Incapable of Love | IwaOiKage

De Boke_Beany

352K 13.3K 12.6K

Everyone is born with a soulmate mark, placed somewhere random on your body. Some easy to cover, some hard. S... Mai multe

I'm Strong, Right?
Why am I Surprised?
Who is He?
Screams and Shouts
Grocery Shopping
All Their Fault
We Will Win
Impress Me
A Glance: Kindaichi
Christmas Special
The Week Isn't Over Yet
Ferris Wheel
A Glance: Yamaguchi
Ignore It
What They Asked For
...what's a Goody Two Shoes?
A Glance: Rei Ikumoto
Inevitable Announcement

Seijoh Match

13.8K 519 652
De Boke_Beany

Me: We won.

Keiji-san: That's great! How the other two first years?

Me: They were fine. One was really tall but his personality is shit.

Keiji-san: Then you'll get along very well.

Me: Keiji-san, you're worse than me.

Keiji-san: Yeah, yeah. How's your guitar classes?

Me: Fine.

Keiji-san: Have enough money? I can ask mother to send some more?

Me: It's fine. I can manage.

Keiji-san: If you're sure. I have to go, Bokuto-san's calling me.

Me: Ok. Bye.


It was about a week when Takeda-Sensei stormed into the gym. Tobio flinched, still not used to people slamming the gym door open like that. Thankfully, no one noticed.

"We have a practice match!!" He yelled. "With one of the top four schools in the prefecture! It's pretty last minute though." Tobio froze. The chances that it was Shiratorizawa who requested the match was very dim, and the other two schools were pretty far from Karasuno for a last minute practice match. Which leaves...

"Aoba Johsai. Also known as Seijoh." Takeda explained. No, no, no, no, no! If it's Seijoh then that means-

"But they have a condition. Kageyama has to be the setter for the whole game." Dammit! Oikawa that bastard! Wait- what will Sugawara-san think? Will he be mad? Hate him just like Oikawa does? "Ok." Tobio looked at his senpai with a overly surprised look. "B-but!! You're the main setter! I can't do that- I don't deserve to-!" Sugawara-san just smiled. "I want to see how effective the quick with Hinata is." Oh. He's not mad. That's....weird. It feels weird. Tobio nodded hesitantly.


Me: We have a practice match with Seijoh.

Keiji-san: The school you wanted to go to? Will you be fine?

Me: Yeah. I chose not to go. It's not like they rejected me.

Keiji-san: Yeah. Ok. How was practice?

Me: Nothing to note. You?

Keiji-san: Bokuto-san keeps bugging to see my mark. It's annoying.

Me: I don't want to meet this Bokuto-san ever. You never get this annoyed.

Keiji-san: He'll cry if I tell him that.

Me: Good.

Keiji-san: Who hurt you??

Me: Everyone

Keiji-san: Ok edgelord. I have to go. Goodnight and good luck for the match

Me: Goodnight and thank you.


The match came faster than Tobio realized. In the blink if an eye, he was standing in front if his dream school. That dumbass vomited on Tanaka-san. "He's getting sick again?! That is so pathetic, I'm gonna teach him a lesson!" Sugawara-san had to hold Tobio from beating up Hinata.


That day was especially hot, and Tobio was sweating uncomfortably in his long sleeved shirt. For someone who's usually shivering from slight breeze, Tobio felt like dying. Especially since his mother gave less money than usual, and he had to buy a new bottle of make up, so he was hungry. He weakly followed his team, even encountering Kindaichi. Tobio just answered with a hum when Kindaichi mocked him, to hot to think properly.

The gym was cooler, much to Tobio's relief. Hinata was nowhere to be found, but Tanaka-san was already searching for him. They began warmups, Tobio made sure to avoid looking at the opposing team. It has been only a few months since their last middle school match and Tobio hasn't faced the two first years since. Then there were them. Tobio isn't sure if they remembered what happened that night, but if they did he didn't want to get yelled or shouted at. Or hit.


"Oops! Sorry! Kageyama, could you get that ball for me?"

"Sure, Sawamura-san."

Tobio walked up to the ball. Kneeling down, he grabbed it and felt a hand on his shoulder. Tobio froze up, then relaxed when he remembered that his mother wasn't there. "Hey Kageyama". Oh. Nope. No uh. No no. Not now.

"Iwaizumi-san, hello." Iwaizumi smiled. "Uhm, Kageyama. About what happened a few months ago. Were you-" "I'm sorry! It won't happen again." Iwaizumi was taken aback. "Uh no- were you ok? What happened?" Oh. "I was really tired. Yeah... yup." Kageyama quickly walked away, not missing Iwaizumi's confused face.

They lined up, and that's when Tobio noticed that a certain setter was gone. He heard someone mutter about Oikawa knee injury. Ah, that's why the bruise was less faint than others. At least we have a chance to win. Tobio sighed. He'd rather not be teased by his ex-senpai, but he was worried for Oikawa's knee. It has gotten worse since middle school.

The match began with Seijoh serving. It went towards Sawamura and- Hinata interfered. "Dumbass! That obviously wasn't your ball!!" "I'm sorry!!" Hinata was a complete wreck, and with Tobio already tired as he is, they quickly lost a lot of points. Seijoh was one point away from winning the set. "It's ok guys, we can still win this. Up next to serve is- .....Hinata."

Tobio sighed, they were definitely going to loose the set. The ball probably wouldn't even go over the net. But then a sharp pain exploded at the back of his head. Did he just....? Oh no he didn't. That dumbass. Slowly, Tobio turned around, the ignoring the laughs he got. Tobio took a step towards Hinata, he was fed up, tired, hot, hungry, his head hurts, and he was just done. Leaning into Hinata, Tobio stared into his eyes.

"What're you so scared about? You're first practice match? How strong they are...?" Hinata shivered. "There's nothing nothing scarier than hitting me in the back of my head, is there?" Tobio lifted his hand, hitting the back of his head. Hinata shuddered. "No, that's my worst nightmare." Tobio continued to hit his head. "In that case, you've got nothing else to be scared about. You've already done the worst possible thing you could do. So....." Hinata froze. "You might as well het over it and get your head back in he game!" Hinata looked surprise, "You're not mad?" Tobio shrugged, "no, who cares!"

Hinata was much better after that, and Tobio felt like it was a perfect time for their quick attack. Hinata jumped, and Tobio tossed it... high. The ball fell to the ground, earning Seijoh another point. Tobio heard Kindaichi comment about how the "king's gonna get mad at you", and Tobio flinched slightly at that nickname. He maybe tired, but he was also petty. "Hinata!" Kindaichi whispered "here it comes". "Sorry. That set? It was a bit too high", Tobio turned away, hiding his smile after seeing the reaction of the two first years.

He turned back around and saw Iwaizumi with an amused look. Tobio looked away, the wall felt heavier being in close distance with one of his soulmates, and he didn't want them to get mad at him.

They continued the match, and there it was the perfect time for a quick. Hinata jumped again, and this time the ball was just right. The ball slammed to the ground, and Seijoh didn't even get to react. The crowd went wild, and Tobio shut his eyes, trying to block out the shouts. He would've close his ears but that would be obvious.

Karasuno won the second set, and they were leading the third set. It was a time out, when suddenly there was screaming from girls. It was louder than the other shouts, and Tobio's hands went up to cover his ears, but quickly putting them back down again. Tobio knew what the fangirls meant, and he quickly warned his teammates. "Yohoo~ Tobio-Chan. How are you?" Tobio ignored Oikawa's obvious teasing, and continued to say, "I learned how to serve by watching him. His personality is the worst." Hinata's eyes widen. "You're saying that?!" Tobio glared, but there was no heat behind it. "Worse than Tsukishima."

Karasuno was one point from winning, when Oikawa was subbed in. He served towards Tsukishima, noticing that he wasn't good at receives. Seijoh was one point from match point, but Tsukishima got it. The ball flew to Seijoh's side, and they spiked it, but Sawamura received it. Tobio sent he ball to Hinata, and he slammed it right beside Oikawa. Oikawa had a surprise face, and Tobio smirked.

They were cheering, and the adrenaline started to wear off. Tobio felt hot again, he was more tired and he felt like vomiting. Tobio fell to his knees, panting and taking small sips from his bottle. Sugawara, being the crow mom, kneeled beside him. "Are you ok, Kageyama?" Tobio nodded, Sugawara not convinced. "You're heating up. Should I call someone to pick you up? Your dad? Your mom?" "ITS FINE! I- I mean... they're in Tokyo right now. For work." Sugawara scrunched his nose, "How about you change into short sleeves?" Tobio wanted to argue, but he remembered he he had brought some make up and his wristband so he slowly stood up, Sugawara helping him, and changed behind the volleyball cart. He had to put extra make up to cover the cuts he made. And to cover his soulmate mark. Of course.

Tobio reappeared, and was made to sit down while the others bowed and thanked Seijoh. He noted that Iwaizumi was slightly eying him, specifically his wristband, but Tobio closed his eyes before he could dwell on what he saw.

Tobio woke up in the bus, a wet towel on his forehead. Hinata was beside him, nervously shaking. Hinata lit up when he noticed that Tobio was up. "Are you ok, Bakayama? You can't be sick! Who would set to me?!" Tobio groaned, Hinata's voice was too loud. "Sugawara-san, obviously.... What happened.?" Hinata's eyes widen, like he remembered something. "Oh! Seijoh's ace carried you into the bus and he asked me for your number! I said I didn't know if you'd let me give it so he gave me his number to give to you. Here," Hinata gave Tobio a piece of paper, "he said to message him or something..... anyway! Are you ok now!!!?" Tobio grunted. "I'm fine, just, lower your voice.."


Tobio got home a few minutes later, rushing to shower and change for his guitar class. He charged his phone, it being nearly dead, grabbed his guitar, and went on his way.


Tobio got home around 6, and was welcomed by his phone ringing. He quickly locked the door, and rushed to his phone, fearing that it was his mom who called him. Fortunately, it wasn't his mom, but and unknown number. Tobio has seen that number before, he just couldn't remember where, so he answered it.

"Finally. Kageyama, where are you? Are you ok?"


"Yea. I told Shrimpy to ask you to message me."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot. Sorry." Tobio was confused, why is Iwaizumi-san suddenly calling him?"

Tobio heard a relieved sigh. "Where are you? The lights of your house aren't open."

"What? How do you... where are you?"

"We're in front of your house? We've been ringing you for the past half hour."

"O-oh. That's...not my- nevermind, I'll be there in a while- wait, "we're"?"

"Yeah. Me and Tooru are here."

"Oh. I'll... be there soon."

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