otherside. | post malone

By haarryystyless

20.2K 658 45

Austin Post (Post Malone) and Anastasia Clark are two of the most popular artists in the world, with their al... More

character profiles.
chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter six.
chapter seven.
chapter eight.
chapter nine.
chapter ten.
not an update sorry
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve.
chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.

chapter fifteen.

308 20 1
By haarryystyless

TW: mild violence


I choked on my water I had been drinking when I heard those words come out of his mouth. Is he out of his damn mind?

"Excuse me?" I say after composing myself.

"You heard me."


"I don't know what you really want me to say here... You know I'm seeing someone else," I sigh.

"Okay Ans I've given you multiple chances to admit that you're crazy for seeing that loser and to realize that we're meant to be, yet time and time again you prove that you're just a foolish little girl," he spits.

My eyes widen. Sebastian has never really gotten this hostile with me. The tone of his voice is grating, piercing through me and stabbing me right in the chest. Does he really think that of me? I know I shouldn't care, but when you spend years of your life loving someone... you take what they say to heart.

"I know you're hurt, and for that I'm sorry. But you've hurt me a hell of a lot more. You claim to love me and say that you're waiting for me to wake up, but turn around and cheat on me consistently. That's so much worse than anything I've done to you, and that's the main reason that I will never be with you again. I can't trust you. Also, Austin is not a loser. He treats me with nothing but love and respect. If anyone's the loser here, Sebastian, it's you." I say, taking a deep breath and trying to calm my nerves after my big speech. Sebastian looks even more upset after he hears what I have to say.

"Love and respect? Are you telling me you love this guy?"

I pause. Do I love Austin? I can't, there's no way... I've known him for such a short amount of time. I know I care for him, I really do. I know I could say those three words so easily. I feel it in my bones. But I can't say them. Not yet, at least.

"That's not the point of what I said, Sebastian. Stop trying to turn my words into something they're not and just own up to the fact that you fucked up," I tell him. He slams his fist on the table and knocks his glass to the ground. He gets up and walks over toward me, hovering over my shaking frame. What the hell is he doing? Does he really think it's okay to get in my personal space after acting so violent? He bends down to get to my eye level and grabs both of my arms, hard. He's inches away from my face.

"Just forget about the past. We belong together. I don't care about anyone else. Ivy was just easy. She was there. It doesn't matter when I love you," he claims, tightening his grip.

"Seb, stop you're hurting me," I whimper.

"Doesn't feel good, does it?" He asks, lifting his brow. Is this some sort of game to him?

I twist my arm really fast as I release myself from his grip, grabbing my glass, and I throw water right into his face. I know it's not much, but it'll catch him off guard for a few seconds and I can go through the front of the restaurant. He can't touch me or cause a scene out there, as there would be news about it tomorrow. I grab my purse and run through the door, getting out to the front and acting calm and collected. I see a family look over at me and the daughter's eyes light up.

"Mommy! Mommy!" She shrieks, pulling on the sleeve of her mother's dress, "It's Anastasia Clarke!" She points me out. I smile and give a small wave.

"Honey, it's not polite to point," she says, "and I think she's probably out enjoying herself like us, so let's not bother her."

"I really don't mind," I speak up, crouching down to get eye level with the young girl. My mind flashes back to a few moments earlier when Sebastian did the same to me. I shake the thought out of my brain.

"I love your dress," I say to her, "what's your name?"

"Jasmine," she smiles, "I'm this many," she says, holding up six fingers. I gasp, acting shocked.

"Wow, you're six? You're basically a teenager," I giggle, looking to her mother who looks grateful that I decided to chat, "I wish I could stay longer, but I've really got to get going. Would you like to take a picture?"

"Yes, please!!" She smiles as wide as her mouth would let her. I put my arm around her and smile at the camera, and her mother takes a few from her phone.

"It was lovely meeting you, Jasmine. Have a great night, everyone," I say to the table, excusing myself and walking out the front door. I breathe a sigh of relief when I see Eddy outside waiting for me, his window rolled down.

"Hey, gorgeous," Eddy smiles, "how did it go?"

"Just about as well as you would expect," I tell him, sliding into the car, "I'm just really tired, so sorry if I don't talk much on the way home."

"That's okay, Ans. I understand," he smiles at me through the rearview mirror.

[begin text messages]

anastasia 🌹
can u pls come over.

austin 🌹

of course. is everythingokay? how did the dinnergo?

anastasia 🌹
we'll talk about it when
you get here, okay?

austin 🌹okay

[end text messages]

When I'm finally home, I trudge up the stairs, counting down the minutes until Austin is here. I hear a ring at my door as I walk over to my intercom.

"Hello?" I speak into it.

"It's me," says the voice I've been waiting to hear.

I buzz him up, being greeted by his beautiful face and a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"Sorry it took me a little longer than usual, this is why," he smiles, shaking the bouquet and handing them over to me.

I start bawling.

"Woah, woah, woah, I wasn't expecting you to cry! Did I do something wrong? Do you hate the color? Are they the wrong kind of flowers?" He frantically asks, which makes me giggle for a second.

"No, no. It's just really sweet. I needed it after having such a shitty night," I sniffle.

"I had a feeling it didn't go too well when you were texting me," he pouts, pulling me into a hug. He pulls away, squeezing his hand on my arm where Sebastian had earlier.

"Ah," I wince, jerking my arm a bit.

"Oh shit, baby, I'm sorry. I didn't think I squeezed that har-" He stops after looking at my arm.

"What the fuck is this?" His voice picks up, stern, but obviously out of concern.

"Um, well, we were talking..." I start.

"Don't tell me that fuck head did this to you," he looks into my eyes intensely. 

"I don't know if he really meant to-"

"It doesn't fucking matter if he meant to or not. Why the hell would he do this to you?"

I saunter over to the couch, plopping down, preparing to tell this story. He walks over and sits down next to me, offering his arm to put over my shoulder.

"Well, we were in our own room so that we could have some privacy to talk, I guess. The waiter came over, took our orders... Then I asked Sebastian why I was even there. He just came out and said he wanted me back," I hesitantly look up to see Austin's reaction, but his face doesn't change, which is scarier somehow, "and I told him that he was crazy, and he said that I was nothing but a foolish little girl who he had given multiple chances to come crawling back rather than date a loser like you. So obviously, I defended you because you're lovely, and told him that he hurt me way more than I could ever hurt him. I told him I didn't want him. He got up, came over to me put his hands on my arms and started squeezing. Told me to forget the past. That the girl he slept with when we were together means nothing to him, so him cheating on me should mean nothing to me. I told him that he was hurting me. His response was, 'doesn't feel good, does it?'" Luckily I could twist my arm out of his hold and ended up splashing my water in his face and going out the front door. I have no idea if he left when I did or stuck around, I didn't see him after that."


"I'm going to fucking kill him," Austin states, staring off into space.

"No, you're not," I sigh.

"He better hope I never see him around. I swear I will kick the shit out of him. He won't even remember his own name," he fumes.

"Baby," I say, putting my pointer finger on his chin, and turning his face to mine, "I'm okay. I'm grateful it didn't get worse. Now I know that I should never see him again."

"You're damn right."

I smile and lean in to kiss him. We kiss for a couple minutes. Nothing crazy, just sweet, gentle lovin'. I pull away and look into his eyes.

"Your eyes have a lil' twinkle in them," I say.

"Do they?"

"Yeah, every time I look at them I notice it. It's so beautiful."

"Beautiful, huh?" He jokes, making me blush.

"Oh shush, you know you love the compliment," I giggle.

"Only because it's coming from you."

My smile grows bigger as I nestle my head into the crook of his neck. We sat in silence for awhile just enjoying each other's company until I heard my phone consistently buzzing.

"What the hell?" I say, picking my head up as my eyes adjust to the light. I pick my phone up from my coffee table as my jaw drops.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God." I gasp.

"What?" Austin asks, sounding concerned. All I do is flip my phone screen over to him.

[begin article]

Well folks, I never say this, but... I think I was wrong about Sebastian Pointer and Anastasia Clark's "date" tonight... Earlier I said they were 100% rekindling their romance, but after the claims made tonight... I highly doubt it.

Clark was seen swiftly exiting a backroom at Cucina on Sunset into a front room of diners. Staff reported that they heard screaming from Pointer, and at one point even heard Clark begging Pointer to stop what he was doing because he was "hurting her [physically]."

We spoke to a customer, Abby Rowland, who had a run-in with Clark tonight. We reached out to ask for her side of the story after her photo of the actress and singer with her daughter went viral because of a detail she overlooked.

"You can see in the picture, it's quite faint, but you can see that there are small marks that look like bruises from someone's fingers, which lines up with what the staff at Cucina said. She was so lovely to my daughter, and would have never guessed that she had just experienced something so traumatizing. I hope she heals from this," is the statement Rowland gave us.

Scroll to see the picture (Rowland's daughter is cropped out, out of respect for the family's privacy).

[end article]

"Holy shit," was all Austin had to say.



raise ur hand if u hate sebastian 🙋‍♀️

also seee told u im starting to be a lil more consistent :) thanks for making me #4 in postmalone xx

luvs ya babes

S. x

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