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By -waywardpogves

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28 4 88
By -waywardpogves

The resolution of conflict can end in different two ways: either one receives their happily ever after, or no such peace will come to an individual. But endings are hard, especially one that strays away from your stereotypical  'happily ever afters'. Sure, happiness may seem inevitable when the deed is done and the hero can finally return to the life they were told they wouldn't have if they didn't defeat said darkness. But the story stops. You don't see what the heroes go through after they endure countless horrors. You don't see the scars. You see the way they forget everything that happened to them- everything they had to survive.

How could you forget things that were engraved into your mind...into your soul? It changes a person. It doesn't just dissolve into the happily ever after just because the physical pain has dissipated. What about the emotional torture? The memories that crush your mental stability?  It can't be forgotten.

But it can be utilized.

Once you finally discover how to live with the weight of such terrible memories, you find the way to truly live. Using your past experiences can only make you stronger, and that strength is what helps you move on from what has hurt you in your past. It helps you cherish what you have around you. Unfortunately, happiness doesn't immediately come, but in the time it takes for one to heal...it will soon after. That's something a lot of stories leave out...the process of happiness. It's the reality of what trauma does to someone and it needs to be recognized. You can never assume happiness is instantly in store for someone just because whatever they were going through is supposedly gone. That's what fairytales don't teach us, but they did teach us that being alone never solves that.

But when Bai's eyes fluttered open, he felt completely alone.

Through his fuzzy vision, he saw all of the people that meant everything to him scattered across the ground, their complexion pale and blood dripping down from their noses, ears, and eyes. It was happening again. And when he scrambled over to Kai's side and tried to shake him awake, all he could see was the face of Jian.

Once again, he was surrounded by his fallen soldiers, and Bai broke...his fiery spirit was burnt out.

And for the first time in years, he held nothing back, letting sob after sob erupts from his lips as he buried his face into Kai's stilled chest. Bai rocked back and forth, constantly asking why this kept happening to him, but no answer came to him that could pull him out of the emotional pit he had fallen into. He didn't even realize that what they had done should've destroyed the evil for good. It didn't even cross his mind because their win didn't really feel like a win. How could it when they lost everything?

But then something happened...something that made Bai's spirits lift the slightest amount. The darkness that had crept within the roots of the trees and the other life that grew in the forest gradually sunk into the roots and disappeared into the ground, fading from existence to give Bai the reassurance that they had won. With that, life was born again. The grass returned to its vibrant shade of green with small blossoms popping up from the soil. The leaves of the trees shimmered with their endless colors and buds bloomed with pride and beauty.

But all Bai could think about was how much Aurelia would love to see it...how much they would all love to see it. They had risked their lives for it, the least this world could do for them was let them live where they could feel safe at all times or they didn't have to worry about defeating an overall evil that could destroy the world.

Bai remained hunched over Kai's body, cradling the boy's head in his arms as the tears fell continuously. The thoughts drowned his mind with sorrow and regret, only the smallest part of him feeling thankful for what they did. But just before Bai could lose all the hope he had in the world, he felt his head slowly raise upon Kai's chest as Kai's lungs filled with air. Bai's head snapped to look at the boy's face, finding Kai's piercing blue eyes staring back up at him.

"Hey," Kai exhaled.

That was the only thing Bai let him say before he corralled him into a suffocating hug. Bai continued to sob into Kai's shoulder while Kai hugged Bai close to him, never wanting to let go.

"I knew you were stronger," Bai sobbed as he pressed a soft kiss to Kai's forehead.

Kai pulled away to examine Bai. "Are-Are you okay?"

Neither of them knew what to say, how to react to the reality of them being alive after they were told that their chances of survival were slim.

"I'm fine, at least I think I am," Bai answered. "Wait, if we are alive, then that means that the other should've survived, right? They could just be unconscious."

Kai shrugged. "I-I-I don't know but we have to try to wake them up. Morana said we would all survive or we would all die. The others have to be alive."

The two boys split off. Bai knelt to Eros's side while Kai raced to Andrea. They both stood over the lifeless bodies and tried to shake them, mumbling words under their breath over and over, their eyes trained on their pale faces for any sign of life. Eros was the first to wake, his entire body suddenly jolting alive. Bai smiled down at him and let down a hand to help him sit up. Andrea awoke seconds later, her eyes quickly finding Kai as she reached up to cup his cheek with her hand to make sure what she was seeing was actually real. Kai grabbed her hand and helped her to her feet.

Eros's hand fell upon Corrine's cheek to brush away some of the blood and urged her to wake up. Her eyes opened slowly and as if she had almost all the strength in the world, she tackled Eros to the ground to hug him. Eros hugged her back, tears trickling down both of their cheeks. Andrea went over to wake up Axel while Kai went to Nizhoni. When both pairs of eyes finally opened, Axel and Nizhoni immediately brought each other into a hug. Bai finally made his way to Aurelia and shook her awake just as Corrine hurried over to Morana. After a few moments of Bai shaking her, the innocent girl awoke, looking as if the smile had never left her face. She jumped up to hug Bai, relieved to see that they had survived.

All that was left was Darron, who still rested peacefully on the soft grass. Aurelia slid over next to him and grabbed his shoulders, but no matter how hard she tried, the boy didn't stir the slightest bit.

Her smile quickly faded. "Darron?" She shook him a little harder. She looked up at the others. "He should be awake by now," she whispered in panic, her breath quickening and her heart pounding against her chest. "Darron?!"

Andrea kneeled next to Aurelia. "Let me see," she said softly. Andrea leaned over and pressed her ear to the boy's chest, listening very closely for even the faintest heartbeat, but she found no sign. Andrea sat up and shook her head. The tears welled up in Aurelia's eyes instantaneously. She snapped her glance to Morana.

"What happened to him?!" She cried.

Morana didn't even know what to tell the girl. She didn't have the answer. "I-I don't know."

"You said we would all survive or we would all die! He should be waking up!"

Morana's eyes shifted to the black gem that was cracked in various places. "It's power may have been too much for him to handle. I-It may have already taken over too much of his body before we destroyed it. A substantial amount of damage could've been done to his soul if that's the case."

"Can we save him?" Aurelia asked desperately.

"We already used up the potion," Corrine answered solemnly.

Aurelia locked eyes with Morana. "Can you save him?"

"I-I don't have healing powers," Morana stuttered.

"But-But you said that you have mastered your powers enough that you can reverse events," she spoke, her sentence broken up by sobs. "Can you reverse death?"

"I've never done anything like that before."

"But you can try."

Morana hesitated, fearing that her attempt might only bring the poor girl more disappointment, but she agreed and kneeled next to Darron. She held her hand out so that her white ring of light could form. Morana slowly twisted her wrist, causing a black mist to slowly emerge from Darron's body and fade away into the air. Once there was no more darkness, a blinding white light shone from his chest. There was nothing more Morana could do, so she lowered her hand and waited for any results. Aurelia's stature hovered over him, both hands cupping his face as she waited anxiously with every passing second.

Finally, her hopes were fulfilled and Darron suddenly gasped for air. She practically threw herself on top of him and pulled him into a grateful hug. Darron buried his face into the crick of her neck, remembering that in her arms was the safest place he could ever be.

He felt a smile of pure happiness stretch across his face. "Is this because I didn't show you all the flowers?"

Aurelia laughed and pressed a passionate yet quick kiss to his lips. "No, you told me you loved me, and I never got the chance to say it back."

Darron sat up straighter and kissed her forehead. "And I mean it more than anything."

Corrine and Eros knelt down to the ground with the couple and wrapped their arms around the two. The remainder of those who were standing also took a knee and fell into one giant embrace. The comfort of one another had meant everything to them to get through this journey and it was the same thing that would put them on the path to healing. Relief surged through their aching bodies as they sunk into the arms of one another. The pain wasn't gone and pure happiness wasn't quite there for the taking, but there was the hope of recovery and they surely knew they weren't alone.


Several long minutes had passed before the group released from the arms of one another. They each wanted to believe that everything was officially over and they could finally sleep with both eyes closed, but a part of each and every one of them was always on guard. Peace would come soon but none of them were ready to accept their victory. As they stood to their feet, they continued to check on each other, making sure there were no unknown injuries or anything that was out of the normal.

Morana strayed away from the group, seeming to be in her own little world as she glided across the grounds that were familiar to her. Now that the Righteous One was dead, nothing was stopping her from rebuilding her kingdom again. She found a spot in the center of the clearing of trees in the woods. The rest watched her with hopeful spirits. Morana held both hands over the dirt and turned them, her eyes falling to a close while her mind focused on the task.

The ground rumbled slightly as the surface of the ground gradually broke. The other nine moved out of the way and took their place to stand next to her. The peaks of pointed castle tops were the first to rise from the ground and slowly reached up the sky. Towers took off to the clouds while the stone walls stretched around each quarter of the castle with cobblestone paths that weaved through the inside. With the castle now standing strong, several trees disappeared so that dozens of small cottages could surround the great structure, along with gardens and stables. It was beautiful. It was the symbol of new life...a fresh start.

Morana smiled and a single tear of joy fell down her pale cheek. "My blessed heroes, welcome to Cetaria."

The others smiled, their eyes scanning every inch of the kingdom while Morana led them through the gates. The kingdom was grand and it certainly matched every word Morana had spoken of it. There was a reason it was the center of all the kingdoms. The gardens grew with endless produce, fields of wheat stretching along the walls, and carts full of textiles and pottery. The only thing missing were citizens. It felt so empty.

Aurelia stepped forward and rested a hand on Morana's shoulder. "We will do everything we can to help Cetaria return to the great kingdom she was before.

Morana spun around to face the group. "I ask one favor of your all and one favor only."

"What's that?" Corrine inquired.

"Stay," Morana answered simply. "Stay in Cetaria. I have no soldiers or people who can help me lead this kingdom. You could be Cetaria's ambassadors...the protectors of all the kingdoms, living in the center of them all. You would be treated like royalty and most importantly, you would be together."

The nine were at a loss of words. None of them had thought of what would happen when they would return to their kingdoms. There was a good chance they wouldn't see each other often ever again. Of course, leaving home would be very hard on all of them, but Morana was right. All the kingdoms needed protecting and they wouldn't be able to do that efficiently if they were scattered throughout the world. They needed to be free together.

It didn't take much thought before they all collectively nodded in agreement.

"We would be honored," Corrine answered for them all.

"Being here, we can not only protect Cetaria but all of our kingdoms," Bai added.

"Then it is settled!" Morana said cheerfully. "Of course, I expect you all will want to ride home to be with your kingdoms before you return, but a home will be ready for you when you come back to Cetaria."

"That sounds more than perfect," Aurelia sighed happily.

Morana led them to the stables so they could choose a horse they could prepare for the trip. They each selected a horse and began the process of saddling them up for the journey. Aurelia and Nizhoni left for the gardens to pick some fruit and vegetables they could each take for their individual trips.

"One moment," Morana called out as she hurried towards the castle. "I have something for Darron before you all leave."

They waited patiently and Morana soon returned with an iridescent orange amulet that was held by a silver chain. She handed the necklace to Darron.

"Magic amulets have been traded through Cetaria before," Morana explained. "Someone as heroic as you deserve to carry such power."

Darron smiled in awe as he took the amulet and placed it around his neck. "What power does is hold."

"Force fields," she smiled. "For a man whose will is to protect others."

Darron looked over at Andrea. "Shoot an arrow at me?"

"I thought you'd never ask," she chuckled.

She quickly drew an arrow and released it. Darron's hand flung up in front of his face and out from his palm, came a wave of energy that collided with the arrow and ricocheted it away.

Darron grinned with excitement. "Well, that's rather helpful."

"Now, don't hurt yourself," Aurelia muttered sweetly, protectiveness laced in her voice.

"Always," he winked.

Morana opened the gates for them to exit. "I will see you soon, my heroes."

And so they rode off but this time, not begin a journey, but as heroes that had already completed theirs. Yet, their journey's had only begun, their work was not done, but they vowed to do it together always. But in reality, heroes never really stop. Instead, a new life awaited them, for they finally escaped the world that had kept them boxed in for so long. They had finally found their path through pain, regret, sorrow, and healing, but this path only had one destination and it leads them all right back to one another.

This was their happily ever after.



obviously i will be posting an epilogue soon but our journey has come to an end my loves. i'd love to hear any thoughts you had about the story overall and the ending :) i am so attached to this story it's unreal but i couldn't have done it without you all. i love all these characters so much and i can not wait to write this epilogue. the same reason i literally couldn't kill ANYONE.

you guys are my everything 🥺

- ky <3

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