he now knew that (Y/N) wasn't going to slack off or idle somewhere.

"How about you, Kei?"

"Well since I'm on break right now, I'll be working until 18:00; I'll go back to my dorm, finish some studying, and then sleep- I'll call you before I sleep though, don't worry."

"Unless we both fall asleep."

"It's okay if that happens, Kei," she says, "We're busy this entire week, you are more busy than me."

"I can make time for you, I always try to but sometimes things don't work out, I hope you know that."

"Of course I do," she scoffs, "Kei, you're the dumb one now. I told you that it's fine if you can't talk or text for a while, a simple good morning and good night text is good enough."

"Oh how I was blessed to have such an amazing and understanding girlfriend." 

She smiled at that, before realizing something. "Oh, by the way Kei, I'm wearing the black floral dress you bought me."

"Turn on your camera; I want to see."

She did as she was told, holding her phone to the mirror as she flaunted her dress to Kei. His cheeks automatically turn red and he started to scold at himself.

"W-What's wrong?"

"You're making me hard, (Y/N)."

Her face erupts in redness. 

"I-I didn't mean to-!"

"It's fine," he said with a sigh, "I'll just... deal with it later."

She nods awkwardly, still blushing.

"Um... Kei," he hummed, "I'll... I'll text you later; I need to fix my things so I can go eat."

"Oh yeah, of course."

"I love you Kei."

"I love you more, (Y/N)."

She hangs up after bidding farewell to her boyfriend; but she slides down against her wall as she brings her knees closer to her chest.

"I just gave my boyfriend a boner while he's at work."

「❮ 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮...❯」

The restaurant was fantastic. (Y/N) got to study her material while also eating some amazing soup; she tipped her waitress double because of the high quality service.

After she went to the restaurant, she did a bit of shopping, only being things like stationary items. She told Kei that they had cute pens and notebooks, and he told her to buy them if she liked them. 

Now (Y/N) was back home. She took her shoes off and left them by the door; she placed her material on her table, walking to her bathroom to fix herself. When she was done, she went on her bed to relax for a bit. 

She went on her phone to text Kei, telling him that she was home, and surprisingly, he was too. 

19:03 | Kei, aka husband 
Did you have fun?

19:03 | (Y/N), aka wife
yeah! they have this thing called China Town, and they sell such cute things! I'll show you sometime

19:04 | Kei, aka husband
Sounds something you'd do.

19:04 | (Y/N), aka wife
what's that supposed to mean :-(

19:05 | Kei, aka husband
Anyway... (Y/N), I have something to tell you.

19:05 | (Y/N), aka wife

Kei called her, which she accepted instantly; she put the phone to her ear and greeted him, asking what's wrong.


"I'm horny, (Y/N)."

The way his husky and deep voice told her that through the phone instantly turned her on; Kei never told her that he was horny, he'd usually show her by foreplay. 

But of course, they were in a situation where this was possible. 

"O-Oh," her breath hitched, making him sigh, "I... H-How do you want me to help you?"

"Can you send pictures of yourself? In that lingerie that you for some reason brought with you."

She nodded. "Okay."

Within a few minutes, she slipped out of her dress and put on the black, lacy lingerie. The matching set also came with tights that went up to her mid-thigh; it looked sexy on her, and Kei knew that.

When she got done, she turned her camera on, standing in front of the mirror. She snapped a few scandalous selfies; one of her bending down to show her curvy breasts, one of her sitting down with her legs open to show her lacy black panties, some thigh pictures, and more breasts ones.

When she sent them all, she noticed that in all of them, she was blushing. It made her scold at herself because she was supposed to look sexy, not like a shy high-school girl.

"Kei, I-"

"Goddamn (Y/N)," he exhaled sharply, "You're so fucking hot."

The way his eyes were glued on the several pictures she sent, he loved her and her body. He only got harder at the first picture. 

"Ugh," he groaned, "I wish I was there with you right now. I would fuck you so hard."

Her face was now red, no other color, just red.

In another five minutes, Kei sent pictures of his own cock. 

When she opened her phone, she only felt one thing.


The way Kei's cock was angled, it showed his veiny, long, and thickness. (Y/N) remembered how he fucked her before she went on the plane, and it made her as horny as him. 



She forgot that he was still in the call.

"U-Uh," she tried to find an excuse, but he only chuckled, "W-Why're you laughing?!"

"I bet you're drenching wet."


'He's all the way in Japan, and yet he can make me more wet than me being in that swimming pool for gym class...'

"And here I am, hard as a fucking rock," he grunted, "Your pictures just made me even bigger."

"D-Did you like them?"

"I fucking love them; you look so sexy when you blush while taking explicit photos."

"T-Then," she hesitated, "Let me help you..."

"Oh? Taking initiative for once?"

"Shush..." she mumbled, "I want to be the only one to make you hard and then relieve you."

"Of course," he replied, "Your body is the sexiest I've ever seen."

"Hopefully the only."

"You're cute when you're jealous."

"S-Shush!" she said, "J-Just tell me what you want to do so I can make you feel good."

Kei hummed. "Okay. But if you don't want to do it, tell me, and we'll try something else."

She nods, understanding.

「❮ 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮...❯」


Kei lays in his bed with his hand in his pants. He was touching his throbbing cock lightly. 

He winced at the pain he was in; it wasn't bad pain, but he needed to relieve himself. 

The pictures his girlfriend sent him were just breathtaking. The way her body was only for him just made him even harder. 

The way her breasts were big and curvy, as if they were waiting to get licked and bit by him.

The way her thighs were thick and soft, as if they were waiting to get smothered by dark hickeys. 

The way her lacy panties showed her now wet slit, as if (Y/N) was waiting to get pounded by Kei's thick cock. 

Kei absolutely loved (Y/N)'s shy face because it was mixed with lust, and he thought that was sexy as hell. He loves it when (Y/N) would writhe under his grasp, begging and panting as he continued to thrust deeper and harder into her, exploring every crevice.

"I want you to tell me how much you love my cock, (Y/N)," he said huskily, taking his sweatpants and boxes off, "I want you to tell me as if I was fucking you right now."

She gasps lightly as she did her own pleasing, sticking fingers inside of her slowly as she imagined Kei on top of her. 

"Kei~, I love your cock... it makes me feel so good... when you're deep inside of me..."

Kei started to rub his cock slowly, pushing his head back against the pillow. He imagined (Y/N) sucking him off, in a teasingly way because that's how she liked messing with him.

"Yeah... just like that (Y/N)..."

"Oh Kei~, why don't you go deeper inside of me? I know you want to..."

He started to stroke his length a bit faster, biting his lip as he imagined that he was inside of (Y/N). He imagined thrusting slowly in her first, to tease her and make her beg, before forcing his way through; how his cock would twitch was a feeling that told him he was close.

"Kei... are you going to cum yet...~?"

"I really don't want to..." he growled, "But your voice makes me want to."

"Cum, Kei~."

Her sultry voice made it hard for Kei to hold it in; the more she teased him with her voice, the more he wanted to cum. The more moans she let out, the harder he got. 

"Go faster...~"

Kei's stroking went rapid, imagining his woman under him as he gritted his teeth. 


He gripped his cock, imagining that her walls were clenching and tightening around his cock.


That was the last thing she said before he started going hazy.


With one final stroke, Kei let out a low groan and growl, releasing his seed; there was so much coming out of him because he continued to stroke himself, which gave him more pleasure. His final groan made (Y/N) know that he came. 


(Y/N) also came from her high, which made her gasp lightly; it let Kei know that she also was done with her pleasuring. 

Kei quickly cleaned his mess up, wiping himself down with a spare towel before tossing it in his basket. He decided to just wear his boxes and pull a blanket over himself. 

As for (Y/N), she cleaned herself too; she was really sensitive down there, so she had to do it carefully. 

When she was done, she put on a pair of clean panties but kept her bra on, sliding under the covers as she went back to her phone, turning the camera on and looking at Kei.

"T-That was... different."

"Yeah," he agreed, "But I feel better than before; I was pent-up."

"Ehhh? You've been rearing a boner since lunch time?"

"Earlier it wasn't as bad, I didn't really need to do much, but when I got home, the image of you in that dress came back and I was so hard."

"I'm that pretty?"

"(Y/N) you're fucking gorgeous, don't doubt yourself again or I'm going to fly to Australia."

"And do what?" Kei wouldn't hurt her, both of them knew that, "Are you going to tickle me to death?"

'As if he would come here. Haha.'


'Wait... he's friends with Kenma and Tetsurou... and they're both really, really rich... which means... they can give him a plane ticket, and he can come to Australia...'

"W-Wait don't actually-"

"Don't test me then."

(Y/N) couldn't help but giggle at that. His protective self was both cute and amazing.

"I'm sorry," she said, smiling, "I love you, Kei."

"I love you too (Y/N)."

The two fell asleep shortly after, staying in the call and sleeping with their phones facing them. 

How the two loved each other was a true mystery to the world. Love isn't perfect, and neither are them, which is why there were so many problems happening behind the scenes. 

「❮ 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮...❯」

"Ehhh? So you don't need my help anymore? You got your girlfriend to make you feel better."

He rolled his eyes, sitting on the chair and crossing his legs.

"You're making it seem like you were actually willing to help me."

"I would have," she smirked, "But it seems like you don't need me."

She handed him a cup of coffee, then sitting in front of him as she brought the cup to her lips; she took a sip before placing it down.

"She won't be back till... June of next year, right?"

He nods, sighing. "So you and I have plenty of time before she does come back."

"Perfect, just what I needed; and she knows nothing about us, right?"

He shakes his head. "Thank the Kamisamas that she doesn't; or so help me, I wouldn't know what to do with myself if she did."

"That makes things easier," the woman gets up, sliding her chair in which Kei copies, "By the way, how did she take it when I told you about the little tweet I found?"

"Oh that," he frowned, "She apologized to me and told me the entire story; it matched up with yours entirely."

"Guilty, was she?"

"Sadly, but she said she wouldn't do it again so."

The woman rolls her eyes. "What would you do without me, Kei-chan? I found out that your girlfriend was involved with a fight, and you didn't know one bit."

"Whatever," he says, "Can we just get started?"

She smiled, nodding. 

The two of them start walking further in the place before she turns to his face.

"Don't worry, Kei-chan," she says, enveloping a grin with her perfect pink lips, "She won't find out about us."

「❮𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮𝓭...❯」


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