Come To Me

By beauty_zyl

4.1K 409 383

Shen Wei is a supernatural girl who can see, hear and touch ghost as well as can easily be possessed by ghost... More

Characters in the story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Final)

Chapter 20

124 15 7
By beauty_zyl

''Wait! My head!'' Lin called while holding his head that almost exploded to see all the shining words around his head.

''Babe, what's happened?'' Zhu worryingly asked.

''Those words... A lot... And my head... almost exploded!'' Lin whined.

All the words that Lin saw around his heads gushed into his head one by one but fast like a lightening. Lin can't help to scream a little for the extremely headache he feels. Zhu at his side holds him tight while soothing his pain. Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan look at each other. But then, Shen Wei sensed the evil ghosts near them while Da Qing is meowing angrily.

''The crow and the evil ghosts!'' Shen Wei stated those words.

Zhao Yunlan nods admitted.

''Yunlan, make a barrier for Lin. Protect him till he finished with his awakening. Me and the others will handle those evils,'' Shen Wei said.

Zhao Yunlan nods again, now agreed for the plan from Shen Wei. As Zhao Yunlan makes a barrier for Lin, Ya Qing, the crow leader comes to them together with the evil ghosts and some of crows. Shen Wei summons her scythe and the others also get ready for the fight. Chu holds Guo's scare hands from releasing his scare on the lightening rod as he didn't want this little brother creates a fight before the enemies attack.

''Ghost slayer and ghost face! How surprised you two are here now with different appearances. You look handsome, ghost face with that short hair and modern clothes,'' Ya Qing commented as she saw these two little ghosts.

''Cut the crap, Ya Qing! How dare you to come here to face us after you betrayed our Yashou tribes!'' Da Qing angrily said to Ya Qing.

Ya Qing laughs.

''What did I do, fat cat?! I am just helping them to let us all live together on this ground,'' Ya Qing said.

''Live together? How sweet you are, Ya Qing to create a new rule for us to live together on this ground. But Ya Qing, you just dig in your grave to let them live on this ground, you know?'' Yezhun spouted his words.

Ya Qing laughs again.

''Dig in my grave? How? They need their life too, ghost face. Like you and ghost slayer, they also want to live with the light from Sun and moonlight,'' Ya Qing replied.

Shen Wei smirks to hear those words from Ya Qing. This crow leader will not learn anything from the previous war.

''Ghosts don't need the light to live. They should live peacefully in the underground. The ground is for the humans!'' Shen Wei stated with her ghost slayer's eyes and face.

Ya Qing silently swallows hard. She can see this ghost slayer is stronger than the previous one like Zhujiu told her. But Ya Qing didn't want to show that she is scared of this ghost slayer. She laughs a little for Shen Wei's words.

''Don't be greedy, ghost slayer. For these times, you and ghost face are living happily on this ground with Kunlun and now with that Kunlun's reincarnation. Why not you give a chance to those ghosts too to live on the ground like you?'' Ya Qing said.

Shen Wei smirks again.

''You are the one who is greedy now, Ya Qing! With them on the ground, you and your crows can live longer. Without them, you and your crows are nothing!'' Shen Wei replied.

Ya Qing silents for a moment. She is mad to hear those words as she didn't want those ghosts know her intention to help those ghosts. Like Shen Wei said, she and her crows are nothing without those ghosts on the ground. They are only lively with the ghosts around.

''Please let us passing this way, Ya Qing! Go back to your tribe!'' Da Qing interrupted.

Ya Qing laughs. She will not let them passing this way to the peak of Buzou Mountain. She orders those evil ghosts and her crows to attack on the little ghosts and guardians order. Shen Wei and the others fight back while Zhu and Zhao Yunlan are trying to protect Lin that still in the process of awakening. Those ghosts and even the crows can't go through the barrier that Zhao Yunlan created around them three. Zhao Yunlan looks at Shen Wei and the others who are fighting with their enemies.

Shen Wei fights with Ya Qing while Da Qing helps Yezhun to suck those ghosts. Chu fights the crows while protecting Guo as Guo is the main important people in their team. Wang and Sang help Yezhun and Da Qing to fight with the ghosts.

''Zhu, help them! Leave Lin to me! I will piggy him on my back to the peak of Buzou Mountain. You and the others try to distract Ya Qing and those evils from going to the peak of mountain, alright?'' Zhao Yunlan said his planning.

Zhu nods understand and she helps Zhao Yunlan to lean Lin on his back for a piggyback. As Zhao Yunlan rushes to the peak of Buzou Mountain with barrier still surrounded their bodies for the protection, Zhu quickly transforms to her snake form and fights with the others at there. Shen Wei and the others saw Zhao Yunlan has piggyback Lin and they keeps preventing those evils from climbing to the peak of mountain.

''Lin, please bear with the pain. I can feel your energy now! And that merit brush is calling for you on the peak. Let those words enter your head, Lin! You need those words soon for your monk talismans!'' Zhao Yunlan breathlessly said his words to Lin.

''Just... climb... up, Yunlan!'' Lin hardly replied as the pain is still there on his head.

Zhao Yunlan keeps climbing for a few minutes more and finally they arrived on the peak of Buzou Mountain. Zhao Yunlan leans Lin's body near that tree at the side of old temple. Lin smiles to see that tree. He can see that merit brush is shining on one of the tree buds using his glowing eyes.

''I think I can use my power now,'' Lin said and he chants a spell while moving his hands on the air.

Zhao Yunlan widens his eyes to see those talismans are suddenly appeared and surrounded that tree. He saw Lin's eyes are glowing and Lin's body is surrounded by the orange red light like a fire.

''It needs the other energy, monk! You can't take that merit brush without Kunlun's energy!''

Zhao Yunlan startled. Suddenly he heard that voice. That voice is familiar to him. But he didn't know from who. He looks around but saw nothing.

''Yunlan, your energy! It needs your energy!'' Lin shouted while standing up from his place.

Zhao Yunlan backs to his sense and he also chants a spell while moving his hands on the air. Finally another talismans are appeared on the air and surrounded that tree too. He looks at Lin that now looking at him while chanting more spells from the words that entered into Lin's head before this. Zhao Yunlan smiles to see that awakening of that tree monk. As Lin finished with his spell, the merit brush separated from the tree bud and flying toward Lin.

''I got you now, merit brush!'' Lin said as he grabbed that merit brush.

Zhao Yunlan smiles as well as Lin. But then, their smile disappeared as they saw that person near them.

''That's great! You got that merit brush now!'' Zhujiu interrupted and almost to get it from Lin if not Zhao Yunlan pulled Lin to his behind.

''How dare you to come here, Zhujiu!'' Zhao Yunlan mad.

Zhujiu laughs.

''Well, I will get what I want!'' Zhujiu said and he hits his dark energy towards Zhao Yunlan's heart again.

Zhao Yunlan dodged behind and quickly pulls Lin to run away. His heart is not really healed yet to fight with this beast. Zhujiu transforms to his dragon form and flying above Zhao Yunlan and Lin while trying to catch Lin to get the merit brush. Zhao Yunlan and Lin keep avoiding that attack from Zhujiu's dragon form. They run to the others at downhill with their lifes.

''You can't run away from me now, Kunlun and guardians order!'' Zhujiu shouted and he releases his dragon fire breath towards Zhao Yunlan and the others.

Guo screams and the others are shocked to see that dragon with that fire breath. Zhao Yunlan panicked a little but unconsciously he shouted that name with his life.

''Long Hun!''

Da Qing immediately jumps onto Yezhun's hold to hear that name. His eyes is getting smaller and his head shrinks on Yezhun's hold. A moment later, they heard a loud roar from the sky, making the Buzou Mountain trembles. All of them are shocked to feel that trembling ground. The rocks and sand are falling down from the peak of mountain to the downhill.

''That bastard! You called him!'' Zhujiu shouted in mad and tried to fled away but just got a sudden kick from his behind.

Zhao Yunlan and the others are stunned to see Zhujiu's dragon form is rolling down the mountain while another green dragon is on the sky. Ya Qing quickly retreated from Shen Wei and gets Zhujiu on the ground before they both disappeared with a black swirling around them. The green dragon roared loudly again. Louder than before, making Zhao Yunlan and the others tremble to see this dragon and also to feel the trembling mountain, impacted by the roar of this dragon.

''What is th...''

Before Zhao Yunlan can finish his words, suddenly that green dragon flaps its huge wings to fly to them and grabs all of them with its both claws before it is flying back to the sky. All of them scream especially Guo but not Da Qing that hiding in Yezhun's hold.

'Da Qing, you are still alive! And him too, that ghost face!' that green dragon said in Da Qing's mind.

'Long Hun! Where have you been for these centuries?' Da Qing asked.

'Hibernated while protecting this mountain as requested by Kunlun! When master was dead, I can't use my power as my master can't call me again. But when my new master called me a moment ago, I woke up and saw his life was in danger. Who is that black dragon? I can sense Long Wang's energy within him,' Long Hun asked as he told the truth about his hibernation life through the centuries.

'It's that beast, Zhujiu. The seed of Long Wang and that ghost woman. He wanted to get the four hallows to break the seal of hell gate. The seal of hell gate was opened half by ghost slayer's dead body but ghost face is still alive under Kunlun's seal. I am not sure why that beast wants to break another half seal. What is it that he tried to let out from the hell gate,' Da Qing told.

'As I know Long Wang was dead but not his lover, that ghost! Isn't Yan Wang trapped that ghost in the deepest hell before Long Wang was dead?' Long Hun asked again.

'Supposedly... Well, where are you want to bring us now?' Da Qing asked as he replied for that question of that ghost.

'Far away from this Buzou Mountain as that mountain will collapse now by my woke up from hibernation. I just hibernated at there to protect the merit brush that came back to its bud after Kunlun was dead,' Long Hun told.

'Then, can you bring us to the Kunlun Mount for us to seal the hell gate? I guess our cars are damaged too by that collapsing of Buzou Mountain now, right?' Da Qing requested as he feels calm now to face this fierce ancient animal.

Long Hun roars again for his delightful in hearing the words from Da Qing about the cars. Long Hun looks downward. With his huge eyes, he can see their cars are damaged now by the collapsing of Buzou Mountain like Da Qing said.

'The humans will see my form soon, Da Qing. The human world will be in chaos soon. Is that alright with you and them?' Long Hun asked.

'It's alright, Long Hun. Besides, the human world is already in chaos now with the activated of sundial reincarnation caused Shen Nong, that beast Zhujiu and Ya Qing the crow tried to break the seal of hell gate. A lot of ghosts are wondering on the ground and disturbing the human worlds,' Da Qing told.

'Well, if that the case, lead me the way to Kunlun Mount and let me help you and them to seal back that hell gate and save the human world,' Long Hun requested.

'My pleasure, Long Hun!' Da Qing excitedly replied.

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