Dead Man Running

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Hey Guys 

So season 6 episode 3 is a hilarious episode.

So I'm gonna do this one

Here we go 

Long authors note at the end 

Previously on The Flash 

" My cure will work." Ramsey says. 

" Or turn them into meta humans." Caitlin says. 

" Beginning biopsy examination on Patient A- Mitch Romero. " Ramsey says. 

" I want to become a defense attorney for meta humans." Cecile says. 

" Babe, do you know how many you could help in this city?" Joe asks. 

" Hi, I'm here about the internship?" Allegra asks. 

" Welcome to the Citizen." Iris says. 

" In order for billions to survive, The Flash must die." The Monitor says. 

" I'm gonna see this crisis for myself. The only timeline where you all survived was if I died. " Barry says. 

" So what do we tell them?" Iris asks. 

" Whatever we're gonna do, we can't tell the team I'm gonna die." Barry says. 

" Add all of these to the inventory. Tomorrow's bake sale is gonna be a big treat. " The guy says. 

" Who died and made you boss?" The 2nd guy asks. 

" MItch Romero." The guy says. 

" Still no word from him? That makes Romero missing, not dead." The second guy says. 

" In our line of work, what's the difference? This is my crew now." The guy says. 

" Fan out. Whoever's here, put him down." The second guy says. 

Then they figure who is trailing them and the first guy  sees Romero

" Romero?" The guy asks. 

Later at STAR Labs

" The Monitor? Where did you see him?" Cisco asks. 

" We went in the Time Vault, right after putting Chester in the MAC. The Crisis that he spoke about last year, it's the same one that is in the plinth's newspaper. And it's not coming in 2024. It's coming December 10th 2019." Barry says. 

 " Are you sure about this?" Ralph asks. 

" The jackass lied to you." Killer Frost says. 

" Yeah, well, we thought so, too, but...Barry went to Earth 3, and Jay Garrick helped him see that it was true." Iris says. 

" How did he do that?" Cisco asks. 

" Jay projected my mind forward into the future. " Barry says. 

" Okay, and what did you see?" Cisco asks. 

" I saw a giant wave of anti matter sweeping over our Earth. Vaporized all of Central City and everybody in it. Including you three." Barry says. 

" Great. I'll go mark my calendar." Killer Frost says. 

" We still have seven weeks to make sure none of this happens." Barry says. 

" Guys, Barry's right. We've changed the future before. We can change it again." Iris says. 

" So what else did our Asgardian cosplayer say?" Ralph asks as his phone buzzes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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