sign of the times | h.s.

By dailyhailstorm

3.2K 74 56

A girl who suffers loss and grief is looking for a new beginning, thinking she'll find it in a new place. Ins... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen

chapter thirteen

105 1 3
By dailyhailstorm


"Oh my god Harry." I moaned. "This is so fucking amazing."

"I know right? I don't know what they are putting in the sauce but this is some of the best pasta I've ever had. Do you want to try mine?" He asked.

"Hell yes." I responded.

He twirled his fork in his noodles and got a good bite before sticking the fork out for me. Instead of taking the fork for him, I just ate straight off of the fork with it still in his hand. He looked at me with wide eyes when I did so, which I found quite funny, but I didn't really care.

"Holy crap." I moaned again. "Try mine, you're gonna love it."

I picked up a few noodles which was easier for me since I had penne noodles instead of fettuccine like Harry. I held the fork up for him and he opened his mouth, so I fed him the bite. I couldn't tell if we were being cute or acting like toddlers, but there was no one watching so I choose to believe it was cute.

"Okay, I think yours is even better than mine." He said as he took the fork from my hand and took another bite of my dinner. He set it down after and reached towards the cooler and opened it to pull out a nice bottle of red wine.

"Oh how fancy Mr. Styles." I teased.

"Thank you, thank you very much." He replied, awkwardly pretending to take a bow since he was sitting down.

"Shit." He muttered. "I knew I forgot something."


"I had a feeling I was forgetting something but I couldn't figure out what, but I forgot to bring glasses." He said with a chuckle.

"Fine by me. Crack that bad boy open!" I whisper-shouted, earning a full belly laugh from Harry. God that sound was music to my ears. I would pay good money to hear that laugh again.

As soon as he opened the bottle he held it out for me and I took it from him, taking a large swig straight from the bottle before handing it back to him. He took a sip after me and smiled, and I couldn't help but think about how comfortable we were around each other despite how long we had actually known each other. It felt like we were old friends who trusted each other.

"The movie's starting!" Harry whispered excitedly. He moved the cooler to the front seat so he could stretch out his legs as he pulled a blanket over his legs.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

"Not right now, it hasn't gotten late yet so it still feels pretty good to me." I responded as I took another bite of my food. Harry had eaten fairly fast and was already done, and had laid down next to me. I was still sitting up finishing my food though.

"I can't believe they're playing this movie, it's one of my absolute favorites." I whispered to Harry.

"Really? Big fan of movie musicals?" He asked.

"Big fan of music in general. But I've always loved Mamma Mia, and the fact that they are playing both movies tonight is incredible." I responded.

Harry hummed in response as he took another sip of the wine. I finished my food and took another few sips of wine before I began to lay down as well. He lifted the blanket a bit and looked up at me with a warm smile and I happily slid underneath the blanket. We were now both laying on our sides facing each other, but with our heads turned towards the screen as we watched.

Just before the end of the first movie I started having cramps and realized I had probably started my period. I climbed out of the car and went around front to check my purse for tampons, but didn't have a single one with me.

"Fuck." I whispered.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, sitting up and turning around to see me frantically looking through my purse.

"Nothing, it's fine. One second." I said as I put my purse back and closed the door. I walked over to Mitch's car to see him and Layla cuddling in the trunk, and I was honestly surprised they weren't full on making out throughout the whole movie.

"Hey Lay, do you have any tampons with you?" I asked.

"Yeah of course." She said as she sat up and grabbed her purse, pulling one out and handing it to me.

"Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver." I said as I slipped it into my pocket.

"No prob girl. I gotchu." She said with a smile.

"Oh yeah I know you got me. Don't think I don't know what you did." I said with a smirk.

Her eyes widened and she knew she'd been caught. "Hey, somebody had to do it." She said jokingly.

"Ha ha very funny." I said as I walked back over to Harry.

"Hey H I'm going to run to the restroom quickly, I'll be back in just a minute." I said.

"Woah wait, you can't go by yourself! I'll come with you." He said as he jumped up quickly and slid on his shoes.

"I'll be fine, it's just right there." I replied.

"It's dangerous walking around here at night by yourself Mads, people have literally been kidnapped here. So no offense, but I'll be walking you to the bathroom love." He said, and I knew he really was serious about it not being safe.

"Thank you." I said as we started walking towards the building at the back of the lot.

"I'll just be a minute." I said as I headed into the bathroom.

The reason I knew I had started my period was because I never had cramps before, they only came after I started, and I knew it was around the time of the month when I should be starting anyways. I couldn't really remember what day it was, but I knew that I was supposed to start the 10th and was typically very regular. I was surprised when I went into the bathroom, however, that I had not started my period yet. I thought that was weird since I never had cramps before it started, but I didn't think too much of it.

I shook it off and washed my hands before heading back outside. Harry was standing with a girl who looked to be about fifteen or sixteen as they smiled for a camera. It looked like her boyfriend was taking the photo for her.

"Thank you so much Harry, it was so great meeting you." She said excitedly.

"It was great to meet you too love, I hope that you two enjoy the rest of your night." He responded as he pulled her into a hug.

She gave him a wave as she and her boyfriend walked off and she was excitedly blabbing to him as they did.

"That was sweet." I said as I came up behind him.

"Oh hey, I didn't see you there." He smiled as he turned to face me.

"I bet you made that girl's night for sure." I commented.

"Well they make my life, it's the least I can do." He shrugged.

I'm not sure what boldness came over me but before I could think about what I was doing, I reached up and brushed a loose chunk of hair off of Harry's forehead, my fingertips lingering there for a moment as I did.

"You really have no idea how special it is to meet you." I whispered. "That girl is going to be talking about this moment for months, it'll be her favorite thing to think about and tell people, all about how she was lucky enough to run into Harry Styles at a movie."

His eyes softened as he looked into mine and the slightest smile broke out onto his face. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me in tightly as we began walking back towards the car.

"Thank you Mads." He mumbled.

"Of course." I replied.

When we got back the second movie was about to start and we crawled back into the car excitedly. Harry and I finished off our bottle of wine before he let out a big yawn.

"Are you tired?" I asked.

"A bit, yeah." He said sheepishly.

I sat up fully, leaning back as I stretched my legs out in front of me. "Come here." I whispered, holding an arm open to show that he could lay down with his head in my lap.

His green eyes met mine and he gave me a genuine smile before laying down next to me, resting his head on my upper thigh. I never typically possess this much confidence to act this way but that night I did and I was definitely going to roll with it. I placed a hand on his back and began running my fingers up and down along his spine as we watched the movie.

"That feels good Mads." He mumbled, and I could tell how tired he was in his voice, it was quieter but huskier at the same time. "My mum used to do this when I was a kid and I couldn't sleep."

"Really?" I asked. "Mine did too."

He turned his head to look up at me with a smile that made my stomach flip before turning back to the movie and sighing. A few minutes later I could feel his breathing change and I knew that he was asleep. I never once stopped rubbing his back though, I felt like it was calming me more than it was calming him. I felt so at ease with him sleeping there next to me.

I was aware that Harry and I weren't going anywhere, and that we would just remain friends, but it was pretty nice sitting at a drive-in movie with one of my all time favorite movies playing, eating pasta, drinking wine, and having one of the kindest and most beautiful boys in the world quite literally sleeping in my lap. I felt so unbelievably lucky in my position.

My phone buzzed and I saw that Layla had texted me to ask how the set up was going, and while I normally would have texted her back immediately telling her to shut up, that wasn't what caught my eye. I stared at the screen in front of me horrified at what I saw as the pieces began to fall together.

July 13th. That was today's date. That happens to be three days after I was scheduled to get my period, and I was almost never late, let alone for three days. I quickly opened my phone and checked my period tracker app to see that I was in fact three days late. I began scrolling through, looking at the history and the only thing I could see was that in November I had been two days late, and before that there was nothing. I don't think I'd been three days late ever, my period was notoriously timely. I looked down at the boy sleeping on my lap and sighed as I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes. The thought that this could happen had never once crossed my mind, how had I been so stupid?

I texted Layla and asked her to come over here and put my phone back down, trying to distract myself with the movie as I waited for her to come to our car. A few minutes later she came into my line of sight as she approached the trunk of the car, with a smile on her face.

"Oh my gosh." She said as she stared at Harry asleep in my lap.

"Lay, come here." I said as I gestured for her to climb into the trunk on my side. As she did the car shifted and Harry stirred a bit before wrapping an arm around my hip as he nuzzled his head into my stomach. I froze as he did, hoping that he wouldn't wake up so that I could talk to Layla about what was going on without him hearing. His breathing readjusted a moment later and I knew he was back to sleeping peacefully.

"What's up?" Layla whispered.

I turned to face her with tears brimming my eyes and her face softened as a look of concern washed over her. I turned on my phone and opened the period tracker before handing my phone to her. It was dark outside, but the phone screen fully illuminated her face as she gasped and looked up at me.

"Wait, this can't be for real." She said.

"I have no idea Lay, I'm so confused right now. I came to ask you for a tampon because I was cramping and I was sure I had started my period, which should have already started by now. When I went to the bathroom I realized I hadn't started yet and then I saw today's date and it all started piecing together." I whispered.

"And is he-" she gestured to Harry, "you know, I mean he's the only-"

"Yes. Yeah Lay, he's the only one." I mumbled as I ran my fingers through his hair again.

"Oh my gosh." She whispered again. "We've got to get you a test as soon as possible."

The truth was that I was too nervous to even think about taking one because then I'd have to face the truth and find out for real. What if I really was pregnant? What would I do then? How was I supposed to tell Harry? My heart started racing as I thought about all of it and before I knew it I had soft tears falling down my face.

"Aww Madi it's gonna be okay, I know it will." She whispered soothingly.

"What am I going to do?" I choked out. "How am I supposed to tell him? He's going to hate me Lay, I can't take that."

"Are you kidding me Madi? He would never hate you, ever. I'm serious. It's all going to be okay, let's just find out if it's true and then we'll work from there." She said as she leaned forward to wrap an arm around me and hug me without disturbing Harry.

Before I could respond to Layla, he stretched his back a bit and looked up to see Layla and I sitting there hugging and there were still tears pouring down my face. Concern washed over his face instantly as he sat up and turned to us.

"What's going on, is everything okay?" He asked us. "Are you alright Mads, why are you crying?"

He reached up and wiped the tears off of my cheeks which only made me cry harder. This was one of the sweetest and most thoughtful boys in the world, and if this was true, I would be the one ruining that boy's life.

"I'm gonna give you a minute unless you want me to stay." Layla said.

"No you're okay, thank you for your help Lay." I mumbled.

Harry sat there with a confused look on his face as Layla climbed out of the car and went back to Mitch, but remained silent as he waited for an explanation. He wasn't pushy or forceful with answers, he never had been, and I was very thankful for that quality in that moment.

"Harry I think we need to talk." I whispered. "I wasn't planning on telling you this honestly, but you know that something's going on now and you're just too caring of a guy for me to even attempt hiding something from you." I said.

He began to look confused and so I clicked my phone on again and turned it towards him. The confused look stayed on his face for a few more moments before his face fell and his eyes widened with shock as he realized what was happening. He stared at the screen silently for longer than I expected and as he did my heart sank into my stomach as I realized that I had no clue how he was going to react to this.


A/N: cliffhanger! we love a good surprise (:
let me know what you all are thinking so far!


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