Stronger Than Ever

By lonely-nerd

27.2K 1K 233

Peter Stark was adopted by Tony Stark when he was 3 years old. He was always happy and bouncing off the walls... More

Ch. 1 |Over the years|
Ch. 2 |Bullies + school = hell|
Ch. 3 |Black eyes and bloody thighs|
Ch. 4 |Something's wrong|
Ch. 5 |Sick?|
Ch. 6 |Breakdown|
Ch. 7 |The aftermath|
Ch. 8 |Hospitalised|
Ch. 9 |Getting out|
Ch. 10 |Back to hell|
Ch. 11 |Conversations of the past|
Ch. 12. |Guns and tears|
Ch. 13 |Not okay|
Ch. 14 |Friendship?|
Ch. 15 |The fight|
Ch. 16 |I'm sorry|
Ch. 18 |New Avenger?|
Ch. 19 |Meeting the enemy|
Ch. 20 |Bullet wounds|
Ch. 21 |Loss makes the pain come back|
Ch. 22 |Lost love|
Ch. 23 |If this is the end. I love you|
Ch. 24 |If this isn't the end. I still love you|
Ch. 25 |It would've been worth it|
Ch. 26 |Is the threat really gone?|
Ch. 27 |Past and present|
Ch. 28 |Addict|
Ch. 29 |Not as planned|
Ch. 30 |I didn't want to die|
Ch. 31 |Paranoia|
Ch. 32 |Broken plant pots|
Ch. 33 |Who really is he?|
Ch. 34 |Telling the team|
Ch. 35 |Hospital...again|
New book

Ch. 17 |When life goes to sh*t|

704 25 19
By lonely-nerd

Peter and Rhodey spoke for a while before Peter decided to go back out. Though Rhodey tried to convince him to go down and watch a movie with everyone.

Peter just told him he really wanted to go out as SpiderMan.

Peter jumped back out his window after Rhodey left his room. He swung around for a while before sitting on the roof of building. He took his mask off, knowing he'd probably be sitting there for a while.

The roof of the building he tried to jump off. The one he did jump off.

He wasn't going to do it that way again. Because as freeing as it felt, he didn't like it. But he wasn't sure if he could keep living.

As much as he loved his family, he still hated himself. He hated his life, except his family being in it. They were his reason for living. But they were beginning to not be enough.

He knew he had to die. He thought it was the only way for him to be okay.

He thought about Ned and Mj. He'd never had friends before, he didn't want to hurt them. He'd only just become close to them. But he knew they had each other now.

He knew as long as they stayed together they'd be fine. They would move on from his death. If it even affected them at all.

Peter sighed before his senses told him something was happening in the alley next to him. He stood up and walked over. He began watching to see what was happening only to see a drug deal.

He'd dealt with a lot to know what to do.

He put his mask back on as he jumped down and webbed the bag off the dealer. He webbed it to the wall before webbing him to the opposite wall and the other man a couple feet away from him.

Peter smiled before walking out the alley. Just as he walked out he walked into a police officer, which made him smile again.

"There's a couple criminals and a bag of drugs in that alleyway," he told her before webbing away.

As soon as Peter got back he got changed into his pyjamas and got into bed. Though he couldn't sleep causing him to get back up. He began scrolling through social media, there were a couple videos of his fight that had been posted.

Though he just scrolled past them. He got a notification that Flash had posted on his SpiderMan page, Flash was always trying to find out who he is.

Peter always smiled when he looked through it, though this time he didn't.

The new post he made was a picture of when he was out tonight, without his mask on. From when he was looking down at the drug deal. He read the caption.

'No way is Peter Stark from school SpiderMan? Someone please tell me this is a joke?'


"Boss is asking to see you," Friday said snapping Peter out of his thoughts.

"Where is he?" He asked quietly though Friday heard.

"The living room."

Peter put his phone down on his bed and got up. He walked out his door and down the stairs, he heard the news. They were talking about him.

And his dad.

He walked in the room and saw everyone looking worried before looking at him.


"I've already seen," he said with no emotion in his voice interrupting his dad.

"How did this happen?" Steve asked sounding angry, who was standing next to the couch that Tony was sitting on.

"I don't know. I..."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"No one was on that building with me, I would've known. And there weren't any security cameras on that building a month ago."

"If you had checked that building out properly before sitting down none of this would be happening," Steve said again, sounding just as angry as before.

Peter could see his dad looking at Steve like he was about to punch him in the face.

"I always sit on that building. It's always been fine."

"It was fine when you last went out. You've gotten lazy that's why people found out who you are."

"Steve," Tony said sounding almost as angry. "That's enough."

"He hasn't been out in almost eight weeks. Why are you fine with that? If any of us done that you'd be acting the same way I am."

"Not if you had a good enough reason not to be out."

"What's his reason is because he's a lazy teenager?"

"Stop talking."

"Or else what Tony? I told you it was a bad idea letting him go out, he's just a kid. I told you he was going to mess up. They probably put the cameras up after that kid tried to kill herself."

"Steve you need to stop," Pepper said after looking between Tony and Bruce who both looked uncomfortable after what Steve said.

Though Tony was more angry.

Peter knew Steve was talking about him. It was on the news that night that Tony saved a teenager. Though the teenager was never identified.

"I'm sorry Bruce," he said, he sounded like he'd calmed down a little.

"I'm gonna go to bed," Peter said quietly as he started to walk out the room.

"Don't ever, talk to my kid like that again," Peter heard his dad say, he knew he was talking to Steve.

Peter walked back into his room only to hear his phone ringing. He closed his door before he picked up his phone. It was Ned.

He just put his phone down and got into bed. He lay on his back staring at the ceiling for a while, he wondered how he could go back to school.

He got enough attention for being Tony's son, he didn't need more for being SpiderMan.


Peter walked down the stairs in the morning, he walked into the kitchen and made himself some toast. At first he didn't think anyone else was up. Until his senses told him someone was walking into the kitchen.

He turned around to see Natasha.

"Morning Pete," she said as she made herself a bowl of cereal.

"So what happens now?"

"You keep trying to be a normal kid."

"Yeah because I've totally been able to manage that so far in my life," Peter said sarcastically causing Nat to smile.

"Then just keep being your not normal self."

"That's not what I meant," he said as he took a bite out his toast.

"I know. I don't know what happens now."

Though the elevator doors soon opened. And Nick Fury walked out.

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