Oh, look, Sanscest lemons

By ARandomAlt

10.3K 160 90

The cover image doesn't belong to me, of course. Oh, look, skeleton porn. Excellent. I need to stop breathing... More

Heat; Cross x Nightmare
Collar; Dust x Horror
So, you're a masochist?; Geno x Reaper
Pink Vial; Reaper x Ink
Little Lapdog; DreamSwap!Ink x DreamSwap!Dream

*Flirt; Ink x Error

1.3K 25 15
By ARandomAlt

Maid outfit lol, mischievous Ink, dom!Error, sub!Ink, nonconsensual/rape, edging (don't you fucking dare make the UnderFell!Papyrus puns)


"Aw, c'mon, RuRu!~" Ink giggled, leaning against Error, who nearly crashed from the contact. "You know I'm just joking!"
Error sighed and shoved Ink away. "That's it, I'm leaving." He huffed and opened a portal to the void. He heard Ink make a noise of complaint, but that didn't stop Error from going through it and closing it as soon as he was on the other side.
The glitchy destroyer was frankly quite sick of Ink's shenanigans. Ink has claimed many times that he is soulless and cannot feel genuine love, but that didn't stop him with constantly flirting with Error as if failing to do so would result in instant death. It had first started in the middle of a fight, where Error had said something and Ink immediately found a way to turn it sexual. Ink must've found it funny when Error immediately crashed, as he's kept it up since.
On an even worst note, it had actually made Error start to like Ink. If you couldn't tell, falling in love with a soulless being that flirts with you constantly isn't exactly all that swell of a time. Error had spent months dealing with Ink's bullshit while trying to come up with a way to get him back. Error despised flirting, so there was no way in hell he would start flirting back.
But eventually, the opportunity arose. A way to strike back at Ink without flirting, but still giving him a dose of his own medicine. Christmas was approaching, it was only a few days away, and Error had gotten Ink a few...gifts. Sure, the gifts would probably cause Ink to murder him by whacking a tree branch against his skull, but revenge was worth it.
Eventually, Christmas day rolled around. Ink had proceeded to run into the void to see Error at seven in the morning, so that was just great. Ink had gotten Error presents, which somewhat surprised him. Ink was just as surprised to see Error had gotten him stuff, as well. They had settled on Error's opening his presents first.
The first present actually caught Error off guard. It was a framed photo of him and Ink smiling in OuterTale. That was the first time they had hung out together as friends, and of course Ink had to take a photo. Nostalgia washed over Error and he smiled. "Awww, thanks! I love it!" He chuckled.
Ink just smiled excitedly. "Open the other one!" He giggled impatiently. Error just rolled his eyes and opened the second and last present.
Error was taken aback. It was a crocheting kit, loaded to the brim with all sorts of yarn and various tools, some Error could never manage get his hands on due to not many AUs having anything involving the hobby. Error stared at it for a moment before crashing, making Ink laugh a little.
As soon as Error had reloaded, which was surprisingly quick, he put the kit aside and pulled Ink into a hug. Ink flinched in surprise, as Error had haphephobia and would usually hiss when Ink touched him. Error, however, had a bright yellow face, which he hid by burying it in Ink's scarf. Ink hesitated before wrapping his arms around Error, surprised that he didn't crash immediately.
Once Error regained his composure, he let Ink go and looked away. "Thanks..." he murmured quietly. Ink just grinned a little. Error rolled his eyes. "Stop staring and open yours, idiot." He huffed.
"Sheesh, rood." Ink sneered and grabbed the smaller present. Error had subconsciously started grinning while Ink unwrapped the gift and opened the box, only for his face to explode in a flustered rainbow blush. Inside the box was a rainbow collar, of course, with studded spikes on it. However, the part that really got Ink was the tag on it. The tag was in the shape of a heart, with the words "Kinky Inky" engraved into it.
Ink stuttered for a moment and stared up at Error. "U-Um, I, uh..." he generally didn't know what to say, and the smug look Error gave him didn't help any.
"Something wrong, KiKi?~" Error asked, tilting his head innocently to the side. You could almost see the steam coming from Ink's face.
Ink trembled a little as he stared back down at the collar. "N-No, not at all...!" He managed to say, wide eyed. What the hell? What was Error doing? He knew Ink couldn't feel love, so what was he planning on achieving with this?
"Come on, you still have one more left." Error reminded, still having that smug smirk on his face. Ink wanted to punch it off of him, the dirty pervert, but he supposed that this is what he deserved.
Ink sighed and put the box down, grabbing the other gift. He hesitated as he opened it, but nearly passed out when he saw what was inside. A maid outfit. Error got him a maid outfit. "Oh my fucking god..." Ink murmured, catching Error of guard. Ink wasn't one to swear, usually only cussing when he was angry or in his emotionless state. Or, well, when he was flirting with Error.
"Maybe you should try them on?" Error suggested. Ink stared up at him in pure disbelief. Dirty. Fucking. Pervert. However, Ink had suddenly gained an idea.
He got up, taking the collar and outfit with him. "Yknow what, sure." Ink shrugged, still intensely blushing. The reaction shocked Error slightly and he stared at Ink in confusion. "Are you gonna watch me change, or?" Ink raised a brow, making Error erupt in blush. Ink smirked as Error quickly turned and hid in his jacket. Ink stared at the maid outfit and sighed, before starting to undress. This was an awful idea.
After a few moments, Ink had on the maid dress and was putting on the collar. His swirly tattoos that covered his body was mostly shown. Key word on mostly. The dress was very lacy, and looked like the average maid dress, except for the fact that it was pretty tight, sleeveless, and the skirt was so short that it barely covered his ass. It had white gloves fingerless gloves, which Ink was thankful for. He hated unfingerless gloves with a passion. To top it all off, it had tight fishnet stockings, which Ink had to summon a lower body for, which made him think that was probably the exact reason Error got this. Did Error get him this as payback?
Ink shuddered a little from how cold he was. He was used to wearing layers of clothes, and the maid outfit was...somewhat revealing, honestly. He sighed and was about to tell Error he was finished changing, but got a better idea. Quietly, Ink approached Error, who was still facing away. At least the perv respected Ink's privacy. Suddenly, Ink proceeded to turn and sit on Error's lap, making the destroyer glitch harshly.
Once Error had composed himself, he turned to glare at Ink, only to freeze up. Ink leaned against him, a small smile on his face. How the fuck can someone be so cute? Error's face heated up immensely. "W-What the hell!?" Error sputtered.
"I asked the same thing when you got me these things." Ink huffed grumpily and crossed his arms. Suddenly, Ink then turned and pinned Error down, a smirk on his face. Error made a small yelping sound. "Now let me be a good little maid, ok?~" Ink giggled mischievously.
Error had somehow forced himself to not crash. His face was absolutely covered in a bright yellow blush, it was practically glowing. His pants had started to feel tight...Ink stared at Error's face for a moment, before leaning back and laughing hysterically at the poor Glitch's reaction.
"Wow!" Ink cackled. "You're bright yellow! Jeez, are you alright?" He asked Error, a smile across his face. "Sheesh, I may flirt with you constantly, but there's no way I'd do THAT-" Ink suddenly froze as something rubbed against his pelvis, making rainbow blush covering his face. Error flinched and glitched harshly, covering his mouth. The reaction was enough for Ink to confirm what he had just brushed against.
"Um...E...Error?" Ink stuttered out, wide eyed. He was about to get up when Error grabbed his hips, making the artist yelp. Error started grinding against Ink, eyes tightly shut mostly from his own embarrassment. Ink made a small yelp and covered his mouth, clinging onto Error's shirt. The only thing Ink had on under the dress was his underwear, and it was as if he felt every little rub against his pelvis. It didn't take long before Ink himself started to get hard.
Ink was trembling and gasping ever so slightly, trying to figure out how to get out of this. The flirting was just supposed to be a harmless joke. It wasn't meant to go this far! Did he make Error like this? Who was he kidding, of course he did. Ink felt an overwhelming sense of regret wash over him. A small moan escaped his mouth, which seemed to make Error loose it. The glitch released Ink, only to grab his wrists and roll them over so that Ink was under him.
Ink felt burning hot, his trembling starting to intensify. Error was tugging his shorts off while tugging at Ink's collar, making him yelp quietly and grab Error's arm. Error was badly glitching, it was a surprise as to how he hadn't crashed yet. Ink was staring towards the nonexistent sky of the void, too frightened to look at Error.
The artist flinched as he felt his skirt being lifted up and his underwear being tugged at. "W-wait, RuRu, n-no...!" Ink whimpered out, his eyes shut tightly. Error seemed to ignore Ink as he pulled off the underwear. Strings wrapped around Ink's ankles and put his legs over Error's shoulders, making Ink start to hyperventilate. He didn't want this. Why was Error doing this? If he actually loved Ink, there would be no point to this entire situation. Ink was soulless, after all.
His thoughts were suddenly cut off by his own scream as something was shoved into Ink's ass. Tears spilled from Ink's eyesockets. It hurt so fucking bad, and the fact that Error didn't prep him up didn't help anything, either. Error thrusted in and out of Ink at a moderate pace, ignoring the smaller skeleton's sobs and pleas for him to stop. Ink was a gasping, sobbing, moaning mess and he felt so shameful and dirty. Ink refused to open his eyes, refused to look at Error or even risk the chance of making eye contact with him. It was bad enough for the glitch to see him in such a state.
Error, meanwhile, was enjoying himself, of course. Ink felt so tight and warm around him. Of course, he could've at least done foreplay before just shoving himself into Ink, but he didn't regret that. Ink was breaking down, and that was enough for Error to gain a small smirk. He started jerking Ink off, making Ink moan out loudly and arch his back. That's when Error gained an idea and suddenly thrusted harshly into Ink, making the smaller skeleton let out a scream. Error definitely liked the reaction, licking his own teeth.
It didn't take long for Error to start ruthlessly pounding into Ink. Ink had started shrieking, clawing at nothing and writhing under Error, which only made it hurt more and Error to enjoy the movements. Ink felt as if he was suffocating. Suddenly, Error had hit a certain spot, making Ink shriek out louder than before. Error quickly figured it out and started harshly abusing the spot, which was driving Ink over the edge. That's when strings wrapped around Ink's cock, acting as a cockring and making Ink sob out loudly.
"You don't get to cum until I do." Error growled out, narrowing his eyes at Ink, whose eyes hadn't been open once. Ink attempted to answer, only to let out a whine of a scream. Error smirked a little and grabbed Ink's new collar, dragging Ink towards him. Error had shoved his tongues into Ink's mouth, forcing a rough kiss. Ink's feeling of suffocating intensified, unable to move from the amount of pain and forced pleasure upon him. Error pulled away, saliva connecting their tongues and dripping down their chins.
Ink's head rolled back as he let out another bloodcurdling scream. That's when Error hit a climax, the strings suddenly releasing Ink's dick. The two roughly orgasmed, ruining their clothes as cum splashed onto them. Error slowly pulled out, cum spilling out of Ink's hole. Error smirked before looking up at Ink. Ink seemed exhausted, shaking and whimpering quietly and his eyes still closed as if opening them would end his life.
Error knelt down and started to lick Ink's dick, lapping up the semen that dripped down it. Ink let out several gasps and moans, much more sensitive now that he had hit an orgasm. Once Error had finished up, he grinned. "Tastes like skittles." He chuckled, making Ink feel intense dread. That's when a realization hit Error.
He had just raped Ink. Error froze, staring at Ink's trembling body. Oh god, what had he done? He grabbed Ink and pulled him into a hug, making the smaller skeleton yelp out and pathetically struggle against Error. "Inky...please, look at me..." he murmured worriedly. Ink had hesitated before opening his eyes, looking up at Error as more tears spilled down his cheeks. Ink looked like he was on the verge of passing out, but the look of pure fear and terror made Error reevaluate his life choices.
"I...I..." Error stared into Ink's eyes and pulled him into another hug. "Oh my god...I'm a horrible person..." he murmured into Ink's shoulder. Ink had flinched again and tried to pry himself away from Error, though he was much too weak for that. The feeling of Ink struggling in his grasp made Error feel as though he was going to cry. "Inky, please, I'm so sorry..." Error whimpered out.
Ink had stopped struggling, but was very tense and eventually fell unconscious from exhaustion. Error pulled away from Ink and gently laid his little rainbow down. Thoughts sped through his mind. What was wrong with him? Sure, Ink was being a bitch with all the flirting, but he didn't deserve it. Ink didn't deserve any of it. Error felt as if he'd have to shower for the rest of his life just to get rid of the guilt and shame. What the hell had he done?
2450 words

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