StarKiller: a Star Wars story

By thee_fandom_junkie

120 4 0

Ben left Rey behind a little more than just a sweater when he passed. This is a story of a girl desperate to... More

Chapter 1. Appearance
Chapter 3. The ball
Chapter 4. Let me be your friend

Chapter 2 - The Meeting

19 1 0
By thee_fandom_junkie

           Han froze instantly, she didn't even need to look to know who was standing in the doorway. She knew that voice all too well. Han stood there a good 15 seconds before turning to the doorway to face a very shocked Rey, she looked more shocked than Monte himself was.

Han turned to Rey nervously, her heart nearly beating out of her chest. " U-uh, Hi mom" Han said nervously.

Monte chipped in " I did not teach her that!"

" Mom i-" but as Han spoke the saber was forced out of her hand and before she could even blink it was switched off in Rey's.

" We'll talk about this later Hanneta" Rey said with an angered look on her face.

Rey had to take a few moments to herself. She turned around so no one could see the fear on her face. As Rey turned a corner she let herself lean against a wall, memories flooding her mind of Kylo Ren and herself fighting on starkiller base all those years ago. Seeing her daughter force the saber in her hand, all she could see was Kylo. It didn't help that her daughter looked exactly like him. It sent shivers down her spine. Whispering to herself Rey tried calming herself down " she's not him, she's not him, she's not him." she said shaking her head " ahhhh, get it together Rey, for them" she paused " for her"

" Why master Rey, are you alright?"

She nearly jumped out of her skin opening her eyes " C-3PO you scared me!"

" My apologies, the millennium falcon should be arriving any second now should we get going?"" The droid paused, " Why master Rey, why do you have Montes lightsaber?"

Rey looked down still grasping her son's Saber " Hanneta had it. I need to return it to him"

" That young Solo of yours really is something else master Rey," it paused, " But I wouldnt trade her for the world."

Rey sighed and looked at the saber in her hand " Yea me too." she paused and looked up with a smile on her face " Lets go C-3PO" she said as she started walking back out to the launch pad.

" Don't look at me like that Monte" Han shot at him as Rey was walking away.

"Hanneta do you realize what you just did? You took my weapon away from me. I've been training for 7 years and still can't do that!"

" Your training wrong is all" she said shrugging her shoulders


" Your mad" she chuckled " that vein is about to pop out of your forehead"

" I am not mad! I just want to know how you did it."

" I'll teach you sometime brother-" she was cut off by a loud whooshing sound and buzzing through the air. With a loud crashing sound as the craft landed

Rey and C-3PO came walking out of the doorway as Monte and Han were already going down the stairs. As the twins approached the Falcon the door slowly fell open. Out rushed R2-D2 he zipped over to Han and Monte riding circles around them. Han crouched down getting closer to the droid " Hello R2" Han smiled " it's very good to see you too." she stood up as the droid went zipping towards Rey and C-3PO.
Han instantly turned back to the falcon as she heard footsteps walking down the medal ramp. Seeing Chewbacca Han instantly started running up to him. " UNCLE CHEWIE" Han yelled hugging him " I can't believe you left me here with these FOOLS for 3 weeks!" she said, turning her head to look at her mom and brother, they both rolled their eyes to her statement.

Chewy let out a soft "prrrrrrr"

Han pulled away slightly, turned her head to see  how far away her mom and brother were, turned back and looked into his eyes " okay Uncle Chewie we don't have much time but i wanna show you something," She took in a deep breath opened her eyes and looked into his and began to concentrate hard on one of her favorite memories she had with him. The memory was about  her and Chewbacca, Han was 6 at the time and she was staying on Kashyyyk with Chewie when Rey was first starting her Jedi academy. While on one of the beautiful beaches Chewie and Han were playing and Han wanted to show Chewie she was in fact force sensitive. Han stopped what she was doing and grabbed Chewbacca's hand and said to him " I wanna  show you a secret, but please dont tell mommy." Han walked him over to a nice rocky beach spot and continued to sit down letting go of Chewie's hand. Han sat down with her legs crossed, looked up at Chewie, took in a deep breath, and closed her eyes. She concentrated really  hard on the rocks around her, she had her eyes closed for a good 15 seconds until she opened them to see hundreds of little rocks levitating in the air around her and a very surprised Wookie. He looked down at Han in awe and smiled.  Han had just shown Chewie her favorite memory of them together.

Chewie had snapped out of his trance, looked down at Han and let out a soft " roar"

Han giggled " Yes Uncle Chewie, i've been practicing with Crystal non stop"

" Hello Uncle Chewie, It's good to see you!" said Monte, joining their hug.

Han slowly let go, looked up, smiled, and said " well i'm going to go sit in my seat."

"I'll join you." Monte replied. And the twins walked back into the falcon.

Rey soon made it up the ramp of the falcon " Hello old friend," she said in a soft voice and continued to give Chewbacca a hug.

He let out a soft " growl"

" Oh my stars, I am not getting old!" Rey pulled away " now if you were to take that nonsense to my daughter she would believe it! And you'd be the one to clean up that mess." she laughed and continued to walk into the falcon with R2 and C-3PO behind her.

" Now if it isn't my favorite Wookie, Hello Chewbacca good to see you" C-3PO chirped.

As everyone slowly made it on board and got settled in, the falcon took off. It was only going to be a short right because they were going across the planet to the city of Naboo, named after the planet.  The meeting would take place in the courthouse next to the resistance military training base to discuss tomorrow night's commander ball. Han was excited she loved to dress up. She loved flirting with all the new  young trainees and officers too. Han sat in her most favorite seat, it was the seat right behind the co pilot chair. She called it her seat. Han loved it so much because she saw all the controls, she loved watching people fly the falcon personally. Han was terrible at flying so she did the second best thing and watched.

Han was looking out the window until Rey interrupted her focus " Hey you two" Rey said turning around " Someone very special is gonna be here to meet  you, her name is Ahsoka Tano. She knew your Grandfather Anakin. Shes also one of the few jedi to survive order 66 DO NOT SAY ANYTHING STUPID TO OFFEND HER! She came out of hiding to meet you two."

Han and Monte looked at eachother with wide eyes "ok mom" Monte said softly with a smile of excitement.

" Definitely no pressure Mom." Han said with a smirk on her face.

Rey gave both the twins a final look but locked eyes with Han for a few more seconds then Monte and gave her daughter a soft smile. Han returned the smile with one of her own as the Falcon came to a stop. Everyone got out of their seats and made their way out of the Falcon out onto the launch pad. As they were walking towards the courthouse Han heard something rolling closer and closer to them in the distance and within seconds BB-8 was in front of them rolling around them in circles.

Han gasped " BB-8!" Han said happily crouching down closer to him " It's been almost 3 months,oh how i've missed you so. Wait OH MY STARS how'd you get this big scratch on your side? Wait if you're here that means.." she paused immediately and stood up straight looking around.

" DAD!" Han and Monte said in unison running over to Poe giving him the biggest hug they ever given.

" I'm gone for 3 months and suddenly I can barely recognize you two," Poe said, taking in the great energy of their group hug.

Han pulled away making eye contact with Poe with a scowl on her face " WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DROID?"

"YOUR droid?  I've had that droid for 30 years" he shot back laughing.

" Well," Han said, crossing her arms " he became mine the day i was born."

" Oh yeah that's the attitude I missed" Poe said, hugging Han one last time. " And how's your Jedi training going son?"

Monte looked down to meet Poe's eyes. " Mom says i could be out of my padawan stage in the next 2 years if i keep up the good work." he said smiling.

" Thats great Monte, i'm so proud of you!" Poe said back. And they all started walking into the court house

" FINN?"

"REY?" they both said in unison running into each other's arms holding on  tight.

" It's so good to see you again," Finn said, closing his eyes holding Rey tighter. " How's my daughter?"

Rey opened her eyes letting go of him slowly to look into his eyes " Oh Finn she's great." Rey said with a big smile. " She's starting to look like Rose, may the force be with her soul."

Finn let out  a  soft sigh " Yea."

" I miss her too, Finn it's okay, I hate being the mom around here" Rey said in a calming voice.

" I was unfair to her, Rey, and it gets to me." Finn said looking away.

" Hey, look at me" she said placing her hand on his cheek " She understood! I know she did." she paused " Now lets go, i have to get my kids in that senate meeting or the council will have my head"

" Whatever you say master Skywalker." he laughed, Rey rolled her eyes to his statement with a smile on her face. And they started walking towards the group

Monte had looked back and witnessed their whole encounter. Han looked at him reading his mind, she knew it unsettled him.  It gave him an odd feeling. Rey and Finn got closer to them, Poe didn't notice until Rey called out to him.

"Poe?" she cried running into his arms.

" Ah," he paused, " there's my wife," he said wrapping his arms around her. Rey pulled away to see his face, and they kissed. It was only a short lived awkward kiss though.

Rey pulled away quickly " alright we have to hurry" she grabbed Han by the wrist and pulled her to the side " Okay Hanneta how do i look? She said adjusting her hair and dress.

Han helped fix her hair and said " Mom you're more nervous than me and you've been to way more meetings than I have. But you look beautiful as always" she said to her mom with a smile. White definity is your color, BUT that large leather belt with your saber on it throws the whole outfit off." she said jokingly.

Rey rolled her eyes at Hans last statement " The rest of you get inside, And Finn and Poe both have seats on the council so I don't know why they're still out here!" and the boys and the droids walked inside leaving Han, Monte and  Rey outside.

Han cleared her throat and looked at Rey shyly " Uh mom, how do I look?"

" You look lovely as always." Rey said with a big smile on her face. She grabbed Monte and  Hans hands and said " both of you. Leia would be so proud." Rey paused grabbing Montes saber from the other loop of her belt handing it to him. " you'll be needing this"  and they all walked into the building.

As they entered the building there was a long hallway filled with doors. Each door had either an office or meeting room. As Han walked she read the names of whos office was whos

" General Dameron" one of them read

But Han stopped when they  met an open door leading into a meeting room. When they walked into the room and were immediately greeted by an older Togruta woman.

"Hello"  the woman spoke in a soft calming voice " My name is Ahsoka Tano and I've been waiting a long time to meet you both." she paused and looked at Hanneta " i'm gonna take a wild guess and say your Hanneta" she turned to Monte " and your Monte."

Monte and Han both laughed "now what gave it away?" Monte said. Ahsoka laughed.

" It really is an honor to meet you Miss.Tano" Han said with a smile.

" Please call Ahsoka" she said in a comforting voice

" Okay Ahsoka, are you staying for the commander ball tomorrow night?  It's being held in the palace." Han asked

" I'm afraid I cannot have some business to attend to in the outer rim." she said sadly " But i'll definitely be back to get to know the two of you more." she paused to look at Rey " your mother was right the both of you are very charming." she continued still smiling.

Han held Ahsoka's hand " i'm so sorry that happened to you." she said with a saddened expression on her face.

Ahsoka put her hand on top of Hans and just smiled. Han cleared her throat " ok shall we get this meeting started?" When she said that everyone took their seats.

At the table sat 7 people, Chief Lando, General Dameron, General Finn, Ahsoka Tano, Rey, Monte, and Hanneta. The twins just sat quietly until asked a question, they were really too young to give orders or commands, but they were the next rules so everything had to be discussed to them or Rey until they come of age.

" Now i'm asking respectfully we don't discuss too many of StarKillers crimes in front of the children." Rey said

" I have troops spread out all across the outer rim searching high and low. It's like she just  disappears." Poe said aggravated.

"Leia would be so ashamed of us." Finn said angrily

" Now come on General Finn, she'd understand your doing your best." Lando said across the table " I knew Leia for many years. She sat where you sit now General. We saw many things but none like this."

" We have new graduating Cadets coming in for tomorrow's ball. When they're officers we'll assign them planets and get things moving." Poe said back.

Rey cleared her throat " I also think it would be a good idea to keep some new officers at the Palace to protect the kids."

" From the information I've gathered from witnesses" Ahsoka paused "  she uses light daggers and a Saber."

" Daggers?" Monte questioned

" Yes Prince Monte, She's incredibly smart and knows her way with the force."  Ahsoka shot back.

"Okay i think that's enough for the prince and princess today" Rey said getting up sensing her daughter was uneasy.

"I've got this mom" Han said with a smile on her face. She turned to face the table and cleared her throat. " Alright gentleman and Miss. Ahsoka, i agree with everything. Send out as many troops as you need. It was great seeing you all." as she nodded her head.

" Ok princess thank you." Lando nodded back.

And Han, Rey and Monte left the meeting room, walked out of the building onto the launch pad, and boarded the Falcon. The ride home was quiet. Han read everyones thoughts on the way back to the palace, but she was really just happy to be out of that meeting.
Later that night Han came to get me out of my room. I was gonna spend the night with her so we could get ready and attend the ball together. I made our dresses for the commander ball, I made almost all our dresses. I'm quite good at it. I also get paid by the city girls to make theirs as well. Rey also does pay me and i live in the palace so i really don't complain much. Han had walked in on me adding the finishing touches on the dresses

" Oh Crystal, my very best friend in the world, I've come to get you" Han paused " OH MY GODS ARE THESE OUR DRESSES?" she screamed while running over to the mannequins i was working on.

" No Hanneta there our night dresses, YES SILLY!" I chose royal purple, your favorite. I hope it's not a problem"

" A PROBLEM? I LOVE IT!" Han said back, hugging me.

" alright one last stitch and done!" I said while tying off the thread of Hans' dress.

" Hey Crystal i wanted to talk to you about our next mis-"

" So soon Han are you sure about that?" i interrupted " weren't you just in a meeting that YOU enforced more troops out on patrol?"

" Wow Monte wastes no time filling you in." Han said " I'm smart and powerful, we'll be fine."

" Yes YOU'LL be fine. But what am i supposed to do if i get caught? I'm not force sensitive, and I can barely fight. That's why I hate  that old TIE fighter!"

" I'm always gonna protect you." Han said softly hugging me from the back " I need you. Also would you prefer we take the Falcon? Because we could take that but it would be obvious when chewie wakes up and us and the Falcon are gone. Your choice."  she paused " and i can always force you."

" Oh i hate that your right" i sighed

" So about that mission, We're going to Cloud City for one reason. Armitage Hux."

" The First Order war General? Han that man has been dead for 17 years."

" rumor has it he had a son and a mistress, i'm going to find them-" 


" WHAT NO! The oldest the child is 20. I'm not heartless, chill out. I just need to know if they know where Kylo Ren is." she paused " So we better be getting some rest. Plan to leave tomorrow night after the Ball."

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