Barry and Iris OS

By Rauraflash2020

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So we know that because of the negative speed force Nora is erased from memory and so this story starts from... More

No Nora No.
The time Barry almost died( the first time)
My version of how Barry feels when savitar almost kills iris
All Dolled up
Killer Frost
Elongated Journey into the night
Null and Annoyed
Enter Zoom
King Shark
License to Elongate
Cause and Effect
Luck Be a Lady
Legends of Today
Legends of Yesterday
News Flash
What's Past is Prolouge
Run, Iris Run
The Flash and The Furious
Dead Man Running

Dead or Alive

58 1 0
By Rauraflash2020

Hey Guys,  so gonna do Flash season 3 episode 11. 

Anyways here we go 

My name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive. To the outside world, I'm just an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly, with the help of my friends at STAR Labs, I fight crime and find other meta humans like me.

In an attempt to stop the evil speedster Savitar, I was accidently thrust into the future, and I saw him murder the woman I love. But I won't let that happen. I'm going to do everything in my power to change the future, and I'm the only one fastest enough to keep her alive. I am The Flash. 

Previously on The Flash ( Said by Cisco Ramon) 

" When I threw the Philosopher''s Stone into the Speed Force, I accidently ran into the future. I saw Savitar murder you. I wasn't fast enough to save you." Barry says. 

 " We can't do this alone, Barry." Iris says. 

"  Why don't you come work with us? You can help Team Flash fight meta humans." Caitlin says. 

" Welcome to the team." Barry says. 

" Yeah." Julian says as he shakes Barry's hand. 

" If his powers are linked to the energy that ties together the multiverse..." Barry says. 

" He can open a breach to any Earth he wants. " Caitlin says. 

HR's voice over

 " The thing they never tell you about fighting villains is that nothing ever stays the same. The harder you work to take down the bad guys, the more they up their game." HR says. 

HR voice over over

" Gentlemen, welcome to the future of crime. Not even the military has these yet." The first guy says. 

" Looks like Christmas came early." The second guy says. 

" You know  what the only problem is? You're on Santa's naughty list. Christmas is canceled." Barry says. 

HR  voice over

Fortunately,  our team has a secret weapon of it's own: a man of science, a man of action, and that man's name is HR Wells. 

" Look who has a vortex canon. Ho, Ho, ho." HR says. 

HR laughs

" HR? HR?" Cisco says. 

With a blast from my trusty vortex canon, I dispatch the miscreant

" HR?" Cisco says. 

" Hey, yep, here we are." HR says. 

" Barry needs help." Cisco says. 

" Yeah, Barry needs help." HR says. 

" Where's Kid Flash?" Caitlin asks. 

" He's on his way. Are you on your way? They need you at Keystone Bridge." HR says. 

" Surely all your adventures are not this disorganized." Julian says. 

" There's a method to the madness, mate.Watch and learn." Cisco says. 

" The Electric Gang is headed north." Caitlin says. 

" You gotta cut em off before they reach the freeway." Cisco says. 

The Electric Gang is shooting at Barry while Wally speeds up to Barry 

" Oh, hey." Barry says. 

" How do you wanna play this?" Wally asks. 

" I have an idea." Barry says. 

" Eyes up! Here he comes. Just the red one." The guy says.

Wally crashes the windows of the car and Barry speeds around and the car crashes

" Nice work. They're out cold. Okay, boys." Barry says. 

" They saved us. They saved us. Who are you? " The cheerleaders ask. 

"Um..." Wally says. 

Barry signals to Wally and blinks his eye

" I'm Kid Flash." Wally says. 

" Oh, my gosh. Can we get your picture?" The cheerleader ask. 

" Yes. Whoo. Okay, bye. " Wally says. 

Go Kid Flash. Go Kid Flash." The cheerleaders cheer after Wally makes a lightening bolt and speeds away

The next morning 

" Nice save! Couldn't have scripted it better myself." HR says. 

"Barry did most of the heavy lifting." Wally says. 

" BA." HR says. 

" Yes, bravo, boys. Although I did find at least six ways you could have done it more efficiently, just... just saying." Julian says. 

" I mean the busload of  hot cheerleaders seemed like the way we did things." Wally say . 

" Oh, that's going in the book. You know what? I'm running low; let me buy  you a cup of coffee over at CCJitters. Bond, are you coming?" HR asks Julian.

" No, thank you." Julian says. 

" So exactly how many hot cheerleaders?" Iris asks. 

" I was a good boy. You know, he's just been looking forward to this for a long time; he's enjoying the moment." Barry says. 

" Welk, I'm glad you have his back." Iris says. 

" We have each other's back. It's actually been really nice having him out there." Barry says. 

" Hey, I meant to ask you. When you found the Electric Gang, did you see them meeting with anyone else?" Iris asks. 

" Like who?" Barry asks. 

" Well, word on the street it, there is a new arms dealer in town with access to sophisticated weaponry like the gun Plunder used." Iris says. 

" Don't you think that's something for the police to handle?" Barry asks.

" I'm still a journalist, Barry. I can't hide from the world because of what you saw. I'll see you at home." Iris says as she kisses him. 

" Can't lose her, Cisco. Please tell me you found a way to change the future." Barry says. 

" We found a way to change the future." Cisco says. 

" Did you really?" Barry asks. 

" No, but Caitlin and I did find a way to map it. You're gonna love this. Follow me." Cisco says as Barry follows Cisco to his workshop. 

" Julian suggested we make a 3-D reconstruction of the scene from the future exactly as we saw it." Cisco says. 

" With toys." Barry says. 

" The medium's not important." Caitlin says. 

" Thank you. Eye on the ball, Barry." Cisco says. 

" Is this me? Why is he an astronaut?" Barry asks. 

" Eye on the ball, Barry, okay? Now, this diorama tell us you need to cover this distance in less than 0.21 seconds if you want to save Iris from Savitar." Cisco says. 

" What do you guys think?" Barry asks. 

" Think what you're proposing is impossible. Therefore, you will fail." Julian comes in and says. 

" Why?" Barry asks. 

" Multi-verse is maybe a new  concept to me, but mathematics is not. Pay attention, Allen. This is  your timeline. ( Julian draws on the board) This is your maximum velocity when you first acquired your powers. This is your current top speed, and this is where in May to cover that distance in 0.21 seconds. At your current rate of improvement, impossible." Julian says. 

" Wow. Thank you for that rousing pep talk, coach. Okay, why don't you take a knee?I think  we got it covered it here." Cisco says. 

" It looks it. I actually have to be back at CCPD. As do you. Cheerio." Julian says as he leaves. 

" He really does want to help in his own snobbish, thoughtless way." Caitlin says. 

" He is right. I mean, he's kind of a dick about it, but can't argue with his math." Barry says. 

" Okay, well, then, we'll find another way to make this work." Cisco says. 

" We need to. Iris isn't gonna die." Barry says. 

Later another person with Vibe powers comes into Jitters and sees HR Wells as she touches something 

" Thank you very much." HR says. 

" Gotcha." She says. 

2 security guards see her

" Freeze." One of the security guards say.

" How'd you get in here?" The other asks. 

She blasts both of them 

" You know what they say. Everytime a door closes... a window opens." She says. 

The next morning Barry is in Jitters figuring out what happened

" Barr. Hey. Nothing's missing." Joe says. 

" Nope." Barry says. 

" Cash is still in the register. Safe's not touched. I mean, it seems like a lot to go through just to get a late night cup of coffee, right?"Joe asks. 

" Yeah, it's definitely a meta. I'll have Julian look into his meta database but I think this si someone new. New and dangerous." Barry says. 

" Well, it's nothing Flash and Kid Flash can't handle. My two superhero boys." Joe  says.

" He is doing great." Barry says. 

" Speaking of my kids, Iris, she tell you about this arms dealer story she's following?" Joe asks. 

" Yeah, she's mentioned it." Barry say . 

" Well, now that you're her live-in boyfriend, could you look out for her and maybe get her to back off  a bit? Because this isn't something she should be doing on her own. " Joe says. 

" I agree. I'm trying." Barry says. 

" She seem... okay to you, otherwise?" Joe asks. 

"Yeah, why? Do you not think so?" Barry asks. 

" If you guys got something going on, I hope you know you can talk to me." Joe says. 

" Yeah, I know, Joe. Thank you... I.... we're... both doing great." Barry says. 

" Okay. All right. Talk to you later." Joe says. 

" Yeah." Barry says. 

Later Cisco, Caitlin and HR are checking the footage

" So this is footage from Jitters that us ID our new meta>" Cisco says. 

" Brunette? That really narrows it down." Caitlin says. 

" Mm, I'll clean that up." Cisco says. 

" Oh, look how clear the picture is on that screen." HR says. 

" That's cause that's not from Jitters. That's our security footage." Cisco says. 

" HR Wells. I know you're in there. Come quietly if you don't want trouble." She says. 

" HR, how does she know you?" Caitlin asks.

" Talk. Who is this... gorgeous intruder?" Cisco asks. 

" Her name is Gypsy, and she's what's known on my Earth as a collector." HR  says. 

" What is she collecting?" Caitlin asks. 

" She's come to collect, you know, me." HR says. 

She opens a breach and gets into the Speed Lab

She blasts HR and he falls

" Where does it hurt?" Caitlin asks. 

HR groans

" Oh,everywhere." HR says. 

Cisco tries blasting her

" You can vibe? Oh, I like it." Gypsy says. 

" Slown down there. Let's just talk about this, like two adults, over coffee, or maybe dinner, if you prefer that. There's a great Thai place up the road if you like Thai. I'm Cisco, by the way. YOu must be Gypsy. It's nice to mee you." Cisco says. 

" Are  you asking her on a date?" Caitlin asks really shocked. 

" Are you kidding me?" HR asks still lying down. 

" I am negotiating." Cisco says. 

Wally speeds in 

" Mam, I'm gonna have to ask you leave the building." Wally says. 

" Speedster. That's fun.I like to have too."  Gypsy says as she blasts Wally. 

" I see you've got a lot to learn about your power. " Gypsy says. 

" Yeah, like that. How do you do that? That's cool. " Cisco says. 

" You're harboring a fugitive from justice. Our world has a strict ban on inter dimensional travel. He knew that when he came here." Gypsy says.

" So you tracked him here?" Cisco asks. 

" Honestly, it wasn't that hard. Not when he was beaming " HR Wells Adventures in the Multiverse" back chapter by chapter." Gypsy says. 

" You know what? Whatever HR did, you can't just come here and take him by force. Not without going through us. " Wally says. 

" If I really wanted to go through you, you would all be dead. I've got a lock on you now. There is no getting away. You've got an hour to get your affairs in order, and then you're coming with me. ( Gypsy looks at Cisco) Adios, Cisco."  Gypsy says. 

" What an exit." Cisco says. 

In the cortex

 As Franscico threw back his lustrous locks and laughed, I outlined my plan for neutralizing the rampaging creature. 

" It   goes on like this for pages.  He's been broadcasting this without our knowledge or permission, all the while making himself the hero."Cisco says. 

" Yeah, every book needs a central proganist that audience csn invest in." HR says. 

" I would have gone with Barry." Caitlin says. 

" Barry?" HR asks. 

" Cisco, what was that back there? First Golden Glider and now her? " Caitlin asks. 

Cisco scoffs

" I can't help who I'm attracted to, even it is the... sexy, intense, deadly  ones. So she talked you back to Earth 19, and what, you pay a fine?"  Cisco asks. " 

" The punishment for an unauthorized breach travel on my Earth... it's death." HR says. 

" Death?" Barry asks. 

" About 25, 25 years ago, a neighboring Earth invaded our planet through a breach and almost destroyed the place. So to prevent it from happening again , they banned all inter dimensional travel. And they put the collectors in place to punish those of us who violated that ban. I didn't think she'd track me down." HR says. 

" So why would you risk your life by coming here?" Caitlin ask . 

" I... I'm gonna get packing. It's time for HR to face the music." HR  says. 

" Mhm-mhm." Cisco says. 

" Guys, I know HR can be annoying, but he doesn't deserve to die." Caitlin says. 

" Different Earth, different morality." Julian says. 

" But he doesn't go back.I saw him. In the future, with me and Iris and Savitar, he was there. I mean, that must mean we don't let her take him back."Barry says.

" Maybe we do. Maybe by letting him go back to his Earth, it changes the future and prevents Iris's death." Julian says. 

" I got to go see her." Barry says as he leaves. 


"Are you gonna let this woman take HR?" Iris asks. 

" I don't know. No. I just... I wish I knew if it would make a difference. You know, I mean, what if he goes and nothing changes? How do we ever k now if our actions now impact the future?" Barry asks. 

" Yeah. You know, sometimes I wish we had normal people problems. " Iris says. 

" Yeah, that would be nice. Hey, you didn't tell Jor about the future, did you?" Barry asks. 

" No, of course not. The last thing  I need is for him to worry about something four months away that might not happen." Iris says. 

" That won't happen." Barry say . 

" That won't happen." Iris says. 

" Maybe in the meantime, you could let this arms dealer ting go?" Barry asks. 

" Oh, God, did my dad put you up to this? " Iris asks. 

" No, he didn't have to." Barry says. 

" Barry, look, this...." Iris says. 

" No, look, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to keep you from doing your job, okay?But when we're all focused on this HR thing and trying to prevent the future. I mean, do we really need to go looking for more trouble? Please." Barry says. 

" Okay, I'll drop it." Iris says. 

" Really? Just like that?" Barry asks as he smiles. 

" Um, yes. Sometimes I do listen to you, you know?" Iris says. 

" That hasn't been my experience." Barry says. 

" Shut up." Iris says as they kiss. 

" All right. I'll see you later." Barry says. 

" Kay, bye." Iris says. 

" Thank you." Barry says as he leaves. 

Later Iris sees Wally speeding around in the Speed Lab 

" Don't you get tire of running?"  Iris asks as Wally stops running and wipes his face. 

" That's the thing, runnnin just sort of keeps my mind off of things, I guess. " Wally says. 

" Must be an amazing feeling." Iris says. 

" It is." Wally says. 

' You know,cracking a big story gives me an amazing feeling. And... I think I'm onto one." Iris says. 

" Oh, that, uh, arms dealer thing?" Wally asks. 

" How do you know about that?" Iris asks. 

" Because both Dad and Barry want you to lay off of it. The phrase ' death wish' got tossed around a lot by them." Wally says. 

" Okay, I do not have a death wish. I just wish to see justice don like everyone in this building. " Iris says. 

" I get that, but it is dangerous, Iris. " Wally says. 

" Wally, how dangerous could it be? I don't die till May. Barry said that in Flashpoint, you and I were a brother-sister crime fighting team. I say we make that a reality again." Iris says. 

" Shouldn't we ask Barry first?" Wally asks. 

" No, this is between us, Wally. We can do this together." Iris says. 

Later HR is packing up in Cisco's workshop

" Do you know what I'm really gonna muss about this Earth?" HR asks. 

" I don't know. Uh..." Cisco says. 

" Soap operas. I mean, a long, winding story served daily in hour long chapters?" HR asks. 

" You never answered Caitlin's question." Cisco says. 

" Oh, about why I put mustard on my fries?" HR asks.

" Why you risked your life to come here." Cisco says. 

" That. I looked in a mirror." HR says. 

" I don't follow." Cisco says. 

" Look, on my Earth, I had fame and power. I had respect. I was HR WELLS. But when I looked in the mirror, I knew the truth. And the truth was... I didn't matter. I was a fraud. That is why I came to this Earth , so I could rewrite my story, both literally and figuratively." HR says. 

" There's gotta be something you can do, HR." Barry says. 

HR laughs

" Thee's not." HR says. 

" You can't  hire a lawyer. Appeal the case?" Barry asks. 

" There's nothing I can do BA. I didn't mean to snap at you. It just.... I don't have any options here, all right? Unless, of course, I appeal for trial by combat." HR says. 

" Guys, Gypsy's here."  Caitlin says over the intercom. 

" Always so punctual." HR says. 

 They go out 

" I'm impressed. Though you'd try and flee again. Time to go." Gypsy says. 

HR clears his throat 

" All right. Gypsy take me home." HR says.

" Wait. You're not taking him anywhere." Barry says. 

" What? " HR asks. 

" Why not?" Gypsy asks. 

" Because I challenge you to trial by combat." Cisco says. 

" What are you doing?" Barry asks. 

" I'm challenging her to trial by combat." Cisco says. 

" No, no. He isn't. Okay. I am. I'm gonna fight you." Barry says. 

" Well, that one spoke first." Gypsy says. 

" What? That's like a real rule?" Barry asks. 

" By the laws of Earth 19, I hereby challenge you for possession of HR  Wells. If you want to, we can solve this another way. There's a great spot for drinks...." Cisco says. 

" You realize trial by combat is to the death? " Gypsy asks. 

" Yeah. For the loser." Cisco says. 

Gypsy chuckles

" Listen, you want him. You're gonna have to come and claim him." Cisco says. 

" Hmm." Gypsy says. 

" That's Arwen." Cisco says. 

" I take it you also want the customary 24 hours to prepare?" Gypsy asks. 

Cisco scoffs

" Do I want the..." Cisco says. 

" Yes you do." Barry says. 

" I would love to take advantage of the customary 24 hours, if you don't mind." Cisco says. 

" Very well. One day. " Gypsy says. 

" One day." Cisco says. 

" See you then." Gypsy says as she goes into a breach. 

Cisco turns around to Barry and HR 

" She's gonna kill me, isn't she?" Cisco asks. 

Later in the practice room

They are watching Gypsy 

Julian exhales

" She' good." Julian says. 

" She's great. I mean , Gypsy is a legend on my Earth." HR says. 

" So, why exactly did you agree to fight her?" Caitlin asks Cisco. 

" I don't know." Cisco says. 

" You did what any of us would have done." Barry says. 

" I might not have done it, just being honest." HR says. 

" Okay, all right, lay it out for me. What are my chances here, scale of one to ten?" Cisco asks. 

" She's gonna kill you." HR says. 

" Pretty solid 'one' mate." Julian says. 

" You have the same powers Gypsy does, right? I mean, she's not doing anything you csn't do." Barry says. 

" Much better....look, I mean, she's just doing it much better." HR says. 

" You can do this, okay? You just need a little practice and a little confidence. And we're all gonna help you with that, right?" Barry says. 

" Yes." Caitlin says. 

" Uh, sure." HR says. 

" Sure, yeah." Julian says. 

" Yes. Yeah." Caitlin says. 

" Hey. I believe in you, all right? You can beat her." Barry says.

" Listen, I have some ideas for a training regimen I can set up in here. Caitlin... why don't you get the medical bay prepared in the meantime." Julian says. 

" What? Well, why does.... why does she need to set up the... the medical bay?" Cisco says. 

" For when you... beat her, when you beat her, she's gonna... she's gonna need medical attention. Cause you  will beat her, I have every faith that you're going beat her." Julian says. 

" We need to work on your interpersonal skills." Caitlin says as they walk away. 

" I was really trying." Julian says. 

" Has anyone ever beat her?" Cisco asks HR as he sits down. 

" Yeah. No." HR says. 

"  Oh, okay. Well, I've officially reached a nice, comfortable level of straight up panic." Cisco says. 

" I mean, you don't even like me. Why would you risk for me?" HR asks. 

" Well, you heard Barry, it's what we do around here." Cisco says. 

" Come on. Why?" HR asks. 

" You're not like the other Wellses." Cisco says. 

" Yeah, so you keep reminding me." HR says. 

" No, I mean, those two, they were geniuses. We depended on them. But with you, the roles are reversed. You depend on us. Harrison Wells was always there for me, so I guess in some weird way, I just... I want to be there or Harrison Wells. Anyway. " Cisco says. 

" Yeah." HR says. 

Later at CCPD 

" So what are we doing here? I thought you didn't want Dad we're after this arms dealer. " Wally asks. 

"Oh, yeah,no, I don't. But, um, actually, I need to swipe his file on the case and photograph the pages and then put them  back. Thanks." Iris says. 

" What? Iris.Have you lost your mind? Dad will kill us." Wally says. 

" No, no. Wally, he won't. He won't even k now that Kid Flash was there." Iris says. 

 " First, you have to  tell me why." Wally says. 

" Okay, look.. I  know everyone is working really hard to prevent Savitar from..." Iris says. 

" Yeah." Wally says. 

" But, honestly, these could be my last few months on Earth." Iris says. 

" Can you not talk like that?" Wally asks. 

" I'm just being realistic, Wally. I get to do that. Look, I want  my life to mean something, more than just a daughter or a sister  or as a girlfriend, but as a reporter. This story can do that. It can say, I, Iris West, mattered." Iris says. 

" You know my life was a lot easier before I had a sister." Wally says. 

" But it's a lot better now, isn't it? Come on." Iris says. 

" Okay." Wally says. 

" I can get you the no knock warrant, but, Joe, this guy is armed to the teeth with God knows what. You're gonna have to move in fast and hard." Cecile says. 

Joe laughs

" Fast and hard. Okay, I kind of walked into  that..." Cecile says. 

" Hey, sorry." Iris says. 

" Hey, sweetheart." Joe says as they hug. 

" Hi." Iris says. 

' Hi Iris." Cecile says. 

" Hi. Good to see you, Cecile. Um, Dad, can I borrow you for a  second for a little father- daughter talk?" Iris asks. 

" Uh.. I need to go catch up with Captain Singh, so I will be back in a little bit, yeah? It's good to see you." Cecile says looking at Iris. 

" Good to see you too." Iris says as Cecile walks away. 

" So, what's up? How can I help you?" Joe asks. 

" Can I talk to you for a second over here ? Um...( Iris clears her throat) Uhh, yeah, so,um, I wanted to.. to speak to you about me and Barry." Iris says. 

" You and Barry?" Joe asks. 

" Yes." Iris says. 

" Okay." Joe says. 

" So, there comes a time in every couple's relationship when you realize there is too much love for two people...and ( Wally speeds in and takes the document)  Uh, when that happens, you know in your heart that the only solution is to make your family a little... bigger. " Iris says. 

" Okay, I'm gonna need a second." Joe says. 

" Oh! Dad, hey, hey, listen to me very closely. This is so important to me. Um.. Um..( Wally speeds back and keeps the file on Joe's desk) Is Barry a dog or a cat person?" Iris asks. 

" What?" Joe asks rather confused. 

" Yeah, what kind of  animal does he like? Because I was thinking about getting him a pet and I really don't remember him having a preference." Iris says. 

" Oh, man, you had me going there for a second." Joe says. 

" What, what did you think I  was talking about?" Iris asks. 

" No, nothing, I... you can get him any kind of animal you  want as long as it has four legs." Joe says. 

"Good, great advice, four legs, copy that.Thanks  for the chat. Okay, bye." Iris says as she leaves. 

Joe wipes his forehead 

" Damn." Joe says. 

In the practice room in STAR Labs

 Cisco tries shooting a vibe but accidently faces the wrong way 

" Oh, yeah. Facing the wrong way again.How many is that?" Cisco asks. 

" Three." Catlin says. 

" Nine." Julian says. 

" You'll get there." Barry says. 

" Yes. Hopefully in the next 21 hours and 46 minutes." Julian says. 

" All right, look whenever I'm out there, I'm in a tough fight, I think maybe I don't have it,I just take a deep breathe...( Cisco takes a deep breathe) Trust my instincts." Barry says. 

" Trust my instincts, that's good. That helps." Cisco says. 

Cisco goes into a breach and lands high above everyone else

" Where'd he go?" Julian asks. 

" I don't know." Barry says. 

" Guys? Up here." Cisco says. 

HR tells Barry 

" Let... let's go talk." HR say . 

" All right." Barry says. 

" We csn't let Francisco fight Gypsy because if he does, he was a dead man." HR says. 

" You don't know that." Barry says. 

" Oh, I know that. Youknow that. He knows that." HR says. 

" Okay,  I get it." Barry says. 

" She knows that. We know that; everyone knows..." HR says. 

" So what are supposed to do?" Barry ask . 

" We're supposed to stop her before she fights him. " HR says. 

" That would be great if we knew where she was. ( HR raises his hand ) Yes?" Barry asks. 

" I know where she is." HR says. 

" How?" Barry asks. 

" I tagged her with a tracer last time she was here. A magician friend told me you kind of distract em and tag.." HR says. 

" HR." Barry says. 

" I need to know where she was so I could stay one step ahead of. She is..." HR says as he opens the  tablet 

" At the water front." Barry says. 

" At the waterfront. What do you say? For Francisco? " HR asks. 

" All right." Barry says. 

At the waterfront with Gypsy 

" This world may be primitive, uncultured backwater, but they do make an excellent cup of coffee." Gypsy says. 

" That they do.You know what you gotta try. You gotta try the Brazillian roast, it's new.It is so good." HR says. 

" Maybe I'll take a free bags back with me." Gypsy say . 

" Yeah, think that's wise." HR says. 

" Will you be going back in a bag?" Gypsy asks HR. 

" Look, that, kid, Francisco, he's just trying to protect me." HR says. 

" Then he's foolish as he is cute." Gypsy says. 

" Okay, Gypsy. Let's go home." HR says. 

Suddenly Barry speeds to Gypsy but Gypsy takes  him into a breach and handcuffs him. 

" BA." HR says. 

" Nice try! You think I didn't see that coming?" Gypsy says. 

" Stop, stop!" HR says. 

" Stop what? Stop... Stop trying to enforce the law? You are criminal. Now, it's great that you made friends here, but  that doesn't change the face that you lied. You broke our most sacred laws, and now it's time for you to face justice." Gypsy says. 

" Wait!  You still need to face Cisco." Barry says. 

" No, I think this little stunt forfeits his claim. And his time. " Gypsy says. 

" You just said you believe in the law, right? We made a mistake. Cisco will hold up his end of the deal." Barry says. 

" He will." HR says. 

" You have really pulled a number on these people if they would die for you. Tell Cisco there's no backing out now.  I'll keep this one as insurance until then." Gypsy says. 

" BA." HR say as Gypsy  as she takes him into a breach. 

Barry exhales

" That's not good." Barry says. 

At STAR Labs 

"She took HR?" Cisco asks. 

" MHm-hmm." Barry says. 

" Can she do that?I mean, I though this whole trial by combat had rules.  " Caitlin says. 

" Which apparently we broke when we tried to get the drop on her." Barry says. 

" Well, that wasn't very clever, was it? A deal's a deal. It should be honored. " Julian says. 

" You know what? You're right, Julian. A deal is a deal. And our deal was that I would train so I could fight Gypsy, but I guess you two wanted to go behind my back and try to sub in?" Cisco asks. 

" We didn't go..... we  just thought maybe you could use some help." Barry says.

" Yeah, what happened to Cisco,  you can beat her?" Cisco asks . 

" You can." Barry says. 

"I believe in you." Cisco says. 

" I do." Barry says. 

" Trust your instincts. ( Barry grunts and sighs) Well, right now, my instincts are telling me that I should be writing my last will and testament, so please excuse me." Cisco says. 

" Cisco, come..." Barry says. 

" Should I go talk to him?" Caitlin asks.

" No, I.... I got it." Barry says. 

" Looks like I am not the only  one who has to work on their interpersonal skills." Julian says. 

Cisco is in his workshop putting things away 

" Oh, hey. I'd be careful if I were you. Last thing we want is for me to touch a button and blow your head off, right?( Cisco mock laughs) Cause I don't know what I'm doing, right?" Cisco says. 

" You know I don't think that." Barry says. 

" Yeah, well, you have very, very strange way of showing it." Cisco says. 

" You're right, man, I'm sorry. I don't know.I just... guess this whole " Not getting faster" thing, it just as me rattled. I was always able to do it before, you know? I mean, against Reverse Flash and then against Zoom, but.... Savitar's on a whole other level. And knowing what he'll do to Iris if I fail?" Barry asks. 

" I'm afraid just... thinking what's going to happen to HR if I don't beat Gypsy. But  you, you're the hero. I mean, how do you handle all this pressure?" Cisco asks Barry . 

" By just leaning on all you guys. You know, I mean, you're always in my corner, helping me face my fears."And it is okay to be afraid. Trust me. And when you ae, I'll be there in your corner." Barry says. 

" Yes, lovely little speech, Allen. But what Mr.  Ramon needs to defeat his inter dimensional adversary is a practical strategem.  Lucky for you, I found one. This is Gypsy's signature move. I call it her " breach and blast." Julian says. 

" Oh yeah. that move." Cisco says. 

" You see just before she comes in and out of a breach, her feet come off the ground." Julian says. 

" So for that split second that she's off the ground, she'll be off balance." Barry says. 

" Yes, and vulnerable. might behoove you to use this during the battle." Julian says. 

" This is great, Julian." Barry says. 

" Hmm, just glad I could be helpful." Julian says. 

" This is... more than helpful. I gotta work on this. Thank you." Cisco says. 

" Cheers." Julian says. 

" Thanks." Barry says. 

Later at the warehouse

" You sure this is the place?" Wally asks Iris. 

" Positive." Iris says. 

" All right. You ready to bust an arms dealer?" Wally asks. 

" Wally, wait. CCPD's been looking for the guy for months. He might have some sort of secret tunnel that helps him slip out and get away." Iris says. 

" I should do a quick recon. " Wally says. 

" Yeah. Thorough. We don't want to miss anything, okay?" Iris asks. 

" Be back in a you-know - what." Wally says as he speeds away. 

Iris goes into the warehouse

The arm dealer finds her

" Hiope you like what you see cause this sneek preview is gonna cost you your life." The guy says. 

" Yeah, I don't think so." Iris says. 

" Are you crazy? That'll rip a hole right through you." He says. 

" Everyone's gotta go sometime, right? And I am pretty sure today.... isn't my day." Iris says as she moves towards the gun.

Wally speeds in and sees what's happening 

" What the hell, sis? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Wally asks. 

 They hear police sirens

" God, okay, look, we gotta get you out of here before CCPD sees you." Iris says. 

" Don't worry, Dad's like, my biggest fan now. He's totally cool with me doing  stuff like this."Wally says. 

AT STAR Labs with Joe, Wally, Iris and Barry 

" Hell no, I ain cool with this. You two almost compromised  a major CCPD sting  operation that took the DA's officeemonths to assemle." Joe says. 

" You still got the guy, right?" Iris asks. 

" That is the point, Iris. The point is, you had your and your brother out there in danger, and for what? A story? And where the hell were you?" Joe asks looking at Barry. 

" Dad, this is more than just a story for me. " Iris says. 

" Yeah, which you almost got shot for." Wally says. 

" Oh, God." Barry says. 

" What? Iris. What is going on with you?" Joe asks. 

" Joe, I'm sorry...can I talk to you for a second. ( Barry holds Iris's hand )We'll be right back. ( They walk to Cisco's workshop) Joe already suspects something's up. You going out there like that, it just hangs a bell on it." Barry says. 

" This story is going to change lives, Barry. Why do think that you're the only one allowed to risk your life to do good?" Iris asks. 

" I don't. ( Iris turns to the construction of the scene from the future)It's okay to be afraid of the future. But I won't let you die." Barry says. 

" I'm not afraid to die, Barry. I'm not. " Iris says. 

" I'm afraid....( Iris sighs) What if I end up like my mom? Just gone without making a mark without leaving anything behind?" Iris  asks crying. 

" Iris, your mom, she left something behind. She left a wonderful son, and the woman that  I love. All right? I don't know what the future holds, none of us do. I know that we will face it together." Barry says. 

Cisco pops his head in 

" Gypsy vibed me her location. Let's do this!" Cisco says. 

With HR and Gypsy  

" I don't think the literary critics on our Earth would know a real sci-fi romance best seller unless it bit them in the..." HR says. 

" Time's up, Wells. Looks like your so- called friend is a coward after all." Gypsy says. 

" He's not a coward. He's one of the finest men I've ever known." HR says. 

Cisco talks from behind Gypsy 

" Oh, you're right about that! I'm fine as hell!" Cisco says. 

HR chuckles 

" There he is!" HR says. 

" Didn't think you'd show." Gypsy say . 

" Oh, I wouldn't miss an evening with you, even if it was for a showdown." Cisco says. 

" I will kill you, Cisco." Gypsy says. 

" We'll see who dies tonight." Cisco says. 

" To the victor goes HR." Gypsy says. 

" May the best vibe win." Cisco says. 

Part of  me was hoping you wuldn't show tonight." Gypsy says. 

" How do you want to do this? Westworld style, ten pacesback, turn and shoot?" Cisco asks. 

" No." Gypsy says as she blasts  Cisco and he falls down.  

Cisco gets up and both he and Gypsyblast at each other

" This does not bode well." Julian says. 

" Cisco can hold his own." Barry says. 

" Hmm. Barely." Julian says. 

" Barry, we can't let this happen. What if he can't defeat her?" Caitlin asks Barry. 

" I can't interfere again. If I do, then we forfeit. HR's a dead man." Barry says. 

" At this rate, Cisco's gonna be the dead man." Julian says. 

" Oh! Ooh, girl! You done it now!" Cisco says. 

" Stronger than I thought." Gypsy says. 

" I'm just  getting warmed up." Cisco says. 

" Yeah, maybe not do that." HR says. 

" Time to turn things up to 11." Gypsy says. 

" Spinal Tap.That's, like, one of my favorite movies... Cisco says. 

Gypsy opens a breach and runs in with Cisco 

" Where did they go?" Caitlin  asks. 

" I.....they could be anywhere by now." Barry says. 

" In any universe." Julian We says. 

They breach into Earth 2. 

" This is Earth-2." Cisco says. 

Gypsy hits Cisco. 

" You're cute, but you talk too much." Gypsy says. 

" Oh, you want to play dirty, huh? Let's play dirty." Cisco says as Gypsy punches him again. 

" Oh that hurts." Cisco as again Gypsy hurts him. 

 " That too." Cisco says. 

Gypsy breaches them to Earth 38 

" Is it me, or i this city getting weirder." Tessmacher says. 

 they fight and then breach to a lava

" Well, this is hot." Gypsy says. 

" I think you're flirting with  me to distract me cause you're afraid." Cisco says. 

Gypsy laughs

" My collection record is flawless. In these trails, I am undefeated." Gypsy says. 

" Oh, please. Everybody's got  a weakness. Even you." Cisco says. 

" Says the man afraid of showing everyone how powerful he can be. You and I resonate on a similar frequency. I can feel it. Yet you allow your fear and insecurity to hold you back. That's why you're gonna lose." Gypsy says. 

Gypsy opens a breach and goes in and comes out and loses balance and Cisco blasts her and she falls down

" Does this look like holding back to you? I could do this all night."  Cisco says. 

" How did you..." Gypsy asks on the ground. 

" You might want to work on your balance next time, girl.Admit it, I won!" Cisco says. 

" Yes." Barry says. 

" He won." Caitlin  says. 

" Yeah, he did." Barry says. 

" He won." Caitlin says. 

" Yes!" Barry says

" She must have been having an off day. What?" Julian asks. 

" Wow!" Barry says. 

" By the law of Earth 19, the prisoner is your for the taking. So is my life." Gypsy says. 

" Oh, no, no, no, no. We don't roll around like that. Come on. " Cisco says as Cisco gives Gypsy his hand. 

" In all the multiverse, I have.... never...met anyone like you, Cisco." Gypsy says. 

" Please, call me Vibe.Or...or you can call me Cisco. That's also allowed. I'm just a regular guy. Just a regular...single guy." Cisco says. 

In STAR Labs

Caitlin is checking over Cisco 

" It says your're totally fine." Caitlin says. 

Barry turns around and asks Gypsy 

" So what happens now? Go back your Earth? Tell all your superiors that you were bested in battle, all of the charges against HR are dropped?" Barry asks. 

" No. I tell them I killed him." Gypsy says. 

" Wait, what?" HR asks. 

" If I return empty handed, they'll know I failed. And I never fail. Until today. " Gypsy says. 

" Okay, but if you tell them that you killed me,  then I...." HR says. 

" You will never go back to Earth 19, ever. Do we have a deal?" Gypsy asks HR. 

" Yeah, I guess we have a deal. I don't really have anything to go home for." HR says.

" You'll always have a home  here, HR." Caitlin says. 

HR pats Cisco on the shoulder and hugs Caitlin 

Cisco goes up to Gypsy 

" Listen, I know there's no coffee on your Earth because of the whole Blight thing or whatever, but this... this is an absurd amount of coffee you're bringing back to your Earth.That can't be legal."  Cisco says. 

" Imean, I won't tell if you won't." Gypsy says. 

" You know, for someone so fixated on n enforcing the law, you seem oddly at ease about breaking it." Cisco says. 

" Well, I guess some laws are meant to broken for the right person." Gypsy says. 

" Mm." Cisco says. 

Hmm." Gypsy says. 

" So this is goodbye then?" Cisco asks. 

 "For now." Gypsy says 

Then she opens a breach and disappears. 

Cisco exhales

" Wow, what an exit!" Cisco says. 

Later in Barry and Iris's loft 

Barry is reading the article 

" Okay, you know for the fastest man alive, you are the slowest reader." Iris says. 

" Hey, this is your big article. I'm not gonna rush through it. ( Barry sighs) Just kidding, I read it five times already. You sure sold the hell out of Kid Flash as Central City's super saviour. I'm sure Wally's loving that."Barry says. 

" Well, I did  promise him the front page. But what do you think? Do you think it'll make a difference?" Iris asks Barry. 

" Kid Flash already changed one thing that we saw in the future. " Barry say looking somewhere else. 

" No, I meant the article." Iris says. 

" What?" Barry asks. 

" The article?"Iris asks. 

" I think you should be really proud." Barry says. 

" Yeah?" Iris asks. 

" Yeah." Barry says. 

Iris sits on Barry's lap

" It's the beginning of.... an amazing journalistic legacy." Barry say . 

" Really?" Iris asks. 

" Mhm-mmh." Barry says. 

How amazing? Like Pulitzer amazing?" Iris asks. 

" Time will tell. Hey, I'm sorry. I...Do you know what I realized? Savitar, he said that I trapped him wherever he is; you know what that means? It means I beat him. And I'm gonna do  it again, I promise. The Flash is gonna save you. " Barry says. 

" My hero." Iris says as they kiss. 

In STAR Labs HR is talking for his book 

" The thing that they never tell you is that nothing ever stays the same. So the harder you work to take down the bad guys, the the more they up their game." HR says into his recorder. 

" Hey." Cisco says as he comes in. 

" Hey. " HR says. 

" Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt." Cisco says. 

"  No." HR says. 

" Just had to grab some stuff for..." Cisco says. 

" Yeah." HR says. 

" I thought you had finished working with that stuff." Cisco asks. 

" Oh, no, it's just, uh, this is just for me. No, the book...the book, it... you know, my own personal sense of accomplishment. " HR says. 

Cidsco scoffs

" Well, you've accomplished plenty." Cisco says. 

" Ha! HA! What have I accomplished, Francisco?" HR asks. 

" Well, for one, you got me risk my life to save yours. And trust me, my friend, that is a huge  accomplishment. " Cisco says. 

" Yeah, about that . I just want to say that I appreciate what you did for me." HR says. 

" Yeah, it's what we do for our friends, right? Besides, it was a way for me to balance the scales. " Cisco says. 

" Balance the scales, right. What does that mean?" HR asks. 

" I just mean... I can't tell you the amount of times that I've been in your shoes and a man with your face has made me feel better." Cisco says. 

" Yeah, about that, I would... I would love if you could share some of my doppelgangers knowledge. I would love to know what the smarter versions of me think." HR says.  

" Okay, um...( Cisco sits down) The first Wells told me my time would come to be a hero, that it was my job to show up,  to be ready for when it did.You know why I love working here?" Cisco asks. 

" Why?" HR asks. 

" We're all making investments in each other. I ade an investment in you, and one day that investment's gonna pay off when  you use that... crazy way of thinking you have to help me out. I guess if he were here, he would say, " Show up." Cisco says. 

" Yeah." HR says. 

" Be ready." Cisco says. 

" Yeah." HR says. 

" Cause... one day, you might need to save my ass." Cisco says. 

In the Speed Lab Wally is speeding along the track 

Barry sees the score on the screen

" Keep it up at this rate, you're gonna reach Mach 3 soon." Barry says. 

" I know, it's... it's crazy how fast I've gotten in such a short time, right?" Wally asks. 

" Yeah. And I'm gonna need you to get a lot faster." Barry says. 

" Why's that?" Wally asks. 

" Because I've done the math over and over and I finally realised that I've been looking at things the wrong way. I'm not gonna save Iris from Savitar. You are." Barry says. 


Hey Guys, so hope you guys are enjoying this one shot book 

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