A bisexual mess

By abisexualdisaster

25.6K 769 330

Jake struggles with the idea of coming out after a horrible childhood experience. when rosa comes out to the... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.

Chapter 8.

2.1K 77 0
By abisexualdisaster

                                       2 days later...

"Hey, Jake. I thought I'd tell you, I saw my dad again yesterday and he said he accepts me for who I am but apparently my mom still needs a little more time. God, why is it so hard for her to understand?" Rosa said to Jake.

"Oh well, that's great about your dad but that sucks about your mom man. Is there anything else I can do to help?" Jake asked, wanting to help her as much as he could. He didn't want her to have the same experience he did.

"Nah man. you've done enough."

"Are you sure?" Asked Jake.

"Thanks Jake, but yeah, I'm sure." Said Rosa.

"Alright. I'm gonna get back to this err, case I'm working on." Jake said.

"Cool. See ya." Rosa said, leaving.

Jake walked to his desk, sat down, and sighed. He stared into space as he wondered whether he should just go and talk to Rosa's mom himself and try to talk some sense into her. He was so angry, this brought up a lot of unresolved memories of his mom doing the exact same thing.


Later on Jake decided to go to Rosa's parents house and talk to her mom. When he got there her mom answered and asked what he was doing there. He answered with;

"Well first of all is your husband here? Because I'm about to get very angry and I am extremely terrified of him so a warning would be nice." Asked Jake.

"No he's out right now. what do want Jake?"

"Oh nothing... I was just wondering why the fuck  you won't accept you're own daughter for who she is??" Asked Jake.

"I-" Started Rosa's mom.

"Because, I don't know why the fact that Rosa's bi makes you think that she's any different. She is still the same person she has always been her entire life and I don't know what you can't see that. You do not understand how rosa feels right now. The feeling that you get when your own fucking mother judges you on things you can't control and thinks that you're sexuality isn't real is the shitiest feeling. When I came out to my mom as bi, she told me that I was confused and when I literally had a boyfriend, she said I was just gay and she would forgive me eventually and told me that I needed to grow up out of this phase. Now I know that these aren't the exact words you said to Rosa but there pretty fucking similar. I haven't seen my mom in 20 years. The reason being that she kicked me out of my house at 14. Sometimes my mom try to contact me but I don't want to speak to her, you don't understand how she made me feel Mrs Diaz. If you don't apologise to Rosa and tell her that you accept her for who she is, you might not ever get to.. because you won't see her again. Rosa deserves your acceptance. So what if she's bisexual? She's still your daughter. And if you love her, that wouldn't bother you." Jake felt relived as he has finally got this off his chest.

"Jake I had no idea. You're right, I need to go talk to her." Answered Mrs Diaz.

Jake sighs in relief and smiles at Rosa's mom.

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